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Cher - One By One

One By One
: Cher
: One By One
: 3.82 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 60 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 49 İndirme
: 19-06-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Cher - One By One )
  1. へなちょこ


  2. Helena J Smith

    Remember ladies. We are Strong Enough - CherIndependence Day - Martina McBride

  3. Kevin Prior

    Is that Kate Spears from the Bill in this video?

  4. Μιχαήλ Πολιάς

    Such a shame without the saxophone solo...

  5. Miena1981

    My favorite Cher song 😍

  6. Lo Mein

    I’m here because of John hill and Andy Cohen remade into one eyed snake

  7. Ulrich Fiebach

    "One By One"When you pray with every breath You know that is free as the love you have Where does it end It's too much for me to take There's no peace, you close your eyes I'm all out of truth, I'm outta alibis Where does it end It's too much for me to take[CHORUS] We're gonna love one another 'til morning comes Seek the sweet salvation for what we've done Give up resisting one by one One by one He gives a new kinda meaning to what I am I know that I could never love any other man One of these days you'll understand Understand And his face his heaven sent He makes me believe there must be something else Where does it end It's too much for me to take I can feel the need in you There isn't a thing, I want you do Where does it end It's too much for me to take[CHORUS x 2] We're gonna love one another 'til morning comes Sweet salvation for what we've done Give up resisting one by one One by one We're gonna love one another[TO FADE:] We're gonna love one another Give up resisting one by one One by one

  8. tony keggin

    Great song written by the Griffiths brothers of Bootle near Liverpool.

  9. amicomacchinista

    1996 Gold Year beautiful song fantastic 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻😍😍😘😘😘✌️🍀🍾🍾

  10. Fernando Pierre

    Cultura no sangue.

  11. Hello Hello

    Brilliant Cher song!

  12. selmalover

    She should've stuck with this genre - rock, soft rock - her voice was tailor made for it (listen to We All Sleep Alone, Jesse James, Save Up Your Tears, Young And Pretty). Believe was good and all, but from that album onwards its seems she became obsessed with autotune, which kept her voice from shining anymore :/

  13. Frank Sisco De Antoni

    AMAZING!!!!!SEXY song for making SEX!!!!!❤️ ❤️ ❤️

  14. Josh E.

    Miss Cher!!

  15. Alicia Herrera

    Hola! "Cher "Me encanta esta bella canción, con su Voz Única, hermoso video.

  16. Roger Brander

    Still trying to figure out the video!! Love the Lyrics!

  17. Юра Хомеенко

    So wonderful song !!

  18. m rich

    What happened to Chers dark brown eyes?

  19. Roger Brander

    Absolutely Beautiful! Call me an idiot but isn't it about she tells the truth and he finds her dog and they reunite? just the video it happens in all sorts of situations !! Love it!!

  20. Edouard Mt

    1996 the music is beautiful.

