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Oceans Of Noise - Arcade Fire

Arcade Fire
: Arcade Fire
: 4.49 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 59 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 47 İndirme
: 03-11-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Oceans Of Noise - Arcade Fire )
  1. Roxana García

    Hace medio año que termine con mi ex, habíamos cumplido 2 años de estar juntos y aún recuerdo que cuando iniciamos nuestra relación me dijo que cuando yo ya no quisiera nada con el le dedicará está canción. Aún lo extraño pero se que ambos estamos mejor lejos, el ya tiene a su chica y yo tengo al mío, el día de hoy suelto al amor de mi vida, gracias por tanto Ricardo, te amo.

  2. Randy Miller III

    I love this song. Absolutely one of their best, not a wasted note in the bunch.

  3. Jim Bob

    Shit sounds like a Bowie rip off. Especially the last couple minutes. After he says " time to work out" it goes straight bowie influence.

  4. Akakajajajaja 880

    Truman vibes

  5. Didii Campino

    can't hear it without crying

  6. STE7EN 77

    that's right. my friends here were all simply expecting three universes each.

  7. Andrew Guerra

    Play after By The Sea from Beach House and it goes beautifully

  8. beyza_arke

    The last part is like a Beirut song. Don't get me wrong though, I love both bands.

  9. feargm

    One of the most powerful experiences I've ever had.

  10. N0H4B0H3L music ?

  11. Rex Direct

    Why do I keep hearing riffs and chord progressions from David Byrne's Marching Through the Wilderness in my head when I hear this song?

  12. erika P

    364,970 views??thats lame!

  13. hippiecheezburger

    This is their absolute masterpiece of a song, so much emotion

  14. Lawrence Of Canadia

    Love forever!!

  15. zloetakoe

    Love this song. bass line, great stuff.

  16. Lord Shiva Of Kailash

    Perfect skate video credits song

  17. Juergen Zuelow

    The instrumentals are one of the things that make Arcade Fire an exceptional band. The strings at the end are just another typical example.

  18. Martina Nonnis

    Ocean of noiseI first heard your voiceRing like a bellAs if I had a choice, oh wellLeft in the morningWhile you were fast asleepTo an ocean of violenceA world of empty streetsYou’ve got your reasonsAnd me, I’ve got mineBut all the reasons I gaveWere just liesTo buy yourself some timeAn ocean of noiseI first heard your voiceNow who here among usStill believes in choice?Not INo way of knowingWhat any men will doAn ocean of violenceBetween me and youYou’ve got your reasonsAnd me, I’ve got mineBut all the reasons I gaveWere just liesTo buy myself some timeAnd can we work it out?It’s time to work it outGonna work it outIt’s time to work it out for youWe’re gonna work it all outIt’s time to work it outWe’re gonna work it outIt’s time to work it outTime to work it all out

  19. Rocío Cusmano

    Los arreglos del final...♥

  20. The Sun E

    This song gives me Nick Cave vibes at some parts

  21. Gabriel Naim Madrigal Hernández

    Mira esos Mariachis :"v

  22. John C

    I think this one is about an encounter with G-d.

  23. Diego

    I came here from Amanda :v

  24. Ylai Jah

    wanna slow dance w the love of my life to this really

  25. Adrian Gallardo

    They played this song with Mariachi in México... Just amazing

    Michael Mireles

    LAstima que solo fueron unos segundos de mariachi.. Hubiera estado bien chido que fuese toda la cancion como un remake. Aún así, estuve ahí y estuvo fantástico.

    Carolina Salcedo

    Michael Mireles Aca en peru sólo fueron peleas y gemi2 de Win

  26. Linus *

    I came here just for arcade Fire.❤️

  27. Dino Girón

    Who da fck is Andrea?

  28. Arturo Salazar

    This song is so beautiful, it scares me. Every time I listen to it my heart races.

  29. ad324

    The Trumpet, French Horn and Strings are just beautiful at the end. Best Instrumental moment for me in their entire discography.

  30. Walter junior

    Andrea ? Who is she ?

  31. Antonio Felix

    Esse naipe de metais... <3

    Leonardo Semensato

    essa música <3

  32. Guillaume MHK

    springsteen meets godspeed ahah^^

  33. Lawrence Of Canadia

    beautiful lover letter to those who suffer from mental illness.

