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Eminem - Just Lose It

Just Lose It
: Just Lose It
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Toplam İndirme
: 168 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 93 İndirme
: 23-06-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Eminem - Just Lose It )
  1. Social Onion

    Old but gold!

  2. TheGoldenLunatic HD

    Bad santa be like....

  3. Lord Beerus

    OKGuess who's backBack againShady's backTell a friendNow everyone report to the dance floorTo the dance floor, to the dance floorNow everyone report to the dance floor, alright stopPajama timeCome here little kiddies, on my lapGuess who's back with a brand new rapAnd I don't mean rap, as in a new caseOf child molestation accusation aah aah aah aah aahNo worries, papa's got a brand new bag of toysWhat else could I possibly do to make noise, I done touched on everythingBut little boysAnd that's not a stab at Micheal, that's just a metaphorI'm just psychoI go a little bit crazy sometimesI get a little bit out of control with my rhymesGood God, dip, do a little slideBend down, touch your toes and just glide, up the center of the dance floorLike T-P for my bung hole and it's cool if you let one goNobody's gonna know who'd hear itGive a little "poot poot", it's OKOops my C-D just skippedAnd everyone just heard you let one ripNow I'm gonna make you dance, it's your chanceYeah boy shake that assOops I mean girlGirl girl girl (now you know you're my world)Alright now lose it aah aah aah aah aahJust lose it aah aah aah aah aahGo crazy aah aah aah aah aahOh baby aah aah, oh baby baby aah aahIt's Friday and it's my day, chance to partyAll the way to Sunday, maybe 'till Monday, I dunno what dayEveryday's just a holidayCrusin' on the freeway feelin' kinda breezyGet the top down, let my hair blowI dunno where I'm goin'All I know is when I get there, someones gonna touch my bodyExcuse me miss, I don't mean to sound like a jerkBut I'm feelin' just a little stressed out from workCould you punch me in the stomach and pull my hairSpit on me, maybe gouge my eyes out, yeahNow what's your name girl, what's your sign?Man, you must be up out your mindDre aah aah, beer goggles, blind, I'm just trying to unwind, now I'mNow I'm gonna make you dance, it's your chanceYeah boy shake that assOops I mean girlGirl girl girl (now you know you're my world)Alright now lose it aah aah aah aah aahJust lose it aah aah aah aah aahGo crazy aah aah aah aah aahOh baby aah aah, oh baby baby aah aahIt's Tuesday and I'm locked up,I'm in jail and I don't know what happenedThey say I was running butt nakedDown the street screaming aah aah aah aah aahYour honor I'm sorry, I don't rememberAll I know is this much, I'm not guiltyThey said save it boy, we got you on tapeTelling an old lady to "touch my body"Now this is the part where the rap breaks downIt gets real tense, no one makes a soundEverything looks like it's 8 Mile nowThe beat comes back and everybody lose themselvesNow step back to reality, look it's B.Rabbit, you signed me up to battle?I'm a grown man chuba chuba chuba chuba chuba chubaI don't have any lines to go right here soDuba duba teletubie fella's what? fella's yeah?Grab you left (nut), make right one jealous what?Black girls, white girls, skinny girls, fat girls, tall girls, small girls,I'm calling all girlsEveryone report to the dance floor, it's your chance for a little romance orButt squeezing it's the seasonJust go aah aah aah aah, it's so appeasin'Now I'm gonna make you dance, it's your chanceYeah boy shake that assOops I mean girlGirl girl girl (now you know you're my world)Alright now lose it aah aah aah aah aahJust lose it aah aah aah aah aahGo crazy aah aah aah aah aahOh baby aah aah, oh baby baby aah aahMm touch my bodyMm touch my bodyOoh boy just touch my bodyI mean girl just touch my body

  4. Tyler Garza

    What ever happened to those Disney kids that use to dance?!

  5. The Rogue Empire

    i like this a lot more then i used to, or then i should.

