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Led Zeppelin - La La

La La
: La La
: 3.53 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 47 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 32 İndirme
: 08-07-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Led Zeppelin - La La )
  1. Thomas Bradley

    Please finish this song Zepplin....

  2. CookieRepairProjects

    after 2:12 its based on lemon song live from the dancing avocado bootleg

  3. John Wood

    They should have worked this one through but what ever it was at the time it would be game changingly awesome !

  4. John Wood

    A Zeppelin explosion of movements incredible

  5. Prometheus Rising

    sounds like Yes

  6. Анатолий Алферов


  7. skyscreeper

    the beginning does not sound like zeppelin

  8. Maz of Destruction

    Glad I found this. Thanks for the upload!

  9. Mike Margraff

    Another gem like "10 Ribs and All/Carrot Pod Pod(Pod).

  10. Mack Mitchell

    What a heavenly jam 2:12-3:52 is. At the start I was like ok, then when that part kicked in I was like ........... transported to another realm

  11. FranSunset

    beautiful as fuck

  12. Nigel Wiseman

    If this an outtake ,

    Nigel Wiseman

    If this is an outtake, this is probably the best track i have ever heard from the ZEPPELIN.TOTAL POWER ,

  13. Tony Mikolich

    This sounds like something from In Through the Out Door.....just not really LZ

  14. Thyrone Ferreira

    Led Zeppelin I I !

    Thyrone Ferreira

    Best Seller Led Zeppelin 1 & 2!! Embryo....Hard Rock, Metal, Progressive!@Mazing!

  15. aquasight 101

    Cool Song.Would love to hear this on a modern studio (2018) recording. It's certainly not the classic Zeppelin sound which only makes it that much more of a jewel. Thanks for posting ThinkFloyd61 Thanks Zeppelin forever

    Mack Mitchell

    I think this definitely is the classic zepp sound especially heavenly jam near the end, it’s unmistakeable live Zepp sound circa 1969.

  16. Bradford Miller

    Keep the pumps Primed ...

  17. Tim Rubin Halcomb

    This is good stuff man! They should've put this on a later LP.

  18. Patrick Owens

    Reminds me a bit of focus very prog rock.

  19. Kathy Carnahan

    Reminds me of "The Skog" Lots o' diff. tunes in there !

  20. Gerry Berry

    1:21 almost breaks into the "Celebration Day" solo.

  21. HeroT

    And this is why Led Zeppelin, is, was, and always will be THE GREATEST GOD DAMN BAND EVER!!!! ❤️❤️❤️


    . .. well yea . . they signed a pact with the devil . . ha ha . . so I guess you are right God damned . . . ha ha ha

  22. Word Weaver

    Sounds like they were improvising here and just had a very kick-ass jam session. :D Beginning does sound a bit dated, but... around 2:20 we really get into the hard stuff. Jimmy shredding that guitar of his as usual. All in all I enjoyed it very much!

  23. julieta vigo

    lo mas lindo de esta cancion es que no canta el paja de robert plant...

  24. Maui Mig

    it sounds like they could have gotten 3 different songs out of this, if they would have gone on to develop it. As a demo it's fantastic.

  25. Luka Marinov

    this is the best too bad it didn't make it

  26. Colin DeBaggis


  27. CK Martin

    much too happy clappysounds like Spencer Davis....the opening anyway. it's three or four different songs mashed up....some of which is v cool

  28. thenobs123

    Blow my mind how I just found this yesterday. Over a decade of listening to Zep and they still surprise me.

    lash larue

    A whole decade huh LOL!

    Slip Kid

    Ten Years Gone

  29. Chris Vondette

    6 people dont know what good music sounds like...

    Ben Hollon

    I’m willing to bet my bottom dollar that they eat Tide pods.

  30. yellowsnout

    man....their stuff that didn't make the cut is better than 90% of all music.

    Un Gatto Al Pistacchio

    @random human it's a good track, but it's not better than 90% of their songs

    Gonzalo Diaz Sola

    @Un Gatto Al Pistacchio hes not refering to zeppelins music, hes talking about music nowadays

    Un Gatto Al Pistacchio

    @Gonzalo Diaz Sola ohhh, well, if that's the case, i apologize

    Gonzalo Diaz Sola

    @Un Gatto Al Pistacchio no need to apologise dude.

    Un Gatto Al Pistacchio

    @Gonzalo Diaz Sola :)

  31. Jim Braun

    again another great song 30years gone by and the boys still got it by saying what a song by all who listen to this correct me if it ain't the truth???

