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Loreena McKennitt - Stolen Child

Stolen Child
: Stolen Child
: 4.67 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 147 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 126 İndirme
: 08-03-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Loreena McKennitt - Stolen Child )
  1. Qrfy Rtf

    على بطن طفلكم و على بيت شعبكم🇯🇵

    Reem Al Hariri


  2. Kathy Sugden

    Touched my soul💚🌄

  3. Rosella Cervi

    Scotland still calls me...


    It's called me, too ... very strongly. Something special about Scotland and its people. 🌷

  4. Angela Trezzi

    La sua voce mi porta in un altro universo.. Grazie

  5. Despoina Saltagamidou

    Tο κλεμμένο παιδίKατ’ όπου σκάζει κύμα το φεγγάρικαι με φως τη σκοτεινη άμμο σκεπάζει,–ακτή ακτές μακριά από το Pόουζες–σέρνουμε γόνατα, σέρνουμε πέλματα,και πανάρχαιους χορούς υφαίνουμεπλέκοντας δάχτυλα, πλεκοντας βλέμματα,μέχρι να δύσει η μέρα το φεγγάρι· χορεύουμε, χορεύουμεκαι κυνηγάμε τ’ αφρισμένα κύματα,ενώ στον ύπνο του ο κόσμοςκοιμάται άγχος και διλήμματα.Σήκω, παιδί, ακολούθησέ με!Aκολούθησέ με στ’ άγρια νερά,τα νεραϊδένια· πιάσε με απ’ το χέρι:καν δεν φαντάζεσαι τι θρήνος είναι ο κόσμος. WILLIAM BUTLER YEATS

  6. Augustin Ereiz




  8. Susan Moran

    Lovely wilderness. She has a magical voice

  9. Good Times

    Mozole Mirach:)

  10. Rita Rita


  11. Mary Chris

    🦋ヽ♡`♪ `、 💕 `、•♪`、`、•♪`、`、•♪`

  12. Nisa Kaplan

    Mistik bir sesin var kadın

    Suleyman Cetinkaya

    Yeats sanki şiiri onun için yazmış

  13. Roger Stankovic

    Mystical, magical, enchanting are only three words...

  14. Michael Halligan

    With all due respect it's a poor interpretation of the poem.The Waterboys version of the poem is without doubt the best version, probably because of their Scottish and Irish connections.It's also hard to expect a Canadian to understand the connections between the Shee and the peasant folk beliefs; and the sadness the poem is meant to convey.There are some songs best left to the culture they came from.

    Michael Halligan

    @avi gold WADR, I think you are replying to the wrong person.We have already concluded our discourse.

    Michael Halligan

    @hideare Your right, my comment is a little insensitive.I will edit out the offending word.I still stand by the main theme of my Post.


    @Michael Halligan im sorry too...but this you must understand...even if you are 100% right, that kind of language will not enlighten people or improve their musical taste, it will only offend them. I think, unless someone is destroying or insulting this culture by their work, you shall at least tolerate them.

    Michael Halligan

    @hideare True..

    Andy Kelly

    Love this version, adore the Waterboys version too. Each to their own, beauty is in the eye of the beholder - which applies to all art.

  15. triumph 8

    and fix the head not to be brainwashed by the english to go into evil and fatalism, stolen, , well that's evil to steal children


    Grande Lorena espectacular vídeo y mejor voz

  17. John Thornton

    Loreena could sing about boiling cabbages in mid winter and it would be as if one had passed into and through heavens pearly gates.

  18. Fiona Smith

    I love this thank you 😭❤️😫 i feel like it has a meaning or a story to this song😭


    It is a poem by WB Yeats.

  19. Helena Coelho

    Grand vídeo clip genial Beautiful

  20. pata lata

    very well

  21. Vi B


  22. Robert Smith

    One of my favorites!

  23. Marko176 Schneider


  24. drkahara

    Beautiful music. I heard Stolen Child with another theme sung by men band which I forgot their name right now. And some of the verses were read.


    the waterboys!


    @ktaboo That's the one. Thanks

  25. annoula maraki

    Nice 💙

  26. Luis Fanor Maturana Arias.


  27. A. Rose Hawk

    no lyrics.

    kuen chan

    lyrics is below

  28. TerraDoctor

    On the bright side, berries are healthier than candies as far as kidnappings go! :D


    There're no lyrics on the screen.

    Deano Essex

    They are in the description.


    @Deano Essex I know, dear, I'd seen the video description, but the title lead us to think that they are on the video and in this way it would be much nicer. It's just a note, you do what you want.

  30. Patricia Hess

    For the world's more full of weeping than ye can understand...wouldn't you go too?

  31. Kaiser Frost

    I am in love with a wizard. I have not met him yet, but he gives me love through music like this.

