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Survivor - First Night

First Night
: First Night
: 3.92 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 76 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 55 İndirme
: 10-08-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Survivor - First Night )

    Lindo mi jimmy. Grande Survivor. Excelente vocalista único jamo😘 aun sigues vivo en tus canciones en mi mente y corazón t llevo siempre👍👏🥰

  2. Sandra Jamison

    No puedo dejar de escucharte mi amor Jimi . Te amaré hasta el fin de mis dias. 💔

  3. John Gowan

    This is a slap down get you up rock song that keeps you coming back for more fun.💕💕💕💕💕💕💕⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪🌪🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️✈️🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈😜😜😜😜😜😜😜🌵🌵🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞

  4. Maria joselina Moya


  5. Lidianne Mattiello


  6. Sandra Jamison

  7. John Gowan

    Jimi Jamison was Survivor it was his baby and he loved everything and everyone of his fans.

  8. Sandra Jamison

    Jimi jamison inolvidable

  9. Scott Harrisohn

    Great band, great song and the best rock singer ever.

  10. Peter May

    What a fantastic aor band 'Survivor' were....the band sound on fire !!

  11. Walter Chernicki

    A smjle from jamison

  12. Sandra Jamison


  13. shirou shokuji


  14. Flavia Vassallo


  15. RdFlowr

    he looks so sexy in those leather pants

  16. mateo umpierrez

    Que lindo estas mi vida. Ese busito vileta te queda para comerte todo. Y como cantas no hay otro como tu eres unico. besos

  17. eric medina

    This is actually the best I've seen Jimi performed live. Awesome here.

  18. julie brtek

    Jim Rock all classic hits songs. Back 1980s Fans enjoy though years. Now new lead singer kind sound like him . Just love this band Survivor. A plus.

  19. Valzee002

    I would give anything to be able to see them in concert again . . . with Jimi!!!!

  20. Thomas Raines

    Jim Peterik and Jon Cain (Journey) are two of the worst dressed, cheesiest musicians in rock and roll. And those goofy glasses Jim P. wears...ugh!

  21. spreeuwers1977

    Ah, that guitar solo, super, just like in I See you in everything Live , that one was longer , but what a guitarist.!!!!

  22. Rob McLeod

    Why is the lions share of Survivor's live performances on Youtube of them playing 1 concert in Japan in 1985? What happened to all the other LIVE footage?

  23. Sandra Jamison


  24. thewsca

    I was in college in 1985 and my friend persuaded me to buy the Vital Signs LP as we wandered through our local HMV. He said it was great. It changed my life. I spent the following years discovering everything Survivor. Still loving it in 2019. That's the power of Rock'n'Roll.

  25. mateo umpierrez

    Buenas noche jimi que dios te bendiga.

  26. Sandra Jamison

    Me pregunto q sentira la esposa de jimi al verlo alli 😢

  27. mateo umpierrez

    Jimi que Guapo eras y lo segiras siendo por toda la eternidad. Y yo doy fe que algun dia no muy lejanos volveran todos estos talentosos y jimi jamison lo en cabesara. Y ese dia lo conosere. En este momento esta descansando de tanto talento. Pero nos dejo su espiritu con nosotros. Y su gran talento. Los escucho todos los dia y no me canso.

    Marmeine Jimison

    @mateo umpierrez Bella Patricia, si Señora tienes toda la razón, ese bello Ángel nos unió por este medio, sí Colom IA es bonito pero al igual que toda Latinoamerica los gobiernos corruptos, y aquí en Colombia aparte de la corrupción los problemas internos como la guerrilla desmovilizados y no desmovilizados, generan gravisimos problemas en todos los sentidos. Aunque en las ciudades no sentimos en vivo la guerrilla, sentimos las se uekas que nos dejan cuando ejecutan acciones del ti as en los campos. Pero bueno, es mi país, es nuestra América Latina, cada país con sus diferentes problemas. Así los amamos, agradezco tu sencillez el que quieras compartir conmigo, vuelvo y te digo, amo a Uruguay, y mucho, lamento que el gobernante actual allá tampoco se ajuste a las necesidades de tan pequeño y bello país. Ya tienes a una amiga si algún día quieres y puedes venir. Estamos a la orden!!! Sí, somos muy alegres pese a las circunstancias que nos rodean. Ustedes son también muy bellas personas, yo viví allá en 2004 en Montevideo. He querido volver pero no ha sido fácil por diversas razones, pero sí quiero volver.

    mateo umpierrez

    @Marmeine Jimison Algun dia nos reuniremos para hablar de jimi y de nuestros paises tan bellos. Pese a los problemas tienen cosas muy buena como las novelas , la musica y el cafe es muy rico. Y estas invitada a venir cuando guste a mi pais sobre todo a mi umilde hogar.Eres bien venida cuando gustes.

