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David Bowie - Ashes to Ashes

Ashes to Ashes
: Ashes to Ashes
: 6.14 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 64 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 54 İndirme
: 27-11-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (David Bowie - Ashes to Ashes )
  1. Paweł L

    Uwielbiam tę nutkę!!!!

  2. Zav D.R.

    Major tom=heroin Ground control= the urge to do it.

  3. 희망Huimang

  4. James Vaughan

    This just looks fantastic

  5. Douglas Souza Barbosa

    Brasileiros AQUI em outubro de 2019 ?

  6. Avant Garde

    I think people who clicked "dislike" misunderstood it with "dis I like"

  7. subscribe to pizza the only real god

  8. Liana Soares

  9. Melody Fox

  10. pierre117

  11. planes124

    They need make a Bowie movie

  12. Jai D

    The cymbal work on that second chorus is just fuckin incredible - fucks me up every time!

  13. Minimal Kommando

    After more than 30 years and watching the video a lot of times I recognized today Steve Strange in the video. Wow! Such a great moment!

  14. Paweł L

    Hulk Hogan (1978) WWF " This is the greates David Bowie song!"

  15. Bart Violator.

    My favorite track of him. David Bowie is for me the most haunting musician i ever saw. I mean, a smaller part of his music is not my cup of tea, but still i also listen to it.. Like he's early 70's work. Bowie cuts in your ears, shoots right through you with his 2 different eyes and let you flow every time to a space oddity. #legend #blackstar

  16. Tacky Harmonica

    The effects in this video are top of the range

  17. Tacky Harmonica

    I’m learning to play this on flute and I think I’m going mad

  18. Hightower

    Hello nerds! Synth coming in at 03:00 min, please?!It‘s brilliant! ❤️

  19. Makinsey Hardcastle

    Now I know where I keep seeing that clown outfit he wears. From this video.

  20. Gerard Kuijper


  21. Ali Erdem


  22. Eliza

    How have I never listened to this song

  23. Filip Neminarz

    This music video cost 528 000 dollars.

  24. Portable Slave

    This is and I cannot stress this enough, extremely bizzare

  25. Bashir Ahmad

    This is one artist that I desperately want to understand but with him it’s like you get an onion. Just layers and layers you have to keep peeling but when you finally get to the end it says ‘The End’. RIP BOWIE

  26. Hayden Fyfe

    Mate Ashes to Ashes by David Bowie was the best. I read the title in the Toyota Hiace Van on 99.3 B-rock FM and it was on the touchscreen. 🎧🎤🎛

  27. Alexandre de Souza Ribas

    Ouvindo em 2019. Bowie eterno.

  28. Bob Chicken

    Never was a big fan of Bowie, and I don't particularly enjoy his songs. But this specific song is just absolutely amazing. I was speechless after listening to this song.

  29. Cups on my ears

    oh no major tom dont go out into space oh no he cant hear us the electric circuts arent working oh god

  30. Sebastian Raul Barbot Salvo

    I love Bowie

  31. Nonne - Gothic 666 - Punk

    cooler song :-)

  32. John Meneses

    Ageless song. ❤️

  33. John Meneses

    Ageless song. ❤️

  34. LLJay55

    The Strange in Us ....

  35. Himmentrodorn

    Mom: we need to talk 😠Me: Oh no, dont say its true...🎶 🎶

  36. The Perfidy of Pop

    2019 - who is listening? Me! Forever - always.

  37. Murph Lorde

    That elastic sound effect at the intro...mmpphhhhh

  38. cujoedaman

    People always talk about how Lady Gaga was such an inspiration and how she set the standard for people to be who they are and they go crazy because of her forward thinking and crazy/unique style(s)... and yet, David Bowie was doing that decades before she was even born. Huh.

  39. Liana Soares

    David Bowie is SO HANDSOME!

  40. Wafaa Mohammed

    Ooh Bowie, it's not a song, it's an art

  41. Ali Erdem


  42. Flexipop T

    My mama said, to get things done, you'd better not mess with Major Tom. Thank you immortal hero!

  43. ラッキーライラック


  44. Cliff Carr

    All smart people love things to do with space and related stuff. A class song from Dave Bowie.

  45. R MCK

    I remember this video playing on Top of the pops, week after week after week when it was number 1.

  46. Paul Trueman

    God I miss Bowie!

  47. Larry Ghorra

    "no everlasting aesthetic... songs that please the ear and leave the mind alone" - these are the background vocals in the bit that you can't hear at 0:52 :)

  48. денис баженов

    colorless music needed to be reinforced by the clownsih clip - and it got even worse

  49. Big Kuya C

    Im happy hope your happy too 😋 ive never done good things ive never done bad things 😌

  50. Renata Web


  51. Ben Chaple-Perrie

    we will dedicate this to our Bobby who died so young not from a drug overdose but because he was recovering.....

  52. 111usul

    One could make a good case that no video performance had more influence on modern music video in general than this one. Immense.

  53. Magdalena Maria

    ♥️♥️♥️👍I love your music forever. Unvorgettable

  54. TheSamun

    I may have listened to this track hundreds of times but the 3:05-end part, a couple of thousands. Also my ringtone..!

  55. Pierre Rondeau

    Une musique hors temps, en avance sur son époque et encore tellement d'actualité. Bowie l'humanité n'a pas fini de t'écouter…

  56. Mar Lopez

    Genius 😅xd

  57. Eggsalts

    Tom means Twin. Major Tom is his other half. R.I.P. How I wish I could talk to David Bowie about my experiences and listen to his. From his music alone he made it way farther out there than I was ever brave enough too. Hats off to you Major. Thanks for making music for the astronauts.

  58. Laurent Cavelier

    Grande music 😍comme l'a star qui l'a chantait 🤔🙃

  59. Stephen Kissane

    How did David know about that deleted scene form alien.? One of the shots is based on that

  60. Devil Slayer The Saint Of Killers !

    Just like the song, Bowie got cremated to ashes and is now stardust.

  61. Paul Primiano

    Certainly one of Bowie's best, what a great artist. So many different styles of music.

  62. Tom Bradford

    DJs used to speak over the ends of records, now RU-clip puts those mini inset screens in the way of the video.

  63. 江戸しいらん


  64. matthew franklin

    For all the New Romantics from the children of the revolution ☘️🌹🥂👍🙏🏻✝️

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