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Cher - All Or Nothing

All Or Nothing
: Cher
: All Or Nothing
: 3.65 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 73 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 50 İndirme
: 19-06-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Cher - All Or Nothing )
  1. Fabi Dias

    Quantos Brasileiros apaixonado estão ouvindo essa linda 2019?

  2. Carys Stone

    Cher is priceless 👍👌😬💜👸🏼

  3. Farida Hanum

    Eh lu tahu ya kartu bpjs dgn kartu sehat indonesia apa bedanya ha.thanks for you lah i m permisi dulu

  4. nicholas ng sing kwong


  5. nicholas ng sing kwong

    hence spoke CHINESE GOD SHAPIR O LEE

  6. Norma Bravo

    Cher All Or Norhing Quien La Oye En El 2019?

    anna clementoni

    Cher believe😔😔😔😔😔😔😔

  7. Verna Rudo

    2019......great voice....classic lyrics.

  8. John Jenkins


  9. Farida Hanum

    Itu seorang bukan lain orang atau mirip bu jangan jangan monkey jadi cover ini ya aduh aku keceplosan maaflah soalnya kukira muka bisa direnovasi sih

  10. Diane Payne

    Still a good song

  11. Róbert Èvi


  12. Antonio Venturini


  13. Erik Dudás

    Great from Hungary.🤘

  14. Majharul Islam

    This song is only for cher... having very stable and different is one of my favorite song...lovers it... infact life is for compromise and sacrifice...

  15. Рабыня Изаура

    2019 маде ин рашка

  16. Farida Hanum

    Masih ada lagu yg lebih enak didengar tdk mbak atau ibu cher nyanyikan.ciptaan siapa mbak ini lagu ? Nanya sih ini dengar you tube ciptaan sendirilah.

  17. Anderson Damásio

    Very good.

  18. Farida Hanum

    Waw keren

  19. Farida Hanum

    Buat lu mana tahu suka ini lagu kayaknya good jadi kukirim buat mbak bye

  20. Farida Hanum

    Ibu banyak lagu baru apa judul lagu yg terbarunya .trims mbak ya enak an tahu dr penyanyinya langsung

  21. Farida Hanum

    Ibu itu mirip atau beda tapi nama serupa sori cuma nanya sih bukam dgn akukam berantam dulu ibu dulu nyamyi diluar indonesia.aku minta maaf bolehlah kukira aku itu ibu tahu kan malu bye ibu

  22. HazzaGaming

    Might sound gay but oh well, I loved the song since I was 7-8 and I'm almost 18 XD

  23. Farida Hanum

    Zaman canggih ya world ngajarnya pakao apa manusia didunia ini ya bikin aku termehek mehek melihat dunia ini mau hidup seribu tahun lagi rasanya

  24. DR YEET

    love this lady i grow up on her

  25. Farida Hanum

    Bu anak ibu ganteng kali ya kali aku tdk punya sekolah tdk kerja cari makan tak percaya orang anaklu suami aku kayak lu cantik kali jadi mertua aku

  26. Farida Hanum

    Tdk cantik aja pun tdk boleh ada yg cantik baik sehat didunia ya bodat aja boleh cantik dipantat aku ini lo suka hati akulah apa urusan aku kau didunia kontol banyak kali urusan kai dgn akutaik saja bisa hidup sangkin pintarnya kayak fili kau aja bodat aja molak apalagi manusia bukan taik

  27. Tomasz H

    Still LOVE HER <3 ! :)

  28. DR YEET

    love her me great singer

  29. Norman Briceno

    Es la mejor musica

  30. juan nahual

    Why the fu"#$ck do people say ''who's listening this in 2019?'' hahahaha who cares about the year you're in? idiots.

  31. E.P. R. Bowe


  32. Karolina Krasoń


  33. zeusik

    who in 2026?

  34. Tove Michau

    È tutto o nulla ADESSO Caro!

  35. Drew Moss

    Desire makes me weak ! Tell it Cher.

  36. Ida Delawaux

    Best cher

  37. Ida Delawaux

    Hello cher you best music

  38. Tomasz H

    Still ... Love it <3 '19

  39. polishangel 96

    1998 - 2019 ❤

  40. yael salas

    i love cher

  41. yael salas

    cher you are the best singer

  42. John Jenkins


  43. Alejandro Hernandez

    Definitibamente cher es la artista mas grande que a dado estado unidos anivel mundial en toda la estencion de la pabra felicidades cher eres la numero uno

  44. Ida Delawaux

    Bästa cher kom till revyresan och sjunger med oss i stora Tuna kyrka cher

  45. Ken Browning

    Luv this song

  46. Anna Maria

    Super 💛💜💜💜💜Cher 💛💛💛adoro

  47. Javier antoñio Saenz rodriguez

    La.mejor Julio 2019

  48. map315

    Summer 2019⛈💫❤️

  49. John Jenkins


  50. Andrzej K

    Nic dodać

  51. Speakershocker Hi-Fi Mehr als nur Technik

    #LANGERTISCH #Wuppertal #Langertischwuppertal 1999 am ausrasten. ;)

  52. Speakershocker Hi-Fi Mehr als nur Technik

    Autotune = CHEReffect ;) new in the end of 90s but 2019 genial.