    Marmeine Jimison

    @mateo umpierrez gracias Patricia, será un honor poder volver, si Dios lo permite sería muy rico. Igualmente para ti, que bonito poder compartir, sobretodo poder compartir sobre ese hermoso hombre que mató a más de medio mundo con su talento y hermosura jejeje, yo no me canso de ver los conciertos con el grupo y como solista, cada día me gusta más, todos los días tengo que verlo aunque sea un video pero no me falta. En realidad él y el grupo eran la combinación perfecta. Jejeje, estamos enamoradas jajaja. Que bueno😀

    mateo umpierrez

    @Marmeine Jimison Es un amor muy sano y puro. No traisiona a nadie ni ase daño a nadie. A mi me paso algo muy magico cin este hermoso hombre, Yo no conosia ni me interesaba conoser del mundo de las redes , se desian cosas muy malas de las redes pero son las personas que tienen pensamientos malos y buscan lo malo. Y mis patrones me regalan un celular para yo atenderlos si me llamaran . Yo ni sabia y aoenas estoy comensando a conoser por eso mis errores y pido disculpa por los mismo cometidos. Y yo en mi pobresa escuchaba el tema de Rocki ojo de tigre y me gustaba mucho, pero no sabia quien canta.

    mateo umpierrez

    @Marmeine Jimison Y mis hijos que sabia que me gusta esta musica me enseñaron a buscar en yotube y busque temas de la pelicula de Rocki y ahi estaba ese magnifico hombre . Con ese pelito hermoso ,el saquito rallado y de jin claros y eso paso este año y desde ese dia no deje de escucharlo y entre a beriguar de su vida. Y me entero de su muerte en 2014 y me cayo muy mal. Toda via tenia mucho para dar a este mundo. Pero se que algien tan bueno no pertenesia a este mundo y cuando lei que avia muerto de sobre dosis nunca lo crei .El hombre era trasparente .Cuando cantaba lo desmostraba con todo su ser el rostro se trasformaba y espresaba con tanto sentimiento cada tema y yo que no se ingles me erisaba toda. Solo algien que no es de este mundo puede aser que sientamos estas hermosas cosas que alimentan el alma. Este gran ser humano vino como balsamo a nuestras vidas . Y para desmostrarnos que no todo es malo y que hay esperansa para este mundo tan cruel. El ya esta con los angeles donde debe de estar. Que descanses amiga y que Dios te bendiga y que tengas lindos sueños con jimi.

  28. pablo gomez

    El día que murió llore un mar de lágrimas

  29. Sandra Jamison

    Sin duda la mejor voz del rock q escuche . Admirable q interprete maravilloso la diste total vida a cada cancion. Cantantes como JIMI JAMISON ya no hay. 💔

  30. Sandra Jamison


  31. Craig Chapman

    RIP Stephan Ellis

  32. Tony G

    At 3:18 comes a very underrated guitarist.

  33. Sandra Jamison


  34. Sandra Jamison

    2019 ✌

  35. Heidi Bosley

    Who's watching, December 26th, 2018???



  37. Fernanda Pire

    A voz do Jimi é d+ muito linda

  38. Mauro Diaz


  39. Born Free

    That is what music is. It's just like in a recording studio. But wait! That's a live act. What a voice.

  40. Brad Alsobrook

    Best voice ever

  41. Bero1707

    this needs to be on bluray

  42. Tony G

    Who is jamming to this in 2018 !!!

  43. Tony G

    How can 42 people dislike this song. They must be on some good drugs !!!

  44. Ale love Boy George Hernandez Hernandez

    Love this song

  45. Ale love Boy George Hernandez Hernandez

    Love Jimi

  46. Ale love Boy George Hernandez Hernandez

    Me encanta su voz y las canciones q interpreto con survivor

  47. Roy Armijo

    El guitarrista es Charlie de LOST?xD

  48. Clark Kent

    WOW x 1000!!!!!!!!!

  49. Mach68

    The live version is better than the studio version. I just love the guitar solo.

