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Dj Snake - feat Skrillex-Sahara

feat Skrillex-Sahara
: feat Skrillex-Sahara
: 3.94 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 95 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 52 İndirme
: 09-10-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Dj Snake - feat Skrillex-Sahara )
  1. Abel Flores

    0:28 Total ya te lo vi y te miro animal

  2. David Somogyi

    love this music


    Holy ghost

  4. Itsra Hiper X


  5. RAKE Ü


  6. Fer Castro

    Bang Bang Bang

  7. Memesicle

    This song sounds raw but tamed

  8. Fantom Girl

    Boi dat dropped harder than Jungkooks slutdrop (or how do u spell it? 😅)

  9. Pranil Khadka

    For Those Who Don`t Know the Lyrics:The actual lyrics is: Somehow this energy filled me with the holy ghostWe can get get get gone

    Fantom Girl

    Anna oop-

  10. Green Water

    *_A próxima pergunta não é pergunta_*

  11. Erwin Hutomo

    I likei it this music is over minded

  12. Diego Brando

    copio o yung lixo

  13. Glodakk Channel

    Hi i from indonesia i like this song :(

  14. Jimmy XD

    What was That * *The Beat Was sick !


    AKA Pizza crew

  16. Carmen Rosa Peña Falla

    2019 :0

  17. Dreamers ._. Edits

    2019 anybody?No just me

  18. Wi vieuw

    Onyone from the beats x commercial


    2077 anyone?

  20. Heriberto Hernández

    Alguien de 2019?

  21. Apeksh Naidu 38

    I never knew about this song untill I saw DJ Snake playing it live , Shazamed it and I came here !!!

  22. ElBlogDelPorteroMx

    After 2 years listening this song in parties and raves I just knew this song is from Skrillex and DJ snake lol 😂😂

  23. Edgar camcho

    Es una verga esta sonido❤

  24. Bendy Vlogs

    A... interesting song...

  25. Адам Султыгов

    2019 BITCHES

  26. João SC



    The break took me to the desert.The drop brought me back home.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  28. bandhupriya sarkar

    The game starts at 02:02 and at 03:35 ! Love this.

  29. Theresa D.

    They’re playing this song at the Kung Fu Tea in Sterling Heights, MI!!

  30. Ashif Mohammed

    My college tour memories❤️

  31. riley buteau

    This song won as best class in my gymnastis recidle

  32. Joguel964

    2019, HIJOS DE PUTA. 😎🔥

    Omar Martinez

    Casi te pregunto crack


    Amo la cancion

  33. HGR

    p i z z a c r e w

  34. Fer Castro

    Sick :^V

  35. Retro FN

    I have heard this song more times than I can count...

  36. Ameya Bhagare


  37. Kevin Adolfo

    0:28 total ya me lo ví y.. te miro animal


    2019 bitch

  39. Miguel Nicho


  40. Nishant Barwar

    who is listening in 2019

  41. Zuriel L

    🔥 2 0 1 9 🔥

  42. aditya mishra

    2019 🤔🤔🤔🤔😀😀😀😀😀😀😘😘😘😍😍

  43. Steven Sz

    2019 like

  44. Sebastian Poggel

    Who came here because of Barney's Premier League trailer?

  45. Hadron Collider


  46. Aashish Thakur

    Listening this at 5am from last half n hour this is 🔥🔥🔥

  47. Ryan Taio

    I like it! Bring back Dubstep!!!!!!

  48. HeEyY twips :b

    La canción no fue lo q esperaba 👽

  49. Kachao

    2019 😅

  50. Bryan Alejandro

    2019 y aun me encanta escucharla 😍😍❤

  51. miguel flores

    One day we have Sahara and the next day we have taki taki :/

  52. jussara maria


  53. Larissa Bush

    Love this song

  54. Кирилл Марьясов

    Лайк если рад что видишь русский язык

  55. Odeca

    I’m definitely not the only person that thinks of the Windows Error Sound Effect

  56. Vansh Sethi

    anybody 2019?

  57. Alexandr Atalay

    Alexandr 🔥✌✌

  58. Electro Maniac

    2019 anyone?

  59. Guillermo Flores

    Total te lo vi, te vigilo animal

  60. Marc Pandurovic

    Fuckin great Song.... Skrillex forever!!!!!!

  61. Reza Adrian

    December 2019 ?

  62. Zomb3LoL

    DJ Snake & Skrillex <3 omg

  63. EDM lover 01

    DJ Snake and... Skrillex...?Sorry, but I think this is fake

    Krisztián Gyuró

    EDM lover 01 probably it’s because it’s ghost-produced by Boaz v/d Beatz

  64. HGR

    PIZZA CREW CROWD 2018 🔥🔥🔥

  65. Wilson LP Luna

    esto si se llama una buena canción, pero lamentablemente, ahora Dj snake va haciendo canciones con reggaetoneros que solo consiguió ir bajando de la sima del éxito por estar brabando vídeos con reggaetoneros y haciendo canciones pesimas!!...

  66. Combat Boots

    I like this ironically.

  67. Lord of monster


  68. Bolivar Suncion

    Alguien q me ayude a traducir lo q dicen en los comentarios

  69. Surrios !


  70. Veronika Nešpůrková

    best song

  71. Michael Young

    i love u dj snake and skrillex

  72. kasimkingz


  73. Beautiful Viv


  74. Nasruliza katering

    this is call trapstep everybody 🔥🔥🔥

  75. Esline Chan

    what style is it

  76. นางสาวสิริวรรณ อัศวพิทักษ์พงศ์

    Great Beat

  77. Andrei From 04

    Dubstep on helium 😂😂😂

  78. Glenn Quagmire

    Just came here for this 🔊 1:24 Giggity



  80. Palito de pez kawaii

    Listening to this while eating pizza

  81. Dreahook

    sensacional +10

  82. Shwens & Tanya

    i got here cause i heard this song when i was trying out headphones at a store lol

  83. Amdal

    nice Music 🖒

  84. Arjun Goud


  85. bloodshedhero

    i dig this song!

  86. Xobbie 1111

    really like this song, thankssss

  87. Het Patel

    kicks and snares are awesome , melody is killing the drop.... DJ SNAKE

  88. Guillermo Lopez

    What no inglés

  89. Alen Edits

    1:42 My Favorite Part...

    Juan Camilo Echeverry

    3:16 tho...

  90. Kemal Keza

    should be called Mickey mouse having an argument with tom n jerry trap remix

  91. Beast Incarnate

    Best song🔥

  92. Shaurya Kulwe


  93. Agata B

    👽amazing song ⚡ Skrillex is a genius of dubstep drop trap ....generally Edm 🎶 I 💚 it 🎧

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