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Frank Sinatra - Cake

: Cake
: 3.66 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 87 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 64 İndirme
: 07-07-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Frank Sinatra - Cake )
  1. Alex

    this song is so unique and awesome,I love the horns so much. the last minute is great

  2. Quiltmaker Records

    Olive's Nursery brought me here.

  3. mymistymountainhop

    The genius of this song is that it leaves you wanting more while when you first start listening to it, it give you exactly what you wanted

  4. Kindred Lebel

    This reminds of every haunting memory i have. Some song brings out embarrassing memories, death, sadness, anger. But this song makes me reflect on things like walking home at night, when i was 14, seeing families fight in their homes. Seeing a dog starving as it fights another. The drug dealer, addicts, the faces i thought i forgot.

  5. ToKeNhI

    Among those listed were associates of Sandy Vanucchi, Mikey King and Jason L Minter, were involved in credit card scams and extortion along with other gangsters, Richard Catuso, Christopher Moltisanti and Robert "Quite Bobby " Rufalo.

  6. Aldo Hernandez

    This should’ve been at the end of the joker movie

  7. Tom Ganks

    This and "The Way" by fastball have a similar energy

  8. Steven DelGatto

    Chrissy get the papers. Get the papers

  9. Sofía V

    We know of an ancient radiationThat haunts dismembered constellationsA faintly glimmering radio stationWhile Frank Sinatra sings "Stormy Weather"The flies and spiders get along togetherCobwebs fall on an old skipping recordBeyond the suns that guard this roostBeyond your flowers of flaming truthBeyond your latest ad campaignsAn old man sits, collecting stampsIn a room all filled with Chinese lampsHe saves what others throw awayHe says that he'll be rich somedayWe know of an ancient radiationThat haunts dismembered constellationsA faintly glimmering radio stationWe know of an ancient radiationThat haunts dismembered constellationsA faintly glimmering radio stationWhile Frank Sinatra sings "Stormy Weather"The flies and spiders get along togetherCobwebs fall on an old skipping record

  10. Lucy Adeke

    Fastball - the way. Anyone?

  11. Jeff Thomas

    Used to listen to this album on cassette tape in my older brothers

  12. Walter Wiese

    The more time that passes, the more flabbergasted I am this song received regular commercial radio airplay late in my high school career. It was a better time for mainstream music, sure, but this was a weird damn song then, too.

  13. joyland ajubes

    cake my inspirasyon music lyrics and memory

  14. Ciera Lagrange

    My dad grew me up on this band. I’ve known every album since I can remember first listenin to music

  15. The Great Briton

    I love the guitar in this. Any similar style or rifts I can go listen to?

  16. Транскоммуникация-ФЭГ, EVP

    Fantastic strong actualy

  17. T Augusto

    Frank Sinatra* * *We know of an ancient radiationThat haunts dismembered constellationsA faintly glimmering radio stationWhile Frank Sinatra sings "Stormy Weather"The flies and spiders get along togetherCobwebs fall on an old skipping recordBeyond the suns that guard this roostBeyond your flowers of flaming truthBeyond your latest ad campaignsAn old man sits, collecting stampsIn a room all filled with Chinese lampsHe saves what others throw awayHe says that he'll be rich somedayWe know of an ancient radiationThat haunts dismembered constellationsA faintly glimmering radio stationWe know of an ancient radiationThat haunts dismembered constellationsA faintly glimmering radio stationWhile Frank Sinatra sings "Stormy Weather"The flies and spiders get along togetherCobwebs fall on an old skipping record

  18. Nick Schroeder

    1 million of these views is me.

  19. linos510

    "Yea and nothing did"


    Moltisanti = Many Saints Thank You The Sopranos

  21. Trev Mahoney

    Purealternative FM Through the evening

  22. Abhash Died

    King Moltisanti brought me here

  23. Caz Frege

    This is perfectly mixed. Been listening since I was a kid, never noticed how great the production quality really is until now.

  24. sandro supptitz

    mais que demais

  25. Pitch La Menace

    Sopranos ... i miss you !!! ☹️


    eh brarti gw udah tua yak


    asiap inget sma bro mantab dah the cake

  28. Nina Schaefer

    I saw them live! Mind blowingly Amazing!

  29. Ajay Dahl

    In the Czech Republic we like pork too, ever have our sausages?

  30. Bob Urnham

    actually knowing the band without seeing it in any media brought me here

  31. Mohammad Yunus

    Thank you.

  32. Synayh Ann

    such an underrated song

  33. Michael Johnson

    Holy Shit awesome I mean awesome

  34. James Carney

    You ever had our sausages?

  35. This Guy

    "An old man sits collecting stamps, in a room all filled with chinese lamps, he saves what othersss throw awaaaay, he says he'll be richh som daaayyy" I have to give it to Cake, what a vivid description from song lyrics! I picture an old man in a tiny closet like room with one properly lit lamp meticulously reviewing his hoarded collection of stamps, cramped with antiques this way and that but he knows it because its his. He believes they are all worth something so he never throws anything out, he represents the antiquated man, the traditionalist holding onto a time that is so clearly moving by, but not to him, not in his room. Because in his room, Frank Sinatra is still the top artist, and the war was just a few years ago. Sound's like a twilight zone episode.

  36. Simah E

    Kookoo daddy o

  37. declan loudon

    4 mins and 1 second of heaven.

