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Dave - Question Time

Question Time
: Dave
: Question Time
: 6.54 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 100 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 67 İndirme
: 18-11-2018
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Dave - Question Time )
  1. Post match reviews

    How is the nhs dying the same as America u pleb😂

  2. 아기가지

    It isn't *as* bad here in the UK but it's still very fucked, everything Dave has said here is bang on really. I mean the start of the Leader of the Labour Party verse is a little vague (and I'll 100% be voting Labour in the upcoming election) but when he gets onto Rashan Charles and Jean Luis de Menezes he's exactly right, Corbyn and the Labour leadership have gone hard on increased police numbers when really the focus should be on why police are killing those in their custody as often as they do

  3. Allan WATP

    now we have Boris. fuck the government 💯💯💯💯

  4. Phil Jones

    An interesting knowledgable response. Thanks.

  5. RCK 1

    6:03 no one likes him

  6. Samir Sehgal

    Everyone needs to vote! Make your voice heard! That’s the message we should take from this song!

  7. Post match reviews

    2:13 what do you mean same here. Swear America doesn’t have a national health service


    Nope , either you get insurance through your employer or you pay a private company ... Obama implemented Obama care to help the less fortunate but the coverage is poo poo

  8. Leon Dunphy

    Couldn't have said it better myself!

  9. Trini B

    Can this be sent to Drake to introduce to the rap artists of American this is real bars this is Nas style keeping it real.

  10. Çhïčkēń Kèbáb ãñd Ćhîpš


  11. Çhïčkēń Kèbáb ãñd Ćhîpš

    Vote Labour

  12. richard Walker

    Look up grenfell tower ,this will give you the insight to the verse starting at 4:20

  13. Erykah Lewis

    Do you know what nhs is tho

  14. lord of high frog's

    *Needs more subs, underrated 🔥*

  15. Anton kirk Official

    Nobody likes David Cameron it's all about Jeremy Corbin

  16. Dylan Andrew

    Hope your mom's recovering

  17. maud

    no one likes david cameron and no one likes theresa may, they are both from the same part. When Britain left the eu David cameron resigned and then theresa may took over. Even though they are both shit, david cameron was still better than theresa may.

  18. James Marwood

    Were not going through the same thing, theresa may is much worse. Trumps not as bad as you say, people voted for trump to vote against mainstream corrupt politicians like obama, clintons and bush who have destabilised the middle east for their own gains. People in the UK only voted in theresa may because they didn't want corbyn and corbyn only did better than everyone thought he would because all of the previous UKIP voters voted for himAnd when did he insult poor people. Is that just another lie like the racist against mexicans shananigans

  19. ryan123456724

    Fuck the government

  20. Alex

    Do Americans know about Grenfell by the way


    No it wasn’t really reported here

  21. adam smith

    'But all that fuel for the fire is what you gave to them, and what you take from them' 🔥🔥🔥

  22. CatWise

    Basically the sameBut nobody voted for fucking Teresa 😂👌

  23. AphrO_JoKeZ


  24. Awais Sheth

    this changed my whole mind of everything shows there dick heads fuck them.He also says its a big fat game witch is true man big up Santan Dave it was imotional

  25. KHALID

    Honestly, I know it's not a contest, but i think Americans have it way worse with donald trump than the U.K. I say that because Trump seems openly racist and a nazi, But Theresa May could be racist, but on a sly.

    James Marwood

    1st trump isn't openly racist 99% of shit said about trump is just bullshit, how can he be a nazi when half his family is jewish and all of his foreign policy is pro israel. theresay may is just corrupt like all UK mainstream politicians, i think May is alot worse because of all the shit shees doing with censoring the internet and along with grenfell tower and all the other people shees letting down.

  26. Chelsea Fc

    Some people that were in the Grenfell tower fire are now getting sued because they are trying to claim too much money. They are trying to claim money they don’t deserve. Yes the Grenfell tower fire was sad but some people are taking the piss claiming money they shouldn’t be getting and are not owed. Most of the people that are currently living in free hotels are moaning. The hotels they are living in are 100 times better than the small flats they lived in. (they are also cleaned every day by the workers in the hotels). A number of flats in the Grenfell tower were packed with illegal immigrants. And then Illegal immigrants are given free housing and accommodation. They are allowed to stay in this country. Why? They come to this country and get free housing where as the rest of us have to work half our lives to be able to afford a house in London. If this was a terror attack the media would not be talking about it for this long it would last a week or 2 and then they would forget about it because they don’t care. they get to go home and they know they are safe