    Kaiser Frost

    @Tony Graham Maybe I will. Maybe he's just a part of my own consciousness that I am not aware of yet. Maybe he is the man of my dreams, communicating with me on the psychic level. Maybe he is my ex (who was psychic) still trying to connect with me, or maybe these feelings are because of the deep psychic connection we once had, and we still connect sometimes even though we are not together. Or maybe it's all a bunch of bullshit. I have no idea. All I know is, sometimes I have these dreams and they give me hope, and they help my heart heal. Whoever this man in my dreams is, I love him. He is magical. He can travel across all space and time, and give me comfort and love in a strange way. Yet he is mysterious because I can never get close enough to him or get to know him. He's just a figure, and ideal, an idol, an imaginary lover.

    Tony Graham

    Kaiser Frost wow, that’s deep!

    Tony Graham

    Kaiser Frost I have a feeling that this wizard is going to take you on a mystical journey or something ☝️😀

    Kaiser Frost

    @Tony Graham Thank you. I hope so.

    Donna Hilton

    @Tony Graham maybe of mythical proportions.🎪🐉

  32. Genji Main

    Guys dislike button is not download button don't click it :(

  33. Xactech Ordserv

    My 2% Sitting duck theory: So beautiful, the textures of all our qualities the perceptions dwell within; each other, meaning life's values to see so many. But will they forever reason places our hearts feel truly giving that respected tradition, forever freely accused to destroy? It's not just a painted landscape: it's its own universe, simply giving, but is that order, so much in wanting us if we never bothered wanting it? Does it ever flow to an answer worth having or just a fritz to spit around? That's not even an answer. Is this the way to hate? That's all you deny it as thinking. Why? But just get chewed apart. It's fun. No it's not! That's wishful (lying). And you're not miserable! How on earth that was implied... Such a sick worthless grace < time. Be mysteriously - free.! Just twinkled w/ someone - cookie cook. You apparently need to, past any non-desire, as much as the last post!:The bride wore yellow: the day before the earthquake, Sarah Palin gave the Alaskan state legislature last year's worst Christmas present: next year's new year's baby (make believe).Everyone can be what they want. "It's just artistry, and vain." Well, if that's your answer for your children, stop! persecuting! people so badly without their options, not just as vain options, to raise for the world's divisions. They'll get away with perfecting that more if you don't allow it, a level; Nature fighting for itself, just playing; and worth securing! this vast - these very vast - spaces. But you're right - I am - it's not the true teaching, what actually IS, barely mixed in as such, I originally taught, which was more boring. But fun is way more important, fun with animals. So close to all our unimaginable intelligence; be afraid - of locks. Sorry about the insult. But you ought to get your hair pulled.

  34. helen clark

    A real soul full melody done with perfection, and true grace!

  35. lance norton

    Per usual, so gorgeous. The Waterboys quite a while ago did a Stolen Child song, spoken words by an Irish fellow, quite wonderful with a different atmosphere.Lance

  36. Deborah Dyess

    Awesome singer

  37. Austin Jenson

    My favorite song of all time

    Claude Huert

    Austin Jenson so true !

  38. Marina Reynolds


  39. Mary Chris


  40. Tom Keegan

    I love this, but why,the sound of barking dogs? I love dogs too!!

    Tom Keegan

    @Emily Falk Have Aliens replaced fairies? Whitley Srtieber posed that question.

    Emily Falk

    @Tom Keegan I haven't heard of Whitley Streiber; I'll look him up. I read about this from Graham Hancock's book, I think it was called Fingerprints of the Gods. Hancock postulates that faeries, aliens and gods are all a continuation of the same phenomenon. I have to admit, I'm convinced.

    Tom Keegan

    @Emily Falk I've read Fingerprints of the Gods too!!! one of the best books I ever read, it does not mention fairies.

    Gerrie Ordaz

    It's the sound of the Wild Hunt.

    Julie Bryant Hein

    I think that the dogs are leading the search for the child

  41. Jerry Waldman


  42. Jane Fadely

    Much of this, perhaps most, is in SW Ireland. Some of the scenes: Kenmare Bay, Healy Pass

  43. Denise Wong

    McKennitt set the lines of this beautiful and poignant poem by William Butler Yeats to her own lovely music. The results are haunting!

  44. Sangeeta Sangeeta

    Beautiful voice😍😘

  45. Luc De Zutter


  46. Λαυρέντιος Ψαροκάηκας

    For some strange reason this strongly reminds me of a Christmas song.. deep, powerful, beautiful, warm..

  47. fdsafdsafdsa

    Nice Video, but please check your copy of the poem, some of the punctuation breaks the original sentence structure, and so could mislead new readers. thanks!

    Deano Essex

    Copy and pasted from a Google page..


