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Fall Out Boy - This Ain't A Scene

This Ain't A Scene
: This Ain't A Scene
: 3.77 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 131 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 110 İndirme
: 24-06-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Fall Out Boy - This Ain't A Scene )
  1. Marcos Maidana

    2019? Someone?? 🇦🇷

  2. Gabriela Cardona

    Omfg I haven’t heard this song in years

  3. Liberty-Belle Garza-Omae

    Where can I join this emo choir? ( 2:52 )I'm one of those girls who's lips couldn't move fast enoughAnd I wanna sing until my lungs give out.

  4. madFrenky4998

    It was a gold time =(

  5. Tsunami Attack's

    I'm a little man, and my life's so evil, I'm so into caaaaaats

  6. edwar fernandez

    Quien 2019.???

  7. Claudine Jimdar

    I cannot move on without the blessings of my first true loves. LL&MZ❤️😍🌙🎃

  8. tinytankman gt

    This what America showed to Soviets during arms race?

  9. oxymoron02

    Does anyone else find it weird that they censor the "god" in "goddamn" rather than the "damn"?Disclaimer: Not religious, this is just a weird case of censorship, unless it's highlighting how pointless censorship is as satire.

  10. Alperen Bulbul


  11. Mötley crüe Fan

    It is so funny if you put playback speed to 2x

  12. Touya Todoroki

    EVERYBODY LOOK69m views


    Кто с 2к19 сученьки?

  14. Amanda Mello

    Essa música tocava muito na tv, saudades.

  15. Wendigo Radio

    I'm in the toilets, my parents are arguing in their room and I'm listening to this song really loudly to block out their voices. Thank you fall out boy, because without you I would be having a panic attack right now. Well worse than the one I'm having so it could be worse. Thank you.

  16. Oh Poogers

    3:24 mm yes nice reading material

  17. Rayana Sena

    2019 ♥️

  18. Naveed Douthitt

    I feel like the picture thing is a reference to the casting couch

  19. Reem Moustafa

    I love them so much

  20. Bee Too

    2:31 .... Que grande el BananeroooAhhhhhh te cagueeeee, sappbeee

  21. Samantha Weier

    It stills blows my mind that Patrick and Joe are 22 in this video, same age as I am now. o.O

  22. Edith Noah

    2019 🇧🇷❤

  23. melodysymphonystar

    Me when I think I'm over my 2000's emo period:Nostalgia and my brain: Lol think again, honey. Now LISTEN TO ALL THE FOB AND PANIC! SONGS!

  24. Guillermo Guerrero

    Is ice Princess Actress??

  25. Luna

    Lmao this video would be deemed RaCiSt if it came out now

  26. Skully

    Do they have to pay royalties to the Simpsons for calling themselves "Fall-out Boy?"

  27. Aidy Gooner

    I love it when white punks collaborate with black hip-hop artists and produce fire! Reminds me of Linkin Park and Jay-Z actually.

  28. Robyn’s Edits

    November 2019 anyone? This will always be iconic <3

  29. Bruno Troiano

    Meguta mucho

  30. liqo ibarra

    LetraI am an arms dealerFitting you with weapons in the form of wordsAnd don't really care which side winsLong as the room keeps singingThat's just the business I'm inThis ain't a scene, it's a goddamn arms raceThis ain't a scene, it's a goddamn arms raceThis ain't a scene, it's a goddamn arms raceI'm not a shoulder to cry on, but I digressI'm a leading man and the lies I weave are oh so intricateOh so intricate yeahI'm a leading man and the lies I weave are oh so intricateOh so intricate yeahI wrote the gospel on giving up (You look pretty sinking)But the real bombshells have already sunk (Primadonnas of the gutter)At night we're painting your trash gold, while you sleepCrashing not like hips or carsNo, more like p-p-partiesThis ain't a scene, it's a goddamn arms raceThis ain't a scene, it's a goddamn arms raceThis ain't a scene, it's a goddamn arms raceBandwagon's full, please catch anotherI'm a leading man and the lies I weave are oh so intricateOh so intricate yeahI'm a leading man and the lies I weave are oh so intricateOh so intricate yeah, whoa oh oh oh whoa ohAll the boys who the dance floor didn't loveAnd all the girls whose lips couldn't move fast enoughSing, until your lungs give outThis ain't a scene, it's a goddamn arms raceThis ain't a scene, it's a goddamn arms race (Now you)This ain't a scene, it's a goddamn arms race (Wear out the groove)This ain't a scene, it's a goddamn arms race (Sing out loud)This ain't a scene, it's a goddamn arms race (Oh, oh)This ain't a scene, it's a goddamn arms raceI'm a leading man and the lies I weave are oh so intricateOh so intricate yeahI'm a leading man and the lies I weave are oh so intricateOh so intricate