  32. mezzetin1

    Unreleased at the time. Gawd.

  33. Barry Hawk

    Brilliant, stick vox on it and it's a blockbuster

  34. United Plankton

    It's _New_ ...

  35. Thiago Vilela - Aulas de Bateria

    Thanks for sharing :)I'm a drummer for a Zeppelin tribute in Brazil, check out our videos! Subscribing...

  36. Kenneth Butler

    Good comment by jimmy Rogers. It's almost like an "In Through The Out Door" era. Plant never 'got around' to the vocals (as told by Page) so it was put on a shelf. Well, Plant probably thought, "Not really our best; let's move on".

  37. Rusty Shackleford

    This has a very _The Who_ flavor to it.


    +maxcohen13 That lick is very Townshend

    CK Martin

    maxcohen13 agree!!🎸

    Tim W

    townshend would kick your ass for comparing him to page (even though page is better)


    Considering Page did session work for The Who, that’s not a stretch.

  38. Kevin Trainor

    This song is miraculously creative on the sweet side(female) of creativity. One of my favorite songs.

  39. Dj Roxanne

    no vocals..

  40. jimmy Rogers

    I can see why this didn't make the cut back in the day.  That opening is so '60's...not Zep's style at all...but the breaks around, strangely enough, 1:00, 2:00 & 3:00 are very cool....All in all a very uneven piece.  Interesting, though.


    Yeah, they should've used some riffs and ideas they used in this song for others.

    Sdunlimited1 Sdunlimited1

    You can clearly see where Jimmy used the themes found here live at Fillmore West on 4/27/69. Check out “Killing Floor” from 1:14:42 through 1:15:50 and compare to the part here on “La Lal from around 2:10. Very similar and basically verbatim in a couple spots.

  41. Homma Hieno

    Damn good!

  42. SuperDoesitreallymat

    Could have been worked into something pretty good.

  43. Jose Dias

    Cool! Never heard this before.

  44. Ocean

    This is one song from Led Zep that just does not sound good - Sorry but it is a flop!

    Gerry Berry

    Jeezus...another tone deaf imbecile...

  45. Teller3448

    Only Jimmy Page can alternate seamlessly between the bluesy and the mystical.


    A kind of prog too...

  46. James Marocco

    Dig it! Kind of sounds like if  Your Time is Gonna Come, Black Mountain Side, Travelling Riverside Blues, Whole Lotta Love had a baby and got a little funky.

  47. punkysdilemma

    I really like acoustic guitar parts in this.

  48. mda037

    I can see why this was unreleased.  I'm not sure what Robert Plant could have done with this vocally.  The first couple of minutes sounds like an uninspired pop song.  Starting around 2:22 things start to sound a bit more interesting.

    Psychedelic BluesMan

    Robert was a vocal and lyrical genius it's amazing how he came up with half the shit he did with the groups music, I'm sure Robert would've had some bad ass lines in this

  49. jeffthrow6892

    This is very cool.....

  50. lzepln

    It's not really a song...  kind of just a jam really...

  51. Cincinnatus1869

    At first it sounds like one of those songs that plays while Scooby Doo and the gang are being chased by a monster . Then it turns to Crosby Stills and Nash , followed by unmistakeable Jimmy Page experimentation. Interesting 

  52. Bobby Stinkworm

    Some good stuff here. Cool jam.

  53. Mike Shepherd

    This is great stuff !!

  54. burgmail

    Wow... This is the legendary unreleased "La La"? It starts off sounding like '80s roots rock. I thought it was a fake until it switched into more Zep territory at the D-chord, then suddenly veers into Yardbirds-friendly territory. The completion and inclusion of this track would have radically changed LZII... and I'm not sure it would have been for the better. Surprising (and surprisingly satisfying) backing track, however.

  55. Paul Evans

    So many facets to Zeppelin..Love this.

  56. Jonny Ringo

    this is SHIT. sorry LED ZEP. just aswelk never released it.


    Let's hear you write, let alone play, something better.

    Yann Selka

    @Jonny Ringo Oh well, opinions.

    julieta vigo


    Gerry Berry

    Jonny Ringo Are you deaf? Or just stupid with no taste? It's one or the other....probably both.

    James Gould

    Why Johnny Ringo sounds like somebody (Led Zepplin) walked all over your grave...

  57. OzIz

    Love it!

  58. shag nasty

    kick ass after a min or so, could have been a huge song in the day

    Guitar Tech

    Would have sold as a single but grant and page already moved the band into a hidden secrecy album career.

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