    The first result after googling "The Stolen Child" is, and the text is as follows:Where dips the rocky highlandOf Sleuth Wood in the lake,There lies a leafy islandWhere flapping herons wakeThe drowsy water rats;There we’ve hid our faery vats,Full of berrysAnd of reddest stolen cherries.Come away, O human child!To the waters and the wildWith a faery, hand in hand,For the world’s more full of weeping than you can understand.Where the wave of moonlight glossesThe dim gray sands with light,Far off by furthest RossesWe foot it all the night,Weaving olden dancesMingling hands and mingling glancesTill the moon has taken flight;To and fro we leapAnd chase the frothy bubbles,While the world is full of troublesAnd anxious in its sleep.Come away, O human child!To the waters and the wildWith a faery, hand in hand,For the world’s more full of weeping than you can understand.Where the wandering water gushesFrom the hills above Glen-Car,In pools among the rushesThat scarce could bathe a star,We seek for slumbering troutAnd whispering in their earsGive them unquiet dreams;Leaning softly outFrom ferns that drop their tearsOver the young streams.Come away, O human child!To the waters and the wildWith a faery, hand in hand,For the world’s more full of weeping than you can understand.Away with us he’s going,The solemn-eyed:He’ll hear no more the lowingOf the calves on the warm hillsideOr the kettle on the hobSing peace into his breast,Or see the brown mice bobRound and round the oatmeal chest.For he comes, the human child,To the waters and the wildWith a faery, hand in hand,For the world’s more full of weeping than he can understand.Loreena does make minor adjustments for artistic polish, but otherwise leaves punctuation in tact.

  48. Mari Tapia

    Hermosa voz y canción =)

  49. Bunny Bgood

    I love how she does Yeats.

  50. licoli

    Loreena is the most complete woman. Nobody did better.Only a ANGEL like her can reach the PERFECTION, the INSUPERABLE.LOREENA is IMMORTAL.She belongs to the PARADISE. LOREENA is a CELESTIAL MUSE.She is the music QUEEN. GODDESS of the human heart. GODDESS of sensitivity.LOREENA forever, for the eternity. Ever and ever. Oh, beloved GODDESS.

    Isaiah Hollis

    Would you write a poem for her? Lol

    Isaiah Hollis

    Or maybe that is your poem...

  51. Jessica Biswas

    It's a poem by William Butler Yeats

  52. Bunny Bgood

    "with lyrics". Yeah....

    Isaiah Hollis

    In the deacription

  53. Gulizar Cosar

    Beautiful voice.perfect

  54. Kristy Stewart

    Wonderful song and such a beautiful video! <3

  55. Botanical Bird

    These lyrics are actually a Poem written by Irish poet, WIlliam Butler Yeats -

  56. Perla Perla

    tres belle chanson tres belle voix j'adore ca me fait rever

  57. PsyVen

    For those who don't know: the lyrics are from a poem of the same name by Irish poet William Butler Years.

  58. Richard Rose

    Ach ye Faeries; and where are you all now? I would seek an ancient glamorie....long sought, but ne'r found. I've walked along a stony shore and found a hammerstone, once bashed by human hands. No other trace of any more. It's wielder gone to be dust now, and buried under ground. Ach, Faeries, and where are ye all now? I've walked along the hushed paths beneath a shadowed forest. Heard creaking in the wind, Were there voices there I could not comprehend? The scent near made me dizzy. Ach, Faeries where were you then? No magic in my life, save, perhaps Loreena"s songs.

    Sadık Toprak

    "Up the airy mountain Down the rushy glen We dare not go a-hunting For fear of little men."

    Denise Wong

    Did you write that, Richard? If so, how lovely!

    Mary Chris


    Kathleen Garvey

    I love it!!

  59. esat burak yakın

    i came here for Adrian x 05.06.2017

  60. Michele Dirian

    such an incredible this song so much. it makes me dream.

  61. Don Constantino

    Came here 'cause a winrar crack guide had this song playin' on the background

    Joazim Ribeiro

    me too lol

    Son of Osiris

    oh my god. same here.

    Samnan Khan

    Same lol


    Chittchatto guy <3

  62. Roger White

    I think she's saying "the world's more full of weeping than ye can understand".I could be wrong.


    roger, i believe that is right, but at the end it is "you" can understand

    Ren Corvus

    It is from the Poem by William Butler Yeats and in his poem the line is "For the world’s more full of weeping than you can understand." So you are correct Roger.

    John Brown

    In the original poem, in the verses it's "... you can understand, but Yeats changes it in the last line to "...he can understand".

  63. MrPtiloupfr

    tout simplement Magnifique.

  64. lenkapolka

    Beautiful and enchanting! But the voice doesn't sound like Loreena McKennitt. Beautiful though!

    Mari Tapia

    lenkapolka no conoces la voz de Loreena entonces


    This album is from the early 90s, so if you are more familiar with her newer material, then she may sound somewhat different to you.


    Thank you, I actually am not familiar with her older songs so that's why I thought it may not be her. Now I know, thank you :)

  65. dulvin perera

    quie inredible

  66. Alfredo Vazquez

    wow, no words, just closing eyes, with these powerfull voice, singing like this

  67. manos papadakis

    Where is the lyrics?

    Deano Essex

    Where "are" the lyrics? Check the description :-)

  68. Λαυρέντιος Ψαροκάηκας

    Amazing woman.. evokes powerful emotions through her fascinating songs..

    George Kapitsopoulos

    Απίστευτη καλλιτέχνης...

  69. lissy cloes

    haben wir in Japanischen und music

  70. Λαυρέντιος Ψαροκάηκας

    Beautiful video. Beautiful song!

  71. Beyzanur C.

    melankoli song.her voice is meaningful and nice

    Cole Howard

    Beyzanur C. Your so right. Her voice is better than Streisand's!

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