  53. Onur O

    Perfect song

  54. Red ROSE

    Love Cher and all of her songs🎼👍🏻🌹🤗

  55. Alejandro Germanotta

    Cologne Oktober 😍

  56. Chris Prud

    April 2019 Saturday 27th wooo

  57. nina mya


  58. Odisea Rolex

    Todas las del cher

  59. Ahmad Nurhadi


  60. Esteban David Mendoza Jaime

    Siempre serás diva Cher única y grande eres tú!!!

  61. map315

    2019 and FOREVER 💫💫💫

  62. Best prizes wining Nr 1

    Still in 2019 all or nothing !!!

  63. Belinda Lima

    I am 57 year old and i love this song.

  64. jorge alberto lopez curiel

    lo maximo de maximos

  65. Fernando Amado

    Grandiosa 😍

  66. Joel Vela

    This should have been the follow up single after Believe.

  67. Thierrie Magno

    Do you care now? Do you know how? 😍

  68. Norma Bravo

    I've been standing out in the rainI've been calling your nameGot that lonely feeling againCalling out your nameDo you hear me? Do you want me?Baby it's all or nothing nowI don't want to runAnd I can't walk outYou're breaking my heartIf you leave me nowDon't want to wait for everWho do you think you're foolingWho do you think you're foolingBaby it's all or nothingBaby it's all or nothing nowI've been trying to get to your heartBut I'm chasing shadowsWe keep falling further apartSo near and you're so farDo you care now? Do you know how?Baby it's all or nothing nowI don't want to run and I can't walk outBreaking my heart if you leave me nowDon't want to wait foreverWho do you think you're foolingWho do you think you're foolingBaby it's all or nothingBaby it's all or nothing nowSometimes when you touch meI just can't help myselfDesire makes me weakDesire makes me weakDo you care now? Do you know how?

  69. Equestrian Unicorn

    GoD iS a WoMaN aNd HeR nAmE iS cHeR

  70. Margaret Asimus

    I will be listening to this song for the rest of my life

  71. Courtney Mitchell

    2019 anyone?

  72. Jose Ortiz

    listening to this song in 2019 ♥

    Speakershocker Hi-Fi Mehr als nur Technik

    Every year is it in my player☺👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

    Kadian burkhart


    Salma Salma

    OLD is GOLD💓

  73. Davin Gladwell

    one of the very few (if any) decent dance songs made by the late 1990s or later.

  74. zeusik

    unbelieveable voice, 2019

  75. Ruell Wester

    2019. Caribbean

  76. Parker Hallman

    WHO IN 2019???

  77. Sarah Taylor

    Seen Cher in concert on Monday and she was amazing 😍😍😍. Always been a dream of mine to see her and my dream came true💜💜💋

  78. piri vandor

    Great song...

  79. Olcay Köseoğlu

    2019 😉😉😘😘

  80. Jesper Kristensen

    From one of the best albums ever..........

  81. zkielz goldberg

    r u hearing this classic cher 1998 tune in 2019 still sounds fresh

  82. RP Ivan Alejandro

    2019 <3

  83. Vitor Humag

    1999-2019 , 20 years!

  84. Louis Hewett

    2019 Anybody?!

    tuliin Tj

    Me from Brazil

  85. Esau Lara

    WHO IN 2019???? ♡

  86. Matouš Peterka

    Anybody 2019?

  87. Gjelbrim KASMI

    All or Nothing !!!!! I like

  88. Lorena Silvana Pasquetti

    La voce femminile che preferisco in assoluto. Comunque questo brano ricorda molto belive

  89. Shayna Matthew

    Taking this classic into 2019!!

  90. Marco mm

    I forgot how much I liked this song :)

  91. Chris Prud

    Friday 18th November 2018 😎let’s av it

  92. debora toniatti

    This song is amasing!!

  93. Isth Avregho

    Like this ;)

  94. leanne Drummond

    October 2018 this track never gets boring 👍

  95. Perla Felix

    Muy buena rola

  96. Johannes Mata Díaz

    Fucking Nice Song 😎

All Or Nothing Şarkı Sözü
Yağmurda ayakta durdum
I've been standing out in the rain

İsmini arıyorum
I've been calling your name

Ben yine yalnız hissediyorum
I've got that lonely feeling again

İsminizi çağırmak
Calling out your name
Beni duyuyor musun?
Do you hear me?

Beni istiyor musun?
Do you want me?
Bebeğim şimdi ya hep ya hiç
Baby it's all or nothing now

Kaçmak istemiyorum ve ben yürüyemiyorum
Don't wanna run and I can't walk out

Beni şimdi terk edersen kalbimi kırıyorsun
You're breaking my heart if you leave me now

Sonsuza dek beklemek istemiyorum
Don't wanna wait for ever
Kimi kandırdığını sanıyorsun?
Who do you think you're fooling?

Kimi kandırdığını sanıyorsun?
Who do you think you're fooling?

Bebeğim ya hep ya hiç
Baby it's all or nothing

Bebeğim şimdi ya hep ya hiç
Baby it's all or nothing now
Ve kalbine