  27. J.J net

    I'm not gonna lie God is the solution

  28. Chris Casserley

    UK isnt any better truthfully. We built over 40,000 homes this year yet only 10 of the grenfell homes have permanent housing 4 months later, honestly, watch the interview she gave shortly after, it was disgraceful, avoided every difficult question with 'we will continue to blah blah' which none has been carried out so far, over 2.5 million people out of 25/30 mil live in poverty in our capital city, nearly 10%, the top 10% of households in london own over half the cities wealth, while the bottom FIFTY percent, dont even own 5% of the wealth, we have girls using socks as lady products! They're trying to force army cadet service in to state funded schools in areas of HIGH DEPREVATION, that in itself tells you they are okay with sending the poorest of the poor to be shot at for oil money in wars that we didnt need in countries we have no business being in

    James Marwood

    If those are the stats on wealth then it is the most equal in the world by a mile. I do think that the UK is worse of than america though because theresa may is just destroying everything with the censoring of the internet, raising taxes and underfunding healthcare and safety, but i also don't see how else we will be able to cut the governmet spending deficit, situation is fucked.

  29. William Barnes

    I’m from England politicians are fucking wastemen

  30. Aaron D

    Wow TooBlunt give no fucks lol. Straight replied to a text in the middle of a video.

  31. Jesse Ofosu

    My mum is a nurse, she struggles ngl

  32. Ismael Bashir

    The irony is we have no business in Syria but kids are getting killed for the business in syria⚠️😳

  33. Sam Dover

    React to eyez and kamakaze red bull new ting it’s mad

  34. RyanCsafordaIsCool

    React to 410 time is money

  35. Richard Richard.

    Too blunt. You said "the same as America!" As Syria ? Drones everyday killing hundreds hangings stoning constant air strikes homes streets reduced to rocks n rubble how's that like the USA I don't think the us media are letting there people know what sort of shit is going on in the likes of Syria 🇸🇾 the place is he'll compare to the likes of the us.

  36. Rahul Shah

    Fuck the tories man, fuck Theresa May fuck David Cameron

  37. Uzi 1600

    My mums working for the national health service n this year my dad n her split up she is the most hardworking and busy person I know on this planet whilst she looks after me and my brother. Ik her jobs isn't the best and I no longer take money from her and am pursuing a job locally. And posh cunts are saying that people like me and you are robbers or druggies or criminals n that's why I react badly when the teacher told me i wasn't stealing. I'm white so I don't get stopped as often as my black friends which fucks me over fuck the government sly cunts but it dm cuz they're sat eating they're free meals whilst earning 70k a year. Us lot can stick together and the government can keep their lies

  38. West Jerzey

    What's the beat playing at 8:06 ???


    Wretch 32 fire in the booth

  39. Marx B

    Yes Tooblunt, found your channel again and subscribed this time. I'm 50 years young, and have the same faith in Dave, as you have. Keep building Sir! 👆✨


    Ayye thank you bro . Appreciate the support

    Marx B

    It's all good Sir. Caught your channel early last year. Really appreciated the way you tried to decipher the UK Grime/Hip Hop genre, and understand it. I think your Caribbean roots definitely helped. You're one of the first Stateside to do this. Although more seem to be catching on to it now. But not as current as yourself. Keep on... 👆✨

  40. mappman1000

    RIP to all those lost in Grenfell Tower ♥️

  41. Saga Bhoy

    David Cameron is a wasteman, Tony Blair is a wasteman, our problem is we putting rich kids in power to decide the budgets for a life they never experience

  42. Andy Cole

    Fuck Labour!!

  43. qwizzle

    u have to do lowkey - ghosts of grenfell but do ur thang bruv whatever u do im locked in supporting

  44. Kieran O'mahony

    How are man disliking this shit? Dave is talking the realist shit about the UK right now. I dont get these man.

  45. BigC90 90

    No one likes David Cameron and fuck Theresa may she's a paigon word to Stormzy

  46. BigC90 90


  47. BigC90 90

    Grenfell tower the block of flats that caught on fire and went up in flames tooblunt Google it research.