  38. South Side Serpent

    Christopher Moltisanti.

  39. Fallen Invader

    guy in my talent show performed this so well i just had to add it to a playlist

  40. Sol Faur Spurcatu

    I wonder just how on purpose was this song placed at the end of the sopranos episode "The Legend of Tennessee Moltisanti" - my point is that before the last scene, there's a scene with the Sopranos (Tony and his family) at dinner talking about italians, famous italians who never got that fame. They eventually mention Frank Sinatra. Tony mentions him, but instead of Sinatra, he says : "And don't forget Frank Albert" . And in the last scene we have this song played, called Frank Sinatra. Big coincidence?I highly doubt it considering how well written this show is.

  41. Sundown Sam

    my friend said this one would change my life.

  42. EpoxyMuffin

    Anyone else listening in 2039?

    Jesus Christ Denton

    listening from 3000, greetings from the Cthulhu administration

  43. Antii_fame


  44. ky wa

    Excellent guitar riff at 3:20

  45. Amber Vera

    I still like this band Cake

  46. tyler0896

    No one cares about the album history. Just put the song you fucking ponce.

  47. Edward Durden

    Great memories of getting this on CD before it was released. It was a promotion type CD. Listening to this, playing Doom, hanging with Mary Jane.

  48. Patrick Hart

    last Song I remember on my wedding day 1997.

  49. Wyatt Thompson

    Anyone in 2019? My mom turned me on to cake as a kid I will keep it alive!

  50. Amber Vera

    I like this band!

  51. Candace Vito

    Ol Tennessee Maltosanti

  52. Slayet

    548 people are tone deaf

  53. Sean Burress's my band's cover of this beautiful song!

  54. Den M

    Christopher Multisanti got Fucking cowboyidice!!!

  55. whatchu think

    butter voice you are alright phil

  56. Ida Seitter

    Unlimited sunshine tour 2002 nuff said

  57. Wheeling Guy83

    Legend of Tennessee Moltisanti

  58. Mai Mohamed


  59. Upper

    Seeking for my arc.

  60. Trogdor The Burninator

    My favorite trance/universal travel meditation song.

  61. Eamon Horahan

    the perfect song for the witness protection program!

  62. bryant gouveia

    Thank you Sopranos for making me find out about this band and this amazing song!

    Dan X

    What the fuck is this "sopranos"? How annoying that many comments saying they came cause of this shit

    bryant gouveia

    @Dan X The Sopranos is a tv show that put this song on the map!

    Dan X

    Oh, okay

  63. Joseph Ibarra

    something something shinebox

  64. marz e

    this is lifes soundtrack

  65. Justin Shalu

    When your name is mentioned in the newspaper


    For mob association

  66. Mary Podojil

    Frank Sinatra disliked this song... So I bought a him a Cake and kicked him in his dead, Fashion Nuggets.

  67. jay tee

    i must be loyle to my capo

  68. Kareem Alkhateeb


  69. Jesse D. Kielbasinski

    One of the forgotten good ones by these guys I heard it on 105.9 pick of the litter. Early 2000's I think....anywho.. still good in my book.

  70. Twisted virtues

    I've been looking every where for this song

  71. Lauren Stuve

    Still love this song. 2019 anyone?

    Jesus Christ Denton

    no i hate this song

  72. Looch Incali

    My freshman year of high school brought me here.

  73. marz e

    play this at my funeral🖤👑🖤

  74. Jalu Utomo

    2019 .i bought this cassette like at 98 and still got it till now

  75. Paul Goblet

    Does anyone else “binge” listen to Cake?

  76. Paul Goblet


  77. Paul Goblet

    Cunnilingus and psychology brought me here

  78. KevinDaUnicorn


  79. David Tenney

    Perfect song if you aren't sure when your arc is going to come to you


    That’s a bingo

  80. Jenifer Mason

    ♥ 🎂

  81. Dr. Bandanna

    Why does cake make me want to be a 20s-30s gangster



  83. C Hacker

    "A faintly glimmering radio station"

  84. alan gringo

    What was the first album then? I always thought it was this one?

  85. Win Heber Goklas Sianipar


  86. Not Steve


  87. Alice Christensen

    Oh your Gawd I'm waking up!!!!

    Alice Christensen

    Shut up baby they know it.

    Alice Christensen

    All you heard was light (yagami) but I said life liberty and happiness, y'all fucked it up

  88. Lance Buttercream

    The electric guitar player shares my last name. For me, that's always been the icing on the cake.

  89. Tim Bell

    An interior decorator brought me here.

  90. King_Of_The_Clouds_Fin High

    Best song to start the day with

  91. shakeexon

    let them eat cake 🎂

  92. LaDarryl Winsley

    This should've been the theme for Oxenfree

  93. the Annacix

    Anybody 2018 here ??

    Marcos J

    2035 here

  94. Tim Bell

    Sactown's finest. Kings all day.

  95. 24Jackson Gwynn

    wow i was born in 2006 and this is my favorite band

  96. G R O O S E

    Genious, posting a song from the 90's. This insures that people will watch it granting unlimited views

  97. Yᴏsʜɪ_Dɪɴᴏ_Kɪᴅᴅᴏ

    This would fit perfectly in fallout.

  98. kyle isbart

    The Tennessee moltisanti

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