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Green Day - Troubled Times

Troubled Times
: Troubled Times
: 2.87 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 116 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 80 İndirme
: 05-12-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Green Day - Troubled Times )
  1. Gergő Szabó

    Can we give a moment to the masterfully edited video?

  2. Anthony Telford

    Beautifully relevant

  3. Spiderling5421

    Wouldn’t it be awesome if green day wrote a sing about British politics. Like the twat we have as a prime minister or Brexit. It would definitely be a number 1 in the U.K.

  4. TheStrange 2

    *This is America*

  5. Carsonist The Arsonist

    You know I cannot lie

  6. Typical Skateboarder

    Police don't protect and serve politicians steal from the taxpayers Government is corrupt good people die Young depression is a big issue. Oh, wait that's always been around.

  7. Harry Mack

    American: Fucks damn near everything up. Green Day: *Chuckles, you're in danger.

  8. Halo Legend

    It's a good song and album, but man, their political opinion is patheticNo subtlety

  9. Ignacio Galleguillos


  10. Patrick Dempsey

    You know what fear is. Fear makes people scared of others. WWI, it was the Germans. WWII it was both Germans and the Japanese. Fear makes people act a certain way. We run for cover, like a skyscraper's falling down. Because of 9/11 and the years following it, and with ISIS.....people are scared. There is no denying what has happened in the past 20 years. Some things we will never overcome, if we don't seek it. Until this conflict is over, terror is defeated, people will stay paranoid and, well, afraid of people who are Islamic. My friend over I Sweden was hit by an Islamic refugee who stole a car, and didn't even serve time. He barely goes outside anymore because of it. People act certain ways because of their experiences in life. The Wall going up? my opinion it should be up north too, with immigration tests that are based on average American Knowledge. Security like TSA in airports on the border. And.....well, paradise burning? Dunno about you, but in Furgeson, well....i live just outside the city. That place was very, very dangerous during the riots. Buildings on fire, shops looted, police and military down there.......we truly live in troubled times. We need to solve these problems, not just.....pretend they didn't happen. Forget history. Where's the truth in the written word, if no one reads it? Don't listen to social media or news. Look for the facts themselves and make your own conclusions.We live in troubled times.

  11. Night Dream

    This song is so accurate, even if its 2019 :<

    Cyan Dorito

    And it always be

  12. Roker Carlos


  13. Genevieve

    I kept getting those fucking trump poll advertisements, so i searched "anti trump music" and this is the first song on one of the playlists. Hopefully youtube will get the message. I really don't want trump invading my youtube feed.

  14. ShibeZilla

    You know I cannot lie.....

  15. meteora

    more political art.

  16. Павел Веткин

    In what programm had this video done?

  17. Green Day

    Crawl on the dance floor.. spit in the air.. get weird. The Father Of All... video is here: the Hella Mega Tour presented by Harley-Davidson w/ Green Day, Fall Out Boy, & Weezer + The Interrupters - get dates and tickets:

    ByDead Ø1

    Visiten México por favor 😢

    Kyle Donald

    Green Day I’m already into that song That I can relate too Like too dumb to die and Jesus of suburbia And redundant. But some think of that song as an iPod adWhich is clearly disrespectful but all your songs have meaning to all 17 year old like meI loved you since I could count to 20

  18. 四ウルフのみ

    I like how green day has a open mind

  19. David Vitrano

    please add this in your musical!

  20. Nick Burge

    I disagree. Overall we’re doing fine. No major wars, good economy, I guess there are some domestic problems, but the media is blowing it out of proportion...kinda like you are doing, Green Day. Just my opinion


    I agree even tho they make let's say "good" music for some people.

    Cogita Rosa

    Turkey invasion; Oncoming recession; School Shootings; Hate Crimes continue to Rise; Tariffs raising Taxes; Medicine that costs $10 in other countries still costing $1,000 here; Middle Class Shrinking (In a mock feudalistic way);

    Nick Burge

    Cogita Rosa The world will always be shitty my dude, it’s just not as shit now. Compare now to history. We’re doing fine

    Carpe Diem

    @Nick Burge That is one of the most dumbest outlooks on life ive ever heard of

    Nick Burge

    Carpe Diem It’s true though

  21. Joao G. Pinheiro

    Poor lyrics, very mediocre melody!

