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Fall Out Boy - I've Got All This Ringing

I've Got All This Ringing
: I've Got All This Ringing
: 3.64 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 64 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 45 İndirme
: 24-06-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Fall Out Boy - I've Got All This Ringing )
  1. Emma Karin

    I like cutting paper

  2. Molly Conant

    This was always my favorite song on the album. I used to listen every night while falling asleep on my boombox in 2008. Still listen every now and again. Will never not be good.

  3. Aniyah

    How is the lyric version more popular than the actual official song?

  4. Formless Snow

    2:50 When you forget to lyric

  5. Trinity Holland

    I like how they have songs like 27 that's such a short name, then they have full novels as names like this.

  6. Tinnitus Cure

    I am also recovered 90% from tinnitus. watch my channel on tinnitus for more detail also.

  7. Dannie Funk'er

    Im still hear this, sweet song

  8. ZJ Lopez

    Thank GOODNESS no “NoW pReSS RePETe

  9. Jeremy Epstein

    This song puts me in such a good mood!

  10. Cole Chung

    There shouldve been a music video

  11. malyee

    me: fob has really helped me find who i amFOB: yoU ARE A CANARY

  12. Spiderninjapig

    to shuuuut the dooors than anything I could bring myself to do to you.Look I know it doesn't make sense but do any of their songs anyways?

  13. Will Seames

    Goddamn the beginning is so smooth

  14. max toscano

    That minor sixth tho.

  15. StayFrosty Mania

    0:57 all this time for some reason I sing “Chicago fries” but was I wrong all these years -I failed you Fall Out Boy-

  16. Nicole

    Wanna feel good for a second? Dance to this song like it’s the 60’s

  17. It's Christi

    The intro reminds me of that INXS song and also 20 Dollar Nosebleeds

  18. This May Be A Scene

    This one always sounded more like a Panic! song than FOB. Wouldn't be surprised if they helped write it.

  19. MaxFrank

    It seems as though there's always more songs to discover, haha.

  20. awe amadeus

    0:54 I actually wiped the monitor up because I thought there're my fingerprints everywhere

  21. NyxAshx

    FAV FOB SONGI could literally listen to this song till I die

  22. duremen durel

    i like this song Old FOB

  23. Brooke Trahan

    When does it say Now press repeat? Like WHAT!?!

  24. Matthew Steel

    47 people have got all this ringing on their fingers and none in their ears

  25. Neal Lams

    Did anyone else come here from the story"The great escape" on wattpad?

    Kinetic Dragon

    Neal Lams no

  26. Camryn Murawski

    3:46 Patrick's voice is pure gold

  27. Kidyom. U

    I've got ringing in my ears constantly every second of my life because I'm mildly autistic. I've never really ecknoledged it in all my life but when I was told it's there it's impossible to ignore. it's really loud.

  28. Tommy Cosmos

    Yo, I got a soul voice

  29. Your Everyday Gaming Youtuber

    great song

  30. jon gibbs

    i saw a thread of people trying to figure out what " new york eyes. chicago thighs" meant. personaly i interpret it as having your eyes set on something better( leading into the chorus which makes me think its about being with one girl while wanting to be with another and having a sort of emotional disconnect)

  31. Mindbreakerz

    HAVE YOU EVER WANTED TO DISA- wait... wrong song.

  32. Leila B

    the truth hurts worse than anything i could bring myself to do to you.

  33. MasterDK

    And thus ends the last album by FOB that could ever hope to be this awesome ;(Well unless you have the deluxe edition but that hurts more cause it ends with a live performance of Thriller ;( ;( ;(

  34. Aya Afterlife


  35. Narcissus Phinea

    isn't this the iCarly song

  36. Elder Casshole

    have the new-age emos found this song yet?

