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Green Day - Bang Bang

Bang Bang
: Bang Bang
: 3.23 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 112 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 66 İndirme
: 05-12-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Green Day - Bang Bang )
  1. Eduardo Alvear

    Fuck yea

  2. RedstoneGodLike

    Michael Myers

  3. panda fortnite and pubg mobile panda

    Looks fun

  4. I eat grass

    This bank has gone through so much

  5. Mark Brann

    the greatest goddamned rock band none

  6. That one Dordere chibi

    this song reminds me of the offspring.

  7. quynh nguyen

    Hi from vietnamese

  8. Wendy's Twitter

    This actually got less views than the lyric video

    Tamir Hadar

    The lyric video was released before the music video and in my opinion is better

    Wendy's Twitter

    Tamir Hadar yeah I usually like their lyric videos better

  9. Hello World

    Who wants to start a go fund me to get all our neighbors ear plugs- in the unlikely event they haven’t


    Fact : This bank has been robbed multiple times, King for a Day - Pierce the Veil ft. Kellin and Payphone - Maroon 5, they need a better security.

  11. Holden Cornfield

    So heather, whatsername and extraordinary girl robbed the bank

  12. Kacper Olszewski

    almost La casa de papel

  13. Andrew Carroll

    I knew the song was real intense,but this is next level.

  14. Chank241420

    Bang bang

  15. Jayme Poirier

    Why is everyone robbing this fucking bank

  16. Yuni X2

    0:04 When you got done watching The Dark Knight.

  17. Regina Arnett

    This is definitely not the first video to surface of an execution of menThey claimed responsibility for the executionsDescribed as severely mentally disturbedVideos show another hostage executed by the terrorist groupDeserve to be annihilated———————————————I get my kicks and I want to start a ragerI want to dance like I'm on the videoI got a fever for the violent behaviorI'm sweating bullets like a modern RomeoBang bang give me fameShoot me up to entertainI am a semi-automatic lonely boyYou're dead I'm well fedGive me death or give me headDaddy's little psycho and mommy's little soldierI testify like a lullaby of memoriesBroadcasting live and it's on my radioI got my photo bomb, I got my vietnamI love a lie just like anybody elseBang bang give me fameShoot me up to entertainI am a semi-automatic lonely boyYou're dead I'm well fedGive me death or give me headBroadcasting from my room and playing with my toysI want to be a celebrity martyrThe leading man in my own private dramaHurrah (bang bang), hurrah (bang bang) the hero of the hourDaddy's little psycho and mommy's little soldierI want to be like the soldiers on the screenIt's my private holy warOh baby baby this is viva vendettaFor this is love or it's world war zeroI want to be a celebrity martyrThe little man in my own private dramaHurrah (bang bang), hurrah (bang bang) the hero of the hourDaddy's little psycho and mommy's little soldierI want to be a celebrity martyrThe little man in my own private dramaHurrah (bang bang), hurrah (bang bang) the hero of the hourDaddy's little psycho and mommy's little soldier

  18. Jerry Ao

    That drum solo was sick as fuckkkkkk

  19. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

    2:49 Putting the Cool in Tré Cool

  20. Diego C

    After at least 2 years I found out that this song is from Revolution Radio album, which is so crazy to me! I thought it was dookie or maybe American Idiot. HOLY COW SO HYPED FOR THE NEXT ALBUM!!

  21. scott baker

    Another great hit

  22. J-Dog West-Combo

    DAMN this is such a good song!

  23. hrotha

    I really didn't expect to see a guy skanking in a Green Day video.

  24. Ashley Frisbie

    Love it. Sounds more like their old stuff, which is a good thing. Fast and loud!

  25. Brax fan

    One of my favourite songs from the masterpiece, Revolution Radio 💥💥 Thank you for coming to Manchester 2017 Green Day, you were spectacular 💚🇺🇸💚🇬🇧

  26. Spar Row

    is that a point break allusion?