  50. Ariovaldo Santos

    Rest in Peace my fryend

  51. Iris Gross

    Frankie FTW

  52. Michael Hess

    I sure miss music like this. Saw these guys live in the summer of 86, and it was the first time I heard this song. Sounded just as great live as on the album. Rest In Peace Jimi.

  53. Tony G

    This song makes me think back to the night I meet my woman.

  54. Jana Conklin

    Jimi Jamison is very hot & sexy.

  55. Joe'schannel 112

    Rip Jimi Jamison

  56. Tony G

    First band I ever learned how to play the drums to..

  57. Tony G

    On the night we meet....

  58. Maxine Miller



    the greatest male voice ever!!

  60. Tony G

    Awesome fucking song

  61. hakanimre

    You cant resist Survivors energy even if you are sad or without energy , your mood become great! Rip Jimi we all miss you...You will live forever in our heart and ears...

  62. Robert Hamrick

    i would love to see Arnell Pinetta, sorry if i got it wrong, singer for journey to sing this.

  63. D'Gert

    Jimi was a clutch player.He can perform his song as good as their studio record or its even better.What a voice

  64. Jemreich Olofernes

    7 dislikes are autotune kings.

    Fernando Donadio

    NO existia en esa epoca Tonto

  65. Ashlee Mc

    Jimi and frankie where both hot! Amazing musicians

    Gena Bourassa

    You can keep Frankie i will take Jimi thanks


    +Ashlee Mc Jimi is the sexiest man who has ever lived IMHO!! 😍🔥 Frankie does nothing for me, I don't find him attractive.

  66. Teresa Mcdevitt

    Wow he was assume


    I love & miss you so much Jimi!😢

  68. mediaboyz

    RIP Jimi Jamison!

  69. Romaro Vinciguerra

    R.I.P Jimi Jamison gone way too soon!

  70. Patrick Luy

    I'd love to hear Jamison sing Don't Stop Believing. Lol. But that will never happen since he is dead :( He just sound so much lie Steve Perry. Lol

    Carla Etheridge

    what was cause of death?

    רותם שמואלי

    0:36 he even looks like him


    Patrick Luy *like


    porcelaincougar Unfortunaley? Since when is rock suppose to sound smooth rather than raspy?

    Gena Bourassa

    @רותם שמואלי Absolutely not Jimi is so perfect but Steve Perry is ot even in the ball park

  71. Big Dick Blaque

    wonderful song

  72. Amy Berger

    Sweet baby jesus he was good looking


    Only 5 foot 8 too. ;-)

    Gena Bourassa

    My idea of a perfect man every inch of him I would not change

  73. Roy John De la Torre

    We will remember this first night foreverAfter all the songs fade awayAnd the stage fades to grayAnd we will remember this first night togetherWe'll recall the things that we saidAll the foolish dreams in our headOn the night we metI'm searching your eyesHave I seen you somewhereYou're filling my thoughts with a strange intrigueI rivet my glance to your every movementI got a notion your love's in a whole different leagueTell me your name, what's your persuasionYour first impression of this whole occasionAnd this night shall be the first nightAnd first nights were made for loveI can taste the action in the air tonightHearts are poundin' as the sparks igniteAnd this night shall be rememberedLong after the music's goneAnd we'll reminisce on the things we saidAnd we'll fall in love againIn the air I can sense a strong attractionEmotions run wild--are we on the verge? We got a hot-line to satisfactionI got the answer if you got the urgeMy motor is hot, I'm feeling elationYou came in the night with the right temptationAnd this night shall be the first nightAnd first nights were made for loveI can taste the action in the air tonightHearts are poundin' as the sparks igniteAnd this night shall be rememberedLong after the music's goneAnd we'll reminisce on the things we saidAnd we'll fall in love again We will remember this first night foreverWe'll recall the things that we saidAll the foolish dreams in our headAnd this night shall be the first nightAnd first nights were made for loveI can taste the action in the air tonightHearts are poundin' as the sparks igniteAnd this night shall be rememberedLong after the music's goneAnd we'll reminisce on the things we saidAnd we'll fall in love again

  74. jeffrey shell

    He looks like Tom Cruise

  75. Baran Baran

    Tell me your name what's your persuasion! First Nights were made for love. This night will be remembered long after the music's gone! I Love you Survivor! ;)  Baran

  76. Sid Smith

    Sexiest man ever

  77. Daddy Yankee

    Esta es muy buena música para siempre SURVIVOR.

