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Falco - The Spirit Never Dies

The Spirit Never Dies
: The Spirit Never Dies
: 4.54 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 47 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 36 İndirme
: 30-10-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Falco - The Spirit Never Dies )
  1. Thomas Schwarzlos


  2. Jean Paul Azzurro


  3. Karl Oarsch

    Nice, but no masterpiece, sorry, the truth. There was a reason why this was not published at its time.

  4. Darleen Gabriele Helene Göretz

    The spirit really never died... Falco´s spirit lasts til today...

  5. MAG Pa # Obormotor 1

    Right son, beruhigt euch Falco lebt

  6. PSMITHJCKansas

    Such a great musical artist. Loved his music from my Army days being stationed in Germany in the 1980's to now. Very sad that he was taken so early. Who is the woman singing in the video too? Great voice.

  7. Luciano D Andrea

    Warum ist das lied nicht auf Spotify zu finden?

    Michael Falco

    Das kann ich dir leider nicht sagen.

  8. Silvia Doernmann

    Hans Hölzel du warst einzigartig charismatisch und ein Ausnahmekünstler. Ich habe dich immer bewundert, bin mit deiner Musik aufgewachsen. Du warst ein Genie und Poet, klug und äußerst attraktiv. Eins verstehe ich nicht........warum immer der Griff ins Klo bei den Frauen????🤔. Eine Bitch nach der anderen. Hast du wahrlich nicht nötig gehabt. Letztendlich war deine Mutter die einzig loyale Frau in deinem Leben. Ich hätte dich gerne unter meine Fittiche genommen lieber Hans😉😍

  9. Fairhoer

    Hommage to Falco "Glaubst du, glaub dann stets an dich.Spirit kann so sprießen.Und eines Tags, ganz sicherlich,willst du es auch genießen.Fortan, da wird die Welt so grell,einst dark, tief in dir drin.Sei dabei, nur nicht zu schnell,sonst fliegt der Sinn dahin.Die Zeit, sie kämpft um ihren Platz,im Buch der Ewigkeit.Ergreif die Chance für deinen Satz,Sinnfreiheit wird gescheit" (Steffen Wünsch - 2019 ).

  10. Joel

    Du fehlst uns Hans...

  11. King Elvis

    Ich werde Falco noch hören, wenn ich 80 bin, unvergessen, unsterblich!

  12. Agnieszka Gańska

    I love this song ... it was at my wedding, it will be at my funeral ...

  13. roberto rossi

    grande falco ancora oggi ascolto le tue canzoni indimenticabile RIP

  14. Manon Glaasker

    Ich konnte mir endlich die Cd The Spirit never dies ergattern, bin total begeistert und ich liebe diesen Song, finde er trifft ins Herz, jedenfalls trifft er zu 100% in mein Herz. Was hatte Falco doch nicht für eine tolle Stimme mich berührt sie zu 100% Falco forever in Love

  15. Herautos

    Es wird einen Grund gehabt haben wieso Falco das Lied nie veröffentlicht hat. Es war ihm einfach nicht gut genug, aber da er ja tot ist kann man das noch schön verwursten und damit Geld machen, was auch sehr gut geklappt hat. Falco würde im Grab rotieren wenn er das höre müsste !!!

    Chianti Do

  16. Christine Kolbinger

    Auch am heute 20.Todestag so unvergessen wie eh und je!!The spirit und Falco NEVER dies!!! 😥

  17. Rudolf Bernoth

    .... MOZART... Ja.... FALCO... wir werden Bücher schreibend...ein großer... Musiker

  18. Kevin H.

    Legend Never Dies.

  19. Kevin H.

    Eines der Traurigsten Lieder.

  20. Hulk Incredible

    Ruhe in Frieden Hans ! Deine Musik wird nie ruhen...

  21. Victor Jonsson

    The spirit never dies, It will last forever!!! ❤️

  22. Giada P.

    Manchi <3

  23. Deejay Stefan

    Schön gemacht das Video von allen seinen Hits 👍 Der Hans alias Falco war einmalig R.I.P

  24. Stör feuer

    if our spirit last forever...isn´tt this bad ? Tortured souls ? Isn´t it better we die ?!?!?!

  25. Izzy Don

    I was losing my shit the whole time

  26. Herlinde Horvath

    Falco du bleibst unvergessen, wie kann man dich oder deine Musik vergessen niemals, Ruhe in Frieden ❤❤

  27. Memorandum1231

    wenn ihr die faforiten tötet tötet ihr euch

  28. Nebel Sturm

    forever in unserem mind😀

  29. Mario Hilbert

    Unvergessen für alle Ewigkeit...und doch fehlst du uns sehr.