  6. Cookie Monster

    Only little boys bouncing in that bed with MJ 💀💀💀

  7. Emilia Litiane

    Rei do Rap🇧🇷

  8. Jacky Michel

    Still fresh 🔥

  9. Aze Ekber

    Orkun ışıldak is steal this music


    1:45 when James Charles forgets he's gay

  11. Anonymous

    Imagine actually thinking this good

  12. Koli Rin

    Im fan of Eminem but i feel bad for Michael ;-;

  13. M C

    This dude actually had children dancing on his video lol, thank god this didn't release in 2019, would probably be sued to oblivion.

  14. Amazingpinapple

    0:26 when your little sister walks in on you watching the last 3 episodes of Oreimo

  15. CitizenXXX

    This Man is a Genius. God Bless Him and his beloved ones <3

  16. adem Lee

    Jezus juice

  17. Charles Davi

    Minha infância 🎶❤️

  18. Gams Lazza

    One man show..shedy show..

  19. LYCHEE

    I always thought that Encore had such an incredible vibe to it even though it did have many flaws I still enjoyed it and I especially like this song. Songs just don't have that 2000s rap vibe to them anymore.

  20. Madani SI HAMDI

    Eminem and his beauty beats and Arithmetical songs. Proud of You From North Africa

  21. Arjun Jagdish

    Nobody:Eminem: AaAa AaAa AaAa

  22. Hendrik Hermann

    Eminem is da GOAT!

  23. Hendrik Hermann

    Good old times.

  24. MatteoPro768 YT :3

    2019?!??(even though this song came out 9 years ago)


    15 years ago

  25. Robert H

    Us in the future: "I just lost it"Timetravelers: "same"Aliens: (pee wee sound)Jeebus: "touch bob marley"Bob: (tokes)Repeat

  26. Mad Mike

    OKGuess who's backBack againShady's backTell a friendNow everyone report to the dance floorTo the dance floor, to the dance floorNow everyone report to the dance floor, alright stopPajama timeCome here little kiddies, on my lapGuess who's back with a brand new rapAnd I don't mean rap, as in a new caseOf child molestation accusation aah aah aah aah aahNo worries, papa's got a brand new bag of toysWhat else could I possibly do to make noise, I done touched on everythingBut little boysAnd that's not a stab at Micheal, that's just a metaphorI'm just psychoI go a little bit crazy sometimesI get a little bit out of control with my rhymesGood God, dip, do a little slideBend down, touch your toes and just glide, up the center of the dance floorLike T-P for my bung hole and it's cool if you let one goNobody's gonna know who'd hear itGive a little "poot poot", it's OKOops my C-D just skippedAnd everyone just heard you let one ripNow I'm gonna make you dance, it's your chanceYeah boy shake that assOops I mean girlGirl girl girl (now you know you're my world)Alright now lose it aah aah aah aah aahJust lose it aah aah aah aah aahGo crazy aah aah aah aah aahOh baby aah aah, oh baby baby aah aahIt's Friday and it's my day, chance to partyAll the way to Sunday, maybe 'till Monday, I dunno what dayEveryday's just a holidayCrusin' on the freeway feelin' kinda breezyGet the top down, let my hair blowI dunno where I'm goin'All I know is when I get there, someones gonna touch my bodyExcuse me miss, I don't mean to sound like a jerkBut I'm feelin' just a little stressed out from workCould you punch me in the stomach and pull my hairSpit on me, maybe gouge my eyes out, yeahNow what's your name girl, what's your sign?Man, you must be up out your mindDre aah aah, beer goggles, blind, I'm just trying to unwind, now I'mNow I'm gonna make you dance, it's your chanceYeah boy shake that assOops I mean girlGirl girl girl (now you know you're my world)Alright now lose it aah aah aah aah aahJust lose it aah aah aah aah aahGo crazy aah aah aah aah aahOh baby aah aah, oh baby baby aah aahIt's Tuesday and I'm locked up,I'm in jail and I don't know what happenedThey say I was running butt nakedDown the street screaming aah aah aah aah aahYour honor I'm sorry, I don't rememberAll I know is this much, I'm not guiltyThey said save it boy, we got you on tapeTelling an old lady to "touch my body"Now this is the part where the rap breaks downIt gets real tense, no one makes a soundEverything looks like it's 8 Mile nowThe beat comes back and everybody lose themselvesNow step back to reality, look it's B.Rabbit, you signed me up to battle?I'm a grown man chuba chuba chuba chuba chuba chubaI don't have any lines to go right here soDuba duba teletubie fella's what? fella's yeah?Grab you left (nut), make right one jealous what?Black girls, white girls, skinny girls, fat girls, tall girls, small girls,I'm calling all girlsEveryone report to the dance floor, it's your chance for a little romance orButt squeezing it's the seasonJust go aah aah aah aah, it's so appeasin'Now I'm gonna make you dance, it's your chanceYeah boy shake that assOops I mean girlGirl girl girl (now you know you're my world)Alright now lose it aah aah aah aah aahJust lose it aah aah aah aah aahGo crazy aah aah aah aah aahOh baby aah aah, oh baby baby aah aahMm touch my bodyMm touch my bodyOoh boy just touch my bodyI mean girl just touch my body

