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Hooverphonic - Badaboum

: Badaboum
: 3.00 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 95 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 55 İndirme
: 18-09-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Hooverphonic - Badaboum )
  1. Bruno Pinkhof

    Melodisch en emotioneel heel zwak. Te repetitief. Ik wordt er depressief van.

  2. Something just like This

    Eurovision 2020. Who can't wait ?

  3. Massimiliano Princigalli

    That's not as Classic Hooverphonic (I loved that) but it's surey better than previous one. Good.

  4. Tomasz Pałkowski

    Very cool and energetic music despite the depressing video...

  5. Jerome Malinois

    C'est au moins un académicien qui a écrit le texte de cette " chanson "

  6. Tigran Petrosyan

    Hooverphonic the best ! <3


    I agree!

  7. 최승환

    한국사람 있음?

  8. Jarmil Bobin

    Great album.


    I fucking love this song

  10. LizzyL33

    oooooh, I Love this.. <3

  11. Тимур Ефремов

    i like it!

  12. Pedro Ortuño

    My ex gf brought me here.

  13. Dan B

    how is this already 3 years old..

  14. Elaini

    So what is this song about? Resisting to be unfaithful?

  15. Maximilian Springer

    Who is the singer of this song?

  16. Ficelle

    Ça reste en têêêête :'(

  17. VinylForest

    I'm listening to this song for the first time....February 2019.......and love it!

  18. Theo R.

    Coucou c'est la France ! Oui on existe encore, on a pas sombré dans la guerre civile des gilets jaunes!


    Quel rapport svp ?

  19. Mario Schneider

    I prefer their old albums like blue wonder power milk, trip-hop influenced music with great vocals. OK, the volcals of the new singer are also great, but the music itself is just boring pop-music nowadays, sorry.



  21. TYUNBV 762QPL

    Maintenant c'est le travail avant tout. Rien de sérieux avant d'avoir développé une certaine maturité

  22. 루이스

    하정우씨 추천으로 오신분??

  23. Ever StanDinG

    I don't understand what he means when he says, "there's a way you feel the best i go" ?

    Burak Ülçetin

    He says "If that is the way you feel, it's best i go". As I understand, the male voice singing is her ex lover or someone, trying to convince her that the guy she's with is not a good man and he is hurting her and he surely will too. While she thinks and says the opposite way, he don't want to hear the part she say "when im under his tumb..." and interrupts her and says well if thats the way you feel, there is nothing else i can do or say.

  24. Jarmil Bobin

    Previous albums are fantastic with many hits. But this albums is perfect as a whole. My No. 1 Hooverphonic album.

  25. Originalcopy20

    The symphony aspect has such 90's vibes somehow, I'm in love

  26. Ludovica Pugliese

    What's the name of the guy?

  27. 이유진

    진짜찐짜 너무 좋아요ㅠㅠ 사랑합니다❤❤❤❤

  28. jh yoon

    이 노래를 이제야 알게되다니ㅠㅠ 명곡입니다♡.♡

  29. Nelson Sitorus

    Very nice

  30. м M

    2:46 L'extase by Nina Ricci

  31. Illusion me


  32. Kim Pablo

    하배우때문에 오신분 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  33. Hakan Dursun

    Amazing !

  34. Stefan Mereuta

    as a buff guy, I am offended :)

  35. Desiree Korterink

    A toxic relationship.

  36. madunic0rn

    клип ниачем

  37. Harry _Hart

    Türkiye'den dinleyen bi ben miyim ?¿?

    Hecate's Torch

    Hayır eheuensjaj

  38. SuuzieQ

    Wie is hier de zangeres? Noémie?

  39. Uncle Ruckus

    All those great songs on the Studio Brussel (radio channel) are all from one band? :o

  40. dargent thierry

    Belgium power

  41. Zena Jisr


  42. IABI TV

    I came cuz of Èmilie Satt, the Madame in Madame Monsieur <3

  43. Beyza Altay

    Hayret! Türk yok :)

  44. Alexander Bergman

    I love this song. It’s so original and can’t wait to see you performing in London in a few weeks. I hope you do this song.

  45. Justy Boy

    Kinda reminds me of Hot Chip a wee bit...that's no bad thing :)

  46. Sirus Eamsupa

    Great song. I love it. :)

  47. sabrina kumiko

    When youre making love under the sound of light rain followed by the singing toads/frogs saying "badaboum~~~".OMG THIS IS TOTALLY GENIUS

  48. vbartscorp

    what is the name of that girl in video???? I can't sleep

    Twice Is The Revolution

    vbartscorp You mean the singer? She represents France this year in Eurovision

    Twice Is The Revolution

    Émilie Satt

  49. Oyku Garip


  50. F I

    "Badaboom, boom eh oh t'es tombée sur un salaud patatra et pa c'est sûrement celui de trop" badaboom...! Comme une bombe

  51. nicole dh

    🍆🎄 Je viens de gagner un iPhone X sur ce cadeau. Dépêchez-vous, il en reste quelques autres!