  34. Andrea Doherty

    Haha, just saw my name in the comments :D

  35. 6 months ago

    this song is reminiscent of Grizzly Bear, and I love it

  36. Farid Benmessahel

    beautiful,neon bible best album of arcade fire .

  37. Principita Hur

    Amo esta canción!

  38. sonny wagner

    This sounds like an EARLY Burt Bacharach song.

  39. zomgseriosuly

    Modest Mouse ?

  40. Michael Rossian

    fuck this is so great ! i love them

  41. faux user

    the ending is devastating

  42. Rebecca Chen

    just found out about this band. I am obsessed with this song...

    6 months ago

    Rebecca Chen just now?

    duncan w craig

    Welcome to neon bible it's an awesome record.

    Michael Mireles

    You ought to listen to the whole album and now that your trapped , listen to the whole "funeral" album. MArvelous!

  43. Manuel CC

    The studio version is way better than live.

    Gabriel Naim Madrigal Hernández

    Pablo C No, live is most magic.

  44. Claudio K. Freitas

    That girl, omg, she's bright a beauty :-)

  45. Alan Bodell

    What dumbfucks gives this a thumbs down, take a bow dumbfucks and fuck off to somewhere else.

    pat baron

    1,113 up and 13 down. I'd say that's a very good ratio.

    Bob Rickleson

    dont get so triggery, alan alan bobalan

    Alan Bodell

    I like to respond to criticism with a little fuck off with your advice you knobhead, i'll get triggery any time i want to.Oh, have a good day.

    Bob Rickleson

    @Alan Bodell wit? you fucking dunce.

    Alan Bodell

    I'm a broken man that you don't appreciate my wit, my floor is puddled by tears and i hope you are proud to do this to me.

  46. Greg Hufton

    The climax is absolutely beautiful in this song

  47. Thomas Kimlicka

    right on, Bergie. over looked gem.

  48. dias

    I was on a 2day trip with a friend and in the middle of the night it started storming like crazy and we were driving in that storm with almost 0 vision and this song was playing loud through the speakers, it was surreal and amazing


    Bob Rickleson That sounds fucking awesome


    Bob Rickleson Tghaot skoiulndls fyuocukring sawelsomf

    Bob Rickleson

    did you guys touch peenys?

    Jensan Ruby

    Sounds beautiful in an ethereal manner.

    Erik Frost

    dias the kind of moment Id like to have. But alone, because no one I know would be cool enough to share an amazing experience like that

  49. Tanesha Conner

    Why is this song soooo beautiful?! That guitar gives me a 1960's school dance vibe. 💗💗💗

  50. bergie

    I personally see this song as a person who has broken hearts and is not necessarily the heartbroken in the relationship. that being said, this man sounds broken. from what I take from this song is that he goes from relationship to relationship because he is scared of commitment, scared of love, scared of someone having a firm hold on his heart. so he leaves, and he gets told he is selfish and impulsive and doesn't think of others; but he has his reasons that people can't see. and for those reasons, this song is relatable and strong and emotional.


    +Moisés Daniel so do I, I've never heard a song that I relate to more honestly

    Mug Nuggits

    bergie it's about religious and spiritual relationship more than romantic ones.

    Lawrence Of Canadia

    so well said. He's attempting to manifest his destiny and keeps getting stuck when he's with anyone, but hes wide awake, he knows what he's doing. Maybe he's searching for God . hence the lighthouse aesthetic throughout the album.

    Didii Campino

    this is so relatable

  51. Trevin Hughes

    One of the best songs ever .

  52. ffsf739

    My favorite Arcade Fire song. That ending always kills me!!


    We really dug your video. You must make many more

  54. Eliza Inae

    Les loups bring me here. amazing

  55. Medea Sakhokia

    who Andrea?

  56. Ethel Sudário

    the best

  57. Will Simmons

    Fuck off about Andrea no one fucking cares

  58. 74comedio

    a ocean of violence to me and you!!!! amazing.......

  59. SCJ

    Andrea brought me here too. What a weirdo lol. This is song is…different lol I love andrea though

  60. EJVR1

    HERMOSA ...

