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Green Day - Still Breathing

Still Breathing
: Still Breathing
: 3.43 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 159 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 117 İndirme
: 05-12-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Green Day - Still Breathing )
  1. HolyKirkwood587

    im still alive- Billie Joe Armstrong, Last Words

  2. Brezzell Gaming


  3. Cricket Kosko

    Yes I'm still breathing. Love. Thanking you for being brave enough to Express your, my, his, her, their feelings through music. Thank you 💜

  4. good guy

    Top ten anime songs

  5. michal figalla

    Very emotional song for me I cry everytime I hear it cause I nearly passed out and from that time I'm so scared to live. But I have to when I hear this!

  6. webbskull 29

    As i walk out on the ledge are you scared to death to lifeThis is top quality green day lyrics

  7. Team quills A

    I got a green day ad on a green day music video lol

  8. Дмитрий Сахаров

    Вот истинный панк рок

  9. zoobomafoo fat

    Throughout my youth and now well in my 30s, Greenday has manage to stay relevant and strong in all these years.

  10. ariel drsslm

    my depression slowly disappears because I often hear this songThank u green day

  11. Noah Rubin

    I love this song because it tells that crap happens but I’m still alive. GO Green Day!

  12. Shaylan Smith

    The Coast Of California the best place to live I like it tout there I go up there with my girlfriend for my getaways with her other times too see my family up there one place I like the most on the coast is Guerneville, Mendocino County, Redwood Valley and Ukiah

  13. Hunter Bushell

    “I’m like a son raised without a father” hit me hard. Billie lost his dad at a young age and that must be an emotional line for him

  14. Grabacadaver

    i am still bleeding

  15. Zach Prince

    Every time i hear this song i kinda wanna cry makes me think of my old man


    Waw cool👍👍👍

  17. withexo 522

    Easily one of their best and most relatable songs. Revolution Radio is simply a great album followed up to American Idiot. Too bad it didnt have that much impact but this song if youre a Green Day fan or simply a fan of music this song will lift your spirits up.

  18. Анна Канаева

    Да я из России !) I M Russia

  19. Shaylan Smith

    I was a son raised without a father for quite some time for 9 years once 2005 hit I had a stepdad that came into my life he was gone a lot at his job so I had to grow up into a man by myself and I’m still doing great now at 22 years of life not counting the years I can’t remember but, I’ll say my step dad has got a new job where he won’t be away anymore now that he’ll be here more but, he’ll gone everyday through the week days but, will be home now closer to us than not be far away like he used to

  20. Reece Pollard

    Be a bit concerning if he wasn’t breathing

  21. Punit Parmar

    This is some good music

  22. Jungwoo’s Skrt

    I remember being so freaking happy when this music video was released then a few days later my dad passed away and I started to relate to this song a lot. Green Day thank you for always being there for us!

  23. K-Foglarsson

    Worst song to play at a funeral.

  24. THECROX - Subtitulos

    Good song

  25. Echo Sloth

    This gives me chills

  26. Echo Sloth

    This song real talk go so hard 💯

  27. Poor boy Payton

    Dang his dad died on sept 10 1982

  28. William Prater

    Beautiful song!!!!!!

  29. laserbeamlightning

    2004: I walk alone2017: I’m still breathing

  30. Nicholas Hoovan

    All time favorite rock band

  31. J. B.

    The only thing that's aged better than the 68 Dodge in this video is Mike. Billy and Tre still look great, but Mike has aged like like a boss. No homo, or maybe....ah shit nevermind.

  32. Mimi Lock

    This song always helps me through the roughest days

  33. Nowhere Man

    I love this song because even after all i've been through, I'm still breathingThe world needs more songs people can relate to.. Music with feelings

    Dan thegecko

    Your are correct suicide rates ate rising they need someone to tell them it's going to be ok


    There are some of the songs like that on the past, jimmy eat world the middle, angels and airwaves songs, some mcr songs like Light behind your eyes.. Probably more if you dig enough. /forgot paramores Last hope!

    Dan thegecko

    @vijook Jimmy eat world is my favorite my sister's and I would sing it in the car from then to now I'm 23


    @Dan thegecko thats cool!

