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Led Zeppelin - Black Dog

Black Dog
: Black Dog
: 4.51 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 67 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 48 İndirme
: 08-07-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Led Zeppelin - Black Dog )
  1. OICU 812

    Jonh Bonham,Robert Plant,Jimmy Page and I don't know name bass guitar man but I say it's cool guys. °~°

  2. No Spam

    Holy #@$# 31 million views

  3. kelvin lewis

    Can you still book them ? are they in local directory ..I,m from Rhondda ..Wales ? ..Just wondering ?

  4. Argument

    Do it JIMMY!!!!!!

  5. brasileiro brasileiro

    Esse dava o órgão escretor

  6. gringo loco

    Bonham and Page rocking hard, JPJ being the calm in the eye of the hurricane, and Plant pulling it all together. Each the best at their instrument.These guys are head and shoulders above the rest.

  7. Secorian

    The song is a spastic rock'n'roll orgasm. Now I have to go change my pants.

  8. Rozwell Jones

    One of the best riffs In existence.

  9. Tiborné Mile

    miletibor nagy kedvencei nagyon nagy zene

  10. Melissa H.

    Robert Plant bores me to tears, but I'll give him credit for good vocals and a few good songs, like this one.

    Aqeel Asif

    Bores you? In what way haha

  11. Simon Nyberg

    Is it just me or is John Bonham just kinda slow and out of sync?

  12. Whyamilikethis ?

    My favorite Led Zeppelin song.

  13. Desiree Hall

    This song use to scare the crappp out of me when I hear it on WLS Chicago am radio late @ nite on my radio, I was 10, 11 yrs old,, ha......

  14. Jewell D. Reed

    And a d**n good one too!

  15. Ricki Wolfe

    This is what you get when 4 Master Musician's come together ! Never again will you see it ...

  16. Roger Zapata Garcia

    Gracias a mi mama y mi tio conoci esta gran cancion de esta mitica banda

  17. Jason Alejandro

    99% of the commentators in here dont even experience watching Led Zeppelin live or 70's rock Icons yet they are the feeling experts like they have watch a live concert of the 70's. And thats a fact

    Abraham Im

    I don't think experts were attending concerts back in the day, everyone there was probably too high to analyze anything

  18. Super Beast

    yeah....bullshit. thats edited from hell. but its nice seeing my heros from rock. even if its clips from everywhere

  19. Jordan Evans

    They need to update this video to the Blu Ray version and the 2018 remaster of the audio. This quality is ass

  20. Aqeel Asif

    Bear in mind that Robert was losing his voice !

  21. Seth Adams

    I hope that guitar was 18...

  22. The 1101 Experiment

    Mostly the Shepperton reshoot film. Jonesy's wig and Robert's extra split ends.

  23. Walter Mameli

    Led Zeppelin.....1973.....Madison Square Garden, NYC.....The Ultimate Live Concert.....

  24. stevie smith

    Somewhere up there, Rory Gallagher gave this video the thumbs up.

  25. kush king

    Bonham out soloing Jimmy page

  26. Matt Thompson

    Gotta flaming HeArT cAnT gEt My FeEl funny voice crack 0:59

  27. ging vintage

    Legendary singing

  28. F.S.Saldana

    Im not gay but this is the sexiest man i have ever seen and heard.

  29. Matt Thompson

    What would be the most talented band d everVocals/piano - Freddie mercuryGuitar - Stevie Ray VaughanBass - Cliff BurtonDrums - John Bonham


    I would take Plant before Mercury, I have to say SRV and Page are my top 2 guitarist.


    Nice choice, but I think, vocals-robert plantBass-john Paul JonesGuitar- Jimmy pageDrums-john bonhamWould be better

  30. Robert Schorm

    es gibt nichts besseres!

  31. Fred Milkereit

    When Page turned 59 he would have renamed himself to 'Les Paul'.

