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Lana Del Rey - Heroin

: Heroin
: 5.42 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 426 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 183 İndirme
: 30-05-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Lana Del Rey - Heroin )
  1. emma palermo

    Someone could tell me the name of the filmn

  2. Новикова Татьяна

    Как больно на это смотреть.....

  3. Mell M

    G commencé sa fait déjà 8ans a prendre de l’héroïne avec mon fiancé sa et je ne c pas si c grâce ou à cause d’elle g vue l’autre côté de la vie g vue à kel point l’être humain peut être fou et libre the shady side of life my go!!! Puis mon fiancé a été tuée dans le terrain... et la c t la descente o enfers mon dieu tu prends sa par plaisir puis tu l’as prend pr te remémorer les moments fous ke t’as pu passé avc cette moitié perdue Lana del rey prenait sûrement cette substance pr parler d’elle avc un tel amour car oui sa devient ton amour sa te permet de rêver de encore vivre ce rêve jusqu’à ce ke sa devienne ton cauchemar car tu ne cherche k noyait ton chagrin dedans mais o réveil tu revis ton cauchemar et tu tombe dans cette réalité si injuste sa fait maintenant 2ans ke mon âme sœur est partie et il a prit mon âme avc lui sa te donne d ails mais t’enlève ton ciel 🌌 ke dieu vous préserve et ke dieu m’aide à surmonter sa avant ke sa ne soit trop tard 😢😢😢😢❤️🙏🏼

  4. Yowitch

    I'd be lying if I said I wasn't sick of it....I act like Im great my momy ,daddy and husband but Im sick ..Heroin and Metadone they stole my life :( Sorry my english no good!Kiss from Croatia

  5. F. And

    Gia !!!!

  6. Melissa Dugdale


  7. Lizzypoo _

    What movie is this??

  8. Dana Dane

    Ugh I’m trying to recover at the methadone clinic, this just put knots in my stomach. Such an exhausting way to live. To those who think it’s a good escape because of how it’s glamorized, please reconsider. I wish I had 12 years ago. Amazing song though. I love her because she sings about the grittier side of life.

  9. _.crmn._._

    It's like florida kilos part 2

  10. Newb Tube

    Id be lieing if i said i wasnt sick of it!

  11. John Stewart

    Why is it that songs about heroin are 5 minutes+? Lol

  12. Svetlana Makushenko

    Да уж очень сильно

  13. Lara Cristina

    sou a única brasileira que ama esse canal?? Um hino de canal❤

  14. Jackie York

    Love that movie...

  15. Stephen Key

    Sad song.... Even sadder film.... Sadder still is the story the films based upon

  16. Shadowrunner Radio

    Faustian bargain.

  17. rat for kpop

    This is really calming for me. I really hate heroin and what it does to the people around me. It ripped me away from my mom, destroyed my life even though I wasn't the one with the problem. I just want my mom back

  18. Jorge de Oliveira

    I was addicted to heroin for three years. I'm clean since 1999

  19. Esc Pd

    Is she Angelina Jolie?

    abbi mapp

    Esc Pd yeah xx

  20. Andrea A Polanco

    Rest In Peace Gia 💔

  21. moonlight sonata

    gemini overload lol

  22. Lisa Gayheart

    Movie is ' gia '

  23. Viva Trump

    There is no hero in heroin

  24. and i oop ou

    angelina & Lana my two queens lol

  25. Deepak sharma

    I just realized how many diverse and different roles Angelina Jolie has done she honestly just transforms into the character she’s an amazing actress ....... Girl interrupted , GIA , Tomb Raider , and maleficent are my faves !! Even she had a drug addiction and a dark past so it’s really touching

  26. Melanie Flores

    Por ella dudo de mi sexualidad 😍

  27. bon s

    what movie is this!????

    abbi mapp

    bon s Gia xx

  28. Sergey Andrievskyi

    Что это за фильм !??????????Подскажите!????


    Sergey Andrievskyi джия

  29. Maite Txu

    She would have been a brighter star without the brad and jenn scandal

  30. Caty

    I am not addicted to anything but I love this song. It is so deep and emotional. But often I think of my dad when I hear this

  31. George Ametus


  32. gianni leon

    I love black tar heroinnnnn

    Samo Jako

    gianni leon god help you

  33. LaLa JiJi Que

    I love your video edits!! Please check oute my videos and tell me your opinion!! I'll be greatful!!

  34. Chet Walters Ink Specialist

    I dip my hands in the airTo feel the pain everywhereLet my lighter flairTo hide the darknessThat's despairI mask my painBut they dont careCus out of sight out of mindBut beware neglect is a crimeSo respect the livesCus once the left they die

  35. Tony Hinh

    R.I.P Gia Carangi, you're always young and beautiful, we love you, thank you Angelina Jolie and Lana Del Rey's song

  36. leonardo braz

    This song couldn't suit better in a film than Gia with Angelina 🖤💔

  37. Ritta Koiv

    and.. was she like 15 or 14 while living this? am I right?

  38. Honey Baby

    Angelina jolie and Mila kunis are gourgeous ⚡️✨🌿

  39. iNSIDE the mirror

    I just wanna hug every person addicted ever and tell them I am there for them. And mostly help them get over the problem that forced them to heroin in the first place.

  40. This B

    Man am I addicted af sick right now. Makes me think of Cobain

  41. ernesto marconi


  42. Tamás Fekete

    ezzel a számmal búcsúzom Moli baratomtól,aki 4napja halt bele a heroinba.isten nyugosztaljon testvérem😪

  43. Gas_Station Girl

    First time I've heard this and couldn't quit crying the whole time. Day 7

  44. Gabriel Carmo

    My favorite song and video of all times

  45. Guilherme Pedras

    Velho, amo isso demaaaaaais mds

  46. Klára Svrčková

    Please what isit film?

    blue angel

    Gia (1998)

  47. Eric Carrington

    Is that a young Mila Kunis? What movie is this?

    blue angel

    Yes, it's from Gia (1998)

  48. Lys

    I wish this was the real Gia.

  49. Amira H.

    Angelina Jolie is a Demi-God.

  50. Соня Жаворонкова

    Just watched the film. I'm in tears....

  51. whorillaz

    rest in peace, brad renfro. heroin took your life away, but it’ll never take the legacy and movies you left behind. i know i never met you but i miss you every single day, you’re missed and you’re thought of. love you.

  52. Hannah Lemuria

    I think she mean and sing about the heroine investigated, so how u feel like that and how u live with that means...becauce i was also investigated about heroine 😶!

  53. Sammuel Rivera

    What is the name of this movie please!

    blue angel

    Gia (1998)

  54. Eric Carrington

    Lost my girlfriend to heroin and benzos! This song will always make me cry!

  55. Irina Moyseychemko

    No one better than she is

  56. Irina Moyseychemko

    She is BEST

  57. Ana sofia Granada Garcia

    Me encanta esta música

  58. mehmet akdemir

    come back and tell me everything's okay

  59. Dave Smith

    The Strangler's Golden brown just got some competition for when im about to fix up. Love this song. Only quitters quit drugs.

  60. romanaseve75

    Perfect movie...

  61. Man SHOJA

    Whats the name of Movie?

    blue angel

    Gia (1998)

  62. TIffanyrose Angeles

    Don't you ppl get depressed vibes by songs about DRUGS? Not exactly cheerful. I'd say or judging by the comment section,I see I'm right.Yes I was a Gia fan NOT bc she was a HEROIN ADDICT THOUGHShe had a beautiful aura spirit & sense of craziness I thought this chick is up for ANYTHING by the book & the movie!!!Maybe you guys ( some of you) see differentlySongs about heroin don't turn me on.Sorry.Not sorry.Can't relate.

  63. TIffanyrose Angeles

    The movie was well acted but focused mostly on the tragedies side..... sad & depressing. Her life WASNT ALL HELL. Before hard drugs entered the picture,she was a different girl.Plus,when she died,she was CLEAN according to her rehab friend. They never mention this in the movie AT ALL.It's just VERY VERY SAD.Angie is beautiful scarily resembles Gia too. Good acting thru this film.

  64. China Jo

    My favourite song by Lana Del Ray , couldnt of come out at a better point in my life . . .

  65. Candy Floss

    This song idk why but it just reminds me of Kurt cobain

  66. حيدر haydar

    Oh my god

  67. G. S. R. Ribeiro

    Lana Del Rey, 2017.14-Heroin (5:55)!October 2017.

    G. S. R. Ribeiro


  68. Samodelkin Brothers

    ни когда не употребляйте...

    bill kill15

    Всегда употребляйте

    Samodelkin Brothers

    @bill kill15 нахуй иди и его употреби, порохобот ебаный!...

  69. kiwi

    This is absolutely stunning and captures both the song and movie at the same time. I love this 🖤

  70. Avsha Derei

    346 days clean. Thank you Lana for this great music.



  71. Jessica Jennifer

    Just take me away

  72. Gabriel Carmo

    Dreaming about marzipan

  73. Enmanuel Reyes

    Como es el nombre de la película

  74. Julie Ann Eriksson

    1 1/2 years clean from the Hell that I call Heroin..It gave me everything..and took my life away...exactly...NEVER EVER EVER GOING BACK.....

  75. CSRB Organization

    I used to crack games

  76. Free Bee

    Angelina is such a wild child. Shes so cool. Beautiful song.

  77. BrickedFilmsTM X A N A X TM

    i fucking hate you're a beautiful ruined my fucking im not arms so sore from trying to find a vein to put you in...i hate you for making me do the things i did for you just to not feel sick and escape my problems.....only to waking up each morning in sweats, shaking and freezing feeling so fucking uncomfortable....fuck you for making me hurt my family and for hurting the strangers to get the money....thank you for making me wish i was dead....for losing hope...for thinking this is it...thinking im never gonna get out of were there for me when my ex's left me and broke my heart...there for me to take away every issue big or small for a small period of time....for keeping me warm on the cold winter days....but you've ruined my ready to give up and just slip away to death forever and lay rest for the final time....fuck you for making me miss spending time with family because i was too sick to go or to stoned to function.....fuck you for making me all alone...miserable....and praying for an overdose that i wont wake up from.....from the age of 15 to now've ruined my life. fuck you Heroin you evil fucking girl.


    Amen. I know many heroin users, still using and clean. I've never tried it. I have an addictive personality as it is. Abused many other drugs. My buddy's older brother ( who was 15 years older than my friend hooked his 12 year old brother on that shit. From 12 until about 2 years ago ( he's 31 now) was using so many bundles a day. He told me he'd fucking kill me if I ever stuck a pin in my arm. He has no veins left and Hep C. He switched to Subs. He can't take orally cuz he can't get over the fiending so he shoots in his armpits. He's even got a broken needle in his neck. Where I'm at there are so many ods every years it's sad.

  78. Kuush Kuush

    Happy birthday lana

  79. Battle Spear

    I could murder a bag!

  80. Gia Mangue

    Ga, eu sei que falho. Espero voltar um dia para te dizer que realmente mudei. Te amo

  81. Lourenço Antonio

    Another one that I love, like real. Both movie and song are incredible.

  82. Mary Brown

    Wow...never realized how intensely beautiful she sings about the horrors of real life...

  83. Ryan Estrella

    i think of my brother, my addiction, and my sad sad upbringing. ever so, seeking for something to demonstrate that things will be alright one day

  84. Gamma Lancer



    Just to let you know. He never came back to tell me everything is ok

  86. ༺V༻

    Her best song periodt

  87. Janet Mcgowan

    Fantastic song ❤️❤️ so true xxx

  88. Robert Gotti


  89. lea rodriguez

    I always though mila kunis looked like a child version of Angelina..

  90. Sıla Yücel

    My girl❤️

  91. Macaulay Galchin

    Angelina Jolie <3 I love her.

  92. Harry Tuttle Heating Engineer

    I miss you Caine and Sean . I’m sorry it took you guys dying for me to pull out.i can’t wait to see you again.

  93. Reza Bhrvnd

    This reminds me my meth addiction ... never try it once in ur life its pure devil

  94. Aaron

    Only 4 million veiws sad state we live in

  95. Shawna Grewe

    This movie was so freaking good! Heartbreaking.

  96. Yaszmin Hernandez

    R.I.P Gianni 💓

  97. Just Some Videos

    It's unavailable on some devices because of copyright. You probably have to watch on a computer you guys xo

    mackxnzie raeee

    Just Some Videos i’m watching on my ipad xx

    Natalia Vázquez

    PLEASE PLEASE MAKE A VIDEO OF GINGER SNAPS, movie from 2000.!!!!!!!!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

    Jennifer Knibbs

    Just Some Videotape

    robb pratt

    use vpn

    Scotty Yo

    "TRUTH" tells the struggles of addiction from both sides User/Dealer while in love.True Story!!(Heroin Opioid Crisis)Song>> Content Video>>

Heroin Şarkı Sözü
Topanga is hot tonight, the city by the bay
Has movie stars and liquor stores and soft decay
The rumbling from distant shores sends me to sleep
But the facts of life can sometimes make it hard to dream
Life rocked me like Mötley
Grab me by the ribbons in my hair
Life rocked me, ultra-softly
Like the heavy metal that you wear
Flying to the moon again
Dreaming about heroin
Probably gave you everything
And took your life away
I put you on an aeroplane
Destined for a foreign land
My hopes that you come back again
And tell me everything's
Babe, yeah
Topanga is hot today
Manson's in the air
And all my friends have come
'Cause they still feel him here
I want to leave, I'll probably stay another year
It's hard to live when absolutely nothing's clear
Life rocked me like Motley
Bad beginning to my new year
Life rocked me, ultra-softly
Like the heavy metal that you hear
I'm flying to the moon again
Dreaming about heroin
And how I gave you everything
And took your life away
I put you on an aeroplane
Destined for a foreign land
I thought that you'd come back again
To tell me everything's
Babe, yeah, yeah
It's fucking hot, hot, winter in the city
Something 'bout this weather made these kids go crazy
It's hot, even for February
Something 'bout this sun has made these kids get scary
Oh, writing in blood on my walls and shit like
Oh, oh my god
Tripping off from the walls into the docks and shit
Oh, oh, oh, oh
I'll be lying if I said I wasn't sick of it
Lead me baby
Come on, come on, come on, come on
I'm flying to the moon again
Dreaming about marzipan
Taking all my medicine
To take my thoughts away
I'm getting on that aeroplane
Leaving my old man again
I hope that I'd come back one day
To tell you that I really changed
It's hot, hot
Something 'bout the city
Don't know what it is that makes my head get crazy
Oh, oh, oh
Makes me feel like I can change
Oh, oh, oh, oh
All of my evil ways and shit
Hmm, hmm
Oh, oh, oh
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't sick of it

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