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Lana Del Rey - Woodstock In My Mind

Woodstock In My Mind
: Woodstock In My Mind
: 3.96 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 96 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 47 İndirme
: 30-05-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Lana Del Rey - Woodstock In My Mind )
  1. Robin Phimsirivanno

    THE F U C K I N G BASS!! <3

  2. Star Soul

    This song is 4:20 minutes long👌

  3. Still_stuck_in_the_ultraviolence_ Era

    So this masterpiece was apparently “rushed” and for “fun”. It’s confirmed, Lana Del Rey is God


    doesnt mean its not art

  4. Pretty Girl

    1:00 best part

  5. Pretty Girl


  6. Taylor Bell

    Is it me or is this picture breathing


    I'm watching it high as fuck and I swear it moves!

  7. Jentaem

    i love the lyrics but the song is a mess it don't have rhythm and the singing is not well blended with the music it feels forced. the only good part is when she sings "a stairway"

  8. mateus souza

    0:30 just the best part of all t!!!!!

  9. Brian C

    Who came here after watching Don't Call Me Angel ? 👼

  10. Brian C

    Who came here after watching Don't Call Me Angel ? 👼

  11. cynicallygreen

    Two years later and this is still such an underrated track. <3

  12. Lera Podlesnaya

    Coachella queen

  13. Fuck You

    LOOOVEEEE 🌒🌒🌒🖤🖤🖤

  14. Noose Man

    this is 420 long, coincidence, i think not


    Noose Man I hadn't noticed that!

  15. юра иг

    это просто супер

  16. Donovan Dunlap

    This song is like a hug or embrace.

  17. Francesca Braggs


  18. Nauj Vaesrri


  19. Madame Nox

    Does Lana even have haters? She’s like Beyoncé, or Rihanna I barely see hate on them, the only hate I see are the types who are like: omg you’re sooo famous and influential, you should be focusing on world problems, you’re a shame blah blah blah

  20. Manny Rivera

    My father recently passed away, and this song helps me threw these rough times. Lana you’re appreciated!

  21. Mary-Ellen Wayne

    3:45: The photograph of Justin Trudeau and Sophie Trudeau after winning the 2013 Liberal Party of Canada Leadership Election!

  22. Wingate8 7zero

    All I could say

  23. cynthia tf


  24. Anderson Nascimento

    Yessd Queen

  25. Xerneas 23

    The most Beautiful Lookin angel

  26. NeoTheOne

    Nithyananda is the messiah Liz. It’s time.

  27. I'm in love with a COCO

    I was at CoachellaLeaning on your shoulderWatching your husband swing in timeI guess I was in it'Cause baby, for a minuteIt was Woodstock in my mindIn the next morningThey put out the warningTensions were rising over country linesI turned off the musicTried to sit and use itAll of the love that I saw that night'Cause what about all these childrenAnd what about all their parentsAnd what about about all their crowns they wearIn hair so long like mineAnd what about all their wishesWrapped up like garland roses'Round their little headsI said a prayer for a third timeI'd trade it all for a stairway to heaven (a stairway, stairway)I'd take my time 'fore I climb up to the top of it (stairway)I'd trade the fame and the fortune and the legend (stairway)I'd give it all away if you give me just one day to ask him one questionI'd give it all away if you give me just one day to ask him one questionI was at CoachellaLeaning on your shoulderWatching your husband swing and shineI'd say he was hella, cool to win them overCritics can be so mean sometimesHe was on his knees and I thought he was breaking 'em down with his words and his voice divineDoesn't take a genius to know what you've got going and toNot want music 'cause they lost their mindsWhat about all these childrenAnd all their children's childrenAnd why am I even wondering that todayMaybe my contributionCould be as small as hopingThat words could turn to birds and birds would send my thoughts your wayI'd trade it all for a stairway to heaven (a stairway, stairway)I'd take my time 'fore I climb up to the top of it (a stairway)I'd trade the fame and the fortune and the legend (a stairway)I'd give it all away if you give me just one day to ask him one questionI'd give it all away if you give me just one day to ask him one questionA stairway, stairway to heavenA stairwayGot a million things I wanna sayLike what is it all for? Will it be okay?Million things I wanna sayLike what is it all for? (a stairway)Stairway, stairway to heavenStairwayStairway, stairway to heavenStairway


    I'm in love with a COCO Why would you post that years later...are you that unoriginal.

    I'm in love with a COCO

    @NeoTheOne what do u mean? I dont understand you


    This song is two years old...everyone knows the lyrics. Of course you wouldn’t understand.

  28. Leon Bell

    Benito Skinner brought me here lmao

  29. Just UwU

    enserio, eres una diosa

  30. Davi Ferreira

    Muito maravilhosaaa

  31. Sara Novaes


  32. Musical Vibes

    No one writes like you Lana, you are incredible!

