mp3 indir dur

Emmit Fenn - Want It

Want It
: Want It
: 3.47 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 106 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 62 İndirme
: 06-01-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Emmit Fenn - Want It )
  1. cloe cloe


  2. Veda Murthy

    Whenever you want itWhenever you need itJust know that I'm waitingRight back here for youWhenever you want itWhenever you need itJust know that I'm waitingRight back here for youWhenever you want itWhenever you need itWhenever you want itWhenever you need itJust know that I'm waitingRight back here for youWhenever you want itWhenever you need itJust know that I'm waitingRight back here for youWhenever you want itWhenever you want itWhenever you want itWhenever you need itJust know that I'm waitingRight back here for youWhenever you want itWhenever you need itJust know that I'm waitingRight back…

  3. Sasa S

    The masquerade part !!

  4. Hasan Arıcan

    I Can listen this track forever sory for my bad england

  5. Dhanos

    Someone thinks this is the best lucifer's beat? Cause I do

  6. Anderson Lima

    Lúcifer?! 😈

  7. Rennan Seven

    LUCIFER |||| ❤️

  8. Pirate Excalibur

    Thanks Lucifer :) Loving it.

  9. Umut Yavuz

    Lucifer brought me here

  10. domi o'connor

    Lucifer !!

  11. Ričards Asars

    I got here from Lucifer 😂

  12. Joanna Aye

    Lucifer - the best show ever!

  13. Julia M

    Detective, you were right. This is exactly what I needed. *Thank you ♡*


    The best escene

  14. Shark ツ

    Lucifer Season 4?❤

  15. Ehetesham Aazem

    Here after listening in Lucifer Season 4

  16. Dominika Pająk

    lucifer huh

  17. ashvin chouhan

    Who's here because of Lucifer season 4..?

  18. Искрен Пантелеев


  19. NumbZkull

    Thanks, Lucifer, for reminding this song exists!

  20. justynka 891

    lucifer s4e9

  21. Erkappa420

    Lucifer season 4 thanks shazam ✌️😎

  22. Blueface baby YEH YEH


  23. Wishhh3s

    Heard this on Lucifer S4 and Shazamed tf outta this🤟🔥🤣


    hell yea lmao

    Demetra Tsialikki

    SAME. Best song for that Masquerade 😍

    Andrew servetis Vithoulkas

    Same dude

  24. Kamran Kazemi-Far

    Lucifer Season 4 :)

  25. Break Assassin

    Who's here after watching Lucifer season 4 ??


    Yeah I remember when this was uploaded with just the title "Want It". When I heard it on Lucifer I remembered it right away.



    Norbert Kardos

    @Zzoner yeah nobody knew who it was xD i remember that as well

  26. R35spect GT-R

    Lucifer anyone???

  27. James Molina

    i found from Mr.dood |Three.js

  28. Medo Ou

    I want him to collab with 6lack

  29. Bebee Xiong

    Can you please do one with Backstreet Boys don’t go breaking my heart please!!!

  30. Flaw


  31. demhanamlasfisa

    E M M I T <3

  32. S D

    Dedicated to my lovely wife.. Whenever you want it, whenever you need itJust know that I'm waiting right down here for you...

  33. Lavinia

    Chill. B )

  34. DanS94

    I bet afro'll use this for his new intro (Dec 20)


    *F O D A ♡*

  36. Dioni GG


  37. Dioni GG

    I love to song

  38. Tunder Tudor

    So you found out!

  39. Mufik [¿]

    Какого хуя ее в вк до сих пор нет?!?!?

  40. Average

    It's emmit.

  41. Jaxk

    Want some 🍦 kid?!?? WANT IT?!?

  42. Faggoat

    low-key I read Eminem

  43. VT1234

    It's so obvious it's Emmit Fenn now XD The infamous voice he uses in his songs makes it obvious now. Awesome song

  44. Cayan

    This isnt viral? :(

  45. Big Dringle Ice T Mongoose IV

    Rock Nation?

  46. Ryan Perez

    Emmit Fenn should make another like this 1.

  47. แฝดหญิง ผอ.ประหยัด


  48. Влади Слади

    this channel makes my depression fade.. thank you, Andre, for the best uploads❤

  49. Dioni GG

    Souper Betss

  50. Danielle Giles

    good song

  51. Manu

    This is actually fucking good.

  52. Kunalll witWicky

    hey trap nation r u an Indian????????????????

  53. Link

    Need buy link

  54. fillargame tv channel

    bellissima bravo

  55. PreWorkout Fix

    Lol when I read the caption, I thought "The story of this song is: It's a song, and it's good." Props to you if you get the reference

  56. Arina

    my fav💕

  57. arunav borah


  58. Derradji _gfx

    كوكو 😵

  59. SunsetStylinson

    surprised Emmit Fenn is on trap nation

  60. SunsetStylinson

    oh wow this is new

  61. ariel4326

    This music is on fire😱😱🔥🔥🔥🔥

  62. Badyyy

    Selfi with mia khalifa

  63. x Maksiu

    Oh my! Lovvvv

  64. Kafo

    Oh god, that drop at 3:48

  65. Mr. Deadpool


  66. CrimsonLogic AL

    Mystery solved

  67. DCK

    emmit fenn huh?

  68. Shaurie Pvs

    who else saw this video without artist name? :)

  69. Mohammed Alnaqi

    For those who did not know, when Trap Nation first uploaded the song, the title didn't include the producer's name, that's why you see people commenting about who made the song (check the description)

  70. DarkZenith

    good job Emmit!

  71. Feozeo

    so it WAS Emmit Fenn

  72. ShadowPal

    Emmit Fenn... huh

  73. Martin Smith

    It has a artist name now

    Sabri Mejbri

    no shit sherlock

    Martin Smith

    Sabri Mejbri arent you clever

  74. Raphael Gomi

    i love this

  75. Mohammed naji

    finally the artists name!

  76. Tjard Jannsen

    Thanks Emmit Fenn!! 😍

  77. stephan schreiber

    The Title changed!! Now we finally know the Name of the Song

  78. VortFX

    And all these ppl that believed it was Surrfies that made it.

  79. CorruptedPixl_

    I love the casual "IF i find out who it is, i will change it WITHING the NEXT WEEK" aka release date. Nice one haha!

  80. Hussein Osseily

    emmit fen il remember this name just like everyone will

  81. Joe Ferreri


  82. The New Coming

    Emmit Fenn is amazing!!!

  83. LØWERX

    Emmit Fenn Confirmed!

  84. Cameron Delaney

    yo i knew it emmit yes

  85. shadowed

    The artist is revealed! >:D

  86. xBoli

    woo finally found who it was!

  87. TheTigerGamer

    Emmit Fenn - Want ItAyee boys

  88. Anviii

    Is the title official?

  89. anxiety203

    the super depressed dude Emmit Fenn ( that's my oppinion, from songs like '1995' or 'Modern Flame') does this. Damn bro

  90. JDTechGear

    Finally found it!! soundcloud[DOT]com/emmitfenn/want-it-1

  91. Gurjyot Singh

    Mystery SOLVED

  92. Cookies Days

    Emmit Fenn everyone!

  93. Colonel Sin

    Mysterious sender found.Mission Completed.

  94. Evi Looloo

    Finally the producer 's name of the song is on the title ❤️ Knew it was Emmit Fenn , but I just wanted to see it there

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