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Maroon 5 - Goodnight Goodnight

Goodnight Goodnight
: Goodnight Goodnight
: 3.78 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 101 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 73 İndirme
: 06-07-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Maroon 5 - Goodnight Goodnight )
  1. Jerry Ganz

    Goodnite my fren nicole white aka shirhani

  2. 郭一帆


  3. ajwandee

    I LOVE THIS SONG!!!!!!🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😚😚😙😙😙😏🙄😀😁😃😄😅

  4. Rayhan Adithya

    adam levine : goodnight goodnightidiots : 2019? 2019?

  5. Swen Dalagan

    I can relate to this much. :'(

  6. Super D

    the song that we don't deserved but we needed

  7. Ash Crtz


  8. Weed the world Thailand

    2019 !!!

  9. Anuj Singh

    This is the Maroon 5 we need back

  10. yinyin tun25

    good song

  11. Candy Cain Churchwell

    Good night world 😊😊😊

  12. Belchior Francisco de Paula Neto de paula

    Canção perfeita

  13. ding dong your opinion is wrong

    This song should be a meme

  14. Greesma Dhakal

    10 years challenge:2009: Entire skin to get tattooed .2019: Tattoos over the entire skin...

  15. Waode Nurhalida

    a toxic relationship 🤔

  16. Robin Sunder

    Too much confusing, I can't watch together before n after concept, N second part watch to subtitles.

  17. - Peluchemón

    *Wao que bonita muchacha*

  18. toy boy

    Who is here after 10 years?

  19. HAD!sk

    Thanks for this beautiful recommendationIdk how did I miss this beautiful track in 2009.

  20. Rista Ghufron

    Love it

  21. sittie rana

    randomly pops out of my recommendations

  22. Gabriel Mendes

    cá estou eu, dez ano depois kkk

  23. Larissa Fernandes

    🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷 2019❤

  24. Bishal Dhar

    2019 here !! Oct 18

  25. Cristroxx

    It's 10PM here, ok

  26. Ankita Sarkar

    How come this is the first time I am even hearing about this song....that to through YouTube's recommendation....

  27. Tom

    Didnt know video quality was this good in 2009.

  28. Diyah Vasca

    18 october 2019

  29. gokou06

    Is this song new? This is the first time I heard this song! After 10 years :O

  30. Huna Renthlei

    18 October 2019

  31. Felipe li

    Youtube:recommend now now now!Me:tf? 10 years ago... lets listen!!

  32. Rama Bagus

    10 year 🔥

  33. yar sanane

    maroon your voice disqusting

  34. tug tug

    I'm sorry

  35. Chamex X

    How is this recommended to me in October 2019 LOL

    Harshit Minhas

    Same here

  36. Julius Baula

    Oct 2019

  37. GhemRay nilaB

    Froiline Guinid 🤞🤞

  38. Sabrina Tanni

    For a second I thought it's Chris Evans in the thumbnail 😂

  39. Hazel Grace Yokokura

    adam had the same haircut in this vid...

  40. Patricia Mendoza

    years and years of being my crush, I love u Adam 🥰🥰🥰🥰

  41. HuyTV Gia

    18/10/2019 me

  42. Sherry Marsha


  43. Amel huxe

    Oct 2019

  44. Dawood Adam Mohamed Ageel

    Wait. This is from 2009? Thanks YouTube recommendations..

  45. Saintenrique Lizarazu

    My life was always after...

  46. yara naser

    So sad :(((((

  47. Lên Nguyễn

    Now i miss you

  48. master wayne

    And after 10 years what really changed is his voice...

  49. 12TruthSlayeR21

    Im sorry my girl 😢 I did not mean to hurt you so Good bye

  50. Agus Saputra

    ❤️❤️ 17 OCT 2019

  51. Unni Chann

    Sad love

  52. Ftin Afzan

    10years back

  53. Ian Magbanua

    Oct 2019

  54. Andre A.G

    I feel is like me ...

  55. In B00 _


  56. D evolved Harley

    My favourite male artist ADAM ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡


    This song was released in 2008 but recorded in2006

  58. Muningning Xoxo

    In my recommendations after 10 yrs

  59. Grace Espinosa

    Maroon5 one of my fav band

  60. Zhim Ink

    Cuma pakai photogrid 😂😂

  61. Nahid Hasan


  62. Depressed Inosuke

    My crush texted me while I was watching this. Nice

  63. Tashin ahmed

    10 years OLD!!😱

  64. Prince Jp

    sana nasabi ko sa 1stlove ko na love ko sia 10yrs ago damn!

  65. เนป จูน

    2019 👇❤😊

  66. Syaekhul Archam

    goodnight for you! semangat skripsinya, ini buat teman begadang kamu 🙇

  67. Gency Siahaans

    Come on boy, listen to this song. You hurt me😰

  68. gandes silfi

    Oct 2019?

  69. Elmer Hanohan

    Just watched it ..I feel so sad after

  70. Rhany Run

    2019 still love this song


    Maroon 5 music videos are an excuse for Adam Levine to make out with actresses.

  71. Cherry Berongan

    Watching ryt now hahaha October 2019

  72. Nanonano yogurt

    10 years ago???

  73. Sucipto Sucipto

    I love this song

  74. AkhmaddRidho -

    10 years 🤟👏

  75. neth STORIES

    Wow!! 10 years ago?! Maroon 5 never gets old! October 2019 anyone?! 😍


    Im here

    AGN Official

    Me ✌️

  76. Tom Micua

    10 years ago whadduup!!!

  77. Luiss MF

    Que buen tema 😶😶😪😪

  78. Monica O

    I broke someone heart and listen to this

  79. A C

    Será que o cachorro do clipe já morreu?

  80. A C

    It won't be soon before long melhor álbum. Quem concorda respira

  81. jose Cabezas

    Anyone else listening to this and feeling like loosing a love?

  82. Sheldon J. Aditya

    You're so cute bab

  83. Bang Julss

    October 2019 😍

  84. Rodrigo Pereira

    Isso q é música

  85. Wanda Sewell

    My Husband is British and Hungarian Jew....he is so handsom. He reminds me of Adam Levine.

  86. Nick Ronca

    Does anybody else realize that the beginning of this song sounds a lot like the beginning of "Californication"?

  87. David Martian

    Why every comment just talk about years, months and days. I love this song but I don't care about my last see.Any October here?Think again...

  88. Manuel german

    Y terminadon solo por qué le apagó la TV

  89. Mcdizzy the memer

    I loved this song!! ❤️❤️

  90. Rae ofLyte

    This song always seemed weird and confusing to me, because of the line"I'm sorry, I did not mean to hurt my little girl" The phrase little girl, specifically.Also this verse makes it seem like a message to a daughter:So much to loveSo much to learnBut I won’t be there to teach you, ohI know I can't be closeBut I try my best to reach youBut the beginning of the song makes it seem like it's to a lover. Like I said, confusing to me /:

    Bijion Brooks

    Funnily enough I think of my absent parents while listening to this. And part of it can be from the child's perspective

    James Cassar

    You haven't experienced a break up i suppose 🤷‍♂️

    James Cassar

    P.s i used to call my ex my little girl so thats my perspective. Song hits every other person differelty

  91. Preeti Laishram

    The song vibe looks sooo Stacy

  92. Marine Hairapetian

    still watching in 2019 )

  93. Synaxe

    Who's the girl?

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