  37. Rick Grimes

    como cuando F.O.B era chido :/

  38. Nikki

    Where is the "now press repeat" thing everyone is talking about? I can't hear it or find it

  39. Hien N


  40. Unicorn Queen

    Wtf even are these song titles

  41. bltthorne

    Doesn't the very start of the song sound a slight bit like 20 Dollar Nose Bleed?*_Yes, I observe things very well._*

    Maddy Limee

    bltthorne :D not really, both are piano playing but it's not the same chord


    Thanks for making me feel... stuuuuuupiiiid...What I just said was a joke... and not a very funny one...Anyways, thanks for educating me XD

  42. allthoseradiobands

    0:00 in the middle of a gunfight in the center of a restaurant...


    XEROX Hah I thought that too

  43. Cobrastarshipatthefalloutboy

    great song

  44. Ash ball

    I live for Patrick's little '' ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba''

  45. Tyfi_Connection

    Petekey for reallikeno way it's not about flipping way it's not about mikey way.

  46. Shadow Bunny

    Oh shit. OH SHIT. That chorus... I wasn't expecting those minor chords. Gave me chills, man.

  47. Jayden Leigh

    "Now press repeat" I'm still so fucking scared of that wtf

  48. Slippery Slope Recordings

    dat silverchair chorus tho

  49. Hannah Goodrich


  50. SpacePigeons

    the "ba ba ba ba" is just so beautiful along with the rest of the song

  51. Radical Mess

    Ok Patrick am I a canary, cherry blossom, or a brick? I would appreciate it you would tell me the answer.

    Brendon Urie

    I bet there's more things we are in other songs too...

    Formless Snow

    Depends. If you're worth nothing but cutting insults, you are a brick. If not, darling...You're a cherry blossom. You're about to bloom, and you look so pretty.

    Formless Snow

    @Margaret Wood Where?

    Alex Rodriguez

    I like to think of myself as the cat that just ate the canary...Coughing up feathers

    TheShockinglyEloquentDog woof

    you're also a get away car that's a bullet to the head you're also impressive just like a little black dress but, you'll be faded soon

  52. Bre Doyle

    The chrous kind of reminds me of something Muse would make



    Blake Adams

    Now that you mention it, the vocal style definitely fits. Lyrically, not so sure, and the instrumental is missing radical space noises, but I can see where you get that vibe

  53. Ethan B

    the chorus gives me 2003 tv show intro (mainly drake and josh) vibes and i love it

    Endless Infamita

    Dude yes I've always the thought the same thing, also kinda reminded me of Zoey 101 for some reason

  54. suddenlysarah


    Tiara Schwarze-Taufiq



    BøøksDøntJudgeWhenIFangirl SAME

  55. Hella Thicc

    I always cry because it's so fabulous


    it's so fobulous*


    +Isabel Diaz That was beautiful

  56. Abigail Smith

    Petekey anyone???


    yeah. yes mmm absolutely.

  57. Erin Pruett

    this officially my own rocky song

  58. Online Gamer

    I'm pretty sure "Don't Press Repeat" was just telling Fall Out Boy fans about the YouTube Replay Button

    Online Gamer

    +Kaneki Ken Oh shit! Sorry mate. I was talking about the Autocorrect on my tablet lol. I didn't mean to come across as I was talking about you.

    Lily Y

    +Online Gamer is it sad that I read that in an Australian voice?

    Taylor Britt

    +Thanks Pete don't worry, I did it too lol

    Online Gamer

    +Thanks Pete Sucks because I'm not Australian, we're cool though right?

    Maahum Y

    Online Gamer i thought it said now press repeat

  59. Widy Octavian

    Reminds me of BRADIO, the Japanese Funk Band.The vocal sounds almost the same

  60. Aja Monet

    HOW HAVE I NOT HEARD THIS SOMG BEFORE???? This is amazing!!!

  61. Mikayla Doering

    I love Fall Out Boy.

    Hella Thicc


    Mikayla Doering

    +Bellatrix Hope Let's be equal

    Lily Y

    +Mikayla Doering you 2 can be equal, but I like then better than anyone AHAHHAAH

    Nathalie Marcellis

    well thanks pete ;-;

  62. sam !

