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Dj Snake - feat Lauv-A Different Way

feat Lauv-A Different Way
: feat Lauv-A Different Way
: 3.63 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 178 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 109 İndirme
: 09-10-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Dj Snake - feat Lauv-A Different Way )
  1. A.M 888


  2. ben ndonga

    What does the red Balloon symbolize?

  3. Isla Ross

    penniewise dancing am i right

  4. Suga infires me

    Make it right has so much in common the pace and the collab with lauv

  5. EKA K-ONE

    comee to jogjakarta pleaseeeee..

  6. Matteo Penny

    Y’all madd late to the show

  7. Anarkali Berankhan

    Plot twist : it turns out that he is the pennywise clown

  8. Timk167 GT

    DJ Snake=pennywise(sorry DJ Snake

  9. meezabkhan khan

    bro this music is really like make it like @ibighitoffical bts MAKEITRIGHT

  10. Kayleigh Nelson

    I guess pennywise is using drugs cause he is not eating kids anymore😂😂😂

  11. USA Gamer

    Who's love Dj Snake?👇❤

  12. ask sk

    Dj snake good in all songs 😎🎧🎧

  13. Nur Nafiu Arnon

    So bad song

  14. Simeon Gangmei

    The best of LAUV ♡

  15. Natacha Manuel

    It's 2019 and people still like this song. This song was popping 2017.

  16. Josefina Mamani

    You are

  17. tarley batista brunet

    make it right do bts e essa musica tem uma parte semelhante

  18. The Annoying Gamer

    The boy looks like Bambam from Got7 who likes to wear turtleneck

  19. Henry Blackson

    Nice one

  20. itz legendary blair

    Who is here with me this moment of the year

  21. H cháu trai BÁC

    IT dance

  22. massi المشاكس

    I love you DJ you are of Algerian origin

  23. Rokeya Begum

    Loved that beat 1 28 secs

  24. massi المشاكس

    I love you DJ because you are of Algerian origin

  25. Gaurav yadav

    How many indians are watching

  26. puff puff

    aww so cute ❤ i love the music video ‼

  27. Viraj Khooseeal


  28. Viraj Khooseeal


  29. gautam panda

    Awsome video bro.. 👍👍👍👍

  30. Kamin Tadar

    This vid is Asian

  31. Jair Abrego

    No me gusta el diseño del proyecto y la verdad es que no me interesa mucho

  32. Sadanand Kumbhar

    Awesome song less views this is not fare😞

  33. Sadanand Kumbhar

    17 million subscribers gaol completed ✌😍

  34. Vimal Enterprises

    Everyone like for lauv

  35. Hillary lagat

    100% good vibe


    qui est ce jeune qui danse comme un dieu

  37. Nizamuddin Ahmed

    Armys plz like


    노래 존나 좋네

  39. Алина Тян

    Кто после #BTS #Makeitright ?

  40. randy euan

    Well this track reléase again in París but the video is from 2017

  41. Pankaj Singh

    Diff culture and people but the meaning of music is same everywhere.

  42. aRiF HaSaN

    If Music Is Medical Science TheN .I'm A Regular Patient And DJ Snake Is my doctor

  43. Eykha Tina

    Make it right vs A different way Almost same vibe..Love this song

  44. Vivid Kr

    Nice song

  45. NCS Music أغاني أجنبية

    the son of algeria

  46. Jordan AI

    bruh i wish i could dance like that

  47. Gankageddon

    Skill level: Asian.

  48. sebas Ramírez 077

    IT cuando niño!!

  49. aRiF HaSaN

    I swear I love this SonG the Different Way 😍👉❤️☝️🙏🔥🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝FroM India 🇮🇳❤️❤️♥️🇮🇳♥️

  50. Mujtaba Hussain

    This song is just a mixture of magenta ridam and IT

  51. Pawan Meena

    so nice

  52. Pawan Meena

    so nice

  53. Pawan Meena

    so nice

  54. Garrix Thanh

    I swear I’ll lauv you in a different way ♥️

  55. Rainie Velario

    I think that baloon is the source of his dance moves. I wanna get that baloon, so I can dance and also have a love life lol

  56. Joyce Irish Reonal

    What is the name of the kid?

  57. pat pats

    why they put a story and images nothing to do with the lyrics?

  58. Bittu Tadvi

    DJ snake cool song

  59. Vale Tinna

    Super Song ❤️!

  60. Marta Elena Menjivar

    Cuando vi el globo 🎈 rojo jajaja me acorde de IT

  61. Himanshu Upreti

    i love this person DJ Snake he just put Indian sent in any song and its just Favulousssssssssss.....😊😊😊😊🤗😍

  62. James matthew Maningo

    2019? Anyone?

  63. Garima Singh

    1:25 make it right by BTS ft Lauv also sounds like this part.

  64. mandy chan

    you'll float too

  65. Arnav Joshi


  66. Augastin Jak

    Wat a pretty grl

  67. kamran

    That Lil boy needs love 😍💙❤️ what about ours?😔😔

  68. Zher Ashe

    Nobody : playin basketball, pratice kungfu do casual thingsKids with balloon : come dancing with ballon guys

  69. Faizurrin Nisha

    Who's this kid tho he's so good👏🏻👏🏻

  70. Why Bother

    It’s kinda sad for the ppl who came here after bts’s song like havent you ever heard this song before its pure gold lmao

  71. Akantojjal Rabha

    That's ballet girl is Elliana

  72. Fanny Risca

    who is the name of the boy that dance of this video?

  73. 171080200023 Masrurotulilmiah

    i luv this song cause it make me stronger everyday, when im feel sad

  74. Ryan Hendriks

    *pennywise punching the air right now*


    Clown dancer


    Lol this is young pennywise

  77. Adithya Sunitha

    Here from MakeItRight and do not regret it at all..... ❤❤

  78. Andres B. Carvallo Marin

    El globo de "IT"

  79. Geovana Lima

    the song is 2017 I'm listening to her in 2019

  80. Chacha Nisa

    dj snake love india so muchhh waaw

  81. Music/Science

    I always know an Ed Sheeran song when I hear it - one of those stand out pop songs


    Pennywise: WTF this balloon is mine....

  83. Kim Haneul

    Hai Aku Indo vidionya keren kids

  84. Vedvardhan Gyanmote

    so... DJ Snake is real pennywise

  85. Krrish Kumar

    The balloon reminds me of Pennywise and Georgie🤣😂

  86. Mohiman Reang

    Dj snake part trash

  87. Clara Aviz

    Saludos desde Brasil! Parabéns! 👏👏👏👏❤

  88. Minenhle Nomafu

    2019?wait a minute, these two kids also appear on Chris Brown's Tempo music video...

    Jharna Chaudhry


    Lois Kande Simon

    The boy was on so you think you can dance(the one kida won)

  89. Snow티노

    Make it right interpolades from this song and Ed Sheeran is among the songwriters for both the songs. No wonder its sounds similar and good💜

  90. Draven _RD31

    Those balloon 🎈looks like from IT

    Vrinda K28

    Draven _RD31 😂yeah

  91. 편예은

    it's similar 'make it right' , like breath and speed

    Name '

    funny cause Ed Sheehan co-wrote this and lauv is featured in both songs.


    Love you song sirji

  93. Bushra Naz

    You Will Floaaaaaat

  94. Tomas Pazzelli

    se prendio ese reggaetoneano señor snake ?

  95. Fernando Aguilar Solis

    Hay lakind

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