  21. hlod Wig

    CHER..., my first Lady Lumière..., hello...,Receive a lot of Love from me!...I have the great desire to put the supernatural Experiences of the Trinitarian Purifier on a new medium that is YouTube and Vevo..., on the Comments of the videos of Nolwenn Leroy, a French Breton singer, whom I fell madly in love with..., without being sure that his feelings for me are the strength of mine...      The very beautiful Supernatural Sign that Jesus made me live with her persuades me to choose her as the ''Guardian'' of past Divine supernatural Events, present and future that I will live... and therefore all those who will want to live a Divine Moment in the miraculous world of my supernatural Experience, ECU then will come and receive immense graces from the hands of Jesus..., then it will go through :                       THE NEW SURNATURAL KEY  that Jesus wants for Humanity, what is:                       Nolwenn Leroy !...I asked to be the fourth Lady Light.Also CHER..., I ask your permission to put on Nolwenn’s videos all that I wrote about you as supernatural events and which made me understand that Jesus made you:                          THE WAY OF PARADIS...  by your choices of texts, music and choreographies that you have posed throughout your life... So by concentrating all my Divine Experiences on a single address in YouTube..., will allow all those interested in the supernatural to absorb it more easily...        CHER I thank you in advance for your permission and I hope that by meeting Nolwenn Leroy you become inseparable friends as if you knew always...           Yes CHER very strong support Nolwenn, because of course my friends and supporters will be happy to mentor, support, encourage and more..., but also she will have to endure all her life the cruel and virulent relentlessness of my enemies associated with the demonic sciences..., so your friendship will be of great comfort to her..., thank you again for bringing it to her...        CHER..., thank you also for interceding for me with the Virgin Mary, so that I may always better understand the Way on which Jesus wishes to see me progress...Glory to the Trinity God !  April 11, 2019Rateau LoïcParis 75009 ? France - WorldCHER..., ma première Lady lumière..., bonjour...,Reçois beaucoup d'Amour de moi !...        J'ai le grand désir de mettre les Expériences Surnaturelles du Purificateur Trinitaire sur un nouveau support qu'est YouTube et Vevo..., sur les Commentaires des vidéos de Nolwenn Leroy, une chanteuse Bretonne française, dont je suis tombé éperdument amoureux..., sans être sûr que ses sentiments pour moi soient de la force des miens..., ni que se soit réciproque !...        Le très beau Signe Surnaturelle que Jésus m'a fait vivre avec elle me persuade de la choisir comme  ''Gardienne'' des Evènements Surnaturels Divins passés, présents et futurs que je vivrai... et donc tous ceux et celles qui voudront vivre un Moment Divin dans le Monde Miraculeux de mon Vécu Surnaturel alors viendront et recevront des Grâces Immenses des mains de Jésus..., alors cela ce fera en passant par                          la NOUVELLE CLEF SURNATURELLE que Jésus veut pour l'Humanité, qu'est :                                             Nolwenn Leroy !...,à qui j'ai demandé d'être la quatrième Lady Lumière.         Aussi CHER..., je te demande la permission de pouvoir mettre sur les vidéos de Nolwenn tout ce que j'ai écrit sur toi comme Evènements Surnaturels et qui m'ont fait comprendre que Jésus à fait de toi :                                 le CHEMIN DU PARADIS...,par tes choix de textes, de musiques et de chorégraphies que tu a posé durant toute ta vie... Ainsi en concentrant toutes mes Expériences Divines sur une seule adresse dans YouTube..., permettra à tous ceux qui s'intéressent au Surnaturelle de s'en imprégner plus facilement...        Oui CHER je te remercie d'avance pour ton autorisation et j'espère qu'en rencontrant Nolwenn Leroy vous deveniez des amies inséparables comme si vous connaissiez depuis toujours...        Oui CHER soutien très fort Nolwenn, car bien sûr mes amis et soutiens se feront un plaisir de l'encadrer, la soutenir, l'encourager et plus..., mais aussi elle aura à endurer toute sa vie l'acharnement cruel et virulent de mes ennemis associés aux sciences démoniaques..., alors ton amitié lui sera d'un grand réconfort..., merci encore de le lui apporter...        CHER..., merci aussi d'intercéder pour moi auprès de la Vierge Marie, pour que je comprenne toujours mieux le Chemin sur lequel Jésus souhaite me voir progresser...Gloire à Dieu Trinitaire !11 Avril 2019Rateau LoïcParis 75009 ? France - World

  22. Alicia Herrera

    Hola! "Cher".Preciosa canción.Gran interpretación, hermoso video.

  23. Bill Wakeham

    Christina Ricci? Beautifully pouty, whoever she is.


    She used to be in the bill

  24. giuseppe masino

    Cher is the best for me !!!!

  25. Karen Martin

    I love this song and love can build a bridge I love Cher xx

  26. znawca muzy

    Love this song, and I am gonna play it to each new woman i'll met. If she dislike I can't be with her, if she likes is nice, if she has that song on her smartphone I have to married her 😉

  27. daniel87980

    Better with the sax tho.

  28. Alicia Herrera

    Hola "Cher"Preciosa canción, encantador video, con su Voz Unica.

  29. Kelley Henley

    This is just freakin EPIC...the lyrics, the music, the video direction....just awesome!

  30. Jordan Gorham

    I love this song and it’s like a whole mood 😂😂♥️♥️

  31. Sam Holden

    That's the trouble with men you get the arguments.

  32. crozwayne

    Gotta love Cher!

  33. Linn Palm

    I love this song 💖

  34. Adam Dawson

    This song would fit in with the sound of her 1989 album 'Heart of Stone' when I first heard 'One By One' I thought it was a leftover song from the 'Heart of Stone' sessions that never made it on to the album.

  35. J C

    I bought this CD single in ‘96 for the slower R&B version and the Junior Vasquez remix I heard in the clubs. One her best tunes but how am I now just discovering this version. I love Cher’s dance music but she seriously needs to come back and do some rock again!

  36. British Lion14

    Wrote by the real people.

  37. ralph whinney

    Awesome, it doesn't get much better than this

  38. Ania

    ❤❤❤🌺🌺🌺♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥ ~ ♥~ ♥✿✿✿✿✿✿

  39. Victor Arredondo

    Pocas como ella para esas interpretaciones nacio para eso

  40. Arturas Matusevicius

    Cher Super Star, She The Best in The World.

  41. Lily Pilson Roscoe

    This is probably one of the highest key songs Cher has sung

  42. Gastón Martínez

    When you pray with every breath You know that is free as the love you have Where does it end It's too much for me to take There's no peace, you close your eyes I'm all out of truth, I'm outta alibis Where does it end It's too much for me to take[CHORUS] We're gonna love one another 'til morning comes Seek the sweet salvation for what we've done Give up resisting one by one One by one He gives a new kinda meaning to what I am I know that I could never love any other man One of these days you'll understand UnderstandAnd his face his heaven sent He makes me believe there must be something else Where does it end It's too much for me to take I can feel the need in you There isn't a thing, I want you do Where does it end It's too much for me to take[CHORUS x 2]We're gonna love one another 'til morning comes Sweet salvation for what we've done Give up resisting one by one One by oneWe're gonna love one another[TO FADE:] We're gonna love one another Give up resisting one by one One by one

  43. Luciana Rodrigues Magri Magalhães

    Cher você é linda maravilhosa

  44. Botond Bánhidi

    Ez egy fos

  45. TheLeeloo2

    Amazing song

  46. Tyler Talks!

    The R&B version is alright and I like it. But this version gives me chills from the moment it starts. Most of the UK mixes of this album are infinitely better!