    *casually replays **3:39** - **3:43** 245890534 times*

  63. joshua whitaker

    Cuz anything I'd do would still be natural lol

  64. Landon Weintraub

    The melody on the chorus was so unexpected and unorthodox. Incredible song.

  65. Rebecca Kathleen


  66. Petra Seraphine Nyx Winchester

    oh fuCk, i can't believe i just passed this song up! this is amazing!

  67. laurenandersen

    "now press repeat" DON'T NEED TO TELL ME TWICE

    Spill The Tae

    laurenandersen I know that's right

  68. natalie d

    The intro gives me chills.

    C. B.

    Same. I love the trumpet intros. they have it in another one too. That and drum predominance are reasons i love fallout boy songs.

  69. Jane Doe

    new york eyes, chicago thighs

    Valerie Lucas

    Aubree Jane God has smiled upon all us curvy emo girls.

  70. C. B.

    I like everything about this song. ESPECIALLY THE FIRST 45 SECONDS.

    Shuriken dongle

    @Rafioactive Snowman  My favourite FOB song is probably 'You're Crashing But You're No Wave', it makes me feel like Phoenix Wright XD But my favourite song overall is either "From Now on We're Enemies" or 'Party Poison' by MCR.

    Kyah Faria

    Shuriken dongle yuuuuuss

    Shuriken dongle

    @Kyah Faria Hell yeah bruv!

    Rose Galaxy

    Shuriken dongle "You're Crashing But You're No Wave" is SUCH a good song, it's one of my favorites too. From Now on We're Enemies is another really good one, too

    Shuriken dongle

    I know dude. My favourites are constantly changing though. My fav FOB rn is Patron Saints of Liars and Fakes. Meanwhile my fav overall is between Skate or Die by Teenage Bottlerocket and Lobotomy for Dummies by Zebrahead.

  71. totororo

    SERIOUSLY THOUGH does anybody else love that beginning as much as me?! The rest of the song is as good as FOB gets out, but that opening makes me feel grooooovin

  72. w i n t e r


  73. NHL 17

    in the beginning I'm totally convinced 20 dollar nosebleeds gonna play

  74. cydonianKnight


    NHL 17

    love your profile pic

    NHL 17

    dookie is the best

    Shuriken dongle

    +NHL 17 21st Century Breakdown!

    NHL 17

    +Shuriken dongle I love 21st century breakdown. blasting American eulogy right now!

    Shuriken dongle

    @NHL 17 NOICE!!!

  75. Dynesha Wills

    still listening in 2016!

  76. Crystal Brooks

    I thought he said "selfish words" instead of "the truth hurts worse."

    Ry Slish

    That's what I heard

    Flor Muñiz

    I always heard " let's seal the doors" :/

  77. Liz Is A Lizard

    this song makes me so sad and happy at the same time why


    +Liz Is A Lizard Probably because of nostalgia, that's i think what the song actually wants to hit on all of us, when he says "THe truth is worse" it just feels kinda sad and i feel it way too familiar, then next you have a happy instrumental part that kinda brings the happiness but without killing the nostalgia, i love this song just because of that.Also it's an amazing song, ofc.

  78. L Catterall

    I thought the lyrics at 0:56 were "Your eyes, should call your thighs, push up the window to kick me off" this whold time... idk if you understand, I've been listening to this song for literally two or three years, and other that time this song has racked up more than 15k times ive listened on my ipod... this is so sureal

  79. Lizzy C

    Usually I don't mind fangirl joke comments, ('cause I admit I type silly shit sometimes too), but this is like the saddest song ever.

  80. Emily Lehsten

    I literally thought the line "Chicago thighs" was "Chicago fries" (-_-)

    NHL 17

    my 3 fav bands between your name and profile pic

    Emily Lehsten

    @NHL 17 :)

    C. B.

    +NHL 17 Same.