  27. hbk. talasi

    Yea boy shake that assOops i mean girlGirl girl😂😂😂😂

  28. Sherrell H

    I love Eminem n this has always been one of my favorite songs by him🥰🥰

  29. Garry G

    Can someone please tell me why Eminem doesn't make videos like these nowadays

  30. The Zanel

    2:38 “I don’t have any lines that go right here” lmao

  31. jorge velasco

    hoy en dia es a emiene q VOMITAN

  32. BenMcJazzy

    The greatest video ever made

  33. Luffy30340

    Yo is this Seth Rogen laughing on the hook ?

  34. Rockstar Miami

    2:14 me and the boys playing Saints Row

  35. Kenneth Schuler

    So every day at the holiday Eminem lyrics original December Christmas Hip Hop

  36. Randon Ladner

    MJ was such a little bitch about this. Em was just being funny (& accurate)

  37. Dracovish Blair

    1:40 funny part

  38. Littlebeak1

    Come on little kiddies on my lap 😂🤣😂

  39. Вухухел Chuchel

    Nobody will ever know how this comment got 5k likes

  40. great boy

    0:01 I think he dissed Michael Jackson

  41. great boy

    Eminem WAS so funny. But now 😔😔😔 he is angry

    S3PT3R *

    Yea I could understand why hes angry

  42. Smile Cat

    eminem wants to touch children?


    Duh. You take it too seriously.

    Cookie Monster

    He was exposing Michael Jackson ffs

  43. YourboyToonツ

    Just imagine being told you had to be thrown up on for a music video

  44. Richard Greenlees

    2:12 *There he is!*

  45. __m1lt0s_ _

    Why does his old songs start like a video of YouTubers that have 7 months to make a video

  46. Mr. X

    The michael jackson roast’s fucking awesome 😂

  47. BangFriedHamTacos

    2:28 Eminem VS Slim Shady

  48. Rules 08

    Alguem 2019 😃

    marjorie ribeiro


  49. Jake The Guest

    They seemed to enjoy this rap, a bit too much.

  50. Rayan Gosling

    You won't be able to be like the Michael Jackson Summit I found for just someone

  51. ample lola

    MJ losing his nose was always my favorite part of this video. Eminem is just wicked 😂

  52. Harshil Panchal

    I love both of them.....Michael Jackson❤ and Eminem❤Anyways, eminem said that hes not stabbing michael, hes just a psycho.So i am not offended

    Cookie Monster

    LOL right.... because when he says he's just playing, he's just playing, right? 👀

    Harshil Panchal

    @Cookie Monster right😉

    Cookie Monster

    @Harshil Panchal Sure Shamone... 😂

  53. Ethan Cardwell

    you inspire me slim shady

  54. Ethan Cardwell

    your awesome Eminem love your raps your the best you help me with my stress everyday

  55. Christina Young

    "shake that thang" does not sound like Eminem. Child investigation sounds so boring! lol

  56. Antoninus Pius

    Nowadays you will not be able to make it? Due to PC culture, people will go crazy😶😐

  57. Stew Woodman

    Produced by Epstein

    Cookie Monster

    conspiracy believing imbecile 🎪 🎠

  58. Yacine Tolba

    Guess who's back ?!! Back again Shady is back tell your friendsGuess who's back ?!! Back again0:00 Me : MJ is back tell your friendGuess who's back ?!! Back again 0:19 My Friend : MC Hammer is back tell your friend Me : ooh sh... Many legends in one video....