  32. Pedro Soares Maia

    Even being straight I gotta say daaaamn Robert is sexy at this perfomance

    ShArPiE _head

    I want his babies

  33. Pedro Soares Maia

    My favorite zeppelin song

  34. Caroline Constantin


  35. Станислав Скиба

    Четко.Ребята лобают клас . Сколько времени прошло,а шлушаются , как в моей далёкой молодости.Класик!!!

    K eremin

    Только что сделал кавер саундтрек Как по вашему - имеет право на жизнь?

  36. Santa Barbara

    I know you don’t agree but I’ll say my point of view after deep research. I still think Deep Purple is the best ever! They blow you away! Original, innovative and fresh, made the jump in universal music and opened a new era! A milestone in the history of music! And they had the best musicians of their generation. The best vocals: Ian Gillan. The best guitar: Ritchie Blackmore. The best drums Ian Paice, the best Hammond: Jon Lord. Glover never pretended he‘s a good bass but a good song writer! The best rock! Hard and metal! And the first metal back in 1969 with Cild in Time!


    Your deep research is shit. You are deaf like a log. Purple is good metronome but not freedom music.

  37. jacques grabowski

    дзрм смрдз гн

  38. Rea Santos

    what a cool blouse he's wearing..

  39. Lawrence Leong

    What a dirty, filthy song! I absolutely love it!!!! I think I need a shower now.

  40. spiritosa0123

    Oh my God to have heard Led Zeppelin LIve Dying here

  41. Julián Escalante

    Sex was invented as a homage to Robert Plant.

  42. SinkHollyWood


  43. 筑波しらせ

    Black dog の由来初めて知ったよ

  44. Lorraine Boo

    how did he get into those pants MEOW

  45. Jackie Terry

    Those jeanes

  46. Logan Uriel Martinez Morado

    Me Ai go to the vatrum plis

  47. Oh yeah Cool

    So many camera angles, great piece of cinematography, probably the best of the era.

  48. Judy Harvey

    led Zeppelin is the greatest rock band of all time and always will be!!

  49. That70'smusic

    The best song

  50. Milorad Cukavac

    No chance in Hell that these four motherfuckers were/are human beings.

  51. Ian Nixon

    John Bonham is the only drummer ever to make every single gig-goer pregnant through ear-jizz. FACT

  52. Julian Fehling

    the mighty led zep

  53. Barbara Mullins

    Sex not. Musical orgasm. Nothing ever came close to that for them, real sex. Makes the brain break. Which it did

  54. locksmith db

    The best rock band of all time. I cant believe 4 thousand people dislike this......the garbage on the radio in 2019 is crap, it isnt music in any way.

  55. 송유형

    I play drums, but Jimmy Page got me every time I watch this😂 (Sorry John..)

  56. ThelmaSFla

    Be still my heart!

  57. Diana Robison

    OMG !!!!!!!!

  58. Boog Productions

    john paul jones is not underrated, so many people comment the exact same thing he’s literally more popular than page and plant in the comments 😂😂

  59. Юрий Алексан

    !!!! Вешь!!! Такое не забывается ...

  60. Nero •

    Fuck man, back then this was on the radio?! Everyone loved this type of music?! I was sure as fuck wrong in the wrong century... Now we get trash mumblers and "rappers" and hiphop on the radio all the time

  61. colibridorado7

    Gracias Juaco

  62. Chris F

    Jimmy page is the best

  63. Terry Romero

    Oh yeah! When it's time to get back to the rock-and-roll!!!

  64. Robertsson Blanco

    Até os homens perdemos as heterossexualidade vendo a Robert

  65. Ejie Tugna

    Im 27 years old, and I love this song

  66. B*ch Please

    Interwiever: do you put music and sex on the same page?Robert: ofcourse, who wouldn’t?

  67. Flamingo Power

    damn im about to jizz my pants this shit is faa

  68. J M

    Glory Be To God the father And His son Jesus Christ king Of kings lord Of lords.“JESUS CHRIST IS THE TEMPLE”

  69. J M

    Vipers On stage !!!!!!mr Crowley ?!?!?!? Greetings from MACEDONIA land Of Philip || And ALEXANDER The Great.