  48. BigC90 90

    Too blunt just listen man i know you like davr we all do but please hes music is taking in music not to be spoken over 😑😒

  49. Spoder Man

    GIGGS X DAVE Peligro

  50. Liam Ashworth

    From the uk here, check out skepta and j.m.e gash freestyle on BBC 1 extra. It's lit

  51. Joshua Byron

    67 just dropped a new track called this side

  52. Dance Fanatic

    Please share this tooblunt, this is one of those videos that people need to hear, what's the point in the uk trying to push grime if there's not a message behind it, this is the type of message that Americans are going to feel, and relate too, I literally just watched a smaller channel react to this and he had a tear tears in his eyes within the first 30 seconds.

  53. TT Adel

    Career suicide for him unfortunately truth doesn't sell...

  54. Theunkownman 3.0

    whats his headphones?


  55. God Loves A Hustler

    We liked David before he resigned at the worst possible time (Brexit)

  56. Yung Bux

    Listen to rapman blue story trilogy


    did that years ago

  57. Aisha Hussain

    and we aint ALMOST da same. it IS da same. erytin is linked togedda

  58. MannyGTV

    Dave is so ahead of his time man


    yeah bro... as long as he keeps studying he'll get really far

  59. Nathan warby 1996

    Giggs ft sneakbo active

  60. Ultrix

    You should humour this opinion about politicians, they are merely a face in the uk, there are underlying powers at bay that never change, hence why 1% of the country controls 90% of its wealth.

    James Marwood

    Thats not a big problem at all in a capitalist society, rich people give poor people jobs. What is a problem is the middle eastern instability created by the EU, bush, obama and saudi arabia. And also the fact that theresa may is discarding the lives of innocent people just to stay in power. PS Fuck the clintons and fuck corbyn

  61. Jayden Bennett

    Dave my favourite rapper from his fitb but u just know the backlash on This as everyone disagrees on politics

  62. Jack Smith

    Great video but tbh did piss me off that you were replying to messages during the song. Feel like a message could've waited until after the video, seemed unproffesional. Especially when its such a deep song that you really need to listen to. But other than that keep it up man

  63. A K

    Lowkey ft mavado 🔥🔥

  64. A K

    Dave = lowkey = 🔥🔥🔥

  65. Tom Thompson

    Wretch 32 feat Kojo funds - tell me 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  66. J T

    socialists actually hate the poor, they just hate the rich more

  67. J T

    fuck labour and toriesbrexit and trump ftw

  68. Robert Silva

    Maxsta -king dizzee

  69. Lewis Long

    Are prime minster wasnt even elected

  70. Elevation

    Fuck David Cameron fuck Theresa May fuck all them dirty cunts they don't give a fuck about no one

  71. Lewis Gilfillan

    UK and the US are both fucked. So is Europe.

  72. Lewis Gilfillan

    They don't care about the youth. The eu does more for the UK youths than the UK does. That's why we fucked when we finally leave.

  73. harry od

    Everyone hates cameron

  74. ッReeq

    Trust me mate, UK sounds bad from this but over all it's a lot better politically than the US

    James Marwood

    US is only bad because the anti trump people are so crazy, in the UK our PM is just doing everything to stay in power with her corrupt friends, shees even censoring the internet like a dictator.

  75. Rory MacRaild

    Maxsta-king dizzee

  76. Gilbert

    Daves asthmatic flow 🤗

  77. Gregor Stevenson

    Dave makes some good points but it's very naive. Typical from a young guy with a basic understanding of politics. Don't look to the YouTube comment section to gain an understanding of UK politics, especially your comment section is full of people under the age of 18 who idolise rappers and take their opinions as there own without being intellectually invested on the subjects.

    Gregor Stevenson

    techniquerules No it's not. He's giving you a very London centric left wing perspective. His bars about the referendum, his bars about Corbyn and his overall bars about the economy are all coming from his political perspective. His expectancy levels on what politicians actually do seems out of touch with the electorate..

    Aisha Hussain

    Gregor Stevenson go live in syria den. wah commen sense do you need to have to understand dat politics is a murder act in its self. young people have an open mind and look outside da box. We dont have a single minded fuckin head u feel me? Why wud anyone agree to killin innocents den chattin shit on da media coverin up der lies bruv? wah intelligence do u need to see dis?


    Gregor Stevenson lool u wasteman


    he's spitting the truth, why you hating for?