  31. Entertainment OfTheDay

    Where are all my November peeps at? Also, I want my funeral to be this tight

  32. BandaTaker

    Extraño esa puta época :'(

  33. STAFF

    это было со мной

  34. Shahad K

    3:04 Didn’t know willy Wonka knew Pete well enough to be at his funeral

  35. ya boy

    If your here watching drop a like for our people

  36. TheXAstray

    Im miss this type music so much :'(

  37. Naomi & Alex Buckley

    Was it just me who used to think he was singing Goddamn Arse Face? 😂 😂

    ZAP !


  38. Carl Jhoven Basco

    I'm a minute manand when I'm so eagerI'm so into gayI'm so into gay

  39. LYCHEE

    Annoying af. Stop fucking commenting these meme comments so much. Actually talk about the goodness of the song. As for me, the tune and especially the chord progression on the chorus is so good that I cannot explain it

  40. boris aguilar


  41. Edwin Butler

    3:08 hey it’s deer boy

  42. Lisa Fraser

    This my shit

  43. Derek Hale

    OMG IVE BEEN TRYING TO FIND YOU FOR YEARS!!! Had no clue this was a FOB song 😂😂😂

  44. nigga del getto

    wow , 2006 .woow

  45. TwistedTKD91

    I used to be jealous that my parents grew up in the 80s...still am kinda BUT I grew up on this music and they were good times!

  46. Maggie12MD

    1:47 damn I thought that was a LV guitar

  47. Rayrobertoh 17

    My infancy, I liked this is song :( ❤️

  48. Dragon Slayer21

    😎😎😎😎 , hehehe .

  49. Camba Curioso

    Un comercial de Nokia con Fall out boy incluidos hehe

  50. James Lawman

    I: Want to work on my script today.Also me: I’m going to listen to all my favourite music.

  51. Madenique van Wyk

    just came here to say "this ain't a scenie, it's a (pause) damn arse race!"

  52. Milagros pg

    Yo los amo!!! Lastima que no llegarían a Perú :(

  53. Kitty Queen

    This ain't a scene it's aGADAARSRAS

  54. RedWolf and More!

    I love that thumbnail though 👌

  55. Ryan Sandilands

    Wow these comments are filtered. Anyone have a view on the removal of the word god?.

  56. Sakura•Tree

    0:47Me : “Meh it will wear off.”Also me a few minutes later : “ *I T ‘ S N O T A S C E N E I T ‘ S A G O D D A M N A R M S R A C E!”

  57. Kevin Crowe

    The starting scene is kinda if class-ist if not just racist. They break a black dude's brown bagged beer and they get "thrown out the hood"". I love the song, that scene too, just something i'm noticing.

  58. IAmNotAn Addict

    ...damn arse face!

  59. Jose Huarac

    cuando era chevresm cuabndo realmente era fall out boy pop punk era su estilo

  60. The Birds My Word

    So they blocked out the word God but they allowed them to still sing damn? Hey I'm not complaining without God in the world of words the world would be a better place.


    Check out these guns. 😉

  62. Dylan Flores

    cant believe fal out boy ended racism

  63. Steven Lerner

    Silver astronaut in a cemetery? MTV died long ago

  64. LYCHEE

    One of my favorite tunes of all time and one of the most nostalgic songs for me.

