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Dj Snake - feat Aluna George-You Know You Like It

feat Aluna George-You Know You Like It
: feat Aluna George-You Know You Like It
: 4.16 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 321 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 214 İndirme
: 09-10-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Dj Snake - feat Aluna George-You Know You Like It )
  1. Fernando Dark

    FeekiWhere?? 😕

  2. Angel Torrealva Mato

    Jbalvin ft. Black Eyed Peas - Ritmo = mismo Drop

  3. Ecco

    When your mad at your mom for not buying vbucks and she's says I'm watching tv move!! At 1:26

  4. Vadims Gorbacovs

    Joe Rogan's favourite music video

  5. Kelly Ann

    November 2019 anyone?!? Just me??OK, just me 😏

    Lakshan De Silva



    Kelly Ann no me to

  6. Sarah Bouaoud

    Am i the only one that is here from edits ?

  7. Priscilla Calvo


  8. Rifal Taziri

    November 2019?????

  9. narahi herrera

    noviembre del 2019? 😂

  10. 。ーaiyeko

    I used to listen to this when I was younger and it always reminded me of Planet Of The Apes 😂💀.

  11. Gabrielfelipe 777

    RITMO 1:29

  12. Николай Кузьменко

    Лайк если с России)

  13. gamergod 1013

    2019 and this song still SLAPS

  14. Harsha D

    2:48 my ass . He's just running 🤪

  15. Aps Reen

    1:28 when the magic happens(That's what my subwoofer said )

  16. Webby YT

    (2019) i was 10 when this song came out bro😂😂 and now i’m 15

    lilcrazy boy_angel-stiCKING

    Time flys man and I was 14 when this came out

  17. Hanz Armand

    My all time favorite from Dj Snake.Nostalgic and still classy.

  18. Bill Z

    This is the BASS

  19. Elymane Pichard

    oh aah aaah oh aaaaaah o aaaaah oh aaaaaah it’s stupid because everyone can remember it and if we remember it it’s that it can be better you don’t think?

  20. mckids ino


  21. Вася Гуманоид

    Уоо О

  22. Morgan Lowe

    This video made me so sad.

  23. Tasya Marcella

    Follow ya @tasyaamarcella_ makasi😘

  24. Vincent J

    Derps featuring AlunaGeorge

  25. Alvaro Ojeda2.0

    J balvin se habrá inspirando en esta canción????

  26. Jesus Carreon

    it was my first night out in Las Vegas and we arrive outside omnia and this song was playing, it was magical and I get the feels👌👌 even at this moment

  27. mondler&bechloeBallinger

    A song I totally forgot about til my coworker played it 5 minutes ago and now I'm obsessed all over. Completely lost this song in my memory and I'm shoookkkk

  28. Der Universalindikator

    Truly amazing, I will love this track forever

  29. Clement Joubert

    Who’s back after black eyed peas new song ?

  30. Florentina Sadikaj


  31. Dorchevsky

    What its like looking in the mirror after you finish jacking off 1:49

  32. Desconocido desconoció


  33. Claudio Carrizales

    Esta canción inspiró la de ritmo de j balvin

  34. Wagner Costa

    Brazilian tamo junto 2019🇧🇷

  35. Vanessa Ponce


  36. Maikel

    I like the beat way too much

  37. evander

    How does this sound anything like J Balvin's ritmo song??

  38. GiDD

    Rip mom. Meth sucks.

  39. Nicolás González

    Vienes por Ritmo de J Balvin? 😂

    Gabriela Montenegro


  40. Bonjour Madame


  41. Merve cicek

    Yo kow yu

  42. ExoticzzXツ

    2:48 when you forgot you left your dog sitting at the village 20000 blocks away in minecraft

  43. The Ultimate Riccstarr

    Who’ll listen to this piece five years from now?

  44. Exodus Beats

    I wanted to know this song for 3 years I just found it and I just got mad chills

  45. Laurent Suisse


  46. Du RnB

    The best song dj snake. In my opinion ... of course 😎

  47. Jacky Michel

    Really great 🔥

  48. jon lucas

    2:48 when the test results come back and your the father

  49. mslove

    Shit I didn't know dj snake was a part of this song! I think I like your music, 2 songs that I liked for real for many years now. I should use internet more to get info.