  27. Green Day

    Crawl on the dance floor.. spit in the air.. get weird. The Father Of All... video is here: the Hella Mega Tour presented by Harley-Davidson w/ Green Day, Fall Out Boy, & Weezer + The Interrupters - get dates and tickets:

    James space and more

    Best song I've heard in a while father of all is

  28. Wes Lewis

    This is one of Green Days best songs ever and nobody talks about it

  29. catherine kate

    The original Money Heist

  30. Andrea 96

    Jason is waiting outside the bank ahah

  31. Rainbow Raccoon

    Who are the girls who robbed the bank. I wanna know!

  32. Shadow Wolf

    This poor bank has been robbed so many times by so many different bands

  33. Samuel Starr

    the bangs been robbed 3 times? greeday, pierce the veil , maroon 5.... is it a new Music Universe like the mcu?

  34. Karl Smith

    Better than the song father of all motherfuckers?

  35. Kirk Willis

    I drive my kids nuts when I visit them in Memphis, I'm always getting them to play this video with the volume cranked!🎶

  36. Joao G. Pinheiro

    Poor lyrics! Dont you green day have any other subject to speak about besides American Society?...Is Your world THAT SMALL????Now is the fake news...and so on...boring!

    Moo Moo Murder Moose

    Joao G. Pinheiro green day are known for their politics, if you don't wanna hear that then gtfoMost of these issues need to be addressed, grow up

  37. Jef Nguyen

    Got tickets to hella mega tour, regretting it now after listening to green day new stuff.

  38. Son Morten

    2:50 that drum solo is DOPE

  39. Dirty boot- item shop vids

    My two favorite bands Green Day Nirvana Yes I’m young

    Joel Escamilla

    What about Metallica,Korn,Creed,STP,Seether,etc.?

  40. UnChill Gaming

    2019 anybody?

  41. Breno Campos Ribeiro

    Territorial Pissings cover

  42. Tazer Flare

    how does mike ware his bass so loose

  43. Tazer Flare

    who doesnt like this song

  44. James space and more

    B M TI. I. RL. K. EL. E IE

  45. Nayely Lorena Cuyago Q.

    wow... is very genial ... !! Green Day- Bang Bang..<3

  46. Red eyes Satan dragon

    omg we finally found the guitarist name

  47. The Soldier of QKu

    One reason for listen punk rock in the 2019?GREEN DAY!

    cringe libtard

    Right? Oh wait there are more punk rock bands out there

  48. Valeria Del Rio-Rodriguez

    Iv been listening to green day since Holiday got released so since i was what like 6 or 7? Nearly a decade later I'm still at it. This band sticks to their classic style unlike a lot of bands from back then that have made a come back who mix their classic with the modern techno or pop beats of today which I dont like. Green day doesnt change and I love it

  49. Kenneth Overbaugh

    Anyone else find it weird that the music video has less views then the lyric video

  50. toluen sick sniffa

    They are 40 years old but they still look 20

  51. gregory bancroft

    When Greenday brings back Punk

  52. Kirk Willis

    My favorite video, I liked it when the girls were making it rain!!💸💸💵💵💸💷💶💵💰💰💰

  53. DRUNK PoTaDo

    im getting a very peirce the veil king for a day vibe from this video

  54. Daksalkzoo

    came here to confirm if it really is the bank where pierce the veil were in King For A Day and I'm staying oh damn

  55. So Toxic

    St. Jimmy Solo Vibes

  56. GarrettMadMan07


  57. Heidi Wei

    wait is that the bank where king for a day was shot??

  58. Stigma Negative

    This bank has been robbed 4 timesGreen Day - Bang BangPierce The Veil - King For a DayMaroon 5 - PayphoneSocial D. - Machine Gun Blues

  59. Fernanda Reséndiz

    i remember seeing this song getting released and screaming

  60. Fernanda Reséndiz

    omg, this song was a great part of my pre adolescense and the album is still my favorite to this day. i wish green day released more songs and touch more people's lifes like they did with me. ty green day

  61. Brax fan

    Love you Green Day 💚🇺🇸💚 Cool and awesome 💚🇬🇧💚

  62. Angel Gomez

    Hola billie joe, Mike Dirnt y tré cool tengo 20 años y nunca eh ido a un concierto suyo, ni siquiera conozco como son los conciertos en vivo, por eso me gusta ver sus videos en vivo por que así los escucho que nunca pude


    Un saludo carnal, subes buenos momazos de Green Day jajaj

    Angel Gomez

    @Leovh15 muchas gracias bro💚💚🤟

  63. Mikee


  64. Alain Jumel

    2:20 Tim Armstrong, Acidez and Corrupted Youth spotted 🤘

  65. Frozenboi810

    thats not how a bank works yknow, they dont just have millions of dollars in a filing cabinet

  66. Luis Magallanes

    Sounds like St.jimmy

  67. young & dUmB

    These guys seem like they spent a lot of money on this video...And only 6.2 million views...That's BS.