  33. Alfredo Diaz


  34. hor kamel

    Lana Del Rey is the best singer ever

  35. Lucas Garcia

    To Syrian children 🙏

  36. Sidara CHHAY

    I was at CoachellaLeaning on your shoulderWatching your husband swing in timeI guess I was in it'Cause baby, for a minuteIt was Woodstock in my mindIn the next morningThey put out the warningTensions were rising over country linesI turned off the musicTried to sit and use itAll of the love that I saw that night'Cause what about all these childrenAnd what about all their parentsAnd what about about all their crowns they wearIn hair so long like mineAnd what about all their wishesWrapped up like garland roses'Round their little headsI said a prayer for a third timeI'd trade it all for a stairway to heaven (a stairway, stairway)I'd take my time 'fore I climb up to the top of it (stairway)I'd trade the fame and the fortune and the legend (stairway)I'd give it all away if you give me just one day to ask him one questionI'd give it all away if you give me just one day to ask him one questionI was at CoachellaLeaning on your shoulderWatching your husband swing and shineI'd say he was hella, cool to win them overCritics can be so mean sometimesHe was on his knees and I thought he was breaking 'em down with his words and his voice divineDoesn't take a genius to know what you've got going and toNot want music 'cause they lost their mindsWhat about all these childrenAnd all their children's childrenAnd why am I even wondering that todayMaybe my contributionCould be as small as hopingThat words could turn to birds and birds would send my thoughts your wayI'd trade it all for a stairway to heaven (a stairway, stairway)I'd take my time 'fore I climb up to the top of it (a stairway)I'd trade the fame and the fortune and the legend (a stairway)I'd give it all away if you give me just one day to ask him one questionI'd give it all away if you give me just one day to ask him one questionA stairway, stairway to heavenA stairwayGot a million things I wanna sayLike what is it all for? Will it be okay?Million things I wanna sayLike what is it all for? (a stairway)Stairway, stairway to heavenStairwayStairway, stairway to heavenStairway

  37. Elizabeth Newberry

    Beautiful voice

  38. Parodie z pod pachy

    and why am I even wondering that today?

  39. white wine

    Będąc na Coachella'iOpierając się na twoim ramieniuPatrzyłam, jak twój mąż księ kołyszeWydawałoby się, że mi się podobałoBo, kochana, przez minutęW mojej głowie był WoodstockNastępnego ranka Uderzono na alarmNapięcie między państwami wzrastało Wyłączyłam muzykęSpróbowałam usiąść i skorzystaćZ całej miłości, którą widziałam tamtej nocy[Pre-Chorus 1]Co z tymi wszystkimi dziećmi?I co z ich wszystkimi rodzicami? A co z ich koronami, które nosząNa włosach tak długimi, jak moje? A co z ich życzeniami Zawiniętymi jak różane wianki Wokół ich małych głów?Pomodliłam się (za nich) trzeci raz [Refren]Wymieniłabym to wszystko za schody do nieba (schody, schody)Poświęciłabym swój czas, by tylko wspiąć się na ich szczyt (schody) Wymieniłabym i sławę, i fortunę, i legendę (schody) Oddałabym to wszystko, gdybyś dał mi dzień, bym mogła zadać mu* pytanieOddałabym to wszystko, gdybyś dał mi dzień, bym mogła zadać mu pytanie[Zwrotka 2]Będąc na Coachella'iOpierając się na twoim ramieniu Patrzyłam, jak twój mąż się kołysze i błyszczy Powiedziałabym, że był na tyle super, że przewyższył ich wszystkichKrytycy czasem potrafią być wredni On klęczał, a ja pomyślałam, że niszczy ich wszystkich swoimi słowami i boskim głosemNie trzeba być geniuszem, by wiedzieć, do czego zmierzaszI czego nie chcesz zgubić, bo reszta pogubiła zmysły [Pre-Chorus 2]Co z tymi wszystkimi dziećmi? I z wszystkimi dziećmi tych dzieci? I dlaczego w ogóle zastanawiam się dziś Że może mój wkładMoże być tak mały, jak posiadanie nadzieiW to, że słowa mogą zamienić się w ptaki, a ptaki zabiorą moje myśli do ciebie*[Refren]Wymieniłabym to wszystko za schody do nieba (schody, schody)Poświęciłabym swój czas, by tylko wspiąć się na ich szczyt (schody) Wymieniłabym i sławę, i fortunę, i legendę (schody) Oddałabym to wszystko, gdybyś dał mi dzień, bym mogła zadać mu* pytanieOddałabym to wszystko, gdybyś dał mi dzień, bym mogła zadać mu pytanie[Outro]Schody, schody do NiebaSchody Mam milion rzeczy, które chciałabym powiedziećNa przykład, po co to wszystko? Czy to byłoby w porządku?Milion rzeczy, które chciałabym powiedziećAle po co to wszystko? Schody, schody do NiebaSchody

