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Fall Out Boy - Golden

: Golden
: 2.41 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 55 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 30 İndirme
: 24-06-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Fall Out Boy - Golden )
  1. kitkatchilds

    Still my favorite fall out boy song of all time

  2. Wira Sumantri

    Underrated song.

  3. REX !

    I remember reading Vinland Saga while listening to Golden around 10 years ago and it just fits so well.

  4. Mark Shadows

    Shame that the best FOB featured lyrics stolen from Wes of Cold Cave. But at least he got paid after the fact.

  5. Klocc562

    Over 10 years ago when I bought this album this was the only song I didn’t like but it’s really grown on me and probably won’t skip it anymore

  6. helena whitworth

    I'm not crying, u are

  7. i was sucked into the phandom

    It’s been eleven years,damn!

  8. SugarClass

    Looking into it now into my formative adult years, the message seems more clear now that I've decided to break it down and think about it some more.---It's easy to get lost in the story isn't it? There's tragedy, but it isn't about one person. It's about the cyclic nature of hypocrisy & condemnation that follows societal nature. It's about everyone. The enemy, the lover, the mother & child .. even you."Do as I say, but not as I do." That's the golden plated mantel most of us wear. How the young are taught 'good values' by people who do not practice such things. How those same people who preach will damn each other all the same. Hate is taught. Enemies are made because you are told they are enemies. You do them wrong because they are enemies. How desirable are those who are considered people pleasers?Opinions of the masses are considered more important than the people closest to you? More than yourself?and so the cycle continues. Those who have gone through the motions realize things far too late. Long after things are said and done. Long after you've lived a life that isn't really one you've decided for yourself, but one you've let yourself become a host to the ideals of others. This is what I believe the song to truly represent.

  9. FinalGonzo3

    2019 still here...💘

  10. tauren

    this is the kind of song that makes you cry out of happiness, but it’s also sad sobbing at the same time??

  11. Markéta Culková

    I just heard I carried carrots for everybody to see and I don't want to know the real lyrics or the lyrics of the whole song because this came on thanks to 'my mix' and I don't want to cry


    I think its karats as in riches

  12. Luis Marines

    No talk english

  13. fia b

    "I saw God cry in the reflection of my enemies" this hits me so F-U-C-K-I-N-G hard it's crazy

  14. MyChemicalDiscoAtTheFallOutPilots

    When I heard the intro to the song for the first time, I said “oh no... I’m gonna need tissues”

  15. Lisie Praety

    I just bursted into tears wow

  16. neon-strat

    *who hurt him?*

  17. Colm Gallagher

    then stay gone

    Colm Gallagher

    enjoy your soup kitchens

    Colm Gallagher

    then walk away

  18. Colm Gallagher

    Are you afraid of the dark?

  19. tea teaser

    i criii very bittersweet,,, i love it when lyrics contrast with the overall vibe

  20. Hannah Rose

    I gotta learn the harmonies.

  21. Patrick Merc

    2018. C’mon. Welcome back.

  22. Habrian John Levy Cortez/ Suguitan

    Why does this song remind me of the first time I ride a ferris wheel with my grandma

  23. Ashlynn Smith

    I’m crying❤️😫😭

  24. Alien Attack

    I used to listen to this when I was 5 not knowing what band it was and later I became a fan of fob and when I heard this song I was flipping wOw

  25. FOBia

    That song actually made me cry so bad.

  26. brianna h

    i dont even know what this song is about im just crying

  27. dun with you

    Mom: *walks into my room and sees me crying*Mom: ARE YOU OKMe: NO, ummm... My eyes are sweating Mom: *slowly backs away*

  28. Sour Eyes

    Why it isnt available now?? Like this is one of my fav song from the fob's music

  29. Jcup Leemas

    I'm not a FOB fan, but I love the fuck out of this song.

  30. Harrison Sanders

    whats the song about?

  31. Newt

    I drowned in my tears

  32. sam alex

    this is painful. i'm in pain. send help.

  33. *insert edgy username here*

    God this is so sad, I love this so much...