  22. webbskull 29

    Longview "take me away to paradise"Welcome to paradise "welcome to paradise"Troubled times"paradise burning"Its a Story people

  23. Wayne Seto

    Now Hong Kong people live in troubled times

    Dan Moseley

    Too many people aswell

  24. Tren Lechero

    2019 and youtube know what i want

  25. The_fluffy_guitarist22

    why the fuck is there so many dislikes???? you just cant dislike green day...... like if you get me lol

  26. Dan Moseley

    Use me as a petition for Billie Joe to become president

  27. tasty_deathcaps

    everyone in the comments shut the fuck up about politics and enjoy the song


    “Shut up about politics and enjoy this song about politics!”

  28. Jeffrey Givant

    What a song and a band-wake up sheep!


    When I found out Tom Holland may no longer be part of the MCU😢😭

  30. Xx.ac1d. k3nny.xX!!!

    this song only gets more relevant as time goes on

  31. colas rooftop

    great one

  32. Joshua Carreon

    Good or bad this band is not Punk

    Carpe Diem


  33. cyberdemon 10130

    Is the guy with yellow hair suposed to be making fun of trump even if it isnt i agree

  34. DudsXtreme

    Trump 2020!!

  35. Leslie Guillory

    He's your president get over it.

  36. Tell Cersei it was ME

    “What’s good a love and peace on earth if it’s exclusive” - said every single aborted child.

  37. Aluizio Sousa



    Fun fact: Green Day doesn't play this song live as the backing vocals, which are done by the bassist Mike Dirnt, are too hard to do live after he'd also done the backing vocals and screaming their other songs.

  39. Priyansh Rai

    One of the best Green day songs🔥🔥🔥🔥🤘Long live Billie joe armstrongR.I.P chesterR.I.P CobainR.I.P Paul grayR.I.P Sid viciousR.I.P HUMANITY❤

  40. Deutschland Berlin

    i just realised there was swastikas at 2:52 (if you pause you can see them for longer-)

  41. Carlos Ramirez Armas

    Congratulations Trump or maybe "Assassin", your words of hate all latinos destroy America and lives of innocent people is dead for your arrogancy.

  42. Lucas Pires

    Puta critica social foda

  43. Jesse James

    See, I agree with this now, but for the opposite reason, the left is destroying this country, and just like the song says "what do we learn from history when it's repeated?" And the left is pushing this country towards a socialist/communist nation that hasn't worked ever.

  44. Roker Carlos



    Remember when the left was counter culture

  46. Jurijn Hermans

    Underated as f*ck

  47. Luqman Ishak

    No trumpNo kkkNo facist usa

  48. Luqman Ishak

    What good is love and peace on earth when it's exclusive

  49. Genevieve

    1:15 Pink Floyd reference

  50. Genevieve

    I'm gonna get those opening lines as a tattoo


    You mean "what good is love and peace on earth, when it's exclusive"?


    @Влалёк yup

  51. JacobMaxwell99

    1:14 reminded me of the wall and 2:40

  52. Cahyo Setiawan

    the point is declared for against racist arround the world

  53. RC guardian

    trumpled times

  54. Nick Gritz

    Good song, a shame they’re not educated

    GirlGamer Alvarez

    Nick Gritz you know absolutely nothing. And even your profile picture explains.

    Nick Gritz

    GirlGamer Alvarez The Last of Us? What? What’s that have to do with anything?

    Nick Gritz

    Carpe Diem Green Day’s always been shitting on America in their songs and yes it is the greatest nation. The video shiws Antifa, a terrorist group as well as a puppeted Donald Trump with Klu Klux Klansmen which implies that he’s a racist. Yet there is no proof of blatant racism is there? Whoever thinks Trumps a puppet is clueless moron, the mans already a billionaire, he has no filter, and he’s been walking over people for decades. How in the hell could that man be a puppet. The puppets that put on shows are the bias “news networks” that didn’t like being exposed for corrupt reporting

    Carpe Diem

    @Nick Gritz He has just told American born Congresswomen to go back home, blatant racism. America isnt the greatest state either you drip. Fucking your sisters doesnt make you the greatest state. You are one of the most corrupted countries in the worlds history

    GirlGamer Alvarez

    Nick Gritz You are really dumb, dude. Seriously?😑

  55. УХТЫ ПаТрИк

    💚💚💚💚💚май любовь

  56. Olmstead Runyon

    I'm gonna go listen to _Dookie_ and _Insomniac_ like I did when I was a kid, and I'm just gonna forget that this SHIT ever happened. BJA siding with politicians. What a fuckin' mung bean.