    Brian Franco

    tory nonce

  78. MrPaddyman123

    *monotone voice* same thing in America. 💤

  79. Shumo

    People do not like David Cameron


    maxsta - king dizzee

  81. Pablo Escobar

    Completely off the subject of this video, just wanted to say that the dance off on your Snapchat the other day was mad funny Blunt haha. Big up Dave also each and every time


    +Pablo Escobar LMAO my bros killed it

  82. Time for Greatness

    And basically I dunno if America got it worse, our own government basically killed I dunno how many off our own people in that tower fire, it’s like 9/11 but they were all rich people?? Ya get me this was poor immigrants that’s why it don’t be seen that way or dealt with cus they don’t give two shit, but the people do


    +Dee Mclean from what I read on that case... They ignored fire safety codes for years... So in a way the peiple who allowed that to happen was at fault... If everything was up to code then things might have happened differently

    The Orgnial

    Dee Mclean this government also infected my dad with contaminated blood they only care about themselves there dickheads

  83. A S

    By the way none likes David Cameron

  84. A S

    you can't give a hand to PalestineBut you can trade whole arms with Saudi Arabia 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  85. Dan Theman

    Its not a competition about witch place is worse my g , point is everyone needs to vote in US and UK . WE DONT think its gonna make a difference . So we dont vote , and that's the only reason we keep loosing .

    Yung Kuzan

    Dan Theman True say. If 5 million people don't vote because they think one vote won't make a difference it does since your vote adds up.


    +Dan Theman I hear you bro... I guess we as "individuals" think we won't have an impact... But there's more of us than them so if we all stand up for what we want then it may be different

    Dan Theman

    TooBluntTV way more of us , I think people tend you assume that theres less of us

  86. Lloyd Christmas

    Fuck the Tories, making the rich richer and the poor poorer

    Kevin Twine

    Robbie Geary Then you must be a very confused guy

    R T

    Kevin Twine You can like someone without having the same opinions

    James Phucwit

    R Herman You're a fucking idiot.

    Jake Rossiter


  87. Euan W

    6:03 ?? Do you have ears?

  88. x fmk

    They really take the piss in this city. Building fucking luxury houses and flats in the endz where no one can afford them apart from the new ppl moving in from outside who strip away the culture of the area. Its mad seeing gentrification happening in front of your eyes every day


    +x fmk from my perspective and what I was told was that they do that to keep some kind of balance with neighborhoods but idk if that's just bs talks

  89. Shirley Winkle


    Dan Wakeman

    It's really not. No gun problems, no trump, free health service.

  90. Shirley Winkle



    +Dr.dre snoop dogg eminem wiz khalifa 50 cent the game kendrick lamar you can listen to the song on your own... This is my channel


    +TooBluntTV don't reply to these melons

  91. The Casual Spaceman

    Yeah he was talking about Grenfell Tower man!!

  92. ONISM

    Dave nails it with this one, Theresa May is one of the least relatable humans in politics. Typical posh, cold, heartless bitch who U-turns and contradicts herself at every turn, while also having the charisma of a wet cardboard box. Her biggest embarrassment recently was saying on live TV to a nurse asking why they've only had a 1% payrise every year that "there isn't a magic money tree" and then a week later after nearly losing the election paying the DUP of northern Ireland £1bn to cling onto her majority in parliament.Grenfell was a disgrace, the councillors and building managers used plastic cladding across the face of the building as part of "regeneration" (basically they used a cheap option to make the exterior look pretty for the upper class in the area now) while cutting corners on health & safety and not updating fire systems etc. The cladding was tested as being unsafe for such a purpose. Brexit another farce, and once again Tories being Tories and saying one thing then hiding when it all comes out. Cameron is and always was a coward but the EU ref proved it and now we're left with May and Johnson (Johnson is like a mini British trump, conniving and deceitful but loud and proud on camera). Corbyn is the only hope but it's the establishments worst nightmare for him to get in.


    +cryptik audio I hear you bro but there's a lot of research I'll have to do to even get into a proper conversation about these issues


    R Herman the irony of you calling corbyn racist while saying the problem with Britain is too many immigrants - LOL. Make sure you tell your foreign doctor, nurse, pharmacist, or even your favourite footballer that they're the problem with this country next time you see them. Our problem is we are obedient little workers to a corrupt system and these parasite politicians who leech off of the benefits. They syphon millions of pounds out of taxpayer money compared to a polish bloke claiming £7k benefits a year that you read about in the daily mail...