  68. I Like to be a Heretic

    where the fucking new alboom?)))

  69. Amber133 Xo

    The song is written from the perspective of a potential mass shooter. Armstrong explained: "It's about the culture of mass shooting that happens in America mixed with narcissistic social media. There's this sort of rage happening, but it's also now being filmed and we all have ourselves under surveillance. To me, that is so twisted. To get into the brain of someone like that was freaky. It freaked me out. After I wrote it, all I wanted to do was get that out of my brain because it just freaked me out."Rather than trying to get into the mass shooter's head and understand his crazy rationale, Armstrong was just trying to figure out his character. He said: "I don't know why someone would ever do something that horrific because I know I never would. It's just sort of meant to also reflect the culture a little bit without sounding pretentious."Discussing the song with Q magazine, Billie Joe Armstrong said: "There are so many mass shootings we're desensitized. There was a kid in Santa Barbara, who went on a killing spree, a couple of years ago, and he did these blogs like a manifesto, beforehand. He was suffering from his own insecurity and mental illness. The song's written in the first person, where I tried to put myself in his place." Green Day played this song at the 2016 American Music Awards. They took a shot at President-elect Donald Trump during the performance, chanting, "No Trump, no KKK, no fascist USA."

  70. Regina Arnett


  71. Caesey Delacroix

    Playing my Green Day playlist again, literal chills. I hate that when you search "Billie" first in Google Billie Eilish comes first

  72. KeJan Lawsin


  73. Brandon gameing 51

    I don't know why but it sure does remind me of Payday 2 anyone else. in the first scene

  74. alpha wolf

    Tre looks like his having a really good time

  75. Jokinen37 7u7

    Is the first time I look at this and not the lyric video

  76. X Kid

    2:50-2:53 one hundred percent ecstasy

  77. Exploradores Coahuilenses

    This is definitely not the first video to surface of an execution of menThey claimed responsibility for the executionsDescribed as severely mentally disturbedVideos show another hostage executed by the terrorist groupDeserve to be annihilatedI get my kicks and I want to start a ragerI want to dance like I'm on the videoI got a fever for the violent behaviorI'm sweating bullets like a modern RomeoBang bang give me fameShoot me up to entertainI am a semi-automatic lonely boyYou're dead I'm well fedGive me death or give me headDaddy's little psycho and mommy's little soldierI testify like a lullaby of memoriesBroadcasting live and it's on my radioI got my photo bomb, I got my vietnamI love a lie just like anybody else

  78. GarrettMadMan07

    The whole band didn't age at all

  79. haleigh

    this album is like where American Idiot left off.

  80. Saltine Slacker

    This bank was made for the soul purpose of robbing

  81. alfiesyahril anewar

    just listen to the music you fucking comment king wanker

  82. turtle jesus

    2:34 sounds like lizzy hale from halestorm

  83. turtle jesus

    0:04 me and the boys looking for the beans at 3AM

  84. Arvid P.

    And people say Green Day aren't punk.

  85. ssr mdr

    I listen it wen i wan t to fight someone a front of Girls 😅😅

  86. Anna Kakhidze

    Who is here in July ?

  87. John Oliver Acuin

    We need another green Day album..

  88. wyatt [REDACTED]

    Hopefully we can get a new album in 2020.

  89. The Rising Gamer

    Is this a music video or Team America World Police?

  90. Almighty Jay

    This didn’t get views cuz of the stupid thumbnail

  91. ぼっしゅ


  92. R P 3

    Where can I get one of those masks

  93. Ultimate Pig

    3:09 Mike your face is like what the FLIP

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