    Carpe Diem

    Whats wrong with him liking a politician

  57. Icy Sirr

    the beginning reminded me of still my guitar gently weeps

  58. Arabelle Poll

    Awesome beautiful coolness XD

  59. Gerard Jerry

    Green Day was ahead of everybody this time around

  60. theDMproductions

    Trump is not racist, nor a bigot. He's actually trying to unite the country. The left has spun everything he's done as being evil. He's actually a very good president. He's trying to keep out country safe. Now I like greenday, I like their music, and I think Billie Joe Armstrong is a bright man, But i do not agree with this song. I think the troubled times we live in is the lefts constant complaining over our president.

    Meat Snacks

    theDMproductions You’re a fucking moron

    Yang Banger

    @Meat Snacks I second that

  61. Jinki Lee

    Se re nota que la musica esta retocada por que, esta cambiada digitalmente, dense cuenta, pues los cantantes desafinan mucho, pero con la PC eso se arregla, asi con la musica tambien.

  62. Nur mu

    well i think the downvotes are all from trump himself and his bot army how politicans in german would call the complete internet. an amazing song but noone who had vote for trump will ever understand this video

  63. Trinity Livingston

    This song just reminds me so much of the songs on the American Idiot album! I love them!😗😗

  64. Emi

    I hate how this song's still so incredibly relevant...

  65. Рамон Н

    NO TrumpNO American aggressions around the world Iran.Irak,Afganistan. Korea .Vietnam,Jugoslavija,Africa,Ciria ,Livan, YES Green Day YES Make Love not WarFROM Russia with love

  66. Imaran

    Man, Green Day, they have drunk the kool-aid, really? Spouting the false facts that liberals have been going on with? Man, disappointing. All my favorite musicians selling out. I guess they are starting to get old, just like Eminem. Too dumb to realize that what they are doing is not edgy or rebel, it is as mainstream as it gets. Sad day for Green Day, a punk titan selling out to the most common denominator.

  67. Mhs Teknik Informatika Intania Safitri

    Greenday music for against NWO.. Thats clear their lyrics tell us about this world right now

  68. Jack Gerk

    I think trumps doing well.

  69. Antolín Cantó Cantó

    I like it, very great vegetables

  70. [ Luka ]

    Climate change?

  71. Chloe Sterritt

    Troubled times, you know I cannot lie

  72. •bucketboots•

    Green Day: *makes a song explaining how the world is fucked up*Butthurt people: GREEN DAY IS TOO POLITICAL! Green Day: That's the point Dumbass!

  73. Praneet Singh

    America: *screws up*Green Day: Ah shit! Here we go again

  74. Laion Speranza

    I was a fan of Green Day, always was that in my heart. But, Billie and the rest became something like communist. In Bullet in a Bible they sing to no respect the fucking leaders and now at present he seems to further a govern, Billie seems like a further of democracy which is a big shit of coletivism. So, because this i not listen nothing more actual, only the oldest songs.Fuck you the state.

  75. Azul Escarlata


  76. Because Comics

    When was this made?

  77. LilGoastboy Official

    This is what I live for. That makes me an anarchist and I’m fine with it

  78. Imogen and Egos

    Who else had to listen to this song for modern studies in school? I did :)

  79. Invidious

    Rock Music won't defend the West. Trump 2020.


    why are you even here? go listen to ted nugent or something

  80. Spicy Falafel

    100% of comments: lol trump supporters are so salty0% of comments: salty trump supporters


    Spicy Falafel have you sorted by new?

  81. M Fish

    It’s almost 2020. Just one more year. Everything will be fine soon. No ones gonna vote him in again. We r stupid but not that stupid.

  82. Kenny Shoji

    I'm getting serious MCR vibes from this

  83. jakub

    I like Green Day songs but in this video i can t watch how you all liberals defend Islamists. They are ruining coutries here in Europe. They are other culture and they dont work just getting everything for free and getting cash just cause they are immigrants. And you are defending them. Just look how is everythisng fucked up in Europe. Yellow vests, raising of immigrant gangs, rapists, murderers. When you ll come into big cities on the west of EU you will find many NO GO ZONES occupied by islamists. They are radicalising cause of immams. Just please guys open your eyes. They are not here to cooperate or help but to occupy countries. In few years we are expecting SWE, UK, FRA, GER, NED, BELG to turn into caliphate.

