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Falco - Rock me Amadeus

Rock me Amadeus
: Rock me Amadeus
: 3.15 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 190 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 154 İndirme
: 30-10-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Falco - Rock me Amadeus )
  1. one king

    das wahren noch Deutsche music heute 2019ist das music krank und pervers

  2. matt smith

    The world was really going to hell in the 1700's damn kids with their rap music

  3. Станислав Врублевский

    Чччччч÷чэч,,,, о

  4. Cooler Mann

    The hook is legendary

  5. Bryan Benison

    Year 2019. Age 29. JUST realized this song was a Mozart reference

  6. KekLordGrey

    aids.... what a waste back when....

  7. Palta Sin Cuesco

    Dr seuss dr seuss

  8. cherryjuliette

    Was number 1 on the charts the month/week I was born, April 1986. I love this song!

  9. Flugzeug TV

    RIP Falco

  10. Carlos Felipe Rodriguez

    Das ist geil!

  11. Arturo Ochoa

    I wanna rap over this music

  12. Ashley Vences-Calderon

    Gen X: "Kids these days with that song about the horses in the back and Billie Eyelash."Also Gen X: "AMADEUS AMADEUS AMADEU-"(I like all of them)

  13. takingyourtime


  14. Ernest Amosjackson

    I realize this was not the American version, but I was still waiting for the "Baby baby do do you rock me, Baby baby do do you rock me, Baby baby do do you rock me, Yieee yi yooooh "

  15. celest ff

    Quien lo vió en comercial de vh1

  16. sebastian michaelis

    si des francais passent par là, sa vous fait pas un peu penser à auteuil-neully-passy franchement?

  17. Al Cibiades

    so good... still love how it's not synched

  18. Luca

    Einzigartige Stimme Wer ihn nicht erkennt hat was falsch gemacht im Leben

  19. Kyle Stevens

    Come and rock me on my desk

  20. Elizabeth Rose

    The real Amadeus would have said he didn't like the song and then he would be secretly dancing to it in his bathroom.

  21. MrFunnyGuy015

    Only 90s kids remember (1790s kids that is.)

  22. Bruno Lima

    I'm a tumor

  23. Miklós Melion

    Hungary love

  24. caesar4k

    i dont understand the words but the music is fucking amazing

  25. Aswimtobirds

    1:41 I beg your pardon! Hahaha

  26. Bambang Widodo

    OST. Kadal Gurun Radikal 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  27. Dimas Rios

    yo crei que desia san mateo,san mateo,san mateo coco san mateo

  28. lpg10

    "Wir sind deutsche Blogger, de-deutsche Blogger" - Bushido

  29. Paxangelus80

    oh my G. D.. horrible

  30. caro 666

    Falco ist auch jemand der viel zu früh gestorben ist 😕🖤❤

    legendär 9

    Wie alt war er so wer gestorben ist


    Absolut. Falco war, ist und wird immer eine Institution der Deutschsprachigen Musik sein!

    qF Nexus

    Er hatte Autounfall und ist mit 40 Jahren gestorben...

  31. MultiTelan

    Holy crap, I didn't realize Tech N9ne ripped off the sound of this song...

  32. Rob W

    Classic on so many levels...⚡

  33. chris Evans

    red pyrat = marlyin manson

  34. Swigity Swoogity

    A M A D E U S

  35. Nilda Rohn

    Amadeus du Falco, wir „Amadich“, du Kunst Musik Gott.

  36. Венгерский Одинокий Волк

    It's impossible to make a song in German that comes first on US hit charts!Falco:Hold my beer!


    Hold my mozart-rainbow-wig.🌈❤👌🏽

    Justin Batters

    @ZayDeen lol

    Brian Pimblett

    Have you heard the American version? It's awful. They ruined it.

  37. Mylitte Pony


  38. Brian Pimblett

    I remember this from the 80s. My big sister was always playing it and I liked it despite only being a little boy then. I still like it in 2019.

  39. jose caballero

    Jajs la del molotov xd

  40. David Idiart

    Dr Zaeus, Dr Zaeus

  41. saiko ortega


  42. Alternative Redneck

    Love this song and idk why :))

  43. Scorpion

    Thankfully, you have no power.

  44. Cristina b


  45. Maria Vega Funes Martínez

    Good song.I would like the songer is living and i heard in 1979 he wanted be a very magnific music. He is.

  46. herodot2

    Der war scho a verrückte Nudel der Hölzel Johann.