  50. TheOldman524

    The strip club part reminds me of a part of my life but strippers let u touch em like that....

  51. Justice Duchovny

    Who else would run to this song I did

  52. andre mash

    I love music ❤

  53. Ruth Jurado

    Is it just me or the new black eye pea song Ritmo is the same beat to this song? Hello DJ Snake helps us out here!!!!

  54. Vivian G

    This song is will never die

  55. Cupcake Ojan

    Apa aku doang yg dengerin orang indo 😊❤️



  57. lakeside loser

    Is it just me or is the monkey guy hot?🤣Who else is here in 2019?

  58. luti s

    Algum brasileiro em 2019???Deixa likeee

  59. Cagatay Karaoğlan

    2021 ??

  60. rainier putra

    He need some milk

  61. Budi Setiawan

    Foot step 🙋🙋 2019

  62. edgar rico

    Vengo de la canción de j Baldwin y si es plagio

  63. Emma Skylet

    3:26 when he covered his gun 🤤my gosh

  64. Lilahbylahsiliva

    I was 11 when this song came out and it's still a kick ass song

  65. Emelyne Tardiveau

    I m so happy my song prefers in 2014

  66. AMLT GamePlays

    2019 and its still one of the Best songs I've listened

    Arrum Pertiwi

    Yea me too

  67. REXZ_ FN

    How is this age-restricted

  68. Alexandra Fischmann

    Yo no hablar ingles yo si hablar español

  69. Babie Bambie

    2:48 When my mom found i wasn’t my period.

  70. Alexis Soler

    J balvin RITMO > Plagio

  71. PPROG4MER 12345

    The song I was looking for 4 years and was in my head every day

  72. Edwin Alarapita

    no entiendo la restriccion

    Alvaro Ojeda2.0

    Por lo que ocurre del 3:27 en adelante 👍

  73. Lizbeth Xiomara Huanca Asillo

    Al escuchar RITMO sabía que había escuchado esta canción años atrás,indagueé y aquí está 🙃 ambas son geniales pero lo original siempre es mejor 😉

  74. AJ MIC

    Le son est propre👌

  75. Şila Gur


  76. Tùng 49

    The music that goes into the hearts of people greeting you with your facebook name is not allowed to link your Facebook

  77. oceanbliss

    i always forget this song omg

  78. Charlena Charcho

    Does anyone realize it says smoke dope ??

  79. Drift 4 Drifters

    Did Black Eyed Peas ft J Balvin - Ritmo sampled this song?

  80. сабри Титов

    Офигеть их до сих пор смотрят, трек пушка 🧨


    Casi me da un derrame cerebral tratando de adivinar cual era la canción que sonaba en Ritmo de J Balvin. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Lo bueno es que la encontré! 😍

    James Gomez

    Yo solo busco el instrumental de la de j balvin , me gusto mucho el inicio jaj

    Dj pandaw

    Jajajaja a mí también y me costó 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🎊🎊😁

    Keyla Cordero

    A mi igual,ahora puedo dormir en paz jaja

  82. Yussef Gamer

    porfin esta con restriccion de edad

  83. Strike Gaming

    2:47 when ur having a wank and u hear ur parents open the door

  84. Lu Sahdez

    J Balvin - Ritmo

  85. Vaya Williams

    I always thought it was "What you want it what you gonna get" I guess not lol

  86. Ovilac

    who's back for this after RITMO?

    Mayur Pawar

    Same here

    Hakan TAŞER

    Me too bro from turkey ☺

    Isabella Montes


  87. MrMuis06

    Phenomenal video and song with meaning.


    Agreed 100%

  88. Sage Murray

    Please show the black eyed peas totally ripping this off, hope you guys got paid, cause this will always be the one

  89. Joe Silva

    With the right system, and under the right influence...? Awesome...!

  90. gang people


  91. Марк Агейкин


  92. Tùng 49

    Nhạc huyền thoại đây rồi

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