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Lady Gaga - Million Reasons

Million Reasons
: Million Reasons
: 3.85 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 220 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 63 İndirme
: 11-12-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Lady Gaga - Million Reasons )
  1. Marc Hayot

    best voice ever....unbelievable

  2. psychosadly

    C’est tellement rare des artistes qui sonnent encore mieux en live. 🖤

  3. Stefano BAGGIO

    Un pur talent ! un vrai plaisir de l’écouter...🙏🏻

  4. christine ducourt

    J adore cette artiste Elle superbe

  5. yolo

    Quand je vois tous les gentils commentaires en disant qu'elle est merveilleuse etc... me donnent envie de tous vous faire un calîn parce que je suis litteralement sa plus grande fan et voila quoi love u guys, jsuis bizarre ptêtre😭❤❤❤

  6. Viangalli François


  7. Jimmy Bismard

    OMG , magnificent voice , I love Lady Gaga.

  8. Konstantin Chuev

    Вот это голосище! Огонь!

  9. Ronny Santos

    Te amo carai ❤😍

  10. Shy kisses

    One of her best performances to this song. You can feel it in your soul the way she signs this song!

  11. SCharlesDennicon

    Une émission de Cauet ne mérite pas une performance pareille. C'était presque contre-nature comme spectacle. :D

  12. ꧁Panda꧂

    I Love this woman ❤️🥰

  13. Clara Camren

    La puissance dans sa voix c’est incroyable... dire qu’il y a des gens qui disent qu’elle sait pas chanté et que c’est musique sont nulle.. c’est bien meilleure que les musique qu’on entends à longueur de journée. Elle est incontournable c’est juste la meilleure chanteuse du 21 ème siècles

  14. Katylee B

    You're giving me a million reasons to let you goYou're giving me a million reasons to quit the showYou're givin' me a million reasonsGive me a million reasonsGivin' me a million reasonsAbout a million reasonsIf I had a highway, I would run for the hillsIf you could find a dry way, I'd forever be stillBut you're giving me a million reasonsGive me a million reasonsGivin' me a million reasonsAbout a million reasonsI bow down to prayI try to make the worst seem betterLord, show me the wayTo cut through all his worn out leatherI've got a hundred million reasons to walk awayBut baby, I just need one good one to stayHead stuck in a cycle, I look off and I stareIt's like that I've stopped breathing, but completely aware'Cause you're giving me a million reasonsGive me a million reasonsGivin' me a million reasonsAbout a million reasonsAnd if you say something that you might even meanIt's hard to even fathom which parts I should believe'Cause you're giving me a million reasonsGive me a million reasonsGivin' me a million reasonsAbout a million reasonsI bow down to prayI try to make the worst seem betterLord, show me the wayTo cut through all his worn out leatherI've got a hundred million reasons to walk awayBut baby, I just need one good one to stayBaby I'm bleedin', bleedin'StayCan't you give me what I'm needin', needin'Every heartbreak makes it hard to keep the faithBut baby, I just need one good oneGood one, good one, good one, good one, good oneWhen I bow down to prayI try to make the worst seem betterLord, show me the wayTo cut through all his worn out leatherI've got a hundred million reasons to walk awayBut baby, I just need one good one, good oneTell me that you'll be the good one, good oneBaby, I just need one good one to stay

  15. lau v

    Quel coffre ! Je suis désolé Ont peut tout dire d’elle mais sa voix ... vous trouvez sérieusement qu’elle chante mal ? Oh je sais pas ce qu’il faut au rageux de plus ... une voix d’or

  16. Donald Trump

    Gaga is breathtakingly talanted and amazing

  17. sonia russo

    💜2019 ?

  18. Théo Lecellier

    Jcrois que les gens du public ne savent pas la chance qu’ils ont eu de pouvoir voir Lady Gaga en vrai d’aussi près et avec cette chanson magnifique 😭

  19. Pauline B

    Quelle voix quelle puissance quel talent... Rien à redire sur cette femme qui au delà de l image et le personnage qu elle joue, elle est d une authenticité sans nom

  20. ARGOUARCH Margaux

    a chaque fois que je l'écoute je sens de l'amour surgir de son est mon cœur est sa me fait du bien de ne plus me sentir seul

  21. schengele

    C'est énorme !

  22. Claudemar Oliveira

    linda e que belas mãos

  23. Mireille Robert

    Son film....j'ai aimer son sa voix

  24. Lara

    Talent si rare et si brut... à couper le souffle !

  25. Ft. Willz

    I'm crying

  26. The Brouhaha

    Can't believe how close other people are to her and I envy them. I might not control myself from hugging her if I were in it. So much love and admiration for her. 💕

  27. Laeticia Kouadio

    Comment sa voix submerge le studio 🎶🥰🥰

  28. sagumara.yagami

    des frissons

  29. Holi Mony

    Qu'est ce qu'elle est puissante comme femme ! Incroyable

  30. Eniluap Ecrogal

    Cette voix est pure

  31. Văn The real

    I love her vintage glasses :")))

  32. Benoît Bourgois

    Quand elle est arrivee les gens n’ecoutaient pas sa voix et jugeaient surtout ses looks et son extravagance mais derriere tout ça les fans ont toujours entendu l’artiste qui savait partager des choses avec sa voix ! Desormais avec Millions Reasons elle est tellement plus country pop mais tellement plus naturel que son vrai talent sort directement ... meme si son extravagance est une façon de s’exprimer et qu’elle nous manque énormément à tous. On aime Gaga pour toujours peut importe ses vibes !!!

  33. Larissa De Oliveira

    Flawless ♥️

  34. Queen Jackson

    Petite, j'avais le droit à des bruits de dégoûts quand je disais écouter Lady Gaga... Qui rigole maintenant ?

  35. wanda brown

    This my favorite so beautiful

  36. Juliana Morgado

    4min20s 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥰

  37. Cristian Garces Perez

    I want you so bad Jacque

  38. Giada Riccardi

    Solo gaga

  39. Ivenylon Onglais

    Felt that!😭❤️

  40. Mauwy

    Her speech before the song is enough to get me BAWLING IN A FALLS OF RAINBOW TEARS UGHHH GAGA ILYSFM

  41. Kim Namit

    Tanlent alone . I LOVE her

  42. Petr Fiala

    I don't understand how he can sing the song differently and beautifully every time. One of the greatest talents of pop music.

  43. TheBlack Demonx412

    Artiste complète, magnifique et émouvante 💓

  44. Ilham Ramadhan

    2019? I could just cry atm watching her performance

  45. Meli Lou

    Ouah 🤩 je l'ai toujours aimer elle et magnifique... C est une belle ame.Un vrai talent pure.

  46. diego estevez

    5:21 ... song...???????

  47. Clémence Guerche

    A une époque où les lives n'existent plus, les voix sont retouchées de partout, les artistes sont des produits de communication à qui on écrit et compose tout, Lady Gaga est vraiment à part... Quelle artiste complète et impressionnante...

  48. ulises flores veizan

    como no amar a esta mujer, que voz y que sentimiento que le pone a sus canciones

  49. masey lin

    This was aired a day after my birthday 💜💜I love Gaga. She’s my inspiration

  50. amber seipp

    hardest to breath within the truth never told/stories of BEN

  51. Chhaina So

    Beautiful angel ❤️❤️❤️

  52. emjoshru

    Voice of an angel❤ I'm so, SO proud to be a fan of this amazing woman! She inspires me every day!

  53. Exton Downey

    Staff: how much auto tune do you wantGaga: no.

  54. Pranvera Primavera Spring Domi

    Hy Lady Gaga don't worry about your ex boyfriend...your voice and your look are more important than his love... what about more fucks and fun? I think it is a better idea than a false boyfriend...i' m your fan..i'm watching you from Italy...

  55. Elizabeth

    She's amazing

  56. Kaylene

    Singing her heart out while touching everybody else's.

  57. Flavia Michele

    Que linda cantando meu Deus

  58. i am mary

    I love this

  59. hugo serch barrios

    Qui est 2019?

  60. Laurent Le Stradic

    Je viens de tomber sur La Video ...... S Cauet devait se dire ...... Ah ouais quand même respect à la personne qui vient mon émission .... N'est ce pas Mr Cauet ???????? Et en prime la bise 🙌

  61. S.ArtBlueMoon

    She work on her voice and now she just prove it.Well done 👏❤❤👏

  62. sunshine S

    tears falling down, feel so warm in my heart, it made me think about what's true love.

  63. Karine Tassile

    i love this girl and this voice !!!

  64. Kim Namit

    I fell inlove with this woman everytime she sibgsthis wonderful masterpiece

  65. Sandra_Chant_87 officiel

    Magnifique qu’elle voix j’adore lady gaga depuis ses débuts merci 🙏

  66. Amaury Gribouille

    Ceux qui ne l'aiment pas juste parceque ils ne la trouvent pas jolie ou qu'elle s'habille très originalement... Fermez le yeux et dites moi comment la trouvez dans ce sens

  67. Nika


  68. Giancarlo Fermarika

    Quant sfaccimm é brutt!

  69. Scott Hilton

    MEGA-Super Star

  70. Sérgio cavalcante


  71. Memel Roze

    J aime énormément cette femme depuis petite et sa voix qui te transperce juste magique 😍 elle a réussi a faire aimer sa voix a mon conjoint que du bonheur quand je l entend

  72. Maria Guanipa

    She doesn't speak french! She sings wonderfully La Vie en Rose

    With Chloé

    actually, she speaks french. I’ve listened to her in a few interviews and she’s not bad. She’s not fluent but she’s pretty good 😇

  73. Duda Morrilla

    You're giving me a million reasons to let you goYou're giving me a million reasons to quit the showYou're givin' me a million reasonsGive me a million reasonsGivin' me a million reasonsAbout a million reasonsIf I had a highway, I would run for the hillsIf you could find a dry way, I'd forever be stillBut you're giving me a million reasonsGive me a million reasonsGivin' me a million reasonsAbout a million reasonsI bow down to prayI try to make the worst seem betterLord, show me the wayTo cut through all his worn out leatherI've got a hundred million reasons to walk awayBut baby, I just need one good one to stayHead stuck in a cycle, I look off and I stareIt's like that I've stopped breathing, but completely aware'Cause you're giving me a million reasonsGive me a million reasonsGivin' me a million reasonsAbout a million reasonsAnd if you say something that you might even meanIt's hard to even fathom which parts I should believe'Cause you're giving me a million reasonsGive me a million reasonsGivin' me a million reasonsAbout a million reasonsI bow down to prayI try to make the worst seem betterLord, show me the wayTo cut through all his worn out leatherI've got a hundred million reasons to walk awayBut baby, I just need one good one to stayBaby I'm bleedin', bleedin'StayCan't you give me what I'm needin', needin'Every heartbreak makes it hard to keep the faithBut baby, I just need one good oneGood one, good one, good one, good one, good oneWhen I bow down to prayI try to make the worst seem betterLord, show me the wayTo cut through all his worn out leatherI've got a hundred million reasons to walk awayBut baby, I just need one good one, good oneTell me that you'll be the good one, good oneBaby, I just need one good one to stay

  74. charliescomplement

    Everytime I have a bad day I listen to this song and makes me feel better😍

  75. Роза роза

    Какая она красивая девушка

  76. Kim Namit

    no sign of playback or lipsyncing. Hahaha PURE TALENT .A HUNDRED AND ONE PERCENT LIVE VOCAL ABILITY 😍😍😍😍😍😍

  77. Kim Namit

    Lady gaga is the real definition of an Artist 😍😍 . So much better than the Studio version. Her music is inspiring millions of people all over the world. A humble begining but now a superstar. She gives respects to other artist .. 😍 I love you Gaga 💕💕💕💕

  78. Caroline W


  79. ChrissyCat


  80. Joakim Lindström

    Makalalöst framträdande. Fast jag stör mig på att grodätarna, med Macron i spetsen, kräver att få världsspråket engelska översatt till sin egen grötversion..

  81. Manon Mgx


  82. Emma69

    A M O lady Gaga 😍😍Desde Mexico con amor gran mujer!!!!!

  83. #ethical

    Unique Love that voice I can always recognize it. She is amazing and nobady is that much good as her 😍😍😍😘

  84. myriamrapp Quand je revois cette vidéo je me dis que Zemour et Benchetrit etc... doivent se sentir cons quand on voit ce qu'elle est devenue! C'est ça les gens qui ont la critique facile alors qu'ils ont rien d'intéressant à dire et surtout une carrière qui n'intéresse personne!!

  85. michel blondeau

    j ai pas de mots pour décrire cette artiste tellement sincère est touchante

    Jonathan Vambre

    michel blondeau Exactement 👏

  86. karima Drew

    Je suis totalement speechlees ! Elle a un timbre de voix incroyable ! Les gens osent encore dire qu’elle n’a aucun talent , je suis fan jusque au bout! Depuis le début ! 👌🏼

  87. ๙เก้า ชาญชัย Chanchai Averything of love

    God of love

  88. caro

    cette femme a tant de choses en elle à exprimer, j'aime beaucoup son univers, son aura, je la trouve formidable et hors normes j'adore. je lui souhaite d'être heureuse, bien dans sa couenne, j'espère qu'elle ne fera jamais partie de ces chanteurs que l'on regrette un jour d'être parti trop tôt, trop jeune oui c'est ce que je lui souhaite ce serait un énorme gâchis elle est tellement généreuse dans sa façon d'être.

  89. Anna Pustovaya

    It's perfect

  90. Hooligans

    Lord show me the way to find where the english comment is 🎶

  91. Hooligans

    Can an english comment join here?

  92. Mehmet Erdem

    İ Love dis song

  93. Chou CoCo

    J'ai commencé à m'intéresser à Lady Gaga après avoir vu le film "A star is born". Je ne m'étais jamais trop pencher sur sa musique avant... mais j'ai tellement aimé "Ally" que je la vois autrement depuis. J'aime à croire qu'elle est aussi douce et agréable dans la vie que dans se film. <3 très jolie musique pleins de sensibilités

  94. Karen Heissler Puce

    Un ange 😇

  95. Tatiane Carvalho

    Só gays lá atrás 😂

  96. jean luc santiago

    elle é (( MAGNIFIQUE ))

Million Reasons Şarkı Sözü
You're giving me a million reasons to let you go

You're giving me a million reasons to quit the show

You're giving me a million reasonsGive me a million reasons

Giving me a million reasons

About a million reasons

If I had a highway, I would run for the hills

If you could find a dry way, I'd forever be still

But you're giving me a million reasons

Give me a million reasons

Giving me a million reasons

About a million reasons

I bow down to pray

I try to make the worst seem better

Lord, show me the way

To cut through all his worn out leather

I've got a hundred million reasons to walk away

But, baby, I just need one good one to stay

Head stuck in a cycle, I look off and I stare

It's like that I've stopped breathing, but completely aware

'Cause you're giving me a million reasons

Give me a million reasons

Giving me a million reasons

About a million reasons

And if you say something that you might even mean

It's hard to even fathom which parts I should believe

'Cause you're giving me a million reasons

Give me a million reasons

Giving me a million reasons

About a million reasons

I bow down to pray

I try to make the worst seem better

Lord, show me the way

To cut through all his worn out leather

I've got a hundred million reasons to walk away

But, baby, I just need one good one to stay

Oh, baby, I'm bleeding, bleeding, ey...

Can't you give me what I'm needing, needing?

Every heartbreak makes it hard to keep the faith

But, baby, I just need one good one

Good one, good one, good one, good one, good one

When I bow down to pray

I try to make the worst seem better

Lord, show me the way

To cut through all his worn out leather

I've got a hundred million reasons to walk away

But, baby, I just need one good one, good one

Tell me that you'll be the good one, good one

Baby, I just need one good one to stay

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