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Scorpions - Lonely Nights

Lonely Nights
: Lonely Nights
: 4.39 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 130 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 101 İndirme
: 23-10-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Scorpions - Lonely Nights )
  1. Denis Melnikov

    полосы лишние. переделай

  2. anish naidu

    For me Scorpions always other Rock band has given so many Hits, an unbelievable longevity of more than 50 years and still rocking in their 70's.

  3. Жадэфокс :-0

    включил рок баллады скорпионс и словил себя на мысли....откуда не зная английский я знаю все тексты наизусть??

  4. Program office

    It's very good music. I like this band

  5. Rem Bau

    Lebih.kan lagi lagu yg berkualiti

  6. BenjieLyn Hornales- Hemphill

    My Mr Klaus Meine has the most beautiful powerful stunning gorgeous voice ever in the world wow!!!!!

  7. Rizwan Brahmin

    Sunday 13 October 2019 wishing You Were Here 🤦🏻‍♂️

  8. Frederick Ponsot

    Lonely nights hit légende 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

  9. Tony Griffin

    premo rock

  10. Cesar jr. Rio

    My favourite band

  11. Conceicao Santos

    Quem Curte o Scorpions deixa aquele Like ai 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

  12. Conceicao Santos


  13. Andre Ferreira

    It's Beautiful when a human soul Speaks! Like spears tearing the skies!

  14. Adam Crow

    When you springle magic on a song you call it scorpions 😍😍😍😍😍

    BenjieLyn Hornales- Hemphill

    Adam Crow yes they’re the best ever. Mr Klaus Meine voice is super gorgeous irreplaceable stunning voice my most favorite band and singer

  15. Frederick Ponsot

    Lonely nights hit légende album face the heat 1993

  16. Paulo Alcantaras

    eu escutei essa música em português pela banda ,, desejo de menina,, a maioria dessas bandas de forró romântico pega dessas bandas show que nem Scorpions entre outras

  17. reereerobin

    Great lead singer. Always so powerful . Love this band .

  18. flerida 510


  19. Сергей Коньков

    Мона Мур.....

  20. Janaina Zanatta


  21. ilga Timur

    3 yılım gerçek aşkı bu şarkıda arayarak geçti. Hep canımı yakıyorsun.

  22. Thomas Meunier

    Scorpions a star in the éternal night , hello all fans scorpions in the world , Thomas to France .

  23. guy2HIGH

    This man can sing!... and this band can play! Together, they are like no other and have been a favorite of mine for more than 40 years now! Definitely one of the very best!

  24. Deyves Santana

    Sempre passo por aqui pra ouvir esse bálsamo.! 2019 🇧🇷

  25. Mai Wahba


  26. Sefa Orakçı

    2.09.2019 psikololden sa

  27. Carlos Roberto

    A melhor banda de todos os tempos

  28. Izat Udin


  29. Beetle Bayley

    This is where we our sorrow.

  30. Igorjexa

    This song makes me cry, makes me sad, but i can't stop listen it!!!

    Ale C

    I feel like you haha :'(

  31. persain empire

    Thanks baron klaus and scorpions 💕💕😘😘😘

  32. Rowena Maundy

    Scorpion was the best until now

  33. Difa Al Aqsa


  34. Martha Mendoza

    I miss my sweet mother... She lost battle to pancreatic cancer... 😢😢😢😢😢it feels like yesterday. I reminisce about my younger years and me still being under her wings..❤❤

  35. Gary Pecoraro

    You go home Moni !

  36. Pedro Cardoso

    A banda que mais Curto....!!! Meu Perfil do Facebook....! Sonzeira..! Rs

  37. Юрий

    красивая песня😍

  38. Tiago Martines

    Viajo dms na nigth com essa música ❤

  39. rayooo blanco

    I can´t dream, I don´t know to the rest, and even I know don´t fuck a shit them, to me, is some kind of curst (curse), it makes me feel like some kind from another world.

  40. rayooo blanco

    the evils in the world remain in the raft of the turbulent sea with the tranquility of the Infinite Love of God.

  41. rayooo blanco

    Let me Lord, I´m not deserve you. Give peace to need whose for it.

  42. rayooo blanco

    Learn to give thanks to Lord, that´s the trick¨.

  43. rayooo blanco

    There are many opportunities when the night and day across each other and the day is coming down to the night to become in a new another day.

  44. island circle

    My one of my favorite band.

  45. darlene araujo

    Vai te fuder

  46. darlene araujo


  47. Liyla Cruz


  48. Hassan Iqbal


  49. Maha Gherkhan


  50. Jose Geraldo

    A se tivesse chance de ao menos em um xchu dessa banda maravilhosa

  51. Holanda Lopes

    Show de bola

  52. Ива Попова

    Scorpions are The Best!!!

  53. Yasser hassan

    2019 July 19

  54. j b

    You are perfect SCORPIONS! Good day for you!

