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Dire Straits - Money For Nothing

Money For Nothing
: Money For Nothing
: 7.66 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 276 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 250 İndirme
: 04-07-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Dire Straits - Money For Nothing )
  1. Adam Spears

    I didn't hear him say 'faggot'......wonder why?!

  2. Сергей ланцоф

    Барабанщик начинал в шляпе

  3. jss78

    This is so gloriously 1980s, in a good way. Down to Sting's plastic digital watch.

  4. babs6558

    шедевр от дайр стрейтс, несмотря на гнусавого стинга.

  5. Six feet Under

    he had to change the lyrics- that little faggot with the earring in his ear

  6. Kevin Toribio

    Légendaire 🎸

  7. Gael Padra

    Guys let’s go back to 1985 to see sting dire straits queen mick jagger

  8. Christopher Harper

    One of the best guitar rifts of rock!!

  9. pAN kOTUNIO

    Sting is lucky to be singing here :D

  10. Bartek Maciejewski

    was born in the right regenaration. All of these songs are easy to listen to on YouTube, and I don't heve to wait for any of then to be wirtten.

  11. Alessandro Ogheri

    and with TURTURRO on the 2nd guitar!!!

  12. This is Somsa

    Clapton, Sting, Collins assisted to Knopfler... Knopfler BOSS! 🙏

  13. Tyler 1

    One of the most underappreciated rock songs from one of the most underappreciated rock bands ever the quintessential rock song right here.

    Tamas Varga

    Tyler 1 Why is the song - or the band - under appreciated? One of the most iconic songs of one of the best bands of the time. :)

  14. Fabio

    Is it normal that i prefer this version? I cant be alone here

    Queenrock -

    I agree and I think it suits Sting's voice too, it seems quite natural to hear him, as if it is was one of his own

    Amund Mælan

    @Queenrock - he did sing on the album though

  15. Chris straubel

    not sure the dude that looks like Rufus from Bill & Ted is even playin., lmmfao

  16. The Yeti

    Fuckin shut up Sting

  17. Jovakin

    0:33 Did you notice that the voice melody of Sting is already used/the same in money for nothing ?:I want my (x2)I want my MTV...

    Indigo Aztec

    That's because this is "MONEY FOR NOTHIN" you idiot. Are you high?

    K Petro

    Sting sung this on the record too, if thats what you mean.

  18. Peter Evans`

    Forget Queen, Dire Straits stole Live Aid

  19. мак кон


  20. adorkthatreads

    did they change that one awful lyric or did he just mumble it so i couldn't tell ?

  21. L B - Bassline Classics

    Sting seems awkward as fuck.

  22. Basel B

    Sting is cool and his voice is amazing but Knopfler is king <333

  23. Ernie Gonzalez

    I remember when it first came out on MTV boy that was a hell of a song

  24. Ernie Gonzalez

    I grew up with this song

  25. OMC

    Knopfler loving the irony - millionaire band playing at live aid singing about having to move color tv's while some lukcy millionaire band plays on MTV

  26. Thomas Ruder

    Give him his MTV please 🤣

  27. Jayr Facine

    Knopfler toca muitooooo!!!

  28. Ярослав Яцук

    Это супер))))

  29. till stark

    The Best!!!

  30. hehe boi xD

    Anyone else notice how he avoided saying 'faggot'

  31. Ben74

    I'd have paid good money to charity for this not to have happened

  32. duane cheuvront

    To damn PC for me. This sucks

  33. Logan

    1:48 drums caught sting off guard lmao

  34. Caladesi143

    I was driving in my 280 ZX back in the day with the t tops out and pulled up to a light next to a school bus full of kids screaming out the window and had this song on full blast . . . .epic!

  35. Giorgio Di Franco

    This is just so cool...even COOL would say this is cool. They don't have anymore talented musicians like these guys anymore...or at least they don't allow them to perform.

  36. SilverStrike

    It seems odd seeing him without the statocaster.

    Josh Kitch

    SilverStrike this song is always played on a Les Paul bc of the fat warm sound of the humbucker pick ups. The strat is a thinner clean sound he uses on Sultans of Swing

  37. Сергей Петров

    Послушайте молодежь

  38. Сергей Петров

    Супер супер супер, молчу, ещё музыку могу позволить хорошую, ващпе,.,. пиндец

  39. Al D'Pete Row

    Так вот кто закопал MTV

  40. rushpittsburgh4

    What did Sting really add to this performance?

  41. Moving Urbanly

    Problem the jews who organized this sham forogt to tell everyone USSR backed Ethiopia was not a natural famine

  42. josez1

    sting gets royalties from this song... because his part is the same as: "don't stand so, don't stand so, don't stand so close to meee"

  43. Ian Innes

    Amazing day that was raised some serious money for the live aid .

  44. Martín .V

    1:18 Billie Joel amstrong in the back, clean a Guitar ? Jaja

  45. bluebottlebunnyfarm

    Oh to be 19 again. Everyone was skinny in the 80s. All that cocaine I guess

  46. ricarena

    I really want my MTV back, not that rubbish reality channel.

  47. Ed Friday

    Sting got about a bit on the day didn't he?