  61. luz ;

    the piano at 3:14 sounds like the piano from abba's dancing queen !!

  62. Nay Duarte

    i really love this song

  63. Paulo Ramirez

    This song would of made a good theme song for true detectives 2

  64. Daisha Hyde

    Andrea brought me here

  65. Erica Writesel

    I love Neon Bible. Arcade Fire, you mean so fucking much to me...I can't even put it into words. The stitch holding me together.

  66. Narissa Howell


  67. Kayla Anelone

    me too #andrea&teala

  68. Tetsacry

    Who's Andrea?

    Poorly Made Dog Videos

    +vanillacremeice WTF is an AndreasChoice?


    lmao shes a youtuber @Hjorksi Bjorksi

    Poorly Made Dog Videos

    yeah i figured that out, watched like 3 seconds of one video and discovered there's a reason i'd never heard of her; she's a botard.


    +Hjorksi Bjorksi she's a what?

    Poorly Made Dog Videos

    a botard.  you know, a botard...  i dunno how ot explain it.  basically, she's a buttlord. 

  69. Emmy al

    andrea brought me here

  70. Marcella Short

    So chill Andreaschoice

  71. Morgan-Carolyn Mc071101

    Tf who is andrea?


    @Morgan-Carolyn Mc071101 Andrea's Choice here on Youtube she is amazing.

    Morgan-Carolyn Mc071101

    @GlowBeauty 102 ok i'll look her up

  72. Rickie Fultz

    Andrea better not disorient me

  73. Cee Williams

    I came from Andrea too

  74. Anisha Jivan

    hahaha me too. Only for Andrea <3

  75. YOZAH T

    I came here to listen Andreas song

  76. Mel honeyBee

    Yeas andrea

  77. Alexa Davidson

    teala and brittanyschoice


    @Alexa Davidson ***andreaschoice

  78. lauren lee

    I came here from Andrea lol

    Daniel Granato

    who is andrea?

    6 months ago

    lauren lee who is Andrea?? u should be able to find music without needing it pointed out to you, just saying.dig through the files and get in touch with good music

    Ol' Drippy

    6 months ago oh ffs who cares how they came across a song?

    6 months ago

    Brutananadlewski who cares?well obviously I do or I wouldn't of posted that. see how that works, ask an obvious question and you get a obvious answer.

    Ol' Drippy

    @6 months ago was a rhetorical question. Point being it doesn't matter how people come across it.

  79. Lea


  80. Bruno Santos

    my first Arcade Fire song, i found this acidentally looking for another song. Was instant crush.

  81. Deise

    O piano dessa musica é lindo demais.

  82. nixie NICLA

    This band has really grown on me over time...

  83. Jacob

    So damn good,

  84. Ellis Potter

    You've got your reasons and me I've got mine. 

  85. Ricardo Vilela

    Este som é a coisa mais próxima de uma experiência religiosa que eu já senti.

  86. Amante

    This feels like a breakup song, or at least a song of romantic longing. Could just be my personal experience coloring it, however...


    I love your language. It's awesome


    @zomgseriosuly It's English! I like it ToOOOOoooooOOO!!!

    Carolina Duarte

    this is how I feel, and what is happening to me ... loving separation.

  87. 1800weebetrollin

    No this guy is a big MGMT fan and comments on a lot of their videos. That's all man that's all.

  88. kaefenempa

    I get goose bumps all over whenever I listen to this.

  89. 1800weebetrollin

    No because he comments on a bunch of videos about MGMT

  90. harry mccarthy


  91. Leia Organa

    Now who here among us still believes in choice? Not I.

  92. Matěj Grék

    thanks, cpt. obvious

  93. 1800weebetrollin

    Then go check out the comment section of every MGMT video ever and you'll see a bunch of his avatar.

  94. Matěj Grék

    I love your avatar. Because I love MGMT.

  95. bukbukbukka

    That bass-line...

  96. Joan

    what the fuck man?

  97. meritatralala

    what makes this song one of Arcade Fire's best songs EVER is that it starts with these deep, dark and subtle rumblings. And then, a sudden key change illuminates the lullaby with its optimistic "I'm gonna work it out". Genius.

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