  59. Bobby

    2019 “Respect and dignity.” Furthermore: (“Respect and dignity.”) • “Respect and dignity, 2019?”

  60. savage guy

    I still remember that I use to listen to this song on ipod

  61. Анатолий


  62. 1000 subscribers without a video Plz

    Idk WHY, but this song reminds me of the on called “My Dick in a Box”

  63. LeBronda James

    This is slim not em

  64. Ken 1994

    Nobody:Cringey kids on the internet:HeHe wHos wATchInG tHIs iN 2019 oR 2020

    Stew Woodman

    Was produced at Epsteins place

    5AME 5TUFF

    @Stew Woodman if only he wasnt assassinated to hide secrets from big people

    Gabriel Simpson

    Oh the irony...

  65. Betchay Necesito



    [Intro: Eminem]Down, down, downDown, down, downDown, down, downDown, okay!Guess who's back, back againShady's back, tell a friendNow everyone report to the dance floorTo the dance floor, to the dance floorNow everyone report to the dance floorAlright, stop… pajama time![Verse 1: Eminem]Come here, little kiddies! On my lap!Guess who's back with a brand new rap?And I don't mean "rap" as in a new caseOf child molestation accusationsAh, ah, ah, ah, ah, no worriesPapa's got a brand new bag of toysWhat else could I possibly do to make noise?I done touched on everything but little boysAnd that's not a stab at MichaelThat's just a metaphor, I'm just psychoI go a little bit crazy sometimesI get a little bit out of control with my rhymesGood God, dip, do a little slideBend down, touch your toes, and just glideUp the center of the dance floorLike TP for my bung-holeAnd it's cool if you let one goNobody's gonna know; who'd hear it?Give a little "poot poot," it's okay(*fart*) Oops, my CD just skippedAnd everyone just heard you let one ripChorus: Eminem]Now, I'm gonna make you danceIt's your chance, yeah boy, shake that assWhoops, I mean girl… girl, girl, girlGirl, you know you're my worldAlright, now lose it! (Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!)Just lose it! (Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!)Go crazy! (Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!)Oh, baby (Ah, ah-!) oh, baby, baby (Ah, ah-!)[Bridge 1: Eminem]Well, it's Friday and it's my dayJust to party all the way 'til SundayMaybe 'til Monday, I don't know what dayEvery day's just a holidayCruisin' on the freeway, feelin' kinda breezyLet the top down and my hair blowI don't know where I'm goin', all I know isWhen I get there someone's gonna touch my body[Verse 2: Eminem & Dr. Dre]'Scuse me, miss, I don't mean to sound like a jerkBut I'm feelin' just a little stressed out from workCould you punch me in the stomach and pull my hairSpit on me, maybe gouge my eyes out? (Yeah)Now, what's your name, girl? What's your sign?Man, you must be up out your mind!Dre (ah, aA), be-!e,r goggles, blindI'm just tryin' to unwind, now I'm…[Chorus: Eminem]Now, I'm gonna make you danceIt's your chance, yeah boy, shake that assWhoops, I mean girl… girl, girl, girlGirl, you know you're my worldAlright, now lose it! (Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!)Just lose it! (Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!)Go crazy! (Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!)Oh, baby (Ah, ah-!) oh, baby, baby (Ah, ah-!)[Bridge 2: Eminem]Well, it's Tuesday and I'm locked upI'm in jail and I don't know what happenedThey say I was runnin' butt-nakedDown the street screamin', (Ah, ah, ah, ah!)Your honor, I'm sorry, I don't rememberAll I know is this much, I'm not guiltyThey said, "Save it, boy, we got you on tapeYellin' at an old lady to touch my body!"[Verse 3: Eminem]Now this is the part where the rap breaks downIt gets real intense, no one makes a soundEverything looks like it's 8 Mile nowThe beat comes back, and everybody lose themselvesNow snap back to reality; look, it's B. Rabbit!"Yo, you signed me up to battle? I'm a grown man!"Chubba-chubba-chubba-chubba-chubba-chubba-chubbyI don't have any lines to go right here, so chubba TeletubbyFellas! (What?) Fellas! (What?)Grab your left nut, make your right one jealous (what?)Black girls, white girls, skinny girls, fat girlsTall girls, small girls, I'm calling all girlsEveryone report to the dance floorIt's your chance for a little romance orButt-squeezin', it's the seasonJust go, (Ah, ah, ah, ah-!); it's so appeasin'[Chorus: Eminem]Now, I'm gonna make you danceIt's your chance, yeah boy, shake that assWhoops, I mean girl… girl, girl, girlGirl, you know you're my worldAlright, now lose it! (Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!)Just lose it! (Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!)Go crazy! (Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!)Oh, baby (Ah, ah!) oh, baby, baby (Ah, ah!)[Outro: Eminem]Touch my bodyTouch my bodyOh boy, touch my bodyI mean girl, touch my body

