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Frank Sinatra - New York New York

New York New York
: New York New York
: 3.27 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 137 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 92 İndirme
: 07-07-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Frank Sinatra - New York New York )
  1. Big706kash

    At 0:25 is when he starts the song

  2. 加藤尚子


  3. zdena brau

    Herrlich Herzlich

  4. Malike Uzun

    Her kes türk o yüz den ve ben maalesef dünya nin sonunu getirecek olan kişiyim beğenmez sem belki bir şans benden sonra

  5. carlos 1918

    Quien en diciembre del 2019 serca de navidad le ase recordar a mi pobre angelito perdido en nuevayork

  6. Justin Andreozzi

    His introduction is still current.

  7. Gabriel Batista

    I need to go New York ♥️😭

  8. Dave Roberts

    Thanks Frank. RIP Man. Awesome 👏.

  9. Naiyla 09

    I'm here because Sophie Latu

  10. _ReisK_

    New York is his best friend

  11. Humberto Martinez

    YES SIR!!!!

  12. Simone Leoni

    2020? Anyone?

  13. Diana Cano Ugarte


  14. Idaho

    Its 2086, you are going home to Pluto from your Trip to the US on Earth and this plays.

  15. David Craigmile

    Over, and Over, and Over again... nice work if you can get it! - dcraigmile (trumpet)

  16. Erika Lugo


  17. Kala Kala

    Great singer.,and one of the best.wonderful.

  18. Syailendra Daniel

    Adorer Sinatra pour toujours

  19. diego cayoja

    Waw sinatra sabia como sar un buen espectaculo, cuando lo escucho me pone la piel de gallina😅

  20. 1,000,000 subs with videos

    he sings well

  21. sweaq123

    I'm stunned.

  22. Andréa Leocádio

    I Love this music.Congratulations...🥰😘😁😄😊

  23. theboss

    I listen to this song every single day.

  24. Оля Кр

    А мы (коллектив) под нее танццем

  25. John G

    Start spreading the news #chasefor28

  26. Grafika AHE

    where it was ?

  27. Andrey Ivanov


  28. Semiramis Bonaparte

    i love the looks I get when I'm riding down the street, windows down, blaring this song (and any Sinatra for that matter)...its the greatest feeling ever lol..

  29. Steve Lucia

    Anyone tired of all the who's listening in 2019

  30. Colin Bunbury

    Living in NYC and the concept is still the same here

  31. Rafael Vieira

    October,11 2019 fron Brazil!

  32. Matheus Grego

    Jogo aberto

  33. style just

    Just The Best of Universe.

  34. Titi Christie

    October 9,2019

  35. Titi Christie

    October 9, 2019

  36. Tais Cristini

    Gente,q perfeição essa voz.

  37. Robert Lowe

    Still one of my favorites. right now 2019..💒💋


    E quantos bailes do réveillons dançávamos esta música com as gatinhas e o mai gostoso era quando elas jogavam o cabelo do lado .... aí era caixa era a deixa pra dar uns beijos no pescoço na boca aí só por Deus aquela chupada no pescoço era a marca registrada de identificação de que estamos acompanhado com alguma gatinha kkkkkkkkkk e aí terminava a música era os meninos um grupinho e as meninas outro grupinho 😢 que emoção juntada com saudades do tempo que não volta mais ....hoje realizado profissionalmente e com uma família linda tenho me dedicado como sonoplasta de música antigas dos anos 80 e 90 em festas da família e nas que sou convidado ...

  39. Monica Cristina

    Adoro esta musica

  40. Ela

    Time to shoot morons from 2019🤔

  41. Géssica Lopes

    Sou muito eclética e não havia expandido meu gosto musical pra Frank Sinatra. Como uma boa amante de música, não poderia faltar esse clássico!! ❤💃It's amazing 😂😍

  42. thatsteam23

    Ima a fetus and I wish I was alive back then

  43. Juan Lopez

    Like si viniste después de Yo Me Llamo

  44. Hank Logsdon

    The Chairman of the board ole blue eyes!!! Awesome!

  45. Hip Hop Junky Radio Show

    Damn... I love Frank Sinatra... I hope this dude really wasnt racist. I find it hard to believe especially because Sammy was part of the Rat Pack

  46. Enestor Camero Castillo

    Vengo a comparar al Frank Sinatra de Yo me llamo con el original y me parece que el de yo me llamo lo hizo muy bien, obviamente guardando las proporciones porque ni los participantes que han ganado en temporadas anteriores han llegado a ser exactamente igual.

  47. Jesus Montoya

    Alguien viene de yo me llamo? 😁😅

  48. andres copito


  49. Luis Alfonso

    New york. New york me recuardan a mis yankes

  50. Venezi Oficial

    I loved that song

  51. Ch Sadykova

    American dream - New York

  52. rickw1100

    His Best.

  53. Jake Lee

    "To the ball team that lost..."This man.

  54. The Devs

    Anybody watching October 2019?


