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The Cure - Friday Im In Love

Friday Im In Love
: Friday Im In Love
: 3.38 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 209 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 176 İndirme
: 04-10-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (The Cure - Friday Im In Love )
  1. Rifka Ag

    Sayangggg aku disini ILOVEYOU 💛💛💛 19.11.2019

  2. Frεε Heart and Paw Necklace on my Profile

    Such cute! 🐾

  3. Santiago Nicolás Pizano

    Con The Cure todos los días son viernes.

  4. Artie person guy

    Can't say nothing good came from my teenage 'goth' phase. Got these guys.Got music to deal with this hideous hideous crush AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

  5. EDYTA Sowa

    Cała moja młodość 😁

  6. Straw

    I love you Lougine :))

  7. Queen Sabina


  8. Qcp Qcpp


  9. Sandro D'assler

    Velhos tempos...

  10. David Maschetti

    Este tema es nostalgia pura.

  11. jordan price

    Who else is proud to be English right now 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

  12. TerrorZone _013

    Its fraidei, aim in loooovve

  13. Cecillia Patello

    I don't care if Monday's blueTuesday's gray and Wednesday tooThursday I don't care about youIt's Friday I'm in loveMonday you can fall apartTuesday Wednesday break my heartOh, Thursday doesn't even startIt's Friday I'm in loveSaturday waitAnd Sunday always comes too lateBut Friday never hesitateI don't care if Monday's blackTuesday, Wednesday heart attackThursday never looking backIt's Friday I'm in loveMonday you can hold your headTuesday, Wednesday stay in bedOr Thursday watch the walls insteadIt's Friday I'm in loveSaturday waitAnd Sunday always comes too lateBut Friday never hesitateDressed up to the eyesIt's a wonderful surpriseTo see your shoes and your spirits riseThrowing out your frownAnd just smiling at the soundAnd as sleek as a shriekSpinning round and roundAlways take a big biteIt's such a gorgeous sightTo see you in the middle of the nightYou can never get enoughEnough of this stuffIt's FridayI'm in love

  14. Константин Романов

    It's Friday 15.11.2019. And we are listening to this song. We liked it very much. From Russia with love!

  15. Princess Caitlin Designz

    This is such a Tuesday mood

  16. manith panicker

    yup its friday night, and i've fallen in love w/this band

  17. Andra

    Friday, 15th of November 2019, life's falling apart but this song is all you need.

  18. Angel Olórtegui

    friday 15th of november 2019, this won't stop =)

  19. Iamfletch6417 568

    Friday 15th November 2019

  20. Adi OP

    It's Friday 15th of november 2019Still love the song

    Zeynep keşsmf


  21. Lucy-Ellen Matthews

    Friday 15th November... this blasting through my car speakers😍

  22. Jacob Lee-Hart

    It's illegal to listen to this when it isn't Friday

  23. miasmic100

    its Friday 15th 2019

  24. Sandra Borg

    friday the 15 th november ,not in love tho

  25. Tom Gustafson

    Metal Gear Solid V The Phantom Pain Anybody?

  26. Ángela Ramos Fernández

    El caso es que da igual 😁😙😙

  27. Ángela Ramos Fernández

    Pero si yo ya te amaba como no estaba suscrita😂😂😂😂

  28. Yan Bai

    Poor Thursday...nobody cares about him...

  29. Peter Day

    It is not friday, but I'm in love.Duda, I love you.

  30. Oswaldo Pinto

    Exelente cancion de La Cura ""Los viernes me enamoro "" saludos desde Venezuela amigos del mundo..

  31. Justine Reiner

    I don't care if Monday's blackTuesday, Wednesday hurt my backThursday never looking backIt's Friday I'm in love

  32. Oscar Freitas

    Fernandinho Diadema sp Brasil .. direto de ilha solteira , as beira do rio parana cuertindo the cure o melhor do dia

  33. Andre Luis

    Essa banda marcou minha geração tempo bom

  34. countys32

    By far my favourite Cure song, thanks big sis for introducing me to this song when we were just little kids.

  35. grE68

    Is it Friday already?

