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Dire Straits - Sultans Of Swing

Sultans Of Swing
: Sultans Of Swing
: 5.29 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 137 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 98 İndirme
: 04-07-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Dire Straits - Sultans Of Swing )
  1. manuel alegria ynga


  2. Monish Kumar

    Astounding Work, I totally liked it!, See this New Album 'Monish Jasbird - Death Blow', channel link , you might like :)

  3. hammer221271

    Am I the only one who thinks that the saxophone is absolutely unnecessary here? The final solo is ruined

  4. TheCampoz

    That sax made sweet love to my ears

  5. Ellie Smithing

    the drummer's going hard out

  6. Bill D -

    Why given that Knopfler's guitar work is extraordinary do they have him down in the mix? Can't hardly hear him. Boys on the board missing the point.

  7. Zain Choudhry

    Everyone wants to play like mark 🤩🎸

  8. Zain Choudhry

    Everyone wants to play like mark 🤩🎸

  9. jackson durham

    Ok boomer


    Whos the boomer?

  10. Jiggerypoetry 1

    I could watch this every day for the rest of my life ... in fact, I think I will. 😄 best performance at Live Aid.

  11. Adrian Kaniewski

    34 years and something will change in Africa? Someone else believes in these fairy tales

  12. Romain SIMON

    Le mec au 🎷 représente à lui seul les 80’s .... smoking rose à paillettes, coupe mulet : la classe ✌️😎

  13. james calder

    I'm a simple man...I see sultan's...

  14. Quicksmile nathan

    why is the drummer drumming a mid tempo song like a tempo

  15. James McCulloch

    This is the musical equivalent of Lord Of The Rings!

  16. Howard Barnett

    mon·u·men·tal/ˌmänyəˈmen(t)l/adjectivegreat in importance, extent, or size."it's been a monumental effort"

  17. Widdekuu91

    I'm upset that I wasn't there.

  18. kgo40

    did they blend a part of telegraph road in this performance ?

  19. Ice man

    Wow as a guitarist who has listened to every “guitar hero” from every genre Mark Knoffler’s guitar playing is just unbelievably’s so full of emotion while being technically challenging and both sophisticated and catchy at the same time. Wow what a performance...

  20. Popeye Zevven

    I’m 23 years old but Knopfler’s songs are my favorite. Smoky fingers, long live sir Knopfler.

  21. Zamppa86

    Only the '88 version of Brothers In Arms at Mandela's birthday concert can top this...

  22. The Gorn

    It’s sad that he got the AIDS

  23. Kais Djemili

    L'époque où les groupes de musique savaient encore jouer de la guitare ou tout simplement il Y avait des musiciens. Triste époque

  24. Nessie ZZ Huang

    Wow!! One of my favourite bands of all time!!

  25. Soney Barbosa

    Jerry Seinfeld singing?!

  26. Amanda Jones

    Who is their right mind would EVER ‘thumbs down’ this song? Blows my mind. I’d hate to hear the music they give a ‘thumbs up’!

  27. Michael Heston

    A great track from a great band, he,s a great guitar player no worries about that but Pete Townshend is the Best

  28. zizou357

    The guy in the red coat is kind of overdoing it with the moves! ... He is a background guitar player but trying to act like something else 🤣

  29. Thiago Gabriel

    2:04 gambiarra kkkk

  30. lemdrix ###

    Sounds terrible

  31. Alemao Correia

    O maior.

  32. dennis neo

    Mark is the reason I play guitar. He was soooo good back then. He's lost lots of his skills, but he still hits all the right notes.

  33. João Vasques

    Wish i was born...

  34. Leonardo Gallotta

    Good music

  35. Frank Crooker

    Greatest guitarists of all time :1. The goat - jimmy page2. Hendrix3. Eddie Van Halen4. Peter Townsend 5. Brian may6. Ace frehley7. Alex lifeson 8. Mark knopler9. Joe perry10. Angus young11. Keith richards

    Rhett Kraljevic

    Slash, Mick Mars, Tony Iommi and Randy Rhoads are great too

  36. mustafawee

    Whenever I question whether I'm a proper guitarist for not playing with a pick, I think of Mr. Knopfler and feel reassured.

  37. Rafael Andrade Gusmao

    Algum brasileiro ouvindo esse hino em outubro de 2019??

  38. Grokur

    We want the Movie: Sultans of Swing

  39. SilverStrike

    I bought a Statocaster so I could sound like him, but mine must have been defective because I still sound like crap.

  40. Rogério Merlotti

    Muito foda. Uma das melhores canções do Rock And Roll de todos os tempos. Uma obra-prima da música.

  41. Matthew Dawson

    But do they give a damn about a sax playing band?

  42. Brandon Wong


  43. Raztix

    What is the song they play at the end with the sax?

  44. Leo Messi

    Mark is such a musical genius and and underrated guitarist. Nobody can sound or play like him, hell... Even look as cool as him. ❤️

  45. Thomas Tuangpu

    Dire straight are my favorite band ever

  46. Merck Maguddayao

    He didn't need the pick of destiny.

    Rhett Kraljevic

    He was the pick of destiny

  47. Alejandro Sienra

    Excellent moi!,🎶🎸🌠⚡

  48. SlayerzAngel

    MK at the peak of his fabulous powers here and certainly for all of 1985 - 1986 never seemed to miss a note and nailed it every time my first true guitar hero and MK n EC together truly special 🎤🎧🎷🎸 love this version and saw it live on telly and waited all day for this..