  47. maxtheknife

    Liked the Melle Mel R&B version more than this one.

  48. jane1975

    Cannot believe this was released in 1996, I thought it was later than that. Great song :)

  49. Ben Thomas

    I love the 80s/early 90s guitar sound! This song deserves way more views.

  50. Michael Robles

    love this tune by cher......'lay back music'...

  51. Stephen Key

    better than believe

    Stephen Key

    who were the actors in this video

    Dave Mcmahon

    @Stephen Key the female in this video was the actress who played DC Kate Spears in british cop show the Bill in the early 2000's.The very gorgeous Tania Emery

  52. Javier Gómez Mena

    can someone tell me what it says at the beginning of the song

    Ally Ludkin

    All the love she said, til the day he vanished.All the love she said, til the day he vanished.

    Javier Gómez Mena

    Ally Ludkin thanks

  53. ross mullen

    Omg I love this.memories of my 20's with a bf and my little dog.xxxx classic

  54. Melissa Wright

    My fave Cher song x

  55. Marcell Mirasol

    It should have been # 1 in the Billboard Singles Chart. Underrated, sad to say. 😅

    Paolo Lucia

    Marcell Mirasol very much so

    Fabián Ferrada

    It was a hit in Europe though.

  56. Piero Graziani

    Lucia ti ricordi??? Mamma me

  57. The Gadget Guy

    Why the hell do they cut the song short like that?, there's the middle part with the Saxophone solo that's missing,

    Magic Moo

    Yeah on the album. This was the single release. i loved that key change back in the day

  58. The Gadget Guy

    Why the hell do they cut the song short like that?, there's the middle part with the Saxophone solo that's missing,

  59. Piero Graziani

    Associo questo grande brano a mia moglie...Lucia auend!!!


    this is my fav song of chers the most awesome one cuz I feel alone all the time wen I hear this song I feel like im stronger n we all love eachother n we do care n we are all stronger then the ones who puts us down

  61. João Gabriel Brito Silva



    João Gabriel Brito Silva Mesmo...meu querido...

  62. Cristian Sanchez

    Y es al día de hoy que todavía me sigue gustando.

  63. Luiz Felipe

    Essa música é um clássico !!!!!

  64. Felipe Martínez

    49.000 views r mine!

  65. m rich

    still great after all these years

  66. cherkkj

    One of my favorites songs by her so much sexy as Cher. Addicted.

  67. iheartfrosty

    But...but...but...where's my sax solo??

  68. fabio Langella

    Mitica Cher insuperabile

  69. Mariano Spears

    i really like this song!

  70. Tony Pete

    alexis   papo love you so much

  71. eva xx

    love dis

  72. juanito16824

    amo esta cancion

  73. Little Monster

    That key change though😍😍😍

  74. Luv Dem

    Que hermoso Perro :3

  75. Amaan Storm

    God I used to love this song......and weirdly it just popped in to my head so I look it up and the same emotion hit me...the same feeling that I had when I first heard it back in 1996. #nostalgia!

    Carl Lawson

    Amaan Amira yeah it's spot on great song brilliantly sang


    Same here.... It just hit me now


    Same, 90s music can't be beaten

  76. esther hawthorne

    Not a cher fan but love this. Brings back loads of memories 🌈🌈😄

  77. Sweet Nothing

    She is perfect. 💞

  78. Arty Bad Teacher

    2000+ views seriously !!!

  79. Sean Lee Fields

    This is the best version of this song. It's also one of my favorite Cher songs.

    Ruy Rios de S-M

    I agree

    Mark Ulrich

    LOVE this version and there are so damned many, lol.

    Ika Piechocka

    Mee top

One By One Şarkı Sözü
When you pray with every breath
You know that is free as the love you have
Where does it end It's too much for me to take
There's no peace, you close your eyes I'm all out of truth, I'm outta alibis
Where does it end
It's too much for me to take

We're gonna love one another 'til morning comes
Seek the sweet salvation for what we've done
Give up resisting one by one
One by one
He gives a new kinda meaning to what I am I know that I could never love any other man
One of these days you'll understand

And his face his heaven sent
He makes me believe there must be something else
Where does it end It's too much for me to take I can feel the need in you
There isn't a thing, I want you do
Where does it end It's too much for me to take

[CHORUS x 2]

We're gonna love one another 'til morning comes
Sweet salvation for what we've done
Give up resisting one by one
One by one

We're gonna love one another

We're gonna love one another
Give up resisting one by one
One by one

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