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Scorpions - Send Me an Angel

Send Me an Angel
: Send Me an Angel
: 4.10 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 520 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 480 İndirme
: 23-10-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Scorpions - Send Me an Angel )
  1. Teresa Marcos

    Simplesmente linda.....

  2. alex veras

    Prefiro Edson Gomes

  3. Dhyll dantas Dantas

    Musicas como essa hoje em dia tá raro

  4. Omer Cokzorlu


  5. Melanie Baden

    still love it, back then I was just 15 years old !!

  6. Poison Ivy

    ładna piosenka lubie se

  7. Lesther Montoya

    November 2019? Someone?

  8. Владлен Козорог


  9. Antonius Endri

    *_here I am_* in Nov 2019

  10. Cesar Santos

    Isso sim é uma banda de rock. ....

  11. beatriz eugenia restrepo betancur

    Súper certificada ...bien por scorpions una de las mejores bandas del rock en ingles!!

  12. James Cue

    Throughout the years, I can never seem to get enough of this song, it strikes a chord in my heart of hearts.

  13. Burak Yıldırım

    One of the best songs ever

  14. Sebastian Taboada

    Soy de Argentina escorpión los mejores

  15. Александр Яковлев


  16. Ivano Ivano

    Linda música, jamais sairá da moda

  17. Patrycja Tomasz

    Coś pięknego 😥❤️❤️❤️❤️


    tak ja mówisz

  18. Marta Silva

    Linda de mais' e tambem linda em português😍😍😍😍

  19. Tridibon Gogoi

    Love can't die 💙 always hit directly in our heart

  20. Flash Gordon

    German band. American desert...highest point in Wyoming. Nice.

  21. Nelson Najera

    Live an scorpions...

  22. raissa paola

    Amo. Essa. Música. Demais. Ótima.

  23. Maykon Douglas

    Who is here in November 2019 ? 👇🏻

    Ioana Mititelu


  24. Jose Vieira

    Já não se faz disto

  25. Павел Исаев

    Хороший клип.молодцы.

  26. Dasha Vishnevskaya

    November, 2019?

  27. Dasha Vishnevskaya


  28. Carol Sweeney

    Yea me just simply loving..😲😊😋

  29. angelica suselbeek

    je doet altyd zo raar daar heb ik geen zin in ik zet pc zo uit ik ga weg

  30. Weslley Daniel Niel

    Scorpions plagiaram Calcinha Preta☹

    Y. Ohana


    Camila Cardoso


  31. Weslley Daniel Niel

    Calcinha Preta >>>> Abismo >>>> Scorpions

  32. Weslley Daniel Niel

    A versão de Calcinha Preta é muito melhor. Scorpions são fracos

  33. Weslley Daniel Niel


  34. PJ209 Juarez

    Who’s here for 10th anniversary of this song


    November 1st 2019 anyone 🍆💦💦💦💦💦

  36. Nina-Karolina Oriana

    Uwielbiam ten zespół . Brzmienie głosu solisty przepiękne, porywające i jednocześnie subtelne . Ekstra !

  37. Helen Rayner

    Love this song

  38. Lan Shred

    Exactly 10yrs from now

  39. Son of Horus


  40. Mark Russell

    I wanted to have this absolutely beautiful song played at my Dad's funeral, but it is like a real-life Footloose-type situation at the Church as we are only 2 months away from the year 2020. 😔

  41. jemima banna

    Nov 1. 2019😍😍

  42. Spooky Skeleton

    GTA V vibes

  43. Argentum Metan

    Уже 3года слушаю, люблю песни, заставляющие задуматься..

  44. Dear Sir

    send me an angel plz

  45. Marco Moretti

    Tears... Each time I listen this.... My life.... In a song.... ❤️

  46. Marija Lazić

    This is far beyond all the mainstream music❤️

  47. Elisabeth Martino

    Bonjour,Grandiose, que de bons moments, des souvenirs qui nous marque a jamais une vidéo puissante,sublime, une voix extrême. Merci pour le partage.👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

    Matthew McGregor

    Comment ça va.... Elizabeth

    Elisabeth Martino

    Matthew McGregor bonjour tout va bien merci. Qui vous êtes ?

  48. MukBruh

    Мноу сте секси

  49. Jorio Vasconcelos

    Brazil 2019 here live.

  50. Marvin Salinas

    Yo hablo español me llega scorpions

  51. Michael Seehaus

    Tja das waren noch Zeiten!!!.Ich Baujahr76.Und was für Erinnerungen!!!.

  52. Mari Jana


  53. Dayak Metal

    This Band my favourite👍

  54. Dr Manar Adnan Salkini


  55. kajda proste kajda

    Someone listening this masterpiece in November 2019

    Sgt McAwesome

    just now <3

    Danny Ramos

    Yes Nov. 2019 SCORPIONS💓🎼🤘

    kajda proste kajda

    @Kloboučník čau kloboučník :D

    claire bigelow i am

  56. Tammy Gronskei

    This is such a beautiful song I love it.

  57. Ampersand Correcciones

    Más bien son "TUS" 500 canciones favoritas. La colección sólo incluye rock en español e inglés.