  30. Horst Kriegl


    Horst Kriegl

    unbezahlbar   WE ALL MISS YOU

  31. Christine Corina Bommersheim

    vermisse dich so sehr falco. du warst so in meinem herzen

  32. Dina Küsschen

    Falco Du lebst ewig in unseren Herzen 💕💗The Spirit of Falco never dies

  33. Amy Beth -Videos Are In Playlists-

    This video is a real tearjerker, so much so that I can't watch it again 💔But why is his ex-girlfriend in this video? She had dumped him over a year earlier, quite suddenly-Falco was going to announce their engagement at his 40th birthday party, and they'd bought wedding rings already...she's never said why she dumped him and says "I only want to remember the good things", which is fine, but she still could have explained why she up and moved back to Canada. What was the deal-breaker? But anyway, she wasn't his wife or even his girlfriend when this song was made. He'd had at least 3 other girlfriends after why is she in this acting like his widow? Why is she singing in this? Had this song been recorded with her before she dumped him? If so, then I understand her presence here, even if it's tacky. Is this the song that was found in the cupboard at the recording studio after a water pipe burst? It seems to me that it would have been recorded long before he met her in '96 or '97. I don't know...but it just seems kind of weird that the video implies they're still together, and they "ride off into the sunset" at the end :/I see a couple years back she made a record of Native American songs, saying she's embracing her heritage...I guess her father was 1/2 Native American (Canadian)...but she was peddling this CD in Austria of all places, and said that she was going to be based there because she had lived there 20 years ago. Very odd. Why would you base yourself in Austria of all places? A place so far away? Could it be that she was doing it in Austria because that's where Falco was from and a lot of people there might be more likely to buy her record over there because of the Falco connection? All speculation, of course.

  34. Karin Fischer

    Deeply missed, worshiped forever - with love 60th birthday

  35. Thorsten Florschütz

    Du warst schon einer der besten,kann es eigentlich bis heute nicht richtig glauben RIP Falco!!!

  36. MrsEmonessy

    Happy Birthday ♥ ♥ ♥

  37. Sue Smith

    Falco would be 60 years old today. Happy Birthday Hansi !!!

  38. Werner Wagener

    The best die young

  39. Maria Joao Silva

    I miss you

  40. Tony Maldonado

    The Spirit Never Dies, his music never dies either. We miss Falco. I love all of his music!! When I hear his music, like Jeanny, Spirit Never Dies, Out Of The Dark, I just want to cry. We miss you Falco!!

  41. Sue Smith

    R.I.P. Today is 19 years since you've left !!!! You keep living on for us through your music !!!!!!!!

    Victor Jonsson

    19 years. That makes me so sad :(

  42. keropiboy

    my god... tomorrow will be 19 years since he died, i miss his music so much

  43. C. B.

    The track was found by chance after a water-pipe burst in the archives of the recording studio Mörfelden-Walldorf that was used by Falco's producer Gunther Mende in 1987.

  44. m TM'η

    Awesome voice. The world is so empty without that kind of voice. R.I.P Falco

  45. MonkeyWith72Magic

    Falco will live on forever in our memories.

  46. Alison Standring

    A fantastic man. The best. Don't like Caroline Perron.

  47. Mgr. Maria Fertalova



    Excellence in itself.. RIP FALCO!

  49. Bobo

    the Best

  50. dolcevita1971

    Che bello rivederti Eroe della mia adolescenza...

  51. Leonardo Kiszka


  52. Юленька Julia

    Beau, ich liebe! Musik schön!

  53. Lothlorien75

    The spirit never dies 💋

  54. Cushie Survivor

    That shot of him at the very end of the video is PERFECTION! A perfect shot to immortalize a fabulous artist/singer.

  55. davidstar

    Du fehlst mir.

  56. Aror EclecticMusic

    Grande Falco TE AMAMOS!!!!Falco. R.I.P. HANS HÖLZEL( 19-02-1957 _ 06-02-1998 )

  57. Andreas J. Mitchell

    RIP , you're always deeply missed !!

  58. Jan Majer

    Awesome song from awesome singer! I miss you Falco...

  59. tolik

    супер хитяра

  60. mjcl2009

    Falco vive, en alguna parte... en el tiempo...

  61. Dimitri Schulenburg

    Er fehlt mir gerade ganz doll

    Falcofanclub Deutschland

    Das geht uns allen so.

