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Dave - feat Mostack-No Words

feat Mostack-No Words
: Dave
: feat Mostack-No Words
: 3.22 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 151 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 103 İndirme
: 18-11-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Dave - feat Mostack-No Words )
  1. SJ London

    1:01 😂😂😂😂😂

  2. Jèrõmè Jãmèś

    I mean at least mostack is brave. That’s the best I can say

  3. Mackayla James

    That girl was doing way to much she may aswell have a solo 😂

  4. Arif Hussain

    mostack sounds the boat

  5. Worria Abdi Kaaale

    MO STACK is a fkn legend for dis😂😂💥

  6. Lewis Burrows

    Mostack is trash with autotune so no surprise he’s woeful without it

  7. Saviola Is God

    Just proves how shite some of these uk rappers really are.. without auto tune mostack is fucking dreadful

  8. Haydon Maling

    Mo sounded like what a fish would if it could speak 😂🤭

  9. Konagh Brennan

    Jokers slag mo stack he a ledgr

  10. Konagh Brennan

    Love this brum town

  11. NoLimitDennis

    Why can we hear the girls voice more than dave’s

  12. Haydn

    Dave could hack it but mostack is just cancelled

  13. Krishan Patel

    2019 and I still can’t watch this with a straight face

  14. anonymous user 1111

    Dottiest girl 😂

  15. Aaron YT

    The side singers too loud tf

  16. Trillaaa

    who's the drummer?

  17. nadia islam

    “Dotiest” 😂 was Mostack high

  18. Kante

    Why did he write this ? He mentally traumatised me yet he claims he does not want to hear no words but I am mentally disturbed by what him an his friends have done on the 31st October 2017 due to him being self paid he assumes an think it’s acceptable to lead someone to suicide ? He Physiologically affected il never recover. With that money go donate it to charity’s an people who need a roof over their heads ! Pray that I die !X

  19. Farhan Ali

    Hella Fruity

  20. Cascade L

    Dave was “OK” and I use that word lightly bcos he was still below average. However MOSTACK WAS TRASH.

  21. Alfie McSwain

    The power of song editing ey

  22. RETRO

    Sounds like shit wtf 😂

  23. J K

    Dave wasn't tht bad tbf

  24. N 8

    Mostack sounded like he had a rough nights sleep on a ganj over 😅

  25. Rdon Ranger

    Somethings are just better left in the recording studio

  26. Introvert Outside

    jesus, allah, apollo pls fucking help them looll this was jokess

  27. Filipa Henriques

    The comments on this video are too funny 😂😂

  28. Jaz Buzz

    Mostack sound like he got a blocked nose

  29. Iris Nation

    This is so fucking dead

  30. zamzam abdalla


  31. selina williams

    nah mostack had me creasin mostack sayin duttiest sounded like he was workin at my local curry shop

  32. Lareisha Random

    nah why mo stack sound like BALEGDEH

  33. Side Of the town

    1:01 my guy sounds like raj patel saying 30

  34. Ninja Whatsup

    I was dead at 0:13😰😂😂

  35. Estr

    Mohammed Staq making a rare appearance

  36. Arzoo Xx

    When mo stack said “like oh” I died😂😂

  37. gardenofeden123

    this is how mo stack was when I saw him live. poor guy

  38. Kim yesung is the king of vocals

    Every comment has me DECEASED HDJDJDJDJ

  39. Nimra Janjua

    They were both good but I felt bad for mostack cuz everyone was cussing him

  40. sadia Begum

    Mo stack just fucked it up 😂

  41. Anay Makan

    What songs sound like with no autotune!

  42. Arif Hussain

    people ber daying that ramz has a bad voice this is worse

    selina williams

    nahh ramz was worst

  43. Hyper Gamer Playz

    They sounded better in the original vid like if you agree

  44. Niy_Niy Blue

    What is mostack doing pleaseeeeeeee

  45. Niy_Niy Blue

    😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 omdsss I'm dead

  46. ATP Synthase

    Mostack will never do anything like this ever again

  47. Noah Taiwo

    anyone know what hoodie mostack is wearing in this?

  48. Zeeta xox

    MOSTACKKKKKK😂😂😂 and wth is this version lool

  49. Whyureadingthis

    Mission failed, we’ll get em next time

  50. Dan J. Parker

    2:25 I'm done 😂😂

  51. hamzah 13

    in the beginning mostack sounded depressed but after it got a bit better but still couldve put more energy into it, he kinda did sound shit.

  52. Kayley Cullenness

    Wtf MoStack 😬

  53. AJ Prodigy

    The drummer is doing the most!! 🔥🔥

  54. Madcunt !!!

    Mo's eyes are peak

  55. Tayib .R

    Realise how dave needs a backup singer

  56. oxAuthor Alicexo

    Oh... ouch.

  57. itsyurbeef

    This is why he wears sunglasses inside

  58. Ikke C

    Dave was hard, Mo was calm doing it live I can tell is a lot more difficult

  59. Zachariya Zafar

    sounds like a child's school play but not clean

  60. Zachariya Zafar

    Autotune tings

  61. destinyyb

    Mostack just embarrassed himself 😂😂

  62. Xxkacperplayz2007xX

    The fu**ing autotune tho

  63. itsyurbeef

    Dave sounds so good

  64. Mullin

    When Dave's mum asked him to let his brother tag along😂

  65. DoJoStan

    That outro.

  66. Ma Du

    That outro was fantastic, especially the guitar

  67. Mooj Ali

    Man these videos just show how fraudulent afro basement is...

  68. Michelle lionson


  69. Ebony James

    mostack is a catfish😂

  70. ItzHabib

    Mostack was bad but in the music I video his lyrics were banging

  71. Cassain

    Rah dave was calm, but Mo stack was dead af

  72. _- Warris -_

    This is without auto tune it's depressing

  73. Lil Flakka

    Dave wasn’t bad tbh. But mo stack looked like he wasn’t even putting in any effort


    Lil Flakka he just cant sing lool


    Lil Flakka autotune can literally make anyone a rapper😂😩

  74. Kurdz

    mo is smoking too much trees

  75. Sloth h

    Mostack...good luck at Wireless lol

  76. Marjury Muteliso

    The back up singers saved them

  77. Marcus D

    that outro was ill

  78. Muaaz Khan

    man like fernandinho playing the drums!

  79. Trent Rama

    this the first record in history where the feature does 3 verses and like dave kicks 1

  80. David Blay

    My man Dave with the Bape Dragon ball Poporunga shirts

  81. Charlie Bates

    Pancake day wasn’t even this flat...

  82. Jorge B


  83. Sully Absar

    These live performances just exposed these shit artist

  84. iejejejje jendndjjdjd

    Lmao mostack at 0:40 lol😂😂

  85. Mmm

    does MoStack ever smile

  86. Bailey Lloyd

    Mostack be looking like anthony martial

  87. Military Events

    Only good bit is Dave rap at end 😀

  88. Shreyes Verma


  89. Shreyes Verma


  90. Why Don’t we

    At least he’s tried guys you wouldn’t do that live so stfu people it’s not nice to hate on people who have tried there hardest to do that. you couldn’t do any better so stfu and get a life

  91. Tobi Ojo

    I think I need to ask my dad for new headphones

  92. LXRD T

    That outro was the best

  93. Chloe xx

    All I can say

  94. asady123

    I think it was because of the man and women that were singing with dave

  95. asady123

    Big up mostack

  96. BigT

    Mo stack sounding like he just woke up

  97. Roberto Gopaul

    At least Dave made this sound less shit

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