  40. Mariana Rodrigues

    If you watch Benito Skinner's redemption of this song, you'll actually know what question Lana intended to ask God :)

  41. Tamara Maric

    Why is she so good

  42. Tamara Maric

    Just what i need

  43. Kimberly Velasquez

    Kinda wack

  44. Mika X Drawings

    OMG listen to it with 1.5x speed. It's a BOP

  45. playlists

    Is it really called Coachella

  46. BENNY

    Essa música é perfeita💚🌱

  47. Igor Cansino

    Amo esta música ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  48. MakeMakeShift

    One of her best 🧡

  49. Eldon Bothma

    I'd give it all away if you give me just one day to ask him one question.

  50. Eldon Bothma

    so beautiful xx

  51. Steven Mora

    Her voice makes me grows boners nah jk 😂

  52. jaydinh

    4:20 blazin

  53. emilsy Mata

    All of the love I saw that nite lol

  54. Lamar Primus

    all because it's coachella 2019: day 1


    Hauntingly Beautiful! Soothes the Soul!

  56. Alberto Martinez

    I'm the biggest fan of you lana

  57. Bran Del Rey


  58. Shivam Vashistha

    I'd trade it all for a stairway to heaven......😘

  59. lily

    i keep thinking that it is not a photo and she is about to move at any second

  60. Murilo Santos

    This song is Magic

  61. Denisse Cruz

    Soy el comentario en español que buscas :v

  62. Yãcīnøvįć Alpa

    Lana... My LANA... I chose You as my Queen better than Katpower... You've upgraded the sadecore style... Thank You for this great innovation...

  63. Greatest I Am

    Lana if you just saw the beauty. That all that is evil is good. For everything created is good. Everything is growing good.

  64. Any

    Beautiful song

  65. Torv anna123

    The lyrics

  66. r. xhelili

    And she's buying a stairway to heaven.

  67. SaxJunkie LOOPS

    who's here after the Family Guy episode = "an app a day"

  68. Alessandro Augusto

    one of my favs Lana's musics

  69. c o r p z e

    what a beautiful thumbnail 🌹🌿

  70. Jesus Gutierrez

    Seré yo el único latino que escucha esta canción?? 😍

  71. Arun Govind

    Driving at night on the Highway, feels like driving on the stairway to heaven. I'm addicted

  72. Bonequinha De Luxo

    Led Zeppelin's reference😍😍😍I Love you forever...

  73. Terry Nama

    I'd trade it all for a stairway to Heaven

  74. Сергей Боков


  75. Kasia Szkoła

    2019 and still fav

  76. Xander Ocean

    Calling for weave donations anyone?

  77. Matheus Silva

    2019 ??

  78. Ana Songs

    Reminds me of "Stairway To Heaven" as if Lana were the girl in the song

  79. Haltaahai

    So underrated artist. If i was in TV or Radio , i would show her songs to people everyday.

  80. Marja Järv


  81. Darth Vader

    Has absolutely nothing to do with the manchester attacks at this point. Yes the attacks were tragic, yes the victims deserve recognition and justice but please just let other people enjoy this song without shoving some unrelated tragedy down their throat.

  82. Lucas Honorato

    Brasil ❤🇧🇷

  83. Vladislav Vinokurov


  84. Vladislav Vinokurov


  85. Vladislav Vinokurov

    ты просто ЧУДО ................ обажаю

  86. Vladislav Vinokurov

    you beeeeeest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  87. Vladislav Vinokurov


  88. Vladislav Vinokurov


  89. Vladislav Vinokurov


Woodstock In My Mind Şarkı Sözü
Lana Del Rey - Woodstock In My Mind Sözleri

I was at Coachella

Leaning on your shoulder

Watching your husband swing in time

I guess I was in it

'Cause baby, for a minute

It was Woodstock in my mind

In the next morning

They put out the warning

Tensions were rising over country lines

I turned off the music

Tried to sit and use it

All of the love that I saw that night

'Cause what about all these children

And what about all their parents

And what about about all their crowns they wear

In hair so long like mine

And what about all their wishes

Wrapped up like garland roses

Round their little heads

I said a prayer for a third time

I'd trade it all for a stairway to heaven (a stairway, stairway)

I'd take my time for the climb up to the top of it (stairway)

I'd trade the fame and the fortune and the legend (stairway)

I'd give it all away if you give me just one day to ask him one question

I'd give it all away if you give me just one day to ask him one question

I was at Coachella

Leaning on your shoulder

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