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Eminem - Lose Yourself

Lose Yourself
: Lose Yourself
: 4.93 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 2544 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 746 İndirme
: 18-11-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Eminem - Lose Yourself )

    This was soo bad

  2. ɢᴀsᴛᴏᴏɴ.


  3. Marin Marin

    Молодец парень уважуха

  4. Агент Провокатор

    очень крутой чувак))

  5. bigHtown36

    Unpopular opinion...This audition was not really that great as everyone makes it out to be. And had the thumbnail not look so ridiculous I bet it would have one tenth of the views.

  6. Diego armando Roman

    Depeche mode the voice!

  7. Luís Soares

    Puta merda! Arrepiou...

  8. Виктория Четина

    Its amazing guy!)

  9. The NooD

    La mejor version que eh visto .. felicidades

  10. Nawel Guemoun

    Il a tout niquer!! Il chante archie bbiieennn!!!😂😂

  11. Oscar Marie

    Mat on dirait il croit c un blindtest quand il se retourne

  12. Felipe gs

    Sorry bad Detonated the song!

  13. YagoBboy :D

    Gran cover de Mangel Rogel :v

  14. arte rth

    sa voix , est juste legendaire !

  15. Thalyn

    2019 : 89 millions de vues.... 0 album vendu, merci TF1........

  16. ikingbeasti

    Wtf is this shit lmao

  17. Enfoque Gaussiano

    Wait he didn't win!?

  18. Faded

    This dude looks like retarded Adam Ragusea

  19. Rodinaldo Lima

    O cara conseguiu deixar uma música foda ainda mais foda eu diria mais ficou melhor que o próprio Eminem cantando o miserável é um gênio

  20. Lo{kk}i

    Это Билан?

  21. Sajad Alrabey

    ماكدر امل منه

  22. сергей мишен


  23. Mukadem Brumand

    only clip on youtube to give me goosebumps over goosebumps

  24. Hecudo6po OW

    Мика и во франции на муз.шоу, и в Италии. Нормас хД

  25. olcia official

    he’s cute

  26. Kakirul Drawings

    Ça ne peut pas être, je répète cette chanson depuis 15 fois, mon Dieu, mon respect pour le gars, comme vous pensez la même chose.

  27. GanonKirby89

    what is Steve T doing there?

  28. Vanessa


  29. Sirac Akbakay

    I think the best song ever

  30. ლალი ლალი




  32. Batuhan Zorbey MERMER

    LookIf you hadOne shotOr one opportunityTo seize everything you ever wantedIn one momentWould you capture itOr just let it slip?YoHis palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavyThere's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghettiHe's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and readyTo drop bombs, but he keeps on forgettin'What he wrote down, the whole crowd goes so loudHe opens his mouth, but the words won't come outHe's chokin', how, everybody's jokin' nowThe clocks run out, times up, over, blaow!Snap back to reality, oh there goes gravityOh, there goes Rabbit, he chokedHe's so mad, but he won't give up that easy? NoHe won't have it, he knows his whole back city's ropesIt don't matter, he's dope, he knows that, but he's brokeHe's so stacked that he knows, when he goes back to his mobile home, that's when itsBack to the lab again yo, this whole rhapsodyHe better go capture this moment and hope it don't pass himYou better lose yourself in the music, the momentYou own it, you better never let it goYou only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blowThis opportunity comes once in a lifetime you betterYou better lose yourself in the music, the momentYou own it, you better never let it goYou only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blowThis opportunity comes once in a lifetime you betterThe souls escaping, through this hole that its gapingThis world is mine for the takingMake me king, as we move toward a, new world orderA normal life is borin', but super stardom's close to post mortarIt only grows harder, only grows hotterHe blows us all over these hoes is all on himCoast to coast shows, he's known as the globetrotterLonely roads, God only knows, he's grown farther from home, he's no fatherHe goes home and barely knows his own daughterBut hold your nose 'cause here goes the cold waterHis hoes don't want him no mo, he's cold productThey moved on to the next schmo who flows, he nose dove and sold nadaSo the soap opera is told and unfolds, I suppose it's old partna, but the beat goes onDa da dumb da dumb da daYou better lose yourself in the music, the momentYou own it, you better never let it goYou only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blowThis opportunity comes once in a lifetime you betterYou better lose yourself in the music, the momentYou own it, you better never let it goYou only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blowThis opportunity comes once in a lifetime you betterNo more games, I'm a change what you call rageTear this motherfuckin' roof off like two dogs cagedI was playin' in the beginnin', the mood all changedI been chewed up and spit out and booed off stageBut I kept rhymin' and stepwritin' the next cipherBest believe somebody's payin' the pied piperAll the pain inside amplified by theFact that I can't get by with my nine toFive and I can't provide the right type ofLife for my family 'cause man, these God damn food stamps don't buy diapersAnd its no movie, there's no Mekhi PhiferThis is my life and these times are so hardAnd it's getting even harder tryin' to feed and water my seed, plusSee dishonor caught up between bein' a father and a prima-donnaBaby mama drama screamin' on and too muchFor me to want to say in one spot, another jam or notHas gotten me to the point, I'm like a snail I've gotTo formulate a plot fore I end up in jail or shotSuccess is my only motherfuckin' option, failures notMom, I love you, but this trail has got to go, I cannot grow old in Salem's lotSo here I go is my shotFeet fail me not 'cause maybe the only opportunity that I gotYou better lose yourself in the music, the momentYou own it, you better never let it goYou only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blowThis opportunity comes once in a lifetime you betterYou better lose yourself in the music, the momentYou own it, you better never let it goYou only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blowThis opportunity comes once in a lifetime you betterYou can do anything you set your mind to, man

  33. Hadrien


  34. Мастерская Настроений

    *Gold Voice*

  35. Daniel F

    lepsze jak oryginał

  36. Григорий Анархетян

    А русские есть?)