  67. CaioLFC

    Never gets old 0:53 😂😂

  68. римська жид

    Кто от Гришечкиной? :)

  69. ben ben

    Thats really shady that MJ's hair was burning

  70. Lelouch Lom Perouge

    Lose yourself.Just lose it.

  71. kommi nilsen

    1:54 jesus those kids are like 9

  72. Edgar Perez

    17/12/19. oooo yea!!!!

  73. Влад Zabarovskiy

    2019 like))

  74. Dantdx

    This is Michael Jackson

  75. Jessenia Reyes

    I love Eminem and Eminem you are the best you are better then Michael Jackson and thank you Eminem for showing me Michael Jackson is a bad man I stopped listening to Michael Jackson because of what he did and my dad told me Eminem never did anything like that and Michael Jackson is a bad man he should of went to jail for life but no he got away for doing something really bad how can the judge sand a guilty man free Eminem you are a hero to me and my dad you saved my dads life Eminem thank you Eminem there’s no one like you Eminem you are angel and a gift sent from god

    Dio Cleziano

    You are Crazy,Mj is Innocent#MJINNOCENT

    Jessenia Reyes

    Dio Cleziano no Michael Jackson is guilty and Michael Jackson did bad things and Eminem is the best

  76. Sauvage Ascension

    Culture Vulture

  77. Gavin Nelson

    This song for some whatever reason kinda reminds me of the song he already made called without me. Cause to me it sounds like both those songs have the same exact flow.

  78. American Nightmare

    I really think Eminem was trying to recreate Without Me when this song came out.

  79. Heather Rawson

    Eminem is my fave

  80. Harry Wilson


  81. littlesunshine09

    Now this is still on of the best mvs

  82. SA:MP M1zg4rd_

    2019 November?

    Alexandra Adolph

    SA:MP M1zg4rd_ yoooooo

  83. Marcel Bullock

    That touch my body verse was that a shot at Mariah ??

  84. Mickado

    This song is ass


    This boy eats ass.

  85. André Benjamin

    Meu deus

  86. Chromwell A

    Lol, that ending with kids on the bed, holy crap.

  87. William Prakash

    It's so unfair to criticise another celebrity in their songs. one day Eminem will pay for this.Love you MJ

  88. Lorena

    Brasil 2019

  89. Saaee's Gaming

    Ah yea i forgot how funny eminem music videos were

  90. vitra rouss

    No no nno nnnoo nnnnno nnooooo nnnnoooooooo no no no no no Eminem Eminem Eminem

  91. dickgraysun

    Can I make you some sandwiches????? How much lettuce? How much mayo? 😂😂😂

  92. Slenderz Enderz

    Ok boomer

  93. Steve Theguy

    Yeah. Looking back on this, there's no WAY someone could do a video like this without catching all kinds of heat from every direction. So sad to think that my generation grew up to be a bunch of sniveling PC pussies. Wtf happened?

  94. Zephyr Hauf

    I cant believe in the beginning he dressed as pee wee herman😂😂

    Kaylee Moss

    Zephyr Hauf lmao

  95. Lee Jomyeong

    Everybody circulation

  96. Geandro Marinho

    15 de novembro de 2019

  97. Mohammad AlMutairi


  98. About 16 panda’s

    Tthe first verse may as well be a dis on micheal Jackson

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