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Scorpions - No One Like You

No One Like You
: No One Like You
: 3.60 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 125 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 104 İndirme
: 23-10-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Scorpions - No One Like You )
  1. Bulgarian Guy

    I am looking for a song with simillar vibe, any suggestions

  2. donnah781

    i just found out today this was filmed in ALCATRAZ so i had to watch the video. thats awesome

  3. John Smith

    Can't touch this 😜😜😜🔥🔥🔥🔥👑👑♈♈♈♈💪💪💪🇨🇺🇨🇺🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🕺🕺🕺💃💃💃💃💃

  4. Alfie Blake

    An incredible song. Makes me want to drive fast with a hot chick in the car. Preferably a Trans Am or a Mustang. Ah dreams!

  5. Максим Бондарев

    Ублюдки рекламы везде натыкали твари!

  6. RIP Jeff Hanneman

    Moral of the story: Come here illegally from Germany and get thrown in Alcatraz.

  7. Gaming KILLERS

    When music had meaning

  8. Carolina Marinho

    Me preparando pra ouvir essa ao vivo no RIR, amanhã, dia 04/10...

  9. Flávia Gomes

    amo uma banda

  10. Larisa Subre

    Class!!! Bravo Scorpions!!! Cuper clip!!! 👍👍👍🎤🎼🎹🎸🎧👏👏👏🔥🔥🔥🙋🙋🙋

  11. Kimberly Dawn GROVES


  12. j b

    Hello! Bonjour SCORPIONS! Je veux bien chanter avec toi mais pas baiser avec toi! Désolée car je veux me marier avec PATRICK J BLISS! OK! Compris! Bises!

  13. Bianca Bruno

    Que legal

  14. Gaming KILLERS

    When music made sense

  15. Juliane Soares

    Girl, it's been a long time that we've been apartMuch too long for a man who needs loveI miss you since I've been awayBabe, it wasn't easy to leave you aloneIt's getting harder each time that I goIf I had the choice, I would stayThere's no one like youI can't wait for the nights with youI imagine the things we'll doI just wanna be loved by youNo one like youI can't wait for the nights with youI imagine the things we'll doI just wanna be loved by youGirl, there are really no words strong enoughTo describe all my longing for loveI don't want my feelings restrainedOoh, babe, I just need you like never beforeJust imagine you'd come through this doorYou'd take all my sorrow awayThere's no one like youI can't wait for the nights with youI imagine the things we'll doI just wanna be loved by youNo one like youI can't wait for the nights with youI imagine the things we'll doI just wanna be loved by youNo one like youI can't wait for the nights with youI imagine the things we'll doI just wanna be loved by you

  16. FIREFOX gaming

    +1 if you agree that the girl in the video is a black dressed beauty

  17. Thanadol Jarujinda

    Very Very Good...!m! 😀

  18. The Hammerhead20x

    Why are there forks on his eyes?

  19. marcelo santos

    sonzeira do caralhooooooo!!!!!!!!!! Bom demais.

  20. Nadin Al Shaker

    Girl, it's been a long time that we've been apartMuch too long for a man who needs loveI miss you since I've been awayBabe, it wasn't easy to leave you aloneIt's getting harder each time that I goIf I had the choice, I would stayThere's no one like youI can't wait for the nights with youI imagine the things we'll doI just want to be loved by youNo one like youI can't wait for the nights with youI imagine the things we'll doI just want to be loved by youGirl, there are really no words strong enoughTo describe all my longing for loveI don't want my feelings restrainedOh babe, I just need you like never beforeI just imagine you'd come through this doorYou'd take all my sorrow awayThere's no one like youI can't wait for the nights with youI imagine the things we'll doI just want to be loved by youNo one like youI can't wait for the nights with youI imagine the things we'll doI just want to be loved by youNo one like youI can't wait for the nights with youI imagine the things we'll doI just want to be loved by youNo one like youI can't wait for the nights with youI imagine the things we'll doI just want to be loved by you

  21. Jehrichify

    Coproducer Gottfried Helnwein?

  22. hugo olea

    La mucica sige desde los anos 80 hasta el 2019

  23. R Vandenburg

    Wait?!? Is he wearing Tighty Whities?!? LOL! 3:43

  24. Karol Worch

    Top of the top!!!

  25. tegmetal1213 Gustavo César

    Tem algum brasileiro ai em 2019?

  26. Discharge Summary

    Lady Boys are Great 👍

  27. Jennifer Delay

    Same thing

  28. Jennifer Delay

    Watching qvc saying dam go walmart i wont pay that must for tshirt god

  29. Amirul Gemok

    Ko ingat aku kesah pergi mampus ko babi

  30. Doctor Evil

    Great song !

  31. Ivo de Oliveira Junior

    Essa sim é uma boa música para amolar o chifre, aquela do Skid Row não dava tanta sensação de corno como essa.

  32. myryam r v

    La mejor


    Fun fact Scorpions are from Germany🇧🇪

    FIREFOX gaming

    Who doesn't know that ???

  34. rafal zubek

    that explains blackout lp record cover

  35. TheGreenMan

    woah. flashbacks

  36. Amy 2676

    scorpions - no one like you (scorpions)

  37. Carloss Miguel

    Guitar hero

  38. Matías Bisotti

    Por qué hay tantos comentarios en portugués lpm :V

  39. Charles Kos

    Why can't I stop listening to this song

  40. Earlene Guthrie

    One of my favourite absolute favorites no one like youuuuuuuuuu

  41. Rickey Engle

    i don't care,,

  42. Charles Kos

    Unbelievably good in many different dimensions!

