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Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love

Whole Lotta Love
: Whole Lotta Love
: 4.42 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 136 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 116 İndirme
: 08-07-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love )
  1. Espri Rochadi


  2. Eduardo Arturo Lazo


  3. albert-pascal Daubeuf

    houa super

  4. Gustavo Marianoff de Castro


  5. HADASSALOURENÇO1958 Lourenço1958

    Tudo de BOM

  6. HADASSALOURENÇO1958 Lourenço1958


  7. Misla

    ovo je bezobrazno i nekorektno od vas. doslovno kopirate led cepelin. sramota. lajk ko se slaze


    molim vas lajk treba mi ako dobijem 10 lajkova tata ce mi kupit led cepelin

  8. Lord_Peanut173

    Hey baby

  9. Janet Etherington

    Striding the stage like Rock Gods xxx

  10. Simon Quarry

    "Official" my arse... just snippets from the era and clips from the video "the song remains the same"....

  11. M DeLuco


  12. Alexsandr I

    Господи, какая древность....а до сих пор не устарело

  13. Meiji Elemento

    man, you just gotta love that drummin’

  14. Dawn Crawford

    Damn I love this song

  15. Giorgi Berdzenishvili

    რუსეთს მოვუტყან დედის ტრაკი! 🇬🇪

  16. Lain

    Beatiful grandes espectacular leyenda inolvidable

  17. Lars Firing

    Led zeppelin❤🤙🤘🤘🤘😎🤘🤘❤🤘🤘😎

  18. Dylan Lockhead

    When your girlfriend still wants more from you and you ask if you could take a break but then she turns on this song Well we all can’t complain

  19. Rudra jha

    He had God gifted voice

  20. Manu Rousseau

    Super musique j'adore ❤❤❤

  21. Libre Libre

    4:26. ❤️

  22. carolina valentim alves

    O meu gato, o Barreiro, gosta de ouvir Led Zeppelin.

  23. Ayusha Rai


  24. Syphenix

    0:13"You need Kool-Aid?"

  25. Travel Bible

    Guys, checkout this awesome cover of this Legendary song :

  26. 소희


  27. Krystal Coats

    im 32 yrs old i been brought up listening to this music with my mum she loved this music

  28. Andres Gil

    Who watching this on 2019?

  29. Kaspar Brown

    2:24 ignore this just me tryna learn this solo

  30. Bennie Stevens

    that's how we flew into pyh!

  31. The Epic Gamer Wyat

    This music video is THE BEST

  32. Małgorzata Szewczyk

    Audacious, genius, divine, all times the best piece:-)

  33. Imanalientraveler

    I was 17 Im 67 now and this still rocks my brain and soul man Peace man .

  34. Tiborné Mile

    miletibor nagy kedvencei nagyon nagy zene

  35. Lori D'Itri

    Love the echo

  36. gerson torrens

    ye my exgirlfriend

  37. 920921

    cómo llegué acá yo estaba escuchando a bad bunny


    led zeppelin is something different perfect hard rock music and special . Iam happy who grow up with their songs tthis is best song ever!!!!!!!!!!!!

  39. shujxhxth


  40. JJ Fortune

    This video was 3 days after I was born.

  41. Natnekker

    Willie Dixon wrote this.

  42. Carl Kehlet

    Is there someone still listening here in year 2019?

    daniela carlotti

    I love Led Zeppelin

  43. Rossa Lina

    I was very very young back than I listened to this like crazy , my mum thought I was being Hypnotic and she bring me see the medicine very funny.

  44. Queen Era

    It's not fair that my parents got this and I get Cardi B

    er der

    You choose what you listen to, you get the opportunity to have way more music available than your parents if you just bothered to search so stop being a victim.

  45. AmBlexヅ

    Led Zepellin is the best rock band ever

  46. Luciana Freire


  47. hold 'er Newt, shes rearin' ?

    Who would'a thunk?The baddest riff in rock & roll and its in a beautiful love song.Lol

  48. Mr Dare

  49. Joseph Franco

    1:41 zepplin???

  50. Kuba Dzierzkiewicz

    Ruchać w dupe współczesną muzykę


    I love them

  52. VeganWater Plab

    RIP Will, Caesar, and Gyro

  53. Dionisio

    Kelso Lotta Love

  54. wellyngton mac 77

    2019? :) BRAZIL

  55. Subversively Surreal

    The penultimate masterbatory song....adorable.

  56. Yharaa Esneyttaly

    Zharaa Isela.....

  57. Yharaa Esneyttaly


  58. Ringo Starr

    Hands downThe best guitar solo ever after the cool screaming/bird noises thingy part.

  59. Susana Pio


  60. Desiree Hall

    I was around 11 yes old when I first heard this song on WLS Chicago am radio station,,, and it scares the daylites out of me!!!!!!