  55. Bantei Ritshong

    Saw them once in India legendary Band Scorpion forever love you from India

  56. nCang Chotex

    05.07.2019Bekasi _Indonesia

  57. Oleg. S. Chernikov

    Ты ушла,И пустота вокруг.Ты ушла,Мир изменился вдруг.Я брожу по нашим местам,Словно ты со мной.Я хочу, чтоб ты рядом была,Слышать голос твой.Ты ушла,Сердце одно теперь.Ты ушла,И все не так, поверь.Как начать, все, что было, опять,С чистого листа.Я мечтаю тебя вновь обнять,В пальцах пустота.Одинокую,Жестокую,Жестокую,Жестокую,ЖестокуюЗа миг с тобойБорьбуЯ веду,Я веду...Ты ушла,А из сердца сочится кровь.Ты ушла,И меня не узнаешь вновь.Я ищу следы на снегу,Тают, словно дым.Потерять тебя не могу,В мыслях рядом ты.Одинокую,Жестокую,Жестокую,Жестокую,ЖестокуюЗа миг с тобойБорьбуЯ веду,Я веду...

  58. Umut Sılah İzgi

    Belki görür 😢

  59. Paweł Barabasz

    Tekst piosenki:Odkąd odszedłeśJest pusta przestrzeńOdkąd odszedłeśŚwiat nie jest taki samWracam do miejsc, w których byliśmyCzujesz, że wciąż tam jesteśZnowu żyję tymi wszystkimi chwilamiŻyczę ci tutajOdkąd odszedłeśJest samotne serceOdkąd odszedłeśNic nie jest takie jak byłoWszędzie są wspomnieniaPrzywrócenie go do porządku tak wyraźniePamiętaj o tych wszystkich dniachŻyczę ci tutajWszystkie te samotne noceSamotne noce (4x)Muszę o ciebie walczyć, tak, robięWszystkie te samotne noceSamotne noce (4x)Muszę o ciebie walczyć, tak, robięTakOdkąd odszedłeśSerce krwawiOdkąd odszedłeśNie jestem mężczyzną, którym byłemPodążam za twoimi krokami na śnieguŚlady znikająWiemy, co straciliśmy, kiedy zniknęłoChciałbym, żebyś tu byłWszystkie te samotne noceSamotne noce (4x)Muszę o ciebie walczyć, tak, robięWszystkie te samotne noceSamotne noce (4x)Muszę o ciebie walczyć, tak, robięTakWracam do miejsc, w których byliśmyCzujesz, że wciąż tam jesteśZnowu żyję tymi wszystkimi chwilamiŻyczę ci tutajWszystkie te samotne noceSamotne noce (4x)Muszę o ciebie walczyć, tak, robię

  60. Eddy Surya

    There is a heart that bleeding "

  61. ayse sena

    Lonely Nights Club

  62. SHayden

    She is gone.....and I'll never be with her again :'(

  63. Muhammad Armaji

    Entah pape kate kitak2 ni,buduhbale

  64. james avila mangente

    yeahhhh,one of the most iconic band of circa 80,the mighty scorpions!!up today,their songs were the best ever!!

  65. Nazrel Kennedy

    the best rock ballad ever!

  66. Huong Duong Tran

    This song hides a heavenly melody and spirit ❤️ I'm glad that I know it 🙏

  67. nCang Chotex


  68. Khalil Alimirzoyev

    Lonely nights!!!!

  69. Pavel Sergievich

  70. Fatma Nur

    Listening in lonely nights..

  71. Razan Yosef

    25 may 2019" lonely nights"

  72. Ad Soyad

    Wishing you were here..22.05.19 17.36

    Onur Yavuz

    yorumlarda türke ras gelmek.. selam kardeşim:)

    Ad Soyad

    Onur Yavuz Aleyküm Selam kardeşim :)

  73. Quazi Shrot

    I got to fight for you, yes I do

  74. Rengaraj Sk

    Very melody song.😊

  75. Chamika Karunarathne

    best musil gruop ever

  76. ioannis paraskeyas

    the best song

  77. Helena .Silva. Silva.

    Simplesmente maravilhosa e linda d + essa música !! Uma das minhas favoritas do Scorpions ! 😃 😍 💖💖💖💖💖

  78. Jean Marc Besnardeau

    Très Sympa Comme musique 🎶 💋 buen à siéra 🇫🇷 🌃

  79. zied Darkman

    2019 anyone?

    Thomas Meunier

    Me zied darkman

  80. Meklaud tufa

    Scorpions never die. The best ever

  81. Aderoaldo Oliveira

    Uma das melhores



  83. Baruch Barukhov

    Scorpions thank you

  84. Sams Ung Prime

    I am Azerbaijan. It is "GREAT"!

  85. Mabia Rahman

    Love this song. ..specially it's first track of guitar. ...

  86. Sazedur Rahman

    I live all those moments againWishing you were hereSince you're goneThere is a lonely heartSince you're goneNothing is like it was

  87. nCang Chotex

    05 04 2019Bekasi _Indonesia

  88. Marina Mitrovic

    Предивно !

Lonely Nights Şarkı Sözü
Since you're gone
There is an empty space
Since you're gone
The world is not the same
I go back to the places we've been
It feels like you're still there
I live all those moments again
Wishing you were here
Since you're gone
There is an lonely heart
Since you're gone
Nothin' is like it was
There are memories all over the place
Bringin' it back all so clear
Remember all of those days
Wishing you were here
All those lonely nights
I gotta fight for you, yes I do
Yes I do
Since you're gone
There is a heart that bleeds
Since you're gone
I'm not the man I used to be
I follow you steps in the snow
The traces disappear
We know what we've lost when it's gone
I'm wishing you were here
All those lonely nights
I gotta fight for you, yes I do
Yes I do

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