  43. Bruna Araújo

    Estourando meus tímpanos em 3,2,1 ...❣️

  44. andredeasternmonkey

    Mar 2019?

  45. Paula zimba

    Alguém março 2019??


    Paula Paulinha claro amo scorpions

  46. Matheus Mendes

    essa musica me faz lembrar os anos de guitar hero

  47. Manuel Garcia

    The ultimate 80's Rock Band..... Hands Down!!! No One Like Them

  48. Alexandre Duarte

    Scorpions está no meu Top 5 de melhores bandas de todos os tempos!! Breakout!!!!!!

  49. Leonardo Souza

    Metal puro

  50. Cristopher Vieira

    Alguém a escoltar em 2019?🤘🤘🤘

  51. Deyves Santana


  52. Charlotte Pringle's

    La mejor banda de hard rock que hay,no hay comparación.


    scorpions es la mejor banda del mundoviva los 80s : )

  54. Holly Munford Bloe

    SCORPIONS! Hot at 2019! Love HOLLYM

  55. Vlad0k

    the best, the best

  56. Chowdhury Quaseed

    Reignites in me the desire to write stories n make movies

  57. Robbee Wisher

    Whoa! I haven't seen this since it new in the 80's! Im old😅

  58. Alfie Blake

    Definitely one of, if not the greatest rock ballad ever made? Solid gold imo.

  59. sofacus

    english comment coming through

  60. Badkittymia meow


  61. Camila lucua Ferrario cabrera

    Klaus meine scorpions

  62. mochamad arifudin

    2019 bradaa !!!!

  63. Deric Shaw

    Before 2019??

  64. Артём Ткачёв

    All maybe whis USA! Russia is your soul!

  65. FreeChannel FF

    Asombroso video!!!

  66. Yago Gusmão


  67. Dalexa Mess

    Que sonido👍👍👍👎💗💗💗💗💗🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟💃💃💃💃💃💃💃

  68. jaimeson Alves

    Scorpions ❤

  69. Jessika Lopez

    Ilove you 😍🐼

  70. Oclinhos Gamer

    Tipo assim, no tradutor tá no título assim: Ninguém gosta de vocêJá a música legendada tá: Ninguém como você? Bugadaum

  71. jenny alejandra

    Amooo scorpionss 💕💞💞💞

  72. Dark Ripper

    1:12 como olvidar cuando Klaus fue encerrado junto con Miguel Hidalgo xD

  73. baron hyatt

    This was one of the last videos that I saw before I went in the Marine Corps in 1983 it was this song and Street of Dreams by rainbow

  74. World Folgers


  75. Lil Majinz Booh

    2018/2019 alguém? 💔💔Sdds dessa msc

  76. Carlos Alberto Esquivel Mares

    They is a fukin great band

  77. Ginette Pelletier


  78. adam jaafar

    the best time ever.........I heard good...

  79. sonia sultana

    4th September, 2018

  80. Era Zholzhanov

    Бұл да жынды музыка .

  81. Paulo Henrique Silva

    No one like you muito foda essa música

  82. Mike Valdez

    Love 80s Heavy Metal

  83. SAMREZ-55

    Killer Sound !!

  84. Hard Rock Forever !!!

    best German Band Ever!!

  85. Romchikthelemon

    2:53 \m/

  86. Moisés Castro

    What a voice! I like it. \m/

  87. Hazeアだをシ

    *_Because of the GUITO HERO 1 YEARS 80 I KNOW THAT MUSIC_*

  88. Hazeアだをシ


  89. Rodrock TV

    Iconic song

  90. Roland Lorin

    I still listening to this, since i'm a teenager. I made a cover of the guitar intro and solo here if you're interrested :

  91. Renata Loiola


  92. Donovan Camarillo

    The amazing Scorpions

  93. Mil e uma coisas

    Cara eu amo essa banda de paixão... mais minha namorada ñ glsta de rock q tristeza.... como ñ amar uma bandas dessas...

  94. Jorge Miranda

    The Best of the Best! 80's

  95. Cesar Rocker

    Esta es una de las bandas más chimbas, junto con ACDC, Judas priest, auténtico hard rock, ..

  96. Ελευθερη πολιορκημενη


No One Like You Şarkı Sözü
Girl, it's been a long time that we've been apart
Much too long for a man who needs love
I miss you since I've been away
Babe, it wasn't easy to leave you alone
It's getting harder each time that I go
If I had the choice, I would stay
There's no one like you
I can't wait for the nights with you
I imagine the things we'll do
I just want to be loved by you
No one like you
I can't wait for the nights with you
I imagine the things we'll do
I just want to be loved by you
Girl, there are really no words strong enough
To describe all my longing for love
I don't want my feelings restrained
Oh babe, I just need you like never before
I just imagine you'd come through this door
You'd take all my sorrow away
There's no one like you
I can't wait for the nights with you
I imagine the things we'll do
I just want to be loved by you
No one like you
I can't wait for the nights with you
I imagine the things we'll do
I just want to be loved by you
No one like you
I can't wait for the nights with you
I imagine the things we'll do
I just want to be loved by you
No one like you
I can't wait for the nights with you
I imagine the things we'll do
I just want to be loved by you

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