  37. MR CrAsHmEn

    пародия превзошедшая оригинал

  38. sebastien tutu

    Matt Pokora s’est crue dans un blind test! Il a pas compris le principe de l’émission !

  39. Michael jordan

    G U A U

  40. Paul Vargas

    Mmtaa madre ni un comentario en español como quiera LATINOS presentes 😎

  41. Frederico Casarin

    Canta melhor que Eminem

  42. Monlama Bah

    Ce mec il è fou 😎😎

  43. Glenda Oqueso Serrano

    Vincent Vinel, voz muy particular y única y canciones como la de Eminem la hace muy a su estilo, Para mi ya es un Ganador te Voice 2017 , escuchandolo en el 2019 !!!

  44. Bubbly Moon

    That falsetto of his is absolutely ridiculous!

  45. Miguel Soriano

    Este es el comentario en español que esperaban! Like si es cierto!❤️😂

  46. petitfillou 83

    wsh c en france yas aucun com francophone

  47. Ian Puigdemont

    NobodyAbsolutly nobodyI mean nobodyThis blind guy: wears glasses


    Don't be an idiot! Think! He is partially blind.....

    Ian Puigdemont

    @Thalyn hey relax man i didnt insult u so stay calm and its a joke dont take it so serious as u did


    @Ian Puigdemont Hey relax man, don't be a dick, that's all :) I'm so calm, you're so childish. So Stay calm and relax :p

    Ian Puigdemont

    @Thalyn im calm u started insulting me i didnt tell u bad words so please if u dont like my jockes dont look at thme

  48. Андрей Диденко

    the guy you're cool

  49. trucidotk

    1:42 best part

  50. The Old Engines Of Francis

    ha una faccia da tolla questo...

  51. Дарья Лукичёва

    Я влюбилась в исполнение песни!

  52. Сергей Жиров


  53. Envivian

    its actually a blind audition

  54. Rodinaldo Lima

    Caralho esse vídeo é muito foda

  55. James Bolger

    2:19 This is so funny he looks like he got penetrated by a buff black midget named laquisha

  56. Tushar K

    Just bcos he is blind doesn make this sux

  57. Hikola Kadulin

    Талант!!!! Успехов!!!

  58. Geoffrey Dixneuf

    Mpokora il sait cru dans un blind test ce con. Sinon lourd le son

  59. Zangar Kisetay

    Le manefique

  60. Darkin

    Whoever makes a blind joke. *Ya'll going to hell"

  61. The Agency

    ive heard french rap before, la rage is one of my favorite songs. he should have just stuck with french and not tried english....its already impressive enough that he could sing like that, and rap and play piano at the same time with that voice. no need to do eminem in english

  62. Protect&Serve Gaming

    They really chose the thumbnail of when he goes full cross eyed? Wtf

  63. gamma plotion

    Mangel, eres vizco?!

  64. mlem

    mdrrr c'est quoi cette fin j'étais pas pret

  65. Matt Frappier

    Mika's reactions are perfect lol

  66. Денис Малярозов

    Здрасти,😎 привет из Одессы 🇺🇦 Дорогу настоящим талантам 🙏👏💪

  67. Brady Nomas :v

    Cantar y Tocar piano no es nada facil , mis respetos se gano este men

  68. Muriel CAUVIN

    Tout ce qui disent qu’il est aveugle vos gueule il a un strabisme

  69. Santiago Cardenas rios

    Is super cool😎😎

  70. TheSloma82

    wygląda jak : pa na to

  71. DIOGUIN 27

    2019 ???? Brzadaa

  72. Ilan élèctroflamme

    Fuck the english

  73. Average User

    This dude see's two pianos.

  74. Gabriele Redoglio

    this nigga is strabico :(((

  75. Marakemi Ionis

    That voice. I'm. In. Love.

  76. one solo


  77. Shahil Dhakal


  78. Eya Zantour

    I'm both Mika and Matt's reactions

  79. Sean Vargas

    0:38 when you bust a nut and she keep sucking

  80. Jhonatan Ciríaco

    ** Arrepiado ! ** Goose pimples !** Chair de poule !

  81. Wrench

    "blind audition" hijos de puta xdxd

  82. Apocalypse Lemon

    Spaghetti clear as day.

  83. King Luci

    There is truely beautie in every language

  84. Дмитрий Шаломский


  85. Ramfarid

    Why “Blind Audition” is on the tittle?


    why not?

  86. ionutz car

    shittiest show ever - in every country this fucking voice

  87. Yojimbo413

    If he was normal the reaction would be different.

  88. Pay the Bills don't skills

    Tha comments section... 😂😂😂

  89. Antho tyler

    Bonjours 👍

  90. Reha Karani

    vay canına :D

  91. Yaroslav Massabutin

    Нихуя не понятно, но спел не плохо

  92. Tania Sepeda


  93. Musikundso

    hm sure he isnt deaf?

  94. LeukeHitsNEDERLANDS

    2017: Oh this is good2019: Oh this is good3069: Oh this is good

    The Turkey

    uh tbh his voice is kinda.... weird

    RYL Onur

    @The Turkey sa


    Oh this is good

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