  58. José Martins

    ouço sempre

  59. Raymond Zacchaeus Arias

    This song is so hauntingly good.

  60. Γεωργιος Ζαλοκωστας


  61. Matias Ramirez


  62. Almeida Almeida

    Isso sim somzera!!

  63. Sapphire Soul Symphony

    Angel in the dark - 1:28 IN the Shadows - 2:09Long, long, lost walk - 3:58Believe . Confidence . Belief . . . Fear less . . dear Angel 🕊️

  64. Tom He

    Such a shame: Lyrics are not written like this anymore

  65. Ahmad Wijaya

    Soul heart

  66. Ирина Гурьянова

    2019 октябрь

  67. Peces y reptiles

    Like si vienes de GTA V

  68. Kae Mendes Paim

    2019 from Brazil ;)

  69. dr. house

    Маскираният певец - Ненчо

  70. marcio rodrigo

    show d musica

  71. Shahin Najafi

    this the most satanic song ever ... and i love it

  72. christiane stamm

    Wunderschöner Song, bekomme eine Gänsehaut beim Hören.

  73. Yani Blue

    😍😍😍😙😙😙Amo éste tema

  74. E. Brown

    This song always gives me chills. It's such a good song.

  75. Wenderson Paixão

    Eu estou aqui ouvido Scorpions bela canção que saudade daquele tempo

  76. Bernd Hammer

    Diablo rouge

  77. Igor Dernovoy

    Magic song!

  78. Maria Joao baeta

    This song is FOREVER BEAUTIFUL, Great Band Scorpions, Thank you so much for your good, powerful and unforgettable songs, since always.

  79. そこまで煽ってきて置いてそれは草


  80. Riski Ring


  81. Joaquim Tio fio

    Linda canção.Ilove you Scorpion

  82. رامي السلطاني

    📲whatapps* *00212645760441*📲وجــدت كــثــيــر مــن الــكــومــنــتــات عـن تــكــبــيــر الــقــضــيــب وضــعــف الانـتـصـاب وســرعــة الــقــذفوأبـغـى أبــشــركــم🥳 أنـي حــصــلــت عـلـى مــعــلــومــات مـفـيـدة🤩 هــتــنــفــعــكــم كـثـيـر ومـجـربـهـا شــخــصــيــا ونــفــعــتــنــي✅تــواصــل مـعـي🙋‍♂️ وأنـا بـشـرح لـك ســر الــوصــفــة😉 الـواتـس اب *00212.645.760.441*

  83. Kamila Araujo


  84. Maidenis Martinez jorge

    VIVA ALEMANIA. Tremendo Cantante, tremenda Voz la de KLAUS MEINE. Cantante Aleman de Hanover (Alemania) .

  85. stuart nicholson

    a wonderful song

  86. Gorpista Gopra

    Hoje em dia precisava dessas músicas ao invés destas besteiras q existem claro q n são todas

  87. Игорь Романенко


  88. Andrian Syah

    Im from 2025.. who is listening in this year

  89. harulizam msani

    angel aready die

  90. Jeff Kovene

    Satan is the morning star. Hence, he's calling on the LORD to send him an angel.Isaiah 14:12-1712How you have fallen from heaven,O morning star,b son of the dawn!You have been cut down to the ground,O destroyer of nations.13You said in your heart:“I will ascend to the heavens;I will raise my throneabove the stars of God.I will sit on the mount of assembly,in the far reaches of the north.14I will ascend above the tops of the clouds;I will make myself like the Most High.”15But you will be brought down to Sheol,to the lowest depths of the Pit.16Those who see you will stare;they will ponder your fate:“Is this the man who shook the earthand made the kingdoms tremble,17who turned the world into a desertand destroyed its cities,who refused to let the captivesreturn to their homes?”

  91. Ronald Joe

    beyond comparison ,beautiful my brother,

  92. сергей ефремов

    Пошли мне ангела!Супер!

  93. Brad H

    awesome music

  94. wans Jayaratne

    Still young and forever 🇱🇰

Send Me an Angel Şarkı Sözü
Wise man said just walk this way
To the dawn of the light
The wind will blow into your face
As the years pass you by
Hear this voice from deep inside
It's the call of your heart
Close your eyes and you will find
Passage out of the dark
Here I am (Here I am)
Will you send me an angel
Here I am (Here I am)
In the land of the morning star
The wise man said just find your place
In the eye of the storm
Seek the roses along the way
Just beware of the thorns
Here I am (Here I am)
Will you send me an angel
Here I am (Here I am)
In the land of the morning star
Wise man said just raise your hand
And reach out for the spell
Find the door to the promised land
Just believe in yourself
Hear this voice from deep inside
It's the call of your heart
Close your eyes and you will find
The way out of the dark
Here I am (Here I am)
Will you send me an angel
Here I am (Here I am)
In the land of the morning star
Here I am (Here I am)
Will you send me an angel
Here I am (Here I am)
In the land of the morning star (Here I am)
Will you send me an angel
Here I am (Here I am)
In the land of the morning star
Here I am (Here I am)
Will you send me an angel
Here I am (Here I am)
In the land of the morning star

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