  49. Adeptus24


  50. pita kahui

    that went for days on tv in new zealand,

  51. pita kahui

    i was 13 years old then we are the world

  52. novymir

    I still think it was a shame neither Mark or David were at 2018 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction

  53. Guybrush Threepwood

    I was there !

  54. Micropedia

    i don't understand what the 725 downward thumb means ...That's crazy to me

  55. Micropedia

    the same event in bohemian rapsody movie

  56. Anais and Samantha

    There are better live performances of this song. No sound check at this concert Mark said so it’s understandable it isn’t as good as other performances.

  57. Rebel RIELLY

    My neighbour like this song so much he smashed my windows so he hear it better

  58. Cankle's Fupa

    Not one note wasted. This is the 80s right here. Mark is truly legendary.

  59. Chango Chilemba

    Fuckin saxophone...

  60. alissonsantana

    The sax ruined this performance.

    Anais and Samantha

    alissonsantana yes it was too loud.

  61. Kit's pics

    Absolutely bitchin'...❤️❤️❤️

  62. billbo baggins

    Love the music,,,but ABSOLUTELY HATE IT when they can't keep the original ((tempo)). Being a drummer it just pisses me off. Why play it so fast? Play the song how in tempo as you made us originally listen to it.

  63. Ismael Britez Servicios Aduaneros y Jurídicos

    Demasiada bateria.La mejor version en vivo es la de la bbc en el 78. 79?

  64. fred-bsb

    i just hate this guy with the green guitar...

    Anais and Samantha

    fred-bsb ha ha . He is annoying but he wasn’t really a band member. He was a friend of Mark’s and was asked to go on the tour with them. I think it went to his head a bit and he was over the top in his performance.


    @Anais and Samantha thanx for the information.. for sure he was over the top.. Maybe for this reason the concert was not included on oficial dire straits videos. U can see the complete disaster when they performe money for nothing..i think sting didnt like him also. .lol

  65. Mattia Fei

    4.57 eargasm

  66. David Weise

    This is so good. Can you imagine a band creating and performing something like this nowadays? Me either.

  67. TS forever

    that sax guy kinda annoying...

  68. j j

    Ehh... This is okay I guess, but I'll tell you that mumble rap is where the talents at! I'm keeping it 100.. Skeert

  69. etvincenzo

    real true singers not today shit

  70. Nicolás DS

    We need a Live AID movie

  71. Fenderdfm

    Mark must have lost his pick all the time at a young age, and one day said, screw it I don’t need one 🤘🏼✊🎶🎶

  72. bofursgun

    knopfler has possibly the worst hairstyle in the history of popular music here. At least in 2019 he's finally accepted his baldness and is no longer trying to hide it.

  73. Mariano Revell

    la mejor performance del Live Aid, mejor que la de Queen

  74. Ziggy Craft

    the last verse ends at 4:38 and the performance is 11 minutes long... music isnt the same anymore


    Ziggy CraftYou're right - music isn't the same anymore. Like many things in life it changes. This is the essence of life. People who are happy and successful are typically the ones that recognize, accept and embrace this.

  75. PLathrop

    EPIC! Nothing like the long version of Sultans live!


    head band sales went through the roof that day

  77. Americo Prosperoni

    Senza parole. Grandissimi.

  78. Ziggy Craft

    11 glorious minutes of sultans of swing. Much prefer this to the the studio version.

  79. Lucky Charm

    Self indulgent crap.


    Lucky CharmWell said. Nothing worse than a long winded 'jam' session. Yawn...

  80. dennis dumalag

    anyone watching here october 8 2019 👍👍👍

  81. Mr Xenagos

    everything after 7:35, as Daniel Thrasher would describe it, its F O N K Y

  82. daddy_B-Ray

    I fucking love that sweatband

    Anais and Samantha

    daddy_B-Ray really? Are you John McEnroe?

  83. James Mcrory

    6.46 amazing

  84. Jasmine R

    too fast

  85. Nuno Soares

    Such a legendary group. Well done Mark Knopfler and Dire Straits :-)

  86. lll•A_German_Ewok•lll

    Too bad queen had to steal the whole show lol

  87. ahmed faruque

    And nobody is talking about the drummer..... Such flawless drum play !!

  88. Erin J

    I was 4 when this happened. I'm now 38. I've heard of EVERY single artist that performed here. I've listened to EVERY single one of them individually. No fancy backgrounds were needed. No fireworks or some jumped up show pony in between every song to introduce each person/band. Just PURE talent. One of the most historical moments right here. Nothing will ever come close or replace it

  89. Sumanth b Mogaveera

    Sultans of swing

  90. David Baines

    Well.. That was right up there for me. You do that performance, and Mercury walks off with the top prize. Not saying he shouldn't have, but this was amazing.

  91. dini tauriadi

    remind me a lot....thanks mark..

  92. Landaffisuda

    수많은 사람 앞에서 공연하면 떨릴만도하고 집중해야하기때문에 딱딱할것만같은데 무대위에 선 사람들은 모두 그냥 마냥 즐긴다는거 그 자체의 모습이 걸작이고 완성으로 보인다

  93. Vishek Das

    Its good to see Jim Carrey on the keys.

  94. Jaret Wood

    I've always been hypnotized by Knoplar's guitar during this song. But for some reason, I snapped out of it and noticed how amazing the drummer is and even the saxophone guy really brang it. Just amazing performance all around.

  95. jean pierre santini

    Superbe on ne s’en lasse pas ❤️❤️❤️

  96. ironworm26

    Mark and his band sure were good.

  97. Patrick Sweeney

    Props to the tambourine guy. He REALLY gets into it. And how could you not?

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