  34. Katsuki Neko

    how cruel is the golden rule🎤

  35. Jonathan Dery

    trying to be real in a world full of fakes, learning to let go of the past when your best memories are your darkest days, and knowing that you can lead an example of character you yourself once misinterpreted. live by that golden rule before your life is a shell of what it could have been.... just my thought listening to many fob songs

  36. Rose Galaxy

    "And I saw God cry in the reflection of my enemies"every time, that line hits me like a brick in the face

    Jam Hopsey

    I want to appreciate this comment but every time I read that last part I actually imagine a brick flying into the face of your pfp and I can’t help but giggle

  37. Iana Bricks

    Reminds me of the outsiders

  38. DarkFoxV

    i seem to have a vastly different interpretation of this song than some of the comments section o.o

  39. Paul Rigsby

    wen tha lives we live are only golden plated

    Paul Rigsby

    to stay away from me

    Paul Rigsby

    I new that the lights of the city were to heavy for me

  40. Ashley Sanguino

    How cruel is the golden rule? More like, how cruel is Fall Out Boy for making me cry so much. I've lost like 90% of the water in my body from all this crying.

    Paige Thompson

    Panic!At the Patrick! i love your name and same! I cried so much…

  41. Ashley Sanguino

    how to make me cry 101:

  42. Rin Rin

    ..feels 2016

  43. Cobrastarshipatthefalloutboy

    beautiful Patrick has so much emotion to his voice

  44. Kaitlin m

    I'm obsessed w this song

  45. ramendreamz

    This song can make me feel pretty much every emotion ive ever felt all together in just 2 and a half minutes

  46. Bubbles the Powerpuff Girl

    And people are just sitting there listening to 'my songs know what you did in the dark'. Listen to this!

  47. idontknowhowtoname

    Plus... i think i will cry T^^^^T

  48. idontknowhowtoname

    i... idk how many times i watch this video... T^T

  49. Jack Pandalord

    Despite the other too-much-emo songs, that's the only thing of the band I can bear today.Piano and voice sounds old but good still. That's the best underrated song imo.


    there not 2 emo ive heard my share of super emo music this is like that kid that is always way too happy all the time compared to that


    emanuel barbosa well aren't you the coolest person around

  50. Roberto Apaza

    How cruel is the golden rule?

  51. Brian_b_23

    Fob sucks and this song is ok

    Rock Lover

    @TAKUNA SU That is alternative rock, dude. It is a branch of rock, not different from it. Like with metal, there is death metal, thrash, doom, and my favorite nu metal.

    Rock Lover

    +TAKUNA SU Ok, sorry for dudeing you.

    Kry Kry Stott

    Adam Lucas right

  52. Marlee Franklin

    Any TMI fans out there? I imagine this song is what Jonathan is singing at the very end of the book when the demon was burned out of him and he had green eyes, and he was talking about how he was when he was "Sebastian" "and all of the mothers raise their babies, to stay away from me... and pray they don't grow up to be" gets me every time

    cece jeanne

    omg seriously that's perfect

  53. Mellow Yellow

    I'm crafting right now.


    Mellow Yellow same


    Dont cry. CRAFT.

  54. AlexChan~

    I don't understand the meaning of this song. Can anyone tell me?

    Frankenstein And The Juice Crew

    It's about the pain that LGBTQ+ teens,kids and adults go through

    Blue Jay

    interesting thought, I thought it referres to growing up with mental illness

    Frankenstein And The Juice Crew

    @Gamer Guy I'm not pushing my agenda on anyone lmaoo, it's just a thought I had

    hardboiled egg

    Hughe Jass most likely both, sexuality and mentsl health are both two things pete wentz writes about a lot

  55. Rebecca Kawalec


  56. Katie Nagy

    I don't really begin to cry until I hear "all of the mothers raise their babies to stay away from me" because that's how my parents raised me. my mom wanted for me to listen to mainstream pop or and my dad wanted classic rock, not this. but if it weren't for music like this I'm not sure I'd even be alive. fall out boy means so much to me. they are one of the things keeping me alive.

    Don't Phanic! No, not yet

    Why would your parents even care? No offence you legit sound like tumblr.

    Katie Nagy

    +Firebreathing KilljoyonaquesttoSaveRockandRoll my parents care because music is a big part in my family. so when my dad belittles my favorite bands it hurts me. fall out boy and twenty one pilots are the two bands have helped me through a shithole that the past year has been. I can turn to their music for comfort, and when my family makes fun of that kind of music it hurts because they are making fun of something that has helped me through hard times. and sorry for sounding like tumblr, if you ever meet me you'll see that I dress like a "tumblr girl"

    Taryn Spedowski

    I totally relate...


    FOB is one of the things that keeps me alive too...

  57. Amira Syafiqah

    It's crazy how I don't know the meaning behind the lyrics, but I do know that the true meaning will make me cry if I knew

    morning glory

    I don't think that's the reason I think it's about being misunderstood you can be the best human on earth (Golden) but no one will ever know because they all reject you for being different.