  36. Dangerous Dennis

    Always Monday....

  37. Diego Ariel Sanchez

    Por siempre the cure ❤🎶🎼🎵

  38. JeffreyPloxx Da-kun

    Me: *Listens to this in sunday*The Cure: Wait That's illegal

  39. Ceny Santos

    E das antigas o melhor do rock dos anos 80.

  40. Kurt Morrison

    8,6k people have atrocious music taste

  41. Irene K

    Friday im in love!!!! Oh yes darling💘

  42. Victor Viafara

    Domingo 10 de noviembre a las 12:05 de la madruga..😭Que nostalgia😉.

  43. František Malý


  44. Ariano Cleyton

    Só fa desses caras adoro como faz a gente voltar no tempo só os clássicos aí dar gosto vc ouvir nem parecer com as besteiras de hoje valeu galera 😀😀

  45. Lewis Reilly

    the original goths stand up

  46. ezequiel ciullari

    This is pequod! I have arrived on Marker!

  47. Adi OP

    It's Friday 8th of november 2019Still love the song

  48. Jero tacu

    Today is Friday nice.

  49. David Vásquez

    📂 Documents └📁 Music └📁 The Cure └📁 Bad Songs └⚠️ This folder is empty.

  50. Fabio Oliveira

    Today (11/08/2019) is Friday, and I´m in love! And u?

  51. GamelutioN

    I'm listening to this today Friday, November 8th 2019.

    Sean Kilburn

    Nobody cares tbh

  52. his ghostin

    its friday 8th november and tgimb

  53. Daniel Jakob

    this song is as relevant as ever


    ooo sii

  55. Giulia Pisacane

    : when you're scrolling through YouTube music suggestions, decide it's time for some Cure and then realize it's actually Friday

  56. Francesco Oliva

    Viernes 8 de noviembre 2019

  57. Kaim Reves Goom

    The cure 😍😍😍

  58. M Circuits

    Bring me back to this ERA!!! hate this 20th nonsense bunch of noises. Lyrics is what makes music soulful. Still listening to this. I just love it.

  59. Robert O’Halloran

    Don’t worry everyone, we’re only 10 minutes and two hours away

  60. Claudio Piccinini


  61. Andrea Sani

    A real masterpiece!

  62. motive malaysia

    i was 17 and now at 43 still keep coming back for this.

  63. Nandaah Bon Jovi

    Que música!Perfeita demais.....BRASIL sempre ouvindo essas jóias......🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  64. kevin arias

    muy linda musica

  65. Shannon Mello

    it's friday and i'm in love.

  66. Cera Davies

    just liened to this on a monday.huge if true?

  67. Osmar Diaspradofilho

    2 de novenbro 2019 maquina do tempo😪

    Garota Rock'n Roll

    8 de novembro de 2019 😉

  68. andreza ferreira

    🇧🇷love Brasil

  69. redcliffe beach hire

    great fuck music,,try it

  70. José Victor Ferreira

    Happy Friday, friends.

  71. hana hana

    Today is Friday ;)November 2019

  72. Adi OP

    It's Friday 1st of november 2019Still love the song

    Matthew Franklin

    Adi OP excellent Adi 🍀🌹🙏

    Oon Ihminen

    no nut november

  73. Dangerous Dennis

    Its Friday and im constipated....

  74. Andra

    Friday, 1st of November 2019, what a nice way to start your month.

  75. Trashford is rash

    Friday 4th October my mother’s 10th year of passing away this song brings a smile to my face and lets me remember the wonderful woman who brought me into this planet ❤️

  76. Trashford is rash

    Friday 4th October my mother’s 10th year of passing away this song brings a smile to my face and lets me remember the wonderful woman who brought me into this planet ❤️

  77. Trashford is rash

    Friday 4th October my mother’s 10th year of passing away this song brings a smile to my face and lets me remember the wonderful woman who brought me into this planet ❤️

  78. O K

    It's Friday 1st of November 2019... I'm in love 🎶

  79. Jess the yidette

    First Friday of November 2019 kicking off well with this banger!