  47. R.S.Eventos

    Falo, muito bom 💜⭐

  48. Luna Meow

    The audio quality on this video is abysmal

  49. anand mellayyanawar

    ನನ್ನ ಇಷ್ಟದ ಸಕ್ಕತ್ ಹಾಡು ❤️❤️❤️

  50. kate elliott

    Rusty kitchen utensils can be a bloody tetanus risk xxx

  51. EXOrzist 123

    Ich beobachte das nach dem Deutschunterricht in der Schule

  52. Sundiego BBM

    Sundiego sein Song fande ich ein bisschen schlechter

  53. Nerve ?

    Jonathan Davis Jonathan Davis

  54. Małgorzata Margaret

    What was the title of his first famous song ???I remember the music just don't know the title... :)

  55. augusto silva

    Só me lembro de um episódio dos Simpsons onde eles fazem uma paródia sensacional dessa música

  56. KrimsonVagus

    When I was 8 years old and first heard this song, I thought they were saying "I'm a Dios", which is like "I'm a god". Dios means god in Spanish.I'm not even a Spanish speaker, and I have no idea why my brain made that connection. But it me laugh so much.

  57. Tünde Löscher

    100% Meisterwerk

  58. Jezz Dogg

    Dr zaous dr zaous the simpsons

  59. Ripa

    yo solo vine por el niño de la voz🤘😈🤘

  60. Dustywitch

    Just because I wanted to know, someone out there might also want to know. here is the song in EnglishRock me all the time to the topHe was a punkAnd he lived in the big cityIt was in Vienna, was ViennaWhere he did everythingHe had debts because he drankBut all women loved himAnd everyone calledCome and rock me AmadeusHe was a superstarHe was popularHe was so exaltedBecause he had flairHe was a virtuosoHe was a Rock idolAnd everything shoutedCome and rock me AmadeusAmadeus, Amadeus, AmadeusAmadeus, Amadeus, AmadeusAmadeus, Amadeus, oh, oh, oh AmadeusCome and rock me AmadeusAmadeus, Amadeus, AmadeusAmadeus, Amadeus, AmadeusAmadeus, Amadeus, oh, oh, oh AmadeuseyIt was seventeen hundred and eightyAnd it was in ViennaNo plastic money anymoreThe banks against himWhere the debt came fromEveryone knew itHe was a man of womenWomen loved his punkHe was a superstarHe was popularHe was so exaltedThat's exactly what his flair wasHe was a virtuosoWas a Rock idolAnd everything is callingCome and rock me AmadeusAmadeus, Amadeus, AmadeusAmadeus, Amadeus, AmadeusAmadeus, Amadeus, oh, oh, oh AmadeusCome and rock me AmadeusAmadeus, Amadeus, AmadeusAmadeus, Amadeus, AmadeusAmadeus, Amadeus, oh, oh, oh AmadeusCome and rock me AmadeusAmadeus, Amadeus, AmadeusAmadeus, Amadeus, AmadeusAmadeus, Amadeus, oh, oh, oh AmadeusAmadeus, Amadeus, AmadeusAmadeus, Amadeus, AmadeusAmadeus, Amadeus, oh, oh, oh AmadeusAmadeus, AmadeusAmadeus, AmadeusAmadeus

    z brüll

    I like it most when he says: "Amadeus"

    Ruby Rose Song

    Thank you for taking the time to right this 💛🥀

  61. Zomb Zomb

    Thank god for the 80s ,,also rappers dont want smoke with eminem he shreds artist

  62. 2muchsk1ll oh

    Bin so begeistert von Hans, letztens erst auf Netflix die Doku angeschaut. Er wollte nur ehrliche und aufrichtige Liebe..

  63. ღ hobis mixtape ღ


  64. Futurist -

    Spiele ich Das lied auf dem deutschklasse nach meiner hochschule von Kalifornien, und die Lehrerin hat gesagt; ROCK ME AMADEUS

  65. NELSON X

    First rap song.

  66. Antoinette D

    Oh hello there

  67. Tobias Bluemke

    Der war doch auf Koks...

    Tobias Bluemke

    In Wien gibt's Gutes Speed


    Pop an apple in his ass ya. Too many motha uckas.

  69. Małgorzata Woroch

    swietny videoclip oraz super piosenka oraz wspanialy falco

  70. Estela Maris Torales

    temaikenazoo alguien 2019?