  70. interstategar

    A band like this will never happen again. I guess in the future robots will playing instruments pretending to be people.

  71. global warming lover

    Zep on top of their game

  72. Steve Baker

    He's a baby etc etc

  73. Claudia Gomez

    JIMMY PAGE MARAVILLOSO ❤️😘❤️😘🎸❤️😘🎸😘❤️😘🎸

  74. Dr. Psychedelic

    nice of Jimmy to not be high off his ass so he can't play in this performance

  75. Bella Zimmer

    2:08 she gonna be A starrrr! lmao

  76. Turk58

    The talent of this band is ungodly!!

  77. Doni Azhari


  78. Daiane Ribeiro


  79. Janice Sunseri

    Wish I coulda seen them live.

  80. Alessio Commento

    This performance and this vid clearly exceed any limit of coolness.

  81. O K

    So nice sound and quality vid‼︎

  82. jp jonesh

    4k guitarists are failed wanna be jimmy s

  83. Desmond Diehl

    Jimmy page is the greatest guitar player in history! That is one of the greatest shred guitar solos ever!

  84. Mr Dude

    the ending of this song is the best ending I've ever heard, that little bit starting at 05:19

  85. dd wolf

    I born in the wrong generation

  86. 개비정한세상

    "Black Dog"Hey, hey mama, said the way you move,Gonna make you sweat, gonna make you groove.Uh uh child, way you shake that thing,Gonna make you burn, gonna make you sting.Hey, hey, baby, when you walk that way,Watch your honey drip, can't keep away.Ah, yeah, ah, yeah, ah, ah, ah, ah, yeah, ah, yeah, ah, ah, ah.I gotta roll, can't stand still,Got a flamin' heart, can't get my fill.Eyes that shine, burnin' red,Dreams of you all through my head.Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.Hey hey, baby, oh, baby, pretty baby,Darlin' can't you do me now?Hey, baby, oh, baby, pretty baby,Move me while you do me now.Didn't take too long 'fore I found outWhat people mean by down and out.Spent my money, took my car,Started tellin' her friends she gonna be a star.I don't know, but I been told,A big legged woman ain't got no soul.Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, ah, ah, ah, oh, yeah, oh, yeah, ah, ah, yeah.All I ask for, all I pray,Steady-loaded woman gonna come my way.Need a woman, gonna hold my handWill tell me no lies, make me a happy man.Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah.La-da ah e ahYes I will. And, yes, I really, really do, baby, baby, baby.I can really do you, huh? Ooh, wew, you do it, baby.Push it, baby, push it, baby, push it, baby, push it, baby,Push it, baby, push it, babe, babe.Ooh, ooh, aah ooh. Ooh. I'd really like to do it now. I'd really like to do it now.

  87. Peter Portelance

    WOW Awsome Black Dog...😆😎.👍 💖

  88. Nam Yarasree

    Too much.!! What a voice.! What a music.!!! Intense feeling..!!!

  89. 한여름 about this?

  90. Michele KT

    I was there!! So many imitators came afterward but NOTHING can compare!

  91. Ogata Jun

    Amazing video!!🎸🔥🤘🇯🇵

  92. rovers141

    I just saw a fillipino band at a pub in Abu Dhabi play this song and it sounded almost exactly like the orginal, best band in AD! Or maybe because it was towards the end of a brunch and I was already 7 pints in...anyhow it was a fuckin awesome day!

  93. NeuroticThoughts

    How come in all these live things they all act hella effeminate

  94. piranias

    I guess trigun opening was heavy inspired by this.

  95. Bill O'Rourke

    The new Les pauls suck compared to American made Fenders

  96. Bill O'Rourke

    Jimmy should have used a Telecaster for all Zep


    Bill O'Rourke Tele’s suck, I like fender strats and epiphones

  97. Renée Matte

    Merci Led Zeppelin 🌺 de toujours nos musicaux d'amours ou musicales d'amours selon votre belle humeur de véritable troubadour...💖♪ ♫ 🎸🎷 🎻🎹🎺🌺🎧🎼🎩🎩🎩

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