imagine these guys had been not on the goth edge. it wouldn't have taken much. Just more "mainstream" imagery and keep the music the same. They would have been bigger and their style of music would have been adopted and loved more widely. 1 2 3 : imagine!Comment below ;-) ( The Cure is still epic in their own right. However they were never "mainstream". Thankfully this is part of their uniqueness )
17 seconds is such an atmospheric masterpiece
Это Всё что надо знать о Рок Мцзыке.
еще Летов, вобще-то...
Robert looks like Bob Mortimer in the "Hernia Hotline" sketch. Oooooh.
BEN ! enough, we recognize you, gothem waiting for a hero
dude, i was dacing this when i have 14, now 39
Absolutely brilliant track
.... brano ascoltato solo dopo una fuga...
Oh I am old 53...just read the comment about Ben Afleck and as soon as Rob came on I burst out laughing but he is sexy with his short hair!
A masterpiece!!!!.......just one of many mind....the atmosphere of the song is superb!!!!
И где плагиат цоя.собственно?
Acting, singing... Getting a handjob from Cartman... What can't Ben Affleck do?
A forest is forever
Didn't know Ben Affleck was in The Cure..
did not know Ben Affleck was first a rockstar
i didn't know batman was in the cure
And Joker too (the 13th).
For the record, I don't even know what Ben Affleck looks like
Could someone pass me the tabs for guitar
2019.... I was around in the early 80s .. This still cool as s**t
Holy sheet. The vastly in the minority Aspergers crowd won out? What an outcome. What a disease.
Who's the guy with the neat haircut who's not wearing lipstick?
Entenderam de onde veio Ainda é Cedo da legião urbana???
I love this song ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Robert Smith is a very underrated guitarist. A masterful guitarist.
Great bass line. The other one is f.i. Pogues "Tuesday morning".
One of the best. Sorry... the best!
it's always the sameme playing this stupid chord progressionagain and again and again and again and again....
ses moi Ambroise ses parents et de Vero je ne le prends pas comme ça va être super sympa
🇧🇷 Outubro 2019 📌 Paris 🇫🇷
Create a movie with Robert Smith acting as a younger version of Ben Affleck
High end new wave
Robert Smith young and thin..
Тип похож на ее однокурсника!!!!!!!!!
Gente, esse cantor aí é o mesmo que fica maquiado nos outros vídeos??? (Desculpa a ignorância, conheci a banda pouco tempo... E pior que desde criança gosto de música dos anos 80)
É o próprio
Yes ....This is Robert Smith.
Savage tune ! Pure music not like modern shite
Цой жив!!!
My dream.......
I riding in a forest 🚲
Robert Smith must of nailed Ben Afflecks Mum back in the day.😂
I had this song on repeat for two weeks when I first heard it... unreal 🖤🏴
Robert looks like Per Gesle, that guy from RoxetteVery cute ❤
The perfect balance between dark music and a pop tune.
люблю , чёрт побери,
If modern music makes you sick, this will 'Cure' you.
Hoy foro sol México 🇲🇽 The Cure wow 🤘
My favorite The Cure song!!!
A journey through the dark forest
One of the greatest song of the cure. But the vid is bullshit
ben affleck
Ohhh so that’s what Robert looked like without makeup 💡 He wasn’t too bad without it either 💕
EKV - Pored mene?
An hymn.
Im from Brazil and said...This bands was and still a atomic bomb!!!!!!! Great band!!! I play in my guittar uooooooooooooouuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!Into the treeeeeeeeeeesssssssssSundely i stop
The cure 4ever
Simon is so hot
stop! jumping on everyone else's train....
Who is listening in 2087?
Well done Ben!!
Dude this thumbnail looks like a depressed Luigi.
Classic and simple solo guitar!!! Robert gennius
Lo adicta q estoy a esta canción!!!! 💜
Oh shot Robert u looking good
cathcart greenock
Anybody hear the similarity between this and Enjoy the Silence by Depeche Mode?
....love love love that.... oh my oh my... awesome
Go to 80.000 likes
This song is me...is my mood...calling my name!
Legendary song and band
Wow that is a young Robert Smith
i am now scary forest 😲
депрессивная плакса
It‘s always the same: autumn is on the way... and i love to listen to this song🍁🌳🌲🌿
Улетный переход на F# в проигрыше )))"Битлы" для русских групп 80-х. Кино, Алиса, АК,....
о БоЖе эТа КрУпПа ПлАгИаТиТ у ЦоЯ ооооооооо
I dunno who is ben affleck
Hollywood actor
The big Love!!!!!!
Here before ppl start flooding saying from 13rw
Who gives a shit who looks like who.....what a tune a brilliant.
thanku currrrobert
Deep Dark
He has a chin like Jim Carrey in "Me myself and Irene"!