  78. Tower of Power

    FIRST NIGHT pieseň skupiny SURVIVOR, ktorá bola v rebríčku Billboardu deväť týždňov od 17. augusta 1985 a skončila na 53.m. Autormi piesne boli JIm Peterik a Frankie Sullivan. Na b strane singlu bola skladba Feels Like Love. Skladba pochádzala z prvej strany albumu VITAL SINGS, ktorý bol v rebríčku 61 týždňov a skončil na 16.m. ocenený RIAA platinovou platňou. Po High On You ,I Can´t Hold Back a ďalších bola piatou úspešnou piesňou z tohto albumu.

  79. santos sosa

    how can I forget the vital signs album is still the  fourth album in my collection RIP JIMI JAMISON you will be missed

  80. Andres Caceres Coronel

    This song has so much melody and power... ! :-D


    It's even better live. The guitar solo makes the live version special.

  81. EcceSignumRex

    cocaine on his donuts, makes him go nuts


    The best age he was jim right that live exibithions were wonderful in japan also ohters but I prefer a lot it ..and as a man age really the singer was too sensual kindly , lovely and sophisticated  one of the most sexy and beautiful rock star in the music world among many years on the 80 '

  83. Christopher Range

    RIP Jimi Jameson!!!  Life took you too soon!!!

  84. luizmelo

    ESTRELA  PARA  OUTRO   LADO   DA   VIDA**********

  85. Heloisa H.

    Jimi Jamison que Homem Maravilhoso!!! :)I Love him, his voice was amazing <3RIP

  86. Jug Head

    RIP. Jimi Jamison

  87. José Orli Araújo de Souza

    Muito triste com a morte do Jimi Jamison. Praticamente a minha idade.

  88. PauerKorde

    RIP, Jimi

  89. Juleke

    qepd Jimi Jamison lejos una de las mejores voces que e escuchado, un gran admirador tuyo se despide con una gran tristeza y nudo en el corazón :(, pero la música siempre perdura en el alma.

    Sandra Jamison

    La verdad q si me duele el alma saber q ya no esta. Y de haberme enterado tarde de su muerte 💔

  90. Obaze

    RIP JIMI!!!!!!!!

  91. LordRockRecords

    Yo creo que de las 11.603 reproducciones, 10.000 son mías jajaja EXCELENTE CLÁSICO!!

  92. Angel Kelley

    Wow these guys are just amazing.  Jimi voice is like heaven.  It just keeps getting better and better.  What talent.  this TOUR must have been so awesome.  2013 Tour was extraordinary 2014 Tour is going to be out of this world.  So looking forward to it. SURVIVOR ROCKS bigtime!!!  Keep an look for tour datea and times near you you dont want to miss out these guys are INCREDIBLE hearts and music..

    Zeros Socute

    @Angel Kelley Unfortunately all I knew about Survivor at that time was Eye of the Tiger. I didn't really know about Survivor.

  93. Short Clips

    Eye of the tiger

  94. Sebastián Rodríguez

    Una calidad de banday una excelente canción

First Night Şarkı Sözü
We will remember this first night forever
After all the songs fade away
And the stage fades to gray
And we will remember this first night together
We'll recall the things that we said
All the foolish dreams in our head
On the night we met
I'm searching your eyes
Have I seen you somewhere
You're filling my thoughts with a strange intrigue
I rivet my glance to your every movement
I got a notion your love's in a whole different league
Tell me your name, what's your persuasion
Your first impression of this whole occasion
And this night shall be the first night
And first nights were made for love
I can taste the action in the air tonight
Hearts are poundin' as the sparks ignite
And this night shall be remembered
Long after the music's gone
And we'll reminisce on the things we said
And we'll fall in love again
In the air I can sense a strong attraction
Emotions run wild, are we on the verge?
We got a hot-line to satisfaction
I got the answer, if you got the urge
My motor is hot, I'm feeling elation
You came in the night with the right temptation
And this night shall be the first night
And first nights were made for love
I can taste the action in the air tonight
Hearts are poundin' as the sparks ignite
And this night shall be remembered
Long after the music's gone
And we'll reminisce on the things we said
And we'll fall in love again
We will remember this first night forever
We'll recall the things that we said
All the foolish dreams in our head
And this night shall be the first night
And first nights were made for love
I can taste the action in the air tonight
Hearts are poundin' as the sparks ignite
And this night shall be remembered
Long after the music's gone
And we'll reminisce on the things we said
And we'll fall in love again

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