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Lady Gaga - Judas

: Judas
: 5.11 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 272 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 209 İndirme
: 11-12-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Lady Gaga - Judas )
  1. Marie Escoffier

    Begwbeweh emsb wmemsysgrycejsggehsgtebse.sigeisueoustfwycehrretcemsjebeyrrehrreysetyyenuchey

  2. 菜花

    I like that lipstick❤️

  3. Seruni Sekar Arum

    November 2019?

  4. wallace torrieri

    I miss the blasphemic songs

  5. Albert Francis

    I sold my soul to the devil 📝 😈 ❌🖤

  6. Emin Kaya

    Very good song 😁

  7. Rayma Nunes

    Alguém fala português da link não comenta

  8. SherlockCat10 Plays

    Her videos back then were worth the 5 minutes of my life💗💗🎶💗🎶

  9. Xmen lover

    My teacher made us listen to that in class with the videoclip

  10. Mosa Mojela

    I am so shook that Wild Dog aka Rene from Arrow is Jesus 😃😃. What a wowDaryl from the Walking Dead is also here as Judas. 🙆🏽‍♀️🙆🏽‍♀️🙆🏽‍♀️ I can not deal.

  11. kathleen schieman

    a female mummy

  12. agnes

    When daryl dixon wasnt in the apocalypse yet...

  13. emoji chan

    I'm sorry Jesus and god but it's catchy

  14. Olga Brandt

    When you sent all the orders in UCA and just want to relax a little. XD

  15. Pere Serra


  16. Yuriy the Language Geek

    Every time this video is watched, a dumb conservative farts.

  17. Vanessa Goldfort

    OhohohohI'm in love with BB Sam :D

  18. Coman Comandy

    Ag this girl is a monster she’s just a queen.

  19. shadowfaerie

    "i learned love is like a brick, you can build a house or sink a dead body." chills!

  20. Felipe S.

    2:28 is this a blowjob sign?

  21. Amanda Ariane

    Billie Eilish: I have the most satanic video on YouTube Lady Gaga: Hold my Judas

  22. Moni Murguia

    Yo solo vine a ver a mi novio Norman Reedus😍😍😍😍

  23. die Que

    I love this part 2:46

  24. Adnan Nillos Balisi

    This is just about forgiveness. People are so superficial to think that this piece is satanic. Actually, it really is illuminating - allows us to see pass the literal words.

  25. Noahide

    You are doing well with Judas culture Lady Gaga. Solid work gal. Noahide Videos Bible -

  26. Caio Oliveira


  27. Anne Laufeyson

    here from a jack dylan grazer edit on instagram 😍✋💖

  28. Frenkie Ballenbaher

    Death standing???

  29. Emmanuelle Condette

    J'adore cette chanson❤😋

  30. Grim Grinning Ghost

    Is it me or does Judas look like Norman Reedus

    K.S. L.

    Grim Grinning Ghost Because it is Norman Reedus playing Judas😉

  31. Suvantola S

    I'm just a holy foo, oh baby he's a foobar...

  32. Zac Thomas

    Anyone watch the video of the girl who said if you listened to this song you were going to hell. Yeah I do and I remember whenever I heard this song I ran away or turned it off but when I finally listened to it I actually really liked the song 😂 see everyone in hell!!!

  33. fockin great

    If that's Judas then I really don't blame her lol


    Jesus ain't too shabby, either😋 but Judas got that "grrrrr"

  34. Lucas SILVA

    Aí Gabi, só quem viveu sabeeeeeee

  35. Gustavo Gomes gente olhem esse clipe👍

  36. Alexandra SKY

    Just realized Norman Reedus is in the video 😍💞

  37. Karina Cesário


  38. i jess

    A king with no crown😏

  39. twiggyjali

    I love and understand everything in this vid. Except her eyebrows. What the what.

  40. twiggyjali

    Glad I'm Jewish, this song means nothing to me lol just slaps hard

    NORFSIDE Shorty

    Your kind killed Jesus not Judas

  41. Uni Tori

    Ew 💅💅💅

  42. Jay Just

    who come after Kojima's Death Stranding?