  34. Matthew Murray

    This song was and still is a banger

  35. ArcadeMAD

    mickey mouse rock music, go home

  36. astark3

    I literally cried when he said “I’m like a son that was raised without his father” and they showed Billie. Fuuuck 1:57

    Bertholdt Hoover

    *I like


    Bertholdt Hoover Sorry, English isn’t my first language. Thank you for the correction tho🤘🏻

    Shaylan Smith

    I was raised without a father for 9 years then in 2005 I had a step dad that came into my life but, he was gone at work all the time so I still had to grow up with him being away now he’s changed his jobs now he’ll be closer now that means more step dad and step son bonding time now I’m so happy 😀 I never thought this would happen I’m so happy mostly for my mother and him though more family holidays now without him being away

  37. astark3


    Dan thegecko

    How could you?


    Dan thegecko it sounded SO cringy

  38. astark3


    Dan thegecko


  39. iam Noobgaming10

    So nostalgic

  40. bubka mitra

    And tears rolled down my eyes. No I wasn't sad or crying. Just way too many memories came flooding in. God the nostalgia.💗

  41. Bal VS Bal

    Linkins gone green day is last rat standing

  42. Boltz Dark

    Man you guys are the greatest band for me period, this is just like "Time of your life" plus matured version #respect

  43. Kay Cab

    These lyrics relate to my life a lot and i almost cried in my Geometry class. Stuff happened in my life and my mom is trying to raise me the best she can by herself because my dad isn't in my life. I guess 1 like for 1 prayer for things to hopefully get better

    Dan thegecko

    I hope they do keep breathing

    Madison Powers

    1 like= 1 prayer I am praying for u Jesus will hopefully help u and guide your life

    Kay Cab

    @Madison Powers thanks

  44. Mega Ascension

    I got through an abusive relationship with my mother, several suicide attempts, nearly getting expelled in middle school, extensive depression episodes, and several therapeutic programs. As a Senior in high school who has passed my nightmarish past of my life and is optimistic about the future, I'm still breathing.

    Dan thegecko

    I can relate to you more than you know in this message I hope your life will and is going great everyone deserves happiness

  45. Joel Escamilla

    Going to see them for the first time in Houston Aug. 1 can't wait!

  46. Andres E. Castillo


  47. Monika June

    Always love his voice

  48. francis berdin

    When i feel down and lost i'm just listen and everything is okay so Thank you much Green Day 😎😎🤘😇😇

  49. Callum Jeffers

    📂Documents └📁Music └📁Green Day └📁 Bad Songs └ ⚠️ This folder is empty

  50. Miguel Casco

    Por que aun estoy respirando🌅

  51. Áron Fazakas

    Welcome back, Billie

  52. Evolto

    Escuchar Green Day Cada Dia es Lo Mejor Que El Mundo Me Pudo Dar.

  53. Green Day

    Crawl on the dance floor.. spit in the air.. get weird. The Father Of All... video is here: the Hella Mega Tour presented by Harley-Davidson w/ Green Day, Fall Out Boy, & Weezer + The Interrupters - get dates and tickets:

    Soha Rafi

    7th reply ;)💙💙

    Rebecca Ferguson

    getting memories back

    Milla Star

    OMG I CAN’T WAIT TO SEE THE CONCERT! i went to see y’all live on Sept. 2nd, 2017 in WPB (one of the best days of my life) i’m surprised the interrupters are gonna play with you guys but i’m excited!

    haris sarker

    9th reply :-)

    Master Crafter

    100th like!

  54. Abhiroop Datta

    To all the people shitting on this song for not being rock or punk rock or saying green day is dead. Keep your opinion to yourself. Firstly they are 44 years old. Their outlook on life has changed, they have been through a lot more. So don't you think it's obvious that the expression though music will also change? And you don't know how this song, the lyrics may have helped emotionally unstable, borderline suicidal or even suicidal people to get through one more day. You may not know that feeling, but don't shit on the song. Because it's totally all right to not know that feeling but you don't know how it might have helped such people like us. It may not be the reason we live, but it sure as hell made one day easier.

  55. kavish kakkar

    I first liked and then watched the video............