  93. dont think just do

    Very one sided and uneducated song. Appreciate the intention but so much left wing propaganda in this its untrue. Things aint perfect. And the difference between us and isis well if u cant work that out ur fuck8ng idiot

    dont think just do

    Msg he tried to put across i understand and fully appreciate

    Ragz Brumtown

    Bradley Proctor 'left wing properganda' 😂 something an ignorant 'righty' say


    +Bradley Proctor I hear you bro... I hear his statements but I'd also like to hear the others as well.. Cause same can be said for either side of you get what I mean

    dont think just do

    Ragz Brumtown did i insult u? But thats the fascist left all over 'think how i think or i will call u ignorant or racist or sexist or a bigot whichever i can squeeze in'. The right has propaganda too fool that wasnt my point. But half the stuff in this song is far left victim baiting.

    dont think just do

    TooBluntTV u a level headed dude i can tell. Respect. Keep up the good work supporting uk grime. Best out there! FACT✌✌

  94. AJ Zone

    I feel bad for those countries man they got it bad


    AJ Zone I'm from the uk and yeah it's bad, so is US, but there are other countries going through WAY worse situations


    +AJ Zone true but even with this we're way better off than the countries with kids getting bombed daily.. Really sad

  95. Bumblebee

    maxsta - king dizzee

    LS KN

    Bumblebee everytime

    Joshua Evens

    He’s whack


    Hard track

  96. Jeevan

    Dave's good but he's not right on this one. Most conservatives here want Theresa may to go and be replaced with someone else. Labour voters which i assume Dave is assume that all conservatives are just rich and want what's best for themselves which is not true. He's basically trying to compare something which really isn't there.


    University used to be free in England too, most of the adults telling the youth that they are entitled actually went for free which is the funny thing, even after fees started it was always relatively low until 2012

    James Marwood

    Cutting corperation tax is to increase gdp and increase ammount of jobs, i don't agreed with alot of tory stuff but this is just socialism gone crazy. In the 8 years of obama and also for tony blair, the amount of wealth dispersion has worse than before the 1960s its funny how the parties for equality create the most inequality

    James Marwood

    J. K. Corbyn lied throughout his whole manifesto, he could say whatever he wanted because he knew he would never actually have to do it. To support it we would have had to borrow an extra 6 billion pounds a year. tories are not trying to destroy the NHS but granted they are only giving it any attention at all because of labour pressure.

    L K.

    James Marwood I'll reply to the other points another time but the last point. The Tories are definitely trying to slowly privatise the NHS. Its just a fact (read up on it). Its just that they are doing it slowly. Thats what they believe in. They believe privatisation works better (despite the evidence). They are definitely underfunding, privatising aspects and selling off assets at the moment.

    Brian Franco

    @Jean-Mark Koula he never said anything begative about corbyn, he said he had trust issues due to labours record

  97. Prince Osman

    The most positive uk 🇬🇧 Mc swear down

  98. KeepingShit 100

    Check out lowkey - ghost of grenfell. Grenfell towers was opisite his house so he was there that night and made the most amazing song about it

  99. Jacob Rayner

    Take a shot every time he says it's the same in america

    Joshua Evens


    naturallybronzed xo

    Capitano 😂😂😂😂

    K O


    cypher elite

    Jacob Rayner he’s not wrong though

  100. CleggyPlays

    Although dave makes some great points, not every person here hates the conservativee and therese may like trump in america. However most conservatives do want her gone and a new leader elected. Most young people vote corbyn and labour but he has unrealistic policies of abolishing tuition fees and funding the health service way more when wemare already in huge debt. Increasing the taxes on the rich wont work as they will simply hide money in foreign bank accounts and will leave the country. But since corbyn is promising so much, young people want to believe him, but its easy to promise the world if you dont have to deliver it in government as he is nt the prime minister. If he ever becomes the PM, many of his promises will fall through.

    dont think just do

    Saeed Amin isis not a scurge? Why dont i hear anybody defending kurds in middle east or christians that r bombed left right and centre there? We go in and everybody speaks up for 'brown ppl' hypocritical dnt u think. And unfortunately both options we have hear are too right and too left for me ( theresa may) (corbyn) id like somebody who spoke facts and stood up to PC bullshit. Socialism under corbyn is scary.

    Saeed Amin

    Gregor Stevenson ... Did you not read what I just wrote? Nevermind, so what was the last book you read again?


    CleggyPlays To be fair that's pretty much what Dave says about Corbyn, I sort of agree, I think he promises too much but he has the right idea, there's too much money in the hands of a few, and some of his ideas are truly excellent, but some just don't seem realistic. I personally support Corbyn because optimism is better than what the Tories are offering but I don't think he walks on water like a lot of others my age do


    And funding the health service should NOT be unrealistic, it's one of the foundations of the UK and should be protected at all costs

    Brian Franco

    stfu tory nonce

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