    Bro dont you just get a calm winter amazing vibe from Sinatra. When i close my eyes and listen to Sinatra i feel like im going backIn time. Sinatra is great❤️🙏

    JSD Jade 810

    SLICE2K 🙏

    The Devs

    JSD Jade 810 Stay away from Brooklyn. When I lived there in an apartment, it got on fire because a gang bombed it. It was the worse choice to live there. The hole lobby was on fire and it was just.. A lot of elderly people died.Don’t be in Harlem. Unless your a Trouble maker. I mean I don’t care just saying.*Thanks for commenting and Liking everyone! :D*

    JSD Jade 810

    The Devs np man! Speaking of which, is Greenwich Village expensive? Im looking into a one bedroom apartment for rent.

    The Devs Jade 810 Watch this. Speaking of your question,By mind I think it is about 3,810 dollars each month.If you want a video on how the apartment looks tell me. :D

  55. gipsyGunners

    Просто лучший!

  56. Jovany Mandujano

    Nueva York de mi corazón! La mejor ciudad del mundo <3

  57. Alexand Stassinopoulos

    Johnny Mathis

  58. Krzysztof Krzysztof

    I like Zaucha's cover/ Andrzej Zaucha - New York New York

    Krzysztof Krzysztof

    Andrzej Zaucha-New York New York

  59. John Emmanuel Ramos


  60. carlos lara

  61. Ela

    16 th Sept 2019 in here...

  62. Santiago Vázquez

    Casi no parpadea :u

  63. austinhinchey

    September 14, 2019! Alive and listening one of my most favourite crooners singing one of my most favourite Songs! Am I wrong? Maybe old fashioned and that's all! And not a sin!

  64. David McKinney

    Frank Sinatra is the best in my book


    tank you-sinatra

  66. Jujuba Das Galáxias

    Que música linda ❤️🌷

  67. Salomão Davi cardoso barros

    muito boa essa musica, sauve BRASIL

  68. Lucas Souza

    Gostei da música legal New York

  69. Kevin Ryan Orcena

    A Sinatra movie would be the bomb. But nobody has the full package to play him. He is all swag.

  70. mike sutton

    FRANK R O C K S !

  71. Dmitriy 60RUS Airgun

    Frank Sinatra, my favorite singer! Although I have never been to New York)

  72. Ryan Deeken

    The Yankees are currently blasting this after beating boston...

  73. Marina Gomez


  74. Marta Pereira

    Grande Sinatra! Diziam que ele era um malandrão perigoso, eu acredito! Mas tinha uma bela voz, sem dúvidas!

  75. garri gray

    На Всегда!!!!

  76. garri gray


  77. Ricky Reeves

    I know you stand in line

  78. Annie Rodriguez


  79. Patrick Gorton

    Will listen to this song once I get onto wall street

  80. edmilson cirilo folha

    I am 09/09/2019

  81. Psycho0oPig

    great voice, great music

  82. magicalgold010

    Get strange Pakistani and Indian vibes from this

  83. Edna Cervera


  84. Emilson

    Had our last big band gig yesterday. This was one of the songs we played. Listening to it is one thing but when you play it yourself, the feelings you get are simply incredible. I felt quite sad because I knew this would be our last gig in this constellation but I also felt super warm because the atmosphere was absolutely wonderful. Dim lights, cheering people, happy faces, fun music... When it all comes together it makes you feel super sentimental and I'm glad I was able to be part of such an amazing band! Being able to brighten people's moods just makes you enjoy playing even more and I can only suggest to pick up playing an instrument. You won't regret it!

  85. Livia Maximo

    Logo em breve hei de estar na linda New York! 💕

  86. Richard Rigazio

    I'm listening almost every day the Yanks play at home.

  87. Javier Diaz

    Ho 2019

  88. Gadi Goldhaber

    The best ever!!!

  89. jack savage

    great win boys 7-0 wow Mariners are a bad team lol haha get swept Mariners

  90. merou kou

    Un grand maître de musique moderne. Chantée magistralement! Reposez en paix Mr Sinatra. Je fredonnais Strangers in the night déjà en1957 !

  91. Um Gamer

    Quando eu visitei nova York eu cruzei a Ponte do Brooklyn ao som dessa linda música. A skyline vista da ponte é linda, uma pena não ter mais as torres gêmeas (agora tem uma nova). Fui em 2009

  92. jack savage

    we won last night 5-4 against the Mariners # start spreading the news go yankees

  93. Lindinalva Conceição

    assistia todos filme dele eu amava todos ele

  94. Vincenzo Crocetto

    Sono convinto che con la oro arte Frank Sinatra unitamente alla grande Liza Minnelli hanno contribuito a far Grande l'incredibile Big Apple " New York New York... "

  95. Martha Moctezuma

    Anyone is listening un 2999?XD. Like please

    Carlos Eduardo

    i had 3000 years in 2999

  96. jack savage

    beat the dodgers today at four pm go Yankees

  97. Vicky Noriega

    Canción clasica?????

  98. Kennedy Lacerda

    Francis, we miss you so much!

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