  71. Matheed0 CS:GO

    Rock me, rock me, rock me, rock meRock me, AmadeusDo it, do itRock me all the time to the topEr war ein PunkerUnd er lebte in der großen StadtEs war in Wien, war ViennaWo er alles tatEr hatte Schulden, denn er trankDoch ihn liebten alle FrauenUnd jede rief„Come and rock me Amadeus“Er war SuperstarEr war populärEr war so exaltiertBecause er hatte FlairEr war ein VirtuoseWar 'n RockidolUnd alles rief„Come and rock me Amadeus“Amadeus, Amadeus, AmadeusAmadeus, Amadeus, AmadeusAmadeus, Amadeus, oh, oh, oh AmadeusCome and rock me, AmadeusAmadeus, Amadeus, AmadeusAmadeus, Amadeus, AmadeusAmadeus, Amadeus, oh, oh, oh AmadeusEyEs war um 1780Und es war in WienNo plastic money anymoreDie Banken gegen ihnWoher die Schulden kamenWar wohl jedermann bekanntEr war ein Mann der FrauenFrauen liebten seinen PunkEr war SuperstarEr war so populärEr war zu exaltiertGenau das war sein FlairEr war ein VirtuoseWar 'n RockidolUnd alles ruft noch heute„Come and rock me Amadeus“Amadeus, Amadeus, AmadeusAmadeus, Amadeus, AmadeusAmadeus, Amadeus, oh, oh, oh AmadeusCome and rock me, AmadeusAmadeus, Amadeus, AmadeusAmadeus, Amadeus, AmadeusAmadeus, Amadeus, oh, oh, oh AmadeusCome and rock me, AmadeusNow, come and rock me, AmadeusAmadeus, Amadeus, AmadeusAmadeus, Amadeus, AmadeusAmadeus, Amadeus, oh, oh, oh AmadeusAmadeus, Amadeus, AmadeusAmadeus, Amadeus, AmadeusAmadeus, Amadeus, oh, oh, oh AmadeusAmadeus, AmadeusAmadeus, AmadeusCome on, rock meCome and rock me to the topAmadeusAma-, Ama-, AmadeusNow come and, now come and rock me, AmadeusAmadeus

  72. Lucas Hernan Celiz Ledesma

    Vivimos del aplauso también de los monedazos

  73. Angel abadia manzano

    Like 👍 2019?

  74. S.W. Foster

    For some of the most intellectually and technically sophisticated people on the planet, Germans don't put out much in the music arena but I like this song

  75. Diana Ivonne

    Está canción tiene una nosé que , que me gusta mucho 💃💃

  76. Angela Bell

    I can't help but wonder who the bikers were. Were they a particular gang? Just curious.

  77. kate elliott

    Calling Samaritans, which were a life saver in HMP PETERBOROUGH A PRIVATELY OWNED PRISON OWNED BY SODEXO, was really useful when I felt alone, they advised if I feel stressed I should either have a little rant or luxuriate in comfort xxx some inmates smash up their phones, I didn't yet I still had my phone removed from my cell for no reason at all. By a guard called Ian xxx

  78. Tobi tt

    er hat se alle ge..rock amadeust lol

  79. Hector Sánchez Álvarez

    Ni Amadeus ni amadeas

  80. patricia izquierdo

    Que talento y belleza de hombre!!!!!

  81. Janay Miller

    Who is here because of Bob’s Burgers episode, Eggs for Days!!!

    Dungeon 50

    nobody, because this is classic

  82. Einfach Ich

    Das waren noch Zeiten

  83. Soraya

    Das Lied, das ihm das Genick brach...

  84. Angus McDonald

    Sadly this clown is pan breed. I was waiting patiently for the next song too.

  85. Israel Valeriano

    Dr Zaius?

  86. Gabriel Diaz


  87. Максим Гофман

    круть прям вернулся в детсво кнопошные телефоны железобетонные мэрсы антэны шо спиненг круть

  88. Maty Medina

    Dr. Zaius, Dr. ZauisDr. Zaius, Dr. ZaiusDr. Zaius, Dr. ZaiusHooooo Dr. ZaiusDr. Zaius, Dr Zauis

  89. ElCaballeroNegro

    You are looking for this 1:10

  90. Farbenlos Anonymous

    Jmd von Rewi, T und Rezo da?

    No Name

    Farbenlos Anonymous nö, wieso?

  91. Russell Field


  92. Jdaniel Taquichiri

    Dr zeius dr zeius dr zeius dr zeius ooh dr zeius!

    No Name


  93. Duban Sanchez

    Buen tema

  94. superque4

    Love how they left the 3:08 blooper in the video.

  95. TBD

    I didn’t realize this was in German until I was (now). As a kid I thought I just didn’t understand the lyrics because they were to fast 🤣🤣🤣

    Ahhw E-Any

    I hear a lot of use of the word stupid

  96. Motzer Alles Mist

    Too childish

  97. Wronke

    I'ma tumor I'ma tumor I'ma tumor I'ma tumor oh oh oh I'ma tumor

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