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Eminem - Spend Some Time

Spend Some Time
: Spend Some Time
: 4.74 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 64 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 34 İndirme
: 23-06-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Eminem - Spend Some Time )
  1. Syed Talib

    1:16 mannnnnn! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

  2. Hector Rodriguez

    Fuji jee guess glued on my self here im on one team text threw them draw cuando los

  3. tutu tu

    the anthem for neckbeards

  4. Brandon Bullock

    Yo its 2019 almost 2020

  5. Marc-Anthony

    50 had the glow

  6. Georgia Born Georgia Raised.

    I had forgot about this song. I’m glad I found this shit today. Apparently I’m not worth shit. I’m a worthless ass bitch. Just because I’m going thru hell right now in my life. How the fuck you gone walk away from someone who held you down for a year and a half while you was in prison ? Yeah guess I’m a piece of shit for opening up and loving someone else. Fuck you.

  7. Blissful Insomniac

    So basically, Eminem verse: they were fucking, she wanted more and he didn't, so she started treating him like dirt and finally moved on, and now he's deeply in love.Seriously, what? Lol

  8. Anshul Bansod

    Blew off

  9. Fuck your reply.

    For all the fools? I'm not a weak minded motherfucker, like all the rest, my spirit is stronger than the weakness of the flesh.

  10. Paul Burress

    Dog come on who is this the problem is too many liars didn't like showing the face or give it a name not typically the type of guy he gets mad over a girl but some people do it so wrongly they deserve an ass whooping like if you knew she was mine you might not want to give a name flight if we were close enough to hang out everyday and we were like family I'd let it go if you were truthful about it but you need to say it to my face not over a phone and by the way she's not No Hoe to me that girl was the most special thing in my life I couldn't tell you how many great things I could say about her so please refrain Trump disrespecting her in front of me I do got love for the girl unless you're trying to taunt me and what kind of friend were you in the first place she done and caused a lot of s*** I can excuse any of it but I don't like losing people I care about so if you were a friend than a friend you'll still be I'm starting to see it's a pattern with her most of it was spite what are you telling me for feel guilty you want me to take yours and go balls deep or is it cuz you don't got one cuz you're a creep you don't sound like the type of person I would hang with or girl I would hold hands with so please tell me if you're honest I know know me like you say you know I will forgive you and I probably think about working with you sounded good Ecolab sounds great if we work through our issues

  11. Exertio

    the fucking days, miss em man

  12. Muyunda samani

    Obie killed it two,very few are able to start a song like tht especially given the fact tht their were 3more rappers,good relisist behind u to kill the same beat..dope

  13. Muyunda samani

    This truck is dope to the death,this is the goodness of realistic tracks they stand the test of time this was a well belended collaboration.......introduced us in my imagination I would c her suckin my dick..DOPE

  14. True spirit 89

    When your in its too hard to see

  15. raffyduck221

    always replay this.

  16. Freezes

    The girl’s voice is food for soul

  17. ShouldaBoughtAChevy

    The whole song is true. Ems part hits hard

  18. Colton Conway

    Get your desire when I retire by Obie and Cupid could shoot another one of them god damn darts at me it’s true that I got shot in the heart

    Colton Conway

    By me spoke to me the most

  19. Natasha Myers

    Being a chick and I could still say this shit to some dudes. Love this song never gets old

  20. MrGladBEASTftw

    Now I know where 50 got the name for ghost wife on power

  21. White Mamba

    I used to say I never met a girl like you beforeStill ain't got a fuckin' clue as to who you truly are

  22. chocobo child

    In this song:Em still believes in loveObie's getting his heart broken50 has been there done that.

  23. typhoon xd

    Shit like this is why I have commitment issues now

  24. MyKy 328

    2019 Still on fire

  25. daniel payne

    Still listening in 2019, real talk in this song


    this is the song that stopped me form going through to suicide after my ex girlfriend broke up with me this saved my life

  27. The Mexican

    2019 and still rockin’ this song 👏🏽👏🏽

  28. Chrislee Eaton

    Best eminem song

  29. raffyduck221

    2019 Still playing.

  30. mobofthedead115 935

    I can relate to this song

  31. MANZILLA mansell

    Whose listening

  32. Lee

    Eminem, the goat no one can touch him

  33. Frank Smith

    SEPT 2019 AND GOD DAMN IF SOME SHIT DONT COME BACK AND MAKE YOU DO SOME LIFE ALTERING SHIT. I got this on replay like it just came out I'm48 and if I hear no content one more time. This song is my life right now. Now I'm back on square 1 wow when the lyrics match your life its humbling, spooky and therapeutic at the same time.

  34. Tess Woods

    2019 and still listening to this! 😎

  35. One strange one

    End of 2019

  36. cla173t Thornton

    Lock me up in a cabin in the woods, visit an sing to me often Em .. I will require music an my phone for my children to call .. solitary confinement I loves it and you Em XO

  37. Fjorel Cako

    Best eminem song ever

  38. michael420insmoke

    Who’s listening to this 🔥 still in 2019?

    Seth Wright

    ​@Calin Rusu i grew up with the Eminem show and have watched this mans career, its been fun to see him bounce back through his career.when a lot of artists get stuck in drug habits, hes motivation for them to stop doing shit that can kill you

    Ryan Kasik

    My neighbors probly get annoyed by now


    Ryan Kasik I know that’s right

    Ryan Kasik

    @michael420insmoke now I'm blasting "where I'm at" lmaoo

    Ty Hewitt


  39. Asmita Patil

    The entire song is dope but the hook is soo good, man i just love when Em sings ahhh!!! He can do anything Man!!!! 😍 😍 G. O. A. T

  40. jay mtume

    Obie and em rode the best the best and had the best verses.