  43. Helena Dalillah

    Norman Reedus <3

  44. シt a m mシ

    Cago mi cristianismo xd

  45. Realworks Gamer

    i miss the autotune of gaga on the fame.

  46. Andrey Korsun

    How much people like this trash ? Brainless

  47. Santtiago

    "judas"guy is daryl from the walking dead?

  48. TheNanamariam

    seeing norman reedus in the video makesme giggle

  49. JESoterICA Anne D'Occult

    Jesus is so HOT

    K.S. L.

    JESoterICA Anne D'Occult Jesus is played by Rick Gonzales who is currently on Arrow as Wild Dog😉

    JESoterICA Anne D'Occult

    @K.S. L. lol thank you😉!! (😂 U know I'm gonna Google him right after I type this hahaha)👍🏻❤️😁

    K.S. L.

    JESoterICA Anne D'Occult Lol he is actually a great actor, glad I could help, have an awesome day😉

  50. severus snape

    2011: I'm insulted 2019: this is pure art

  51. Nancy Fernanda Torres

    Bueno solo rescato la presencia de mi queridisimo Daryl Dixon de TWD 😍 😍


    ¡OMG! 😮 ¡HAPPY 😄(Feliz 😊) Día 🌄 del Soltero (a) 🧔 👩 por igual 👌 😇 😈 ⚣ ⚢ ♂️ ♀️ ⚧ & Pansexuales ♐ ♿de todo el 🗺️ y de todos los Multi-versos 🌎 🗺️ 🌐 🌌 de la ♿ de Hawkings y demás igual 👌, incluyendo a Dios (#_$@%*,igual) quien sea igual 😇 😈 ♐🧔👩👽 👾 💀 y ➕ en el nuevo año 2019 del nuevo Milennium, (R) Evolución, #&$@=%/*,igual 👌, I'love you 💋 💗 🌹 😋 😊 😘 😍😋🥰💗💋💞🔥 El video 📹 y canción 🎶 de Lady Gaga 👑 🐶 🦊 ♐ - JUDAS 😇😈♐🔥, 💯 %Sexy's Bitch's 🐕 🐶 🐱 Bad's 😇 😈Girls Dark's Guerreras Loli's 🏯👸 & 💯 %Sexy's Wolf's 🐺🐶🦉Boy's Dark's Guerreros Prince's 🏯🤴Boy's ⚣ ⚢ ♂️ ♀️ ⚧ & que ♐♿, 💯 %Sexy's Tattoo's (Tatuajes), 💯 %Buen Maquillaje 💄 de uñas 💅, ojos 👀, cabello y labios 💋, 💯 %Analógica - Digital, 💯 %Buenos Efectos Especiales y Visuales en el cual Lady Gaga 👑 🐶 🦊 ♐ protagonisa e interpreta a la misma 💯 %Sexy 👙👑María Magdalena/Santa 😇, 😈Pecadora /Vengadora 🗡️🔫, Justiciera⚖️➕/Stripper 👙/Pornstar 👙 ♐ /Amante 💏 por igual 👌 ⚣ ⚢ ♂️ ♀️ ⚧ & Pansexuales ♐ ♿ 💞y con su 💯 %Sexy Wolf 🐺👑Jesús Santo 😇, 😈Pecador ♐/Vengador 🗡️🔫, Justiciero ⚖️➕/Amante 💏por igual 👌 /Dark Guerrero Prince 🏯🤴Boy por igual ⚣ ⚢ ♂️ ♀️ ⚧ & Pansexuales ♐ ♿ y con sus 💯 %Sexy's Bitch's 🐕 🐶 🐱 Bad's 😇 😈Girls Dark's Guerreras Loli's 🏯👸 & y con sus 💯 %Sexy's Wolf's 🐺🐶🦉Boy's Dark's Guerreros Prince's 🏯🤴Boy's /12 Apóstoles (Knight's) Caballeros 😇😈/🗡️🔫/⚖️➕/🏍 ⚣ ⚢ ♂️ ♀️ ⚧ & Pansexuales ♐ ♿ y como sé inmuta ante una marea 🌊y ola errante y ➕ en los estudios de Universal🌎 o Hollywood🌟 o cual sea igual 👌 y como la soporta ha el 🔚 final 👍🌟💞🔥👌 (eso creo 🤔yo, espero 🤔 que sí) y que buena escena I'love you 💋 💗 🌹 😋 😊 😘 😍🥰💞🔥,💯 %Buena Coreografía y muy buen Vestuario de Ropa👙 👕👗👖🧥de colores blanco, negro 🖤, azul, plateado, verde, rojo 💓, amarillo, naranja y muchos ➕ y hechos de tela, plástico, cuero y látex versión y estilo 💯 %B. D. S. M. (Bondage, Disciplina, Dominación, Sumisión, Sadismo y Masoquismo (Sadomasoquismo 🔗) 😍🥰😘💞💗💋🔥y con Dije's de cuarzo y piedras preciosas de 🔹 Diamantinas de 💍 joyería de 🥇, plata 🥈, bronce 🥉, obsidiana, jade, zafiro y 💎 Gemas de colores en Aretes, Collares📿, Pulseras, ⚭ Anillos y Priercing's de metal en Nariz 👃, ojos 👀, orejas 👂, manos 👐, piernas 🦵, pies 🦶, dedos 🖖, boca 👄, ombligo y cuello y Sexy's zapatos 👡, botas 👢 🥾de tacones chicos, medianos y altos 👍💗💋😍🥰😋💗💋💞🔥 , 💯 %Buen 😜🤬✌️🖕👍Lenguaje, 💯 %Erotico 💗💋💞, oscuro 🖤, brillante 🔅 y muy Sensual 🔥😍🥰😋🌹💗💋🔥, 💯 /Música 🎶 Pop /Dance /Electrónica 🎛️ 🎸 mezcla 🔀 da y con Remix, 💯 %Libre 🆓 y 💯 %Sin Censura (Explicit) 👌, At THE JUDAS SEX 😇 😈♐ ♿ ✌️ 🖕 👍 👌 🇲🇽 I'love you 💋 💗 🌹 😋 😊 😘 y por siempre será 💯 %Lady Monster, 👑Queen ¡OMG! 😮 I'love you 💋 💗 🌹 😋 😊 😘 💋💗🌹😍🥰🔥💗💞🔥 ¡LADY GAGA 👑🐶🦊♐, FOREVER! 👍😋😊😘💋🌹😍🥰💗💗💗😋😋😋😋😊😊😘😘💋💋💋🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💞💞💞💞💞🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  53. martian 777