  48. Maurizio Lagaxio

    Money for nothing is one of the best song ever written

  49. Karen Wesley

    Rock and Roll at it's tops!!!!!

  50. yorkemar

    One of the best produced rock albums of all time...classic.

  51. adamtzsch

    You haven't got a pen, have you, Your Honour?

  52. Олег ХочуВсёЗнать

    Горю, когда слушаю.песня - огонь!!!!!

  53. mitch broadhead

    Groover in the red Jacket thingy !!! What a champ

  54. Alvaro Mayorga: Gen X Pats

    He wants his MTV so bad...

  55. Iskander Elakunov

    What an intro with Sting

  56. Blake Painter

    So Gay. The Idiot in the red Cloak is an Playback actor, he isnt plugged in. Never Seen such an embarrassing act. Sting looks like an asylum patient.


    Hes a timetraveler with a Bluetooth stickbass

  57. Bryan NGONGOMA

    So Queen 👑 stole the show came out being the best band on that's day

  58. James Poynor

    legendary. what happened to music?

  59. Hayden Wittig

    Ed Sherrin i hope your watching this, start writing notes and all your other classmates.

  60. Thomas Beem

    Einfach nur geil!!

  61. Den Derbyshev

    йееее 2019

  62. Gopal

    Sting looked so cool even then

  63. Ownage Prank

    goosebumps anyone ?

  64. Andrew

    the dude in the red cloak's guitar isnt even plugged in lol

    Seal Bacon

    It is though???

    Spencer Somlyody

    Um yes it is, around 3:55-3:58 you can see the cord

  65. interman 77

    A great band like Dire Straits doesn't need a talentless annoying hack like sting.


    Came frim soemone who cant spell their name

  66. Datra Hardaway

    I want my my 1980s MTV Back yes indeed Sting and Dire Straits

  67. Peter C

    As I remember it... this performance was before the song was released .. or at least the iconic music video, and as I was watching it live I am & thinking, is this an MTV commercial? that is until Mark blasts into the opening riff. But it was a long time ago and like most back then I don't recall much of the '80s with a great deal of clarity., so forgive me if I am mistaken. Thank you for posting!!

  68. Эдуард Яфаров

    вот такие они кумиры!какашки!когда против РФ стали вводить санкции - эти клуши их поддержали!я очень был удивлён: ну как же, если все они пели ПРОТИВ войн, нищеты и т.д...-- да им начхать за что монету получать(((они - всё для публики!...мёртвые слушают мёртвых!

  69. Corey Jason

    Anyone else notice that the rhythm guitarist doesn't have a cable or wireless unit and you can't hear him at all? lol

    Tyler 1

    Mark doesn't need a rhythm guitarist.

  70. israel antero

    Angra dos Reis Rio de Janeiro Brasil✌🏼

  71. Vasily S.

    0:50 синяя изолента в деле

  72. Ken Y

    What a jam. Strong 🥁

  73. aaah tex

    One of the Best Guitarists of ALL TIME!

  74. jesus martinez

    I like like the part chiKS for free..... 😲😲

  75. South Park Studios Latinoamerica

    Fuck!!!!!! leyendas juntas en el escenario😎♥️♥️♥️

  76. Irish Mule69

    Sting was the fkn man back then..that voice was awesome

  77. JG Gaming

    Couldn’t say faggot because Freddie was there 😐

  78. Antônio Maximiliano

    Isso é que é pegar uma Gibson e fazer um rock de alta qualidade. Parabéns mark knopfler você e o dire straits tocam muito.

  79. Tyler 1

    i go back to this clip alot just to see mark play the guitar when he was younger. He was such a beast still is a phenomenal guitarist.

  80. lottatore2



    pure heroin for my ears

  82. Александр Викторович

    Он Живой !!!

  83. Pablo Vazquez

    I want his MTV back. No doubt.

  84. Madini Laldinpuii

    The 80's never dies 😍♥️💕

  85. zack moore

    I remember when this came on in my dad's truck when I was 8 or so I would lose it.

  86. pedro Augusto de barros

    Grande dare Straits Grande Sting ótimo show perfeito saudades dessa época 1985 eu tinha 15 anos de idade saudades dessa época que não volta mais

  87. Владимир Жигулин

    Браво!!!!!! Просто СУПЕР!!!!!!!!!

  88. Martin Lazarte

    Exelente soy de 1977 y no puedo dejar de escuchar este tema y varios de está banba

  89. Terry TT

    9,612,324 people can't be wrong!

  90. Dutch Van Der Linde

    2:10 - 2:26

  91. Mert little drummer boy

    The first rock song i have ever know.......

  92. starman1994

    Still feels like it was yesterday...when real musicians were common and they sounded great even in a live setting.

  93. Steve Phoenix

    My god I hate those guitars with no head stock ! Ugly as fuck

  94. Diggin the blues with a parrot


  95. John Anon

    What is This ? Hawaiian Noises !

  96. Janaina Araujo Araujo

    Não me canso de ver esse vídeo. Anos 80 Parabéns! Só música boa! Diferente de hoje que só tem porcaria.

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