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Tatu - Not Gonna Get Us

Not Gonna Get Us
: Tatu
: Not Gonna Get Us
: 4.05 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 816 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 540 İndirme
: 17-10-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Tatu - Not Gonna Get Us )
  1. Константин Рцок

    В клипе КрАЗ-258, если кому интересно, он дороже всего в этом клипе вышел))

  2. Itismeagainb Itisnotme

    Yeah I think they got themselves....crashed.

  3. stevegood 4

    The Russian version is better and I don't know russian

  4. ominous thoughts

    Looked this up soon as it came on in the movie" the code" with morgan freeman and antonio Banderas.

  5. Radek Řeha

    зверобой едеть

  6. Sir Reimo

    This is so weird, they came out as lesbian couple.. they are straight but in russia, before all gays did celibrate.. and russia hate gays.. so weird

  7. Jam JJ


  8. Kırık Kaleli

    when bluetooth was more important than Wi-Fi.......From TURKEY <3

  9. Marcos Olliver


  10. fabiola ffc

    what part of mad max is this?

  11. Marko

    Did the perverts get them in the end?

  12. Stephen Curry

  13. John Biri

    Pô cara

  14. Jackson Carioca


  15. Sophi U. V

    2:45 dice me encantan tus tetas

  16. rey txatan

    I want both of them singers take a steamy dump right into my wide opened mouth


    my childhood favorite song <3

    rey txatan

    my wank-time favorite song <3

  18. Carlos Marques

    Cadê os BR que tiveram a infância/adolescência marcada por essa dupla? haha 🇧🇷

  19. Lua Edu

    Not Gonna Get UsNot Gonna Get UsNot Gonna Get UsNot Gonna Get UsNot Gonna Get UsNot Gonna Get UsNot Gonna Get UsNot Gonna Get UsNot Gonna Get UsNot Gonna Get Us

  20. Nazeem Ismail

    They never got them in snow and 144p quality.

  21. Anne Marie Fenttiman

    Underrated, these were amazing

  22. Heladito Limos

    por alguna razón sus voces me tranquilizan

  23. onur ater

    my high school destroyer

  24. Agustín Di Ascenzi

    U get it?

  25. Drnnos Vzdhbg

  26. Schrodinger's Cat

    *In mother Russia, trucks drive you!*

  27. Alberto William Alves Viana

    Demagogy is a crime!

  28. anastasya nasir

    2019.. November... Like this

  29. David Kramer

    I heard all about you two three they gotcha

  30. David Kramer

    not me and why does it have to be a his childhood?

  31. Sarahi Arzaba

    Está canción me recuerda tanto mi hermana, cuándo las dos eramos pequeñas nos creíamos las tatu :(

  32. selcuk unlu

    russian lesbian

  33. Tairon Lemon


  34. Martin Reyes

    2:50 Pasenle a el Tren del pensamiento 🚂 imaginen lo imposible 🌠

  35. RazZeR

    Video quality:140PMusic Quality:4K

  36. Zuluzoli

    144p.... :D

  37. Itismeagainb Itisnotme

    Looks like they got it. In the end.

  38. Ryan Hunter

    Nice beat

  39. Juan Leon

    Noviembre noche 2 vino y nostalgia

  40. Movies Rate

    Finally i found it.. remember of a word..

  41. Freezy

    Came from ABSL & Anetha - Elles

  42. Jose Maria Felix Rodriguez

    Me cantan tus tetas

  43. ToiletGirl7

    I miss t.A.T.u.! I sang a cover of t.A.T.u.'s "Sacrifice" today, you're welcome to check it out at

  44. ABCDE2222able

    Miunu 2:52 ♡♡♡♡♡

  45. Jhon Jairo Angarita Contreras

    tenia 14 ños cuando no paraba de sonar esta cancion en mtv era una locura en diferentes radios de colomibia .......q tiempos...2003 .........2019

  46. zack2366

    ICE TRUCKERS: Ukraine :)

  47. Lil Mayo

    *I don't think they comprehend*

  48. るーしー


  49. clayn olg

    Ulan ne dinlerdik bunu be

  50. Lirio Gonzalez

    Tatu por siempre 💞💖

  51. PATRIOT 197

    Hac не догонят) 2019

  52. Joseth lenin Vegas lara

    nostalgia en 2,019

  53. Nald Croet

    Oct 2019?

  54. Mackxra

    i used to have nightmares as a kid where someone was chasing me and this song always played in the bbackground lol

  55. Axioss

    Love the scene where they unnecessarily run over a construction worker and that I get to experience it in reverse too

  56. Dirk Jäger

    Die Schwarzhaarige finde ich am Süssesten !