  41. _crackkey_

    This was rap!!!!!!

  42. ThaCho23nJuan


  43. Conor Ben

    Someone give me a eminem song I've not listened to a 100 times?

  44. Gem Iñigo

    *Spend Some time with me, say that you'll be mine*-best part.

  45. Wayne Graham

    Such an underrated album, one of his best songs.

  46. Mostafa Fahmy

    Sucking my dick is the real career move

  47. Michael Tomaso

    Forgot this song exists probably ain’t heard this since like 6th grade

  48. Zane Bunton

    Look there it is.. I was about to mention if you appreciate this song also try Eminem - Where I'm At (Ft. Lloyd Banks) Youtube is smart it already on my screen in the recomended

  49. idonotknowanynames

    This takes me back. Damn, I love these guys!

  50. Itz CJ

    I Never Thought Il Find Someone Too Bee Mineeee !!

  51. Hector Rodriguez

    Not me xoxo for that farmers aim meaning me oh draw who recently or greater really closed close cloud s seeds eating ear on one hand and deep peace smile. 45 h town got very era ready steps steered sail ing ingenuity guidelines like like Hawaii my uncle best because being born his birthday blissful Valley always trying training due yup allowing family aim at my heart. If is

  52. Hector Rodriguez

    I'm not him just leaving ing grin from. Some other shying shot friend stars


    TwentyNiniteen? Still here?

  54. G hill

    Anyone listening 2019👍🏽

  55. David S

    suckin my dick is the real career move! haha!

  56. ShouldaBoughtAChevy

    Em makes it like ur sitting there first hand, picture perfect. Pure talent. Walking up ready to do something but last minute ur heart starts to beat. Guess us have to be in his shoes to know

  57. Hafeez Ali

    " And the ruder you got , the more beautiful you got to me " Best verse of the song❤🎵

  58. Onur Böle

    Em's and Stat's verses are so relatable. You don't care about someone at first, you might even act like you'll fulfill their wishes while all you want is some fun time. But then you start to realize something different in them, that could be genuine, or their mask in return, or even something you make up because you want to chase something you can't reach. Then you get enchanted, the colder they get the more passionate you feel. You think you are in a relationship, you hold hands in public, you argue, you kiss, you leave and go back. But in reality it was just what you wanted at first: Some fun time together. The commitment they pretended to want from you at first didn't even make you as special as you thought, they already started seeking it elsewhere before you knew it. In the end, everyone always cared about their interests, you got what you deserved, but it still hurts.

  59. SON GOKU

    Was he talking about kim

  60. Anthony Montana

    "When time is spent, emotion grows"

  61. Guste 'R'

    Who is listening in 2019?Catchy N Dope Song!!!

  62. James Howards

    All Bitches

  63. Tomaskers

    Encore isn't the greatest album Em's released (imo it's his worst one), but it still has some solid tracks and this is definitely one of the highlights

  64. D Hudson

    Real rap....not this 2019 shit...bring back real muzik

  65. santosh kulkarni100

    Em did an amazing job on that hook but imagine nate dogg on it !!

  66. Brainz Rooney

    Damn Eminem knows how to make you wonder about love

  67. Tobias Hermansson

    I was here

  68. Jay Buzz

    Stat Quo outta nowhere.

  69. Crazie Priest

    Obie`s verse murdered this joint...

  70. Robert Skovrand

    The true king of rap 😎Forever. And tru the history. No one can beat him.. Robert. Keep it real

  71. Nea

    Haha this brings back memories. I use to bump this to piss my ex off. Mofo beat me up in front of my friends who attacked him back. The last time he ever lay a hand on me i nearly died. I escaped .. After smashing him over the forehead with his xbox. This amd crazy in love bring back memories. Oh and he ended up breaking the CD player so i couldnt jam anymore.

  72. Sam

    not going to church is a sin

  73. Jay E-z

    I fuckin adore this song. Thank you gor the upload.

  74. Rosemary's Baby

    "You hear them words echoing, Almost haunting that taunting ring"fuccin chills breh

  75. HypnoDREW

    People are always giving Eminem shit for how his music isnt as good as other rappers, especially nowadays.Eminem's verse is LITERALLY the only good verse in this whole song.

  76. CasperTheDopestGhostInTown

    I love when Stat says "yeah right bitch spend some time with my dick haha" *relatable*

  77. All Roads Lead Here

    I'm just glad my dip was in my cargo pocket.

  78. Richie Dean

    " I used to say I never met a girl like you before , Still aint got a fuckin clue as to who you truly are "TRUTH

  79. The Last Shady Walking Marvel

    Love this song Everybody kills it and that hook is so good

  80. shmu-el ocho

    Stat's verse is my favorite, straight fyah

  81. Robert Tieman

    How many times have you started over from square One? I've lost count

  82. Frankie Dangerous

    We need this em back man smh

  83. Timbo Luz

    This having 2.9 million views shows that people only like shitty rap

  84. yansoma


  85. The Devil

    The ruder u got, the more beautiful u got

  86. Ryan Warchol

    When someone seems to be to good to be true. They usually are.

  87. Ryan Warchol

    Obie. Eminem. Spend sometime with me. 😄

  88. Davette Duncan

    Trying to pick myself up. Right from where I started from.

  89. Hector Rodriguez

    Its role he and that should blind oh far mysterious hectic head on growing her lower over ovel lonely that has already past boo

  90. Hector Rodriguez

    Boo you knew better behave xoxo i love ask the fact faith father's raw

  91. • BX_SLiMx_NY •

    *OBIE TRICE. Real name no gimmicks!*

  92. CasperTheDopestGhostInTown

    If there's any bitches in these comments, then there's something I gotta say...

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