    Luminous Moonbeam

    @rosiekat and @yung menace Yes, I agree. That people look at you like you are some kind of joke, or a bad person, but deep inside... You're just misunderstood.

    Bryce Tayler

    Wow, that gave me a deeper look into life and when i came back out it reminded me of something: myself


    The golden rule is basically love one another as you love yourself. When he says golden plated it could refer to the idea that most people lack self-love or portray a false sense of love to others. The lights of the city being too heavy could be about being in the spotlight and hating it. But I carried carrots for everyone to see sounds more like he's talking about diamonds. Diamonds are a status symbol and are also considered the hardest mineral on earth. Karots refer to a diamonds size. Diamonds are also not worth as much as people like to believe because of how plentiful they are. Put all that together and you get someone being flashy yet feeling worthless. God crying in the reflection of my enemies is another complex lyric. God is said to have made man in its image and and we all share the face of God. Since they're also enemies, it could mean a rejection of religion and feeling abandoned or hated by God.

  58. Wannabe Aesthetic Human

    what I'm not crying. my eyes are sweating.... ╥﹏╥

    James Stollov

    dont worry im crafting

    Tia Duncan

    I love your username so much


    Natalie Stollov same


    You aren’t crafting

    Chocodile 08

    I... I ju.. just have extremely.. sweaty eyes.

  59. Victoria Madrigal

    This song is about being different and misunderstood. Somebody could be golden and amazing but others do not see it and do not appreciate it. I didn't understand this as a child about 8 years ago, but now the lyrics finally have meaning to me after being a teen.


    I agree

    eli lazaro

    I thought it was the opposite, everyone thinks you’re so amazing while just can’t see what they see.

    hate you for this

    Eli Lazaro ~ nailed it. Everybody only sees the mask while only me and “all of the mothers who raised their babies to stay away from me” truly know what is hiding underneath

  60. Bex Charlotte

    I didn't realise I was crying until I opened my eyes

    Dan Graves

    mmmm that was a nice comment

    Kry Kry Stott

    Dan Graves ikr

    Lyndell williams

    Please subscribe to Behind That Suit & watch albums like this being reviewed, make any request you like.

  61. Clara Scott

    this is the kind of song you just have to sit back and let the music seep through your soul.

  62. Livia L L

    These lyrics are so profound, and they could probably be interpreted eleventeendy-seven different ways at least..... I'm learning to sing this X3

    Livia L L

    @jade the gay Exactly! All that I can think about this song though is that it's about how many people might see him as a bad rolemodel? Like, now that he's famous and stuff "All of the mothers raise their babies to stay away from" him


    I don't see it as him per say, but as a character. Like, he's telling someone else's story. Some songs are like that. Kurt Cobain said that he wrote his music as if he was a different person.


    @jade the gay seriously? metaphors are like my first language, before English. They're feelings.


    Everyone interprets them differently-that's what metaphors are for. I have my own definition to each but I'd like to know what the hell FOB meant when they wrote the thing.

    Rebecca Kawalec

    Eleventee-seven. 👌👍👏

  63. Aceboom

    This is actually a good song. Crazy that today is the first day I heard it. It has a John Legend feel to it, weird I know.

  64. notthere83

    I've always maybe understood only half of this. And just considered it "beautiful" and that was it. But while I was lying awake yesterday night, a thought struck me that I think makes me understand what they mean. At least now more of these lyrics mean something to me. And it's not pretty. Because it means I am somebody people pray not to become and stay away from, even though I always try to do good by everyone.

  65. DelThaFunkeeDemon888

    This song, in my opinion, sounds better live.

  66. Jordan Harris

    this is one off my favourites

  67. LOR

    This song is so good.

  68. Katty Kabob

    My favorite song by them. It's a shame it's not more popular...

  69. conradbaker

    maan.. i really don't understand... but i think that it's so cooool

Golden Şarkı Sözü
Fall Out Boy Golden Şarkı Sözleri
How cruel is the golden rule? 
When the lives we lived are only golden-plated 
And I knew that the lights of the city were too heavy for me 
Though I carried karats for everyone to see 
And I saw God cry in the reflection of my enemies 
And all the lovers with no time for me 
And all of the mothers raise their babies 
To stay away from me 
Tongues on the sockets of electric dreams 
Where the sewage of youth drown the spark of my teens 
And I knew that the lights of the city were too heavy for me (Too heavy for me) 
Though I carried karats for everyone to see 
(Everyone to see) 
And I saw God cry in the reflection of my enemies 
And all the lovers with no time for me 
And all of the mothers raise their babies 
To stay away from me 
And pray they don't grow up to be

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