  61. Bakchodi wala bachha

    Led Zeppelin + Freddie Mercury + Michael Jackson + Elvis+ Frank Sintra = Music 🎶

    Kaleen Bhaiya

    I see ur a man of culture as well

  62. Vampiro Medellin


  63. Jorge Moreira

    Palmeiras nao tem mundial.

  64. Andy

    2019 / 10 / 27 💜️

  65. Abdulaziz Alotaibi

    Like Joey Diaz says “You’d wanna shoot yourself right in the fuckin head”

  66. Николай Трофименко

    Леди цеппелинг это вершина классики

  67. hellome 105

    I need a cough 0:02

  68. Mgn

    ZepperLand ruelz

  69. Alberto Lezama Garcia

    You need KOOL-AID

  70. Metalhead Fan

    the beginning of Heavy metal, Horns Up

  71. Ryan Neidlinger

    Shake for me girl...I wanna be your backdoor man

  72. Maria lidiane silva alves Silva alves

    Alguem em 25 de outubro 2019 as 14 horas escutando a lenda led zepplin ?

    Roberto Carlos Sales Faria

    Com certeza

  73. Ralph Hunt

    When John died they had to c a 'll it quits they couldn't replace him

  74. Le Babtou Donut

    0:13 I agree I need Kool-Aid

  75. William Doskoch

    First time I smoked hash was in my buddy's Camaro, listening to this. Good times!

  76. Rony Sanchez


  77. Jude Shotwell

    4:16Robert Plant explodes into sound.

  78. beez.

    Keep it Cooley baby.....

  79. Lord Brain

    I love AC/DC

  80. Lakatos Béla

    Az eggyik kedvenc számom

  81. Poor Ford transit owner

    3 things happened todayMy girlfriend hates led zeppelinA bus ran over my girlfriendI no longer have a bus licence

  82. Bennie Stevens

    sorry,but the red dragon has tooverrule you.thanks judge.

  83. Elias Contreras


  84. Gustavo Lopes

    Esse som e louco demais.

  85. Camilo Fajardo

    You need coolingBaby I'm not foolingI'm gonna send yaBack to schoolingA-way down insideA-honey you need itI'm gonna give you my loveI'm gonna give you my loveWant to whole lotta loveWant to whole lotta loveWant to whole lotta loveWant to whole lotta loveYou've been learningUm baby I been learningAll them good times baby, babyI've been year-yearningA-way, way down insideA-honey you need-ahI'm gonna give you my love, ahI'm gonna give you my love, ah ohWhole lotta loveWant to whole lotta loveWant to whole lotta loveWant to whole lotta loveYou've been coolingAnd baby I've been droolingAll the good times, babyI've been misusingA-way, way down insideI'm gonna give ya my loveI'm gonna give ya every inch of my loveI'm gonna give ya my loveHey!Alright! Let's go!Whole lotta loveWant to whole lotta loveWant to whole lotta loveWant to whole lotta loveWay down insideWoman, you need, yeahLoveMy, my, my, myMy, my, my, myLordShake for me girlI wanna be your backdoor manHey, oh, hey, ohHey, oh, hey, ohOohOh, oh, oh, ohCool, my, my babyA-keep it cooling babyA-keep it cooling babyAh-keep it cooling babyAh-keep it cooling babyAh-keep it cooling baby

  86. jadson santos

    Alguém em 2019? Curte aí pra mim saber.


    jadson santos É nois

  87. Sheila Bowcock

    I'm dancing and singing across the room....these guys make my heart pulsate....I'm singing with them...I'm part of Zeppelin.

  88. Doli Young

    A rola lolo

  89. Odin’s Pride

    Legendary band and a song that touches your soul

  90. Shaun Whitaker

    50th anniversary of its release. Amazing it never gets old

  91. jami stroud

    First off, I'm blown away, that anyone could give this song a thumbs down a great song by one of the most incredible bands of all time. Led Zeppelin was a soul stirring band, that injected you with a groove that can't be beat

  92. Vicky Sheets

    From the soundtrack of my youth.

  93. Denise Hedden

    🥀🖤🥀Seen these Guy's in Atlanta Ga in 75 I've always loved these Guy's🥀🖤🥀🎸🤘

  94. christian hernandez

    ¡50 aniversario! 🤘

  95. bossome_

    Happy 50th to a timeless classic

  96. Ryan Neidlinger

    One afternoon at a crossroads, the devil sold his soul to Jimmy Page for guitar lessons

  97. roberta thompson

    NOBODY makes music today like the groups in the 60's and 70's

    Ibrahim CHAMMAS

    They try miss thompson, bless their enduring hearts.

    Purva Gharat

    The 80s and 90s have good music too!!!

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