    Soleil Endormi

    They are just anti-war and anti Trump


    @Soleil Endormi You know what is funny? That "liberals" in our coutry call us patriots fascists and we just dont want war or to be under dictatorship of EU, + we want to solve qypsy problem and tyranny. They want it. And funny is that fascism is corporatism and those so called liberals have huge sharks behind them and want to ban us, our thinking and love to country. We want just to keep our traditions and sovereignty and they want to sell it to others and destroy everythig what we love. Complicated but real and scary.

    Soleil Endormi

    @jakub getting the peace by violence...


    @Soleil Endormi violence produce just another violence. Thats not the way.

  84. Noah Walker edwards and more

    Billie Joe Armstrong for president 2020

  85. angelonewarrior

    "what good is love and peace on Earth when its exclusive?" you must love them!

  86. Roker Carlos


  87. Logan Metcalf

    Still relevant in 2019.


    Logan Metcalf well the songs only 3 yrs old

  88. Vulcan65654

    The political scene of America is a piece of shit on both sides. Doesn't matter if you hate trump or Hillary, this 2 party system is insanely flawed

  89. Jordan

    I support Trump but I have to admit that I like this song plus the lyrics aren’t really blunt with what they mean so it isn’t in your face and you can really push this both ways and for any part of history so yeah I’m adding this to my playlist

  90. SpratzMan

    "greenday" i've never heard of that day of the week

  91. yahiko nagato


  92. Barukk Songi

    Thats real Music with real Lyrics, it's so f*cking AWSOME

  93. Marcelo Cárdenas

    Troubled Times: We live in troubled times.99 Revolutions:We live in troubled times, from the ghettos to an empty suburban home. Hitchin' A Ride: Troubled times, you know i cannot this is weird

  94. Dakota Thomas

    i hate that orange bastard trump is the reason i made the switch to anarchy but now i have an anthem

  95. Heloísa Lins

    I love Green Day🖤💚

  96. revelatedsouls

    i love the guitar solo part

  97. MayMica Paredes

    GREEN DAY definition ... they haven't definition ♠

  98. Mary Dobbins

    This is my favorite song by Green Day because it talks about real-world problems. Like history repeating itself, some countries still have SLAVES. That's right you read that correctly, SLAVES. Granted, *individuals* (Key word there, individuals.) in other countries are doing it illegally, but that makes it worse. LGBTQ+ suicide rates in the U.S. are approximately 44% higher than heterosexual suicide rates. Of course, because Trump is president, he has SCREWED AMERICA UP. Did you know that Trump entered the 2016 elections with ABSOLUTELY no political background? Not his mom, not his dad, NO ONE IN HIS FAMILY WAS INVOLVED POLITICS. This is PROOF that he wanted to boost his ego. Trump said that he would protect the LGBTQ+ community. Later he BANS TRANS PEOPLE FROM THE MILITARY AND TAKES AWAY OUR BATHROOM RIGHTS. As a trans person, that really pissed me off when that happened, because, now, I wouldn't be allowed In the military or allowed in the men's bathroom, I'd need to get a legal name change (which I'm planning on anyways changing it to Sean), I'd have to COMPLETE sex reassignment surgery (top and bottom), and be doing hormone therapy (which I'm also planning on doing) just for a legal sex change. I have just realized that this has focused o LGBTQ+ rights mainly, but TRUMP LYING TO "HIS" PEOPLE IS UNACCEPTABLE. As I said before, this is my favorite song by you guys, because of the truth it speaks.

    Yeet Clutcher

    This is a bit late but there is a huge reason for the military bans and trump has helped countries that still dont support lgbtq look both up, with that being said he is not the best presedent and I disagree with alot of the things he does and even though im completly oppisite of the political spectrum from greenday ive got to love there music!

  99. faramarz karimi

    what is your trouble with trump? he did his job till now

    The Guitar Kid

    we just have to wait til November

    faramarz karimi

    @The Guitar Kid for electing democrats? are they truthful government as much as republicans

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