    Jean Paul Azzurro

    Was für ein grossartiger song

  62. Suibafux

    The Spirit Never Dies,neither does his music!!!!

  63. Ole Porse

    who is the girl in with the brown hair and black leather pants?


    @Ole Porse next question...

    David Dux

    +Ole Porse caroline perron .)

    John Dee

    falcos last girlfriend before his death.

  64. Jonathan Colburn

    Oh the 80s........please come back and save us!

  65. Michael McParland

    A truly beautiful genius. Gone too soon and so much great art left unfinished. Love and miss you Hans Falco Hoelzel.

    Michael McParland

    It stinks how little of his music we still do get in America. I've really had to search the internet hard for a lot of stuff. I agree totally that he's only getting more of the recognition and celebration he deserves since his death.

  66. Alexys Becerra

    Missing you Hans on the 17th year of your passing. RIP x

    Amy Beth -Videos Are In Playlists-

    Alexys Becerra Now it's 19 years...

    The incredible Hulk

    Amy Beth i can not believe it .. :-((

  67. Linda Hobby

    ....hope to meet him in Forever....

  68. vayoran

    Falco en tu honor he nombrado a mi hijo Falco.....the spirit never dies..

    Amigos y Nada nos separa Bertolotto

    genial tu comentario

    Armando Donjuan

    Q buen pedo hermano...Falco por siempre !!!!

  69. viennaustria

     in reply to smokiexsmartie  People tell differently.Go to wikipedia, type in Jeanny , there is the correct explanation why are the different ways of counting.

  70. Joao Carlos

    This is pure masterpiece. We miss his music this days!!

  71. peter göhler

    du fehlst uns sehr....

  72. Böhser Onkel

    love it

  73. Greg Zembik

    This would be an excellent song for Meatloaf to cover.

  74. Schnuup tigerhalter

    Gäsehaut pur!

  75. Spooker Red Menace

    who is the woman in the black outfit? 


    Caroline Perron

  76. Spooker Red Menace


  77. Mira

    W pamięci jest siła ,ona nigdy nie umiera [*] [*]

  78. Vier Sterne Deluxe Records

    Legenden sterben nie!

    Kasia Kaczmarek

    Vier Sterne Deluxe ❤️

  79. Mira

     Erinnerung für immer lebendig!

    David Durakovic

    we miss U FALCO.!

  80. Miki

    Big Like.

  81. mofa willi

    ach Falco

  82. albertotub

    hi Falco, we miss you !


    Falco nunca morirá.

  84. Leonidas Troizos

    Falco.....for ever,,,,2013.....!!!

  85. Dovahkiin Druide

    unglaublich aber wunderschön

  86. GIM mini kids kids


  87. GIM mini kids kids


  88. elcomisario77

    Que hermosa cancion...

  89. Forgotten Hopes

    0:50 kann nicht mehr atmennnn

  90. WolfXll

    Body Next to Body,Der Kommissar,Jeanny,Coming Home,The Spirit Never Dies,Out of the Dark,Rock Me Amadeus,Sound of Musik and Wiener Blut are my favorite tracks of Falco's Discography. RIP Herr Falco,you were one of a kind...

  91. Daddelbox

    Die Großen sterben jung aber prägen dafür ganze Generationen. Hans Hölzel ist einer der Größten, und der Grund warum ich unvorstellbar stolz darauf bin den Namen Hans zu tragen. ^^

  92. TheFriendlyFriend

    I am so sorry for your loss. He will always be remembered. You are so strong.

  93. TheHDH83

    This is one of Falco's most beautiful songs, The spirit doesn't die, it does last forever, my fiance died two days ago and even though I'm absolutely destroyed I will do my best to make sure that he is always remembered.

  94. Моридин Нае'блис

    That is Caroline Perron, Falco's ex-girlfriend.

  95. MJmysummerlove

    cont. little different. The song was still lovely, but it would have been just as lovely with just Falco's voice. You can't help but get chills listening to him sing the verses and the chorus, with that melody. He was so good.

  96. MJmysummerlove

    There are a couple of things I'm curious about. Who's idea was it to get Caroline Perron to appear in this video and lip-sync to Rietta Austin's vocals and why was there a need to have the added vocals? Rietta Austin has a powerful voice, but on a Falco fan forum:, there is a section for English users. One of the threads is titled "Spirit Never Dies-earlier version?". There is a link to Ms. Austin's MySpace page with this song. It still has her vocals, but the music is a

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