  56. OMW VayZer

    Music for intro apo nah

  57. Kepuasan Hakiki

    Where iS the random guy with the liric...?, Fuck U all

  58. Ryan Ralston

    I honestly love the Coronet 🤷‍♂️

  59. Trinity Livingston

    One last good singer left, Billie Joe Armstrong! The others all died!

  60. Urban Tramp

    Whos listening at 2021?

  61. Kenny Begeske

    Put it on mtv classic rock block on tv 520

  62. Kenny Begeske

    Play this song on raido disney and at the chicago blackhawks game

  63. Viva Sound Channel

    This song is so beautiful in so many ways.What state was it filmed in? It looks like Oregon coast in the video.

  64. thatcanasian

    long live green day

  65. Papi Jhoms

    Can’t wait to see you in Manila, Greenday!

  66. Bill ___

    Some invisible force threw salt in my eyes... every time I listen to this song.

  67. xandr1023

    Green day.... , что тут скажешь, бравооооооо!!!!!!!!

  68. jpn raj

    Who's still listening in September 14 2985 ?

  69. Ashish subba

    I started listening greenday songs from 2009 and still they are awesome band ...dont stop making songs👍👍👍

  70. Maycon Viana


  71. Angélica Lightbody Armstrong

    I'm here because Father of all motherfuckers!

    Musicfan4ever Ashley

    Angélica Lightbody Armstrong me too

  72. Rithik Samlall

    Dude I saw what they did to u at the lives aid concert and that was rude

    Rithik Samlall

    They suck

  73. Karol terravecchia

    Ma che fine avete fatto

  74. Cooper 250

    I think green day is the only band that’s way of singing and how they play their instruments has not changed over the last 30 years

  75. April Acosta

    This song is so good that I would be listening to this song this whole year(feeling lonely).

  76. PintoPopProductions

    Heard this song played on 104.5 KFOG yesterday as part of a Green Day set to commemorate their last day of live DJs before a format change to sportsball talk, ending 37 years as a rock station. I had to hear it again.

  77. Anja chan

    song of my life <3


    Green day is the best band I know so far...Greetings from Kenya 💙

  79. TwiłîPîe PMV

    *Who listening October 1° 2019??**Green Day was and always will be one of the best bands, nostalgic*

    Michele Hudson

    9/26/19 Love me some Green Day. This song is very underrated.

    Victor Cisneros

    1° October 2019 ;)

    Mr. DinkleDick

    It's desperate enough to make a comment about the date, but it's a whole new level of desperate to edit it in the future.

    Zach Jordan

    Beat ya there. Nov 1st

    Mr. DinkleDick

    @Zach Jordan beat you there, November 1st but 10 minutes later.

  80. Deven Waikar


  81. Dan Moseley

    Please can someone tell me what movie this is in?

  82. Jason Tilley

    Damn dude I don't know if it's real every time I come to this song people talk about how they almost killed themselves and listened to this and stopped and that's crazy how muisc can change our lives and our actions and I just have to say good job Billie you always be my idol I'll love green day forever

  83. The omniscient

    2 people that never ageKeanu Reeves Billie Joe Armstrong

  84. Sam Leaf


  85. Pumpkin man Weird and beautiful shit

    Green Day are an amazing band I’ve seen them live three times they’ve always been great and this song got me through a lot because when this song was released a relative of mine was suffering and this song helped me through it Green Day are amazing people 👍 👍 👍

  86. Nosoy Marinero

    When this song come out I think: well I'm Still Breathing, but someday I will be better. Three years until today, and I'm still breathing.

  87. Jack Mack

    What a mud hippie

  88. Tuan Hakimi

    i love green day i hope i can meet them

  89. Sera Phine

    I've been a fan of green day for almost 12 years now and their songs never fail to make feel better even if it's just a little bit. 💖

  90. Diana Hernandez

    Me gustó mucho 😍😍😍

  91. Da Sch

    I'm from germany and no I'm speaking in my language: Das ist ein absoluter Hammersong! Der hat mich direkt gehabt! Hoffentlich hört Green Day nie auf!

  92. Chris Frank

    The lyrics have a totally different meaning than the video.

  93. Evvy SoccerSinger


  94. Rossella Cavallo

    This song is very amazing. Green day is a fantastic band!

  95. Ágnes Gyebnár

    Szenzációs, imádom!

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