  80. Chris Valhallalalala

    Thursday 31st of October 2019, I had my first kiss with my first boyfriend. 1st of November – Friday morning; I wake up with this song stuck in my head.

  81. Rifka Ag

    Iloveyouuuuu 1 nov 2019 💛

    DeProloque art your life

    Rifka Ag ILUSM 😍

  82. Sergio Klemens

    1 ноября 2019, Friday. 5 min before the end of working day

    Matthew Franklin

    Sergio Klemens have a good one ☝️ Sergio 👍🇬🇧🍀🌹🙏

    Sergio Klemens

    Matthew Franklin Hi, Mat! I sure that English music is best in the world!

    Matthew Franklin

    Sergio Klemens all music Sergio we’re all Family bless you and all you Love 💕👍🥂🙏

  83. María Alejandra Sepulveda Gonzalez

    Friday November 1st, 2019. I'm in love. For the first time.

    Marek Vrabel

    well thats something to celebrate. Im 20 and i have never been yet... :/

  84. Phoenix Ash

    Oh Friday 1/11/2019

  85. Lex

    So a wonderfull song!!! Memories are awake...! Thank you Cure!

  86. Rizki Ariansah

    Friday 01 Nov 2019 jajaja

  87. willi7777777777

    It’s Friday and I’m getting pissed.

  88. miki ac

    Halloween friday 2019.We are in love! 😉😉🇪🇸

  89. Pumpkin _08

    I don't care if Monday's blue月曜が憂鬱でも構わないTuesday's grey and Wednesday too火曜と水曜が曇りでもThursday I don't care about you木曜には君なんて気にしないIt's Friday I'm in love金曜なんだ 恋をするのはMonday you can fall apart月曜は君を砕いてTuesday Wednesday break my heart火曜と水曜は僕のハートに釘を打つThursday doesn't even start木曜が始まることはないIt's Friday I'm in love金曜なんだ 恋をするのはSaturday wait木曜を追いかけAnd Sunday always comes too lateいつだって月曜を待つBut Friday never hesitate...だけど金曜は進んでいくI don't care if Mondays black月曜が暗くても構わないTuesday Wednesday heart attack火曜と水曜には心臓発作Thursday never looking back木曜を振り返ることはないIt's Friday I'm in love金曜なんだ 恋をするのはMonday you can hold your head月曜は君を困らせるTuesday Wednesday stay in bed火曜と水曜はベットから動くことなくOr Thursday watch the walls instead或いは木曜に壁を眺めているかもしれないIt's Friday I'm in love金曜なんだ 恋をするのはSaturday wait木曜を追いかけAnd Sunday always comes too lateいつだって月曜を待つBut Friday never hesitate...だけど金曜は進んでいくDressed up to the eyes君がお洒落をしているのを見るのはIt's a wonderful surpriseとても素敵なサプライズだTo see your shoes and your spirits riseシューズを履き、心を躍らせるThrowing out your frown怒りはどこかへ捨ててAnd just smiling at the sound音に笑顔を向けるAnd as sleek as a shriek悲鳴のようになめらかにSpinning round and round踊り狂うんだAlways take a big bite大きな口を開けて食事をするIt's such a gorgeous sight君のそんな姿を見るのは幸せだTo see you eat in the middle of the night夜の中心で食べているのを見るのはYou can never get enoughだけど君は絶対に満足しないEnough of this stuffこんなくだらないものにはIt's Friday金曜なんだI'm in love僕が恋をするのは

  90. Bruno BRF3

    Feliz Halloween 2019🎃

  91. Moon Rock

    Te amo the cureI love you the cure😍❤

  92. Marusan Alves

    Classico do rock ingles! The Cure!!!

  93. Ary Angelozzi

    I was waiting to discover a song like this 😍❤️

    Sara Buccelli


  94. coronary sarcomere

    it so good im telling the thurth

  95. Ze Luis

    The cure das antrolas ano 87 eu com 14anos curti muito q saudade anos 80tudo de bom.

  96. Daniel Lemos

    Sorry...cos´my writing Im in India´...Hachis its so deep!!!

  97. Daniel Lemos

    Its nice ...for me every days ara monday!!! what a fuck...

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