  65. Blake Fletcher

    I can't believe this is over 10 years old wtf

  66. kiara ivelinova

    jo looked so cool when he was on petes coffin and pete ruined his moment to come back to life(wake up)😂😂😂🖤🖤🖤

  67. Josh Winstanley

    this aint a scene.... its a goddamn arse paste

  68. James Jerry Rivera Ramos

    October 2019?

  69. j0m017

    This ain't a music video it's a g-- da-- time capsule.

  70. 丁彦宏

    Who isn’t he dancing girl at 2:32

  71. laiden25

    0:10 I miss the style of this phone. I wonder where'd it come up again...

  72. Григорий Шаргатов

    🇷🇺 ???

  73. Mottag


  74. Michael

    *I'm a little man, I'm also evil, also into cats*

  75. Samantha Weier

    The photographer creeps me out, no matter how many times I watch this video.

  76. Nikiwe Kunene

    I’m taller than pat like way taller by 8cm 😂😂😂lol

  77. eboni davis

    Who here listening still in 2019‼️

  78. kasi howard

    Is that Oz and Dawn at the funeral? Or am I just imaging things?

    Dacian Miron

    kasi howard 🤘🏼

  79. Colby fincvam


  80. Blueberry kisess FOBever - e- er July Rose

    ♡ I send you all my love ♡

  81. Abigail Jaques

    why do i here them say "this ain't a city, its a dead horse"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Dacian Miron

    Abigail Jaques 🙂

  82. N English


  83. ticktick BOOOM

    This is why soy must be banned.

    Dacian Miron

    ticktick BOOOM 😆

  84. Hafiedz Adimerta

    3:17 Seize the day a7x?

  85. Thiago Rangel

    Brasil 🇧🇷 aqui 💯 2019

  86. jhon mendoza

    Like 2019 🤘🏼


    3:22 me when someone wakes me up from my naps


    2:51 i cant breth now

  89. Ahmad Jalloh

    The time is 2009, you’re getting ready for school in the morning, mtv is on playing the top 20 songs. Take me back

  90. Ahmad Jalloh

    Man 2009 come back please..

  91. Sofia Barahona

    Perros fomes

  92. Immy Nunn

    This ain't a scene it is a damn arse race

  93. John McMillan

    I want to see The Phantom 2 with Pete as the son of The Phantom (Billy Zane)

  94. Kellie McDonald

    Anyone else hear "This ain't a scene, it's a god damn arse face"?

  95. A guy with random convictions

    3:03 Lookie, Urie on the righty!

  96. Chloe Tripp

    Why do I love Joe and Pete spinning on their guitars, it’s unhealthy for me

This Ain't A Scene Şarkı Sözü
Fall Out Boy This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race Şarkı Sözleri
Fitting you with weapons in the form of words
And don't really care which side wins
As long as the room keeps singing
That's just the business I'm in
This ain't a scene, it's a god damn arms race
This ain't a scene, it's a god damn arms race
This ain't a scene, it's a god damn arms race
I'm not a shoulder to cry on
But, I digress 
I'm a leading man
And the lies I weave are oh-so intricate
I wrote the gospel on giving up
(You look pretty sinking)
But the real bombshells have already sunk
(Prima-donnas of the gutter)
At night we're painting your trash gold while you sleep
Crashing not like hips or cars,
No, more like p-p-p-parties
This ain't a scene, it's a god damn arms race
This ain't a scene, it's a god damn arms race This ain't a scene, it's a god damn arms race
Bandwagon's full
Please, catch another
I'm a leading man
And the lies I weave are oh-so intricate
All the boys who the dance floor didn't love
And the girls who's lips couldn't move fast enough
Sing, until your lungs give out 
This ain't a scene, it's a god damn arms race
This ain't a scene, it's a god damn arms race
(Now you)
This ain't a Scene, it's a god damn arms race
(Wear out the groove)
This ain't a Scene, it's a god damn arms race

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