  57. Anouar Driouach

    my teenage hood . so many memories

  58. retro AF

    I was trying to find this !!!! Finally found it

  59. Сергей Летов

    Ностальгия в 2019 ом!

  60. Luis Gomez

    Joder... Y con pensar que ahora que muchos que oímos la cancion en nuestra niñez sabemos hablar ingles ahora sabemos de que trata la letra... El amor imposible. Que loco 😂😂😂😂

  61. Dawi

    I listen to this when illegally crossing the border, and when we cross undetected, we blast this.


    himno ruso

  63. Damian M

    en aquel tiempo miraba MTV y grababa los videos en VHS

  64. John-ALEX Spencer

    I love T.A.T.U

  65. Chiara Giagnolini

    My childhood ok

  66. Maykel kel

    BR NA ÁREA 2019

  67. هتلر صغير

    كنت ابحث ع الاغنيه هدا لي8سنين. وجودتها في سنه2019😍😍

  68. Jean Christopher


  69. Trish Hak

    *me listening to this back when i was 12 and had no idea i was gay* hope this doesn’t awaken anything in me

  70. Barry Mitchell

    Still a massive tune 🇬🇧

  71. Elton Freitas

    essa música representa muito pra mim.

  72. Cool Face

    took me 17 years to realize this song was about Sex Trafficking and Feminism..crazy

  73. Osman Velasquez S.


  74. dzdz matmout

    ايييييه ⁦🇩🇿⁩

  75. Private Channel

    Memories Childhood 😢😢

  76. Simon Le Grec Official Channel


  77. YAHIR C.A

    Like si la escuchabas de chico por alguien mayor

  78. Benj

    Those fucking lesbians stole the truck of an honnest hetero sexual worker

  79. Huda Hamed470

    Miss these days 😔

  80. Kevin Caballero

    Aún recuerdo cuando vinieron a programa más popular en México de esos tiempos, a “otro rollo”. Esta definitivamente es mi canción favorita. 👏🏻

  81. Raj Sihota

    They were both killed this week.... so unfortunately... they did get them..

  82. mm ll


  83. Karurosu Medina

    ➕ Wow!, Buen video para recordar.

  84. Evil666Shady

    Last time i heard this was in 2003

  85. C M

    This band made me gay

  86. Rob Stephen

    Persecution of Soviet lesbians. Endearing

  87. the mitsuboshi boi

    So this truck has some time travel sope?

  88. EPBИH

    I miss this 2000s sound..

  89. Losdedotesde ValentinaCarvajal

    Arriba las tatu las amo muxo OWO unu

  90. Marko

    beautiful gaaayyyyy

  91. nadine Shaar

    2019 who found his childhood here


    im just here because of roblox's flood escape

    Дарья Ишеева


    Kursed One

    I remember this playing on mtv or fuse?

    Andri Särev

    I remember this. Greetings from Estonia


    @Kursed One yeah mtv me too

  92. A.m P.m

    I like the original better even though its in another language

  93. met988


  94. Spinia

    Vice City?

Not Gonna Get Us Şarkı Sözü
Not gonna get us
They're not gonna get us
Not gonna get us
Not gonna get us
They're not gonna get us
They're not gonna get us
Not gonna get us
They're not gonna get us
Not gonna get us
Starting from here, let's make a promise
You and me, let's just be honest
We're gonna run, nothing can stop us
Even the night that falls all around us
Soon there will be laughter and voices
Beyond the clouds over the mountains
We'll run away on roads that are empty
Lights from the airfield shining upon you
Nothing can stop us, not now, I love you
They're not gonna get us,
They're not gonna get us
Nothing can stop us, not now, I love you
They're not gonna get us,
They're not gonna get us
They're not gonna get us
Not gonna get us
Not gonna get us
Not gonna get us
Not gonna get us
Get us
We'll run away, keep everything simple
Night will come down, our guardian angel
We rush ahead, the crossroads are empty
Our spirits rise, they're not gonna get us
My love for you, always forever
Just you and me, all else is nothing
Not going back, not going back there
They don't understand,
They don't understand us
They don't understand us
Not gonna get us
Not gonna get us
Not gonna get us
They're not gonna get us,
Not gonna get us
Nothing can stop us, not now, I love you
They're not gonna get us,
They're not gonna get us
Nothing can stop us, not now, I love you
They're not gonna get us,
They're not gonna get us
They're not gonna get us
They're not gonna get us
Not gonna get us
Not gonna get us
Not gonna get us
Not gonna get us

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