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The Cure - Burn

: Burn
: 5.74 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 96 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 74 İndirme
: 04-10-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (The Cure - Burn )
  1. kj Nightbird

    Life is so strange . . .Brandon swirling & swirling. A momentary binding with The Cure.A freakish, shocking death.For real.Immortalized on Halloween.And on that night, we burn & burn.Kick a rock.Press our lips.And call your name.~by kj nightbird 11-1-19

  2. Mo Ana

    U tried to trick and treat ... but u got used as a toilet seat instead .... uh uhh uhhhhhb uhhh

  3. Mo Ana

    I get it ... it’s all an act ... fake photoshopped masks of people into characters ... cgi ... creator of Kent’s face etc.. heath .. that’s funny .. keep using it .. I’llUse it ... as a toilet ..!!!

  4. Chris Kehoe

    Branden lee was taken from us way to soon RIP every time I watch this movie it’s s reminder of that

  5. Anton Hebert

    The hell with you then I thought you Care I do care Sarah 😢😇

  6. Fabrizzio Bernal Ortiz

    a Day like today

  7. p_rzemas

    Happy Croween!

  8. Garrie Macdonald-Smith

    Fire it up!


    Legend. Every halloween i watch it in a memory of Brandon Lee ♥ Forever in my heart

  10. Mario K.


  11. DepthCharge Betty

    We miss you, Brandon 💔

  12. Dev N.


  13. gargoyles protector's outlaws

    Miss you Michael my brother and love

  14. gargoyles protector's outlaws

    Always close to devils night thanks

  15. SuperBlackted

    What a film and this song!!! Hadn’t heard it for years until they played Glastonbury. Downloaded both the film and this track almost straightaway.

  16. Lil Ryno

    It can't rain all the time

  17. denari z

    I saw somewhere that the matrix was written to be a brandon lee movie,wachowski brothers turned in rough draft just as crow was starting production,and it was delayed cause they had trouble casting neo after what happened to brandon lee,makes sense when you think kung fu keanu reeves isnt 1st name that springs to mind

  18. Virgilio Brindicci


  19. gary bridgett

    Little worm on a big fuckin hook

  20. by faith alone


  21. BadAsh786

    R.i.p Brandon and Bruce

  22. jrsharp2003

    Is that gasoline I smell?....

  23. Fallen Lostsoul

    Love the cure and the crow one of the best movies of all time

  24. Joshua.97

    One of the best songs, music video and movies ever.

  25. Krista Harvey

    Pure awesomeness... amazing classic

  26. Angelica T.

    YOU ROCK!!!!.....👍🏻💋✌️😻😇👼🏻

    Steven Ovington

    Why thank you.. you rock too! 😉

  27. The Ancient Lantern


  28. Jen Jean

    so love this song..... got it on a mix tape once, oh the memories

  29. Isaiah Lopez

    It can't rain all the time...still every night I burn...

  30. Kissgirl09 Kissgirl09

    ERIC AND SHELLY FOREVER AND EVER and REAL LOVE IS FOREVER! Btw love the fire crow at the end

  31. Hattori Hanzō

    It cant rain all the time..

  32. mirilla may

    160 retrasados

  33. Shenloch Brachass

    Saw them LIVE last friday and yes they performed this

  34. Don't WatchMojo

    some call this one of the greatest goth songs of all time, i call it a makeup timer...YES, THAT'S RIGHT...this epic Cure song is what i would play every time i put on warpaint since 1994 and ever since then have mastered the art of hurrying the fuck up (unlike you premadonnas who take forever)...YES, MOJO IS THAT FUCKING GOTH!

  35. DJFFD13

    My favorite movie of all time...

  36. eugene M

    brings back jr.high memorys. ive listen to the whole soundtrack on repeat with my gothed out cloths and long hair.only goth-head at school but felt alright cuz listning to this at 2019....proves that this song is a masterpiece.from japan.

  37. Lindsey M Williams

    What's the girls name in this movie. She was around Shelly and Eric alot

  38. Lindsey M Williams

    I have Epilepsy. The meds I have to control them make me feel like a total idiot. I'm hoping that I can ask a question about the movie and PPL NOT give me crap.

  39. roy keene

    Glastonbury 2019 version 👍🏻

  40. Ramon Pantojas

    The Crow, the original Bladerunner, A.I., Taxi Driver, A Clockwork Orange, Walking Tall, The Professional, the original Death Wish, Defendor, all 3 Punisher flicks and PI the black and white flick about the math guy getting chased the whole movie are crucial.

  41. Pisces West

    Can you IMAGINE the horrors that would result if SJWs ever found out that people still Adore and Look Up To this movie and music and comic as Valuable Art?They'd redo the moviewith some trans dude who got "powers" after cutting off his dick and has to stop "global warming" by punching a bunch of nazis who support the president.Do NOT let SJWs know that The Crow is still admired.The spoil everything meaningful.

  42. Pisces West

    Wrings my heart of Feels and Memories SO hard...♪♪♪This song woke up my SOUL!♪♪♪Can we PLEASE have the 90's back?We FUCKED UP. Went the wrong way. This path is RETARDED! No one will FEEL like ^THIS^ again...

  43. Francisco DaGausser

    Don't look to ex-nice guys like me for anything. I embraced Machaivellian principles, and would see you fry instead.

  44. Kevin Heinz

    Rip Brandon lee and michael massesee aka funboy

  45. silverdragons gargoyles protectors

    Ed hardy

  46. silverdragons gargoyles protectors

    Wish u remember

  47. silverdragons gargoyles protectors

    I remember

  48. Small Yet Knowing Clown

    Bruh I'm like 16 and this has to be my favorite movie/movie soundtrack ever. I have no issue with modern music, but nothing beats this

  49. Tony Montana

    Solo la he visto una vez allá por el 95 y no quisiera que me pasara como con otras pelis que las vuelves a ver y pierden la magia que guardas en tu mente. Una obra maestra

  50. edison biancardine

    The best song

  51. Zava iDoc

    Listened to this tonight in Bucharest. Simply amazing. Thank you.

  52. Frankie Vincent

    My favorite song on the album, says a lot since it was one of the best soundtrack albums of all time imho. Love the Cure

  53. Денис Давыдов

    One of the best movie in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  54. zionistatwork123

    Evil,pain, revenge, rest,........nothing will be the same anymore.

  55. HildegardvB

    Brandon embodied potential. Truly tragic death.

  56. Brittany Redinger

    “Is that gasoline I smell?”😈RIP BRANDON . You’ll be forever missed 😔🖤

  57. xShadow K

    Esse filme é top

  58. Alex Foreman

    This movie was my childhood :) i still watch it nonstop haha

  59. Marcela Carvalho

    Amazing and dark ♥️

  60. SweetCincy1

    I was 21 when this movie was released. I became obsessed with Brandon Lee. What a stunning man he was. Still remains one of my favorite movies of all time....fantastic quotes came from this movie, as well as an amazing soundtrack.

  61. AnarchaoS 11

    Культовый фильм...ахуенная песня

  62. G V

    Nice job throughout and the editing. Nice video. Thank You :)

  63. Paul Melgosa

    Now ! This is what I call an GOTHIC song ! 🤘 😎

  64. Andrew Whitney

    One of the best tracks on The Cure Join the Dots: B-Sides & Rarities 1978–2001.

  65. Norman Morrow

    Brilliant film with a fantastic soundtrack, love this!!!!!!

  66. roy keene

    If this is the cure10/10

  67. InnerCityGirl1

    who' s here after their blistering Glasto set?

    Chris Bamber

    Best live group ever 😁

  68. Tina Worley

    I need a time machine STAT

  69. Rachel Smith

    The Cure just performed this song during their headline set at Glastonbury so I'd recommend people watch the recording of it on BBC iplayer :)

  70. Maria Assunta Manzione

    Thank you 😊

  71. V6Phoenix

    I'm doing martial arts atm. Just started and it was Brandon who inspired me to do it. I went to my first Tournament last month and I won a bronze. All I wanted to say really was thanks Brandon and James for providing the inspiration to follow what I wanted and thanks to the Cure for writing the song. I was listening to it just before I went up to the mats.

  72. Tony Gazza

    try to close your eyes when the solo starts, it doesn't need words

  73. Fireflyunix


  74. Fireflyunix


  75. Fireflyunix


  76. Maik the kid

    Non può piovere per sempre

  77. Logan Campos

    All those sick fucks deserved to die! For what they did. Ik this was a movie but the scenes felt really real to me as a kid watching this movie. I wanted to be the crow so bad! His powers,the crow being by his side...his signature with the fire 🤘🖤🖤🖤💔🖤🖤🖤🖤🤘

  78. Angela Gonzalez


  79. Paulo Henrique Gurati Campos

    A banda já é foda e ainda sendo tema de um dos melhores filmes de todos os tempos, pelo menos na minha opinião, juntou um com outro o resultado só poderia ser esta joia de vídeo....

  80. jozzybadges

    it's just so good !

  81. jozzybadges

    great !

  82. LockedLoadedDestruct

    This song is really helping me through the tough time with the loss of my father.

  83. ginugandra ginu

    É o melhor filme pesar de ter ceifado a vida de Brandon.

  84. April Cronin

    Great movie. RIP Brandon Lee.

  85. Mike Duggan

    I suddenly heard a tapping as if someone gently rapping rapping at my chamber door you heard me rapping right?

  86. I. R.


  87. Reid Plyler

    I'm near the cape fear river where this was filmed 2019.


    just come here, from watching them play this song live, at the sydney opera house....this song, is the cure at their very best, this song makes the hairs on my neck ERECT...... i mean, just listen to it, listen to the drumming....... FUCK ME THIS IS MUSIC!!!

  89. The stv Canada redehiteblue

    Peier 45

  90. The stv Canada redehiteblue

    Never forgotten nothing

  91. TupacDaDon

    thank you RSD!

  92. Mark Bartlett

    Such an early loss but never for gotten

  93. Mark Bartlett

    Such a kick ass song for this movie love the deep bass sound lyrics r bad ass

  94. Paula Coots

    Fantastic edit. Great job.

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