  52. nicole dh

    🔥☝️ Je viens de gagner un iPhone X sur ce cadeau. Dépêchez-vous, il en reste quelques autres!

  53. nicole dh

    📹 Je viens de gagner un iPhone X sur ce cadeau. Dépêchez-vous, il en reste quelques autres!

  54. nicole dh

    🔥☝️ Je viens de gagner un iPhone X sur ce cadeau. Dépêchez-vous, il en reste quelques autres!

  55. nicole dh

    📹 Je viens de gagner un iPhone X sur ce cadeau. Dépêchez-vous, il en reste quelques autres!

  56. nicole dh

    🔥☝️ Je viens de gagner un iPhone X sur ce cadeau. Dépêchez-vous, il en reste quelques autres!

  57. nicole dh

    📹 Je viens de gagner un iPhone X sur ce cadeau. Dépêchez-vous, il en reste quelques autres!

  58. Lisa Jacobs

    Oh potato

  59. Ohm Shaanthi Ohm

    Magical... Miss you my love... I wished I could still feel your touch...The touch of being home...

  60. Kurt Schatteman

    Fantastic ... just fantastic.

  61. Loulou

    Chanson numéro 1 des ruptures

  62. G. J.

    Cieszę się, że polsat umieścił ten utwór jako tło swojej ramówki, ale mam też nadzieję że osoby którym spodobał się ten kawałek sięgną po ich wcześniejsze płyty. Chodzi o 3 pierwsze. Robili wtedy bezsprzecznie (obok Bowery Electric) najlepszy trip hop na świecie. Coś zupełnie innego i bardziej ambitnego niż obecnie. Polecam.

  63. lady sensi


  64. belgiumbuddha

    I"m staggered........only 2.1 million huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  65. stefanya falcon velazquez

    La amo....<3

  66. Fernando Montero

    Does she do porn??

  67. Luiza Ivanov

    Hope That all Understood The real meaning of this video... sad


    Luiza Ivanov, I think, this muscle man and another thin guy is one person. first, he is jelaous her, then become normal

  68. PoulpyPoulpe

    Am I the only one to understand the song being about BDSM?

  69. 96MrsElly


  70. Constantine

    holy fuck this is so good.

  71. IMTHESHH AwYeahBabyy

    omfg i came here by accident. this is such a happy accident. so grateful lol i was typing something random on google search a i got this by mistake. i love it!!!!

  72. Juliano Silveira

    Like like likeeeee!

  73. Hodowca 2366

    kto z spotu polsatu ?

  74. Errin Tara

    To me, This video embodies what it feels like to live with someone you love who is struggling with addiction. how the Jekyll and Hyde of the disease plays peekaboo with the person you know is inside.

  75. JeffersonSabrina Demol

    On tombe toujours sur un salaud tôt ou tard...

    Maudites Amours

    Et nous aussi, on tombe toujours sur des salopes et des putains.

  76. Bojidar Konstantinov

    Het is echt geweldig!

  77. emek10

    Polsacik <3

  78. Toficzek MSP

    I love It XD ❤️❤️❤️

  79. ignore

    Why are so many People speaking non-dutch or english

  80. rafael _

    amazing 👌



  82. Weronika Drewniak

    Ik zie dat er heel veel vragen zijn waarom hier zo veel Poolse mensen komentaar geschreven hebben en waarom ze het steeds over POLSAT hebben. Dus wij (ik kom uit Polen ;D) hebben in Polen een TV zender die Polsat heet. Bijna tussen elke reclame word dit liedje opgezit. Dus daarom zo veel Poolse komentaar ;)

  83. Bart Simpson

    ik ken dees door tegen de sterren op 😂😂😂

  84. Nathalie Alvarez

    un petit moment de savoure, et re-savoure encore et encore....

  85. Chloë Herinckx


  86. Travis Bickle

    Chilli Zet brought me here.

  87. Milena Mazurkiewicz


  88. DonPedro

    Jakaś reklama mnie tu przygnała! :D

  89. Black Rose


  90. Stiwek

    TVN hahaha

  91. Aleksandra Trojanowska

    w końcu to znalazłam 😃

  92. Deja Vudu

    hot hot hot

  93. Magda eM

    Polsat 💪👌

  94. Kamil Meus


Badaboum Şarkı Sözü
Baby, don't you know?
It really hurts to see you suffer so.
He calls you baby, but can't you see?
You're only living in a fantasy
No, you misunderstood,
When I said he was good.
I simply meant he does me like you never could.
When I'm under his thumb and he's making me...
Baby, there's a way you feel as best I go
Baby, don't you know?
It really hurts to see you suffer so.
He calls you baby, but can't you see?
You're only living in a fantasy
No, you misunderstood,
When I said he was good.
I simply meant he does me like you never could.
When I'm under his thumb and he's making me...
Baby, there's a way you feel as best I go

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