    Bobba Fett

    That's what it'll be if Kids Bop gets their hands on it

    Emily Lehsten

    @Bobba Fett BAHHAHAH

  81. James Stollov

    "Now press repeat"more like"Now press repete"

  82. Bobba Fett

    One of my top five songs from fall out boy

  83. myrtle beach


  84. SuperBlablablaxxx

    I seriously love this album

  85. Gabrielle Thompson

    Joe fucking killed it on this song. That guitar gives me chills every time.


    Joe fucking kills every song xD

    Lily Y

    +Juvenile Beast just took the words out of my mouth buddy. thanks (pete) ;)

    Maymay Addison

    Gabrielle Thompson MOOD

    Requiem Blanchett

    he's so underappreciated, it's not fair. he's an epic guitarist

  86. Rachelle Charles

    and I'm so sorry but not really... the truth hurts worse than anything!!! not the lyrics.. I know.

  87. Martha Tedla

    'so many times i could close my eyes' is probably my favourite line-- Patrick sings it so perfectly!

  88. janifan floobs

    I love ever fall out boy song including this one. I also love infinity on high. I think this song is very good all the instruments and verses are fantastic, although the part in the chorus where Patrick sings the truth hurts worse just hurts my ears to the point where it is painful to listen to that part of the song

  89. Vaas Montenegro

    Back when FOB doesn't care how fucking long the title is to fit to your iPods...

    Lily Y

    I know right XD

    Lipip De Velez

    vaas what the fuck are you doing here? go back to the rook island

    Mason Adams

    Vaas Montenegro true

    Medium Rare Tuna Fish

    I DONT CARE WHAT YOU THINK about my long song titles

  90. Hugh Mungus

    And I'm so sorry, but not really...

  91. Allison Speidel

    Am I the only one listening to old Fall Out Boy songs phangirling over TABINOF?

    Shadow Bunny

    @Shuriken dongle Oh. I assumed you did because -this is a Fall Out Boy video- you identified them in the acronym. 

    Shuriken dongle

    @Jean Deloris Well, i think it'd be hard not to identify them from ' *The amazing* book *is not on fire*'

    Shadow Bunny

    @Shuriken dongle Most people I know who watch guys like that either don't know about Dan and Phil (somehow) or don't see them enough to make that connection.

    Shuriken dongle

    @Jean Deloris e.g. mwah.

    Shadow Bunny

    @Shuriken dongle Sure.

  92. Lily Fenster

    that title tho

  93. Rob Stephens

    So the chorus isn't "to do the twist". I have more misheard lyrics from FOB than any other band

    ouch f

    Zach Berg you mishear panic?

    Molly Duncan

    That's because it's Fall Out Boy. I'm not sure it's English

    R3load Pine

    To do the twurst

    Brendon Urie

    @Molly Duncan or you're just bad at english, because I can clearly hear what he's singing in every song (not joking) and I know the lyrics for like 25 songs (I mean so I can sing them without music etc)

    kim patton


  94. Throwing Spaghetti

    i raep the repeat button

  95. starry99

    Nothing beats long titled Infinity on High songs.

  96. Body Soap

    That riff after the chorus feels very Christmasy to me for some reason.

  97. treena bean


  98. treena bean

    one of my favs <3

I've Got All This Ringing Şarkı Sözü
Fall Out Boy I've Got All This Ringing Şarkı Sözleri You're a canary, I'm coal mine
'Cause sorrow is just all the rage
Take one for the team
You all know what I mean
And I'm so sorry, but not really
Tell the boys where to find my body
New York eyes, Chicago thighs
Pushed up the window to kiss you off 
The truth hurts worse
Than anything I could bring myself to do to you
The truth hurts worse
Than anything I could bring myself to do to you
Do you remember the way I held your hand?
Under the lamp post and ran home
This way so many times
I could close my eyes
The truth hurts worse
Than anything I could bring myself to do to you
The truth hurts worse
Than anything I could bring myself to do to you
The truth hurts worse
Than anything I could bring myself to do
The truth hurts worse
Than anything I could bring myself to do to you
The truth!
The truth!

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