  54. Charlie Dann

    Loke the songs keep it up

  55. Adrianna Faith

    my cousin and I used to get whooped for listening to this 😂

  56. Vivian Kris

    Why this song has only 377 M views?

  57. Miraflor Abellanosa

    OMG DARYL!!!! 😍😍😍😍

  58. Jeric Lina

    Dear old gaga...please come back..

  59. Unkn0wn Gamer

    Who's here to see Sam Porter?

  60. Tonny Salopez

    I love her❤

  61. mystery man

    wtf? is that Norman Reedus in 0:54??

    K.S. L.

    mystery man Norman Reedus is Judas in this video, you see him first time at 0:24 and then throug the whole video😉

    mystery man

    K.S. L. Thanks didn’t know

  62. Dream Acid PAIN

    I was four when this came outDamn time flies and I miss this period of music everyday.

  63. Luma

    Lady Gaga never gets old

  64. Caio Oliveira


  65. Alexandra t

    Norman Reedus ❤

  66. Esoteric R

    THE best lady gaga song and video 💯💯💯

  67. GT2000ゆう暁


  68. Adriane Souza

    Lady GaGa é cheio de nove horas

  69. Seif Maher

    This new death stranding trailer looks incredible

    luc de Villars

    god damn it you 've made my day dude XD

  70. bonihani17

    2:37 2:50 3:28 Judas is Daryl Dixon from Walking Dead!!!

    K.S. L.

    bonihani17 You actually see him first time at 0:24 and then through out the whole video since he is playing Judas😉

  71. weffk kock

    Hahaha My childhood

  72. Kammi lives in a box

    Two things I love in one video... Lady Gaga and Norman Reedus

  73. Sophie Louise

    Daryl wants some Gaga and I don’t blame him😉

  74. Alpha Shadow

    Norman Reedus and his feetus

  75. MirGrinn

    I just came to look at Norman Reedus before he appeared in Death Stranding. 😅

  76. Cloudy

    I honestly think, lady gaga was the start of what 2019 now is, the styles if wore in 2011 will be said weird, but now its normal, so at the time lady gaga was considered weird but now everybody understands her style cause its actually unique and talented.And she means by Judas as Judas betrayed jesus, right? So it maybe a metaphor similar to someone who she loved but she got betrayed, not that she's in some kind of satanic ritual.Have a nice day everybody :D

  77. carlos davalos


  78. игорь трошин

    в комфи языком в динамик в дифузор_била размер хуя_директора комфи дети в рот берут

  79. игорь трошин


  80. игорь трошин


  81. Caio Oliveira


  82. Edu Grau

    This song is incredible, I like so much..

  83. Lavril Io

    Still love dat song

  84. Distinct Meme

    2:17 shanaynay that u?

  85. MD :Yeasin Arafat

    when old lady gaga 😐

  86. Gusttavo Lima


  87. tana tina

    I loved it!

  88. AJ 77

    They look like Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper 🤭

  89. سولطان ابن سعيد

    اغنيه جميله احبها من وقت صدورها للحين اسمعها؛(

  90. Evelyn Cazaubón

    I'm in love with that Judas too... Fucking Norman Reedus♥️

  91. slime seros


  92. Marie Edmonds

    Is that Norman Reedus?

  93. Elena A.

    So this is what Daryl was up to before the apocalypse...

  94. Kity Avila

    No me canso de decirlo. Sos la reina hdp TE AMOOO ⚘

  95. plolololololoo

    337.058.499 visualizaciones1.417.370 230.580

  96. Victoria Cervantes

    Norman Reedus

  97. Matheus Camargo

    obra de arte caralho

Judas Şarkı Sözü
Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as

Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoaI'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as

Judas, Juda-ah-ah, Judas, Juda-ah-ah

Judas, Juda-ah-ah, Judas, Gaga

Judas, Juda-ah-ah, Judas, Juda-ah-ah

Judas, Juda-ah-ah, Judas, Gaga

When he calls to me, I am ready

I'll wash his feet with my hair if he needs

Forgive him when his tongue lies through his brain

Even after three times, he betrays me

Ah-ah, oh-uh-uh-oh, ah-ah, oh-uh-uh-oh

I'll bring him down, bring him down, down

Ah-ah, oh-uh-uh-oh, ah-ah, oh-uh-uh-oh

A king with no crown, king with no crown

I'm just a holy fool, oh, baby, it's so cruel

But I'm still in love with Judas, baby

I'm just a holy fool, oh, baby, it's so cruel

But I'm still in love with Judas, baby

Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as

Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as

Judas, Juda-ah-ah, Judas, Juda-ah-ah

Judas, Juda-ah-ah, Judas, Gaga

I couldn't love a man so purely

Even prophets forgave his goofy way

I've learned love is like a brick, you can

Build a house or sink a dead body

Ah-ah, oh-uh-uh-oh, ah-ah, oh-uh-uh-oh

I'll bring him down, bring him down, down

Ah-ah, oh-uh-uh-oh, ah-ah, oh-uh-uh-oh

A king with no crown, king with no crown

I'm just a holy fool, oh, baby, it's so cruel

But I'm still in love with Judas, baby

I'm just a holy fool, oh, baby, it's so cruel

But I'm still in love with Judas, baby

Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as

Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as


In the most biblical sense

I am beyond repentance

Fame, hooker, prostitute wench vomits her mind

But in the cultural sense

I just speak in future tense

Judas, kiss me if offenced

Or wear ear condom next time

I wanna love you

But something's pulling me away from you

Jesus is my virtue

And Judas is the demon I cling to, I cling to

Just a holy fool, oh, baby, it's so cruel

But I'm still in love with Judas, baby

I'm just a holy fool, oh, baby, it's so cruel

But I'm still in love with Judas, baby

Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as

Judas, Juda-ah-ah, Judas, Juda-ah-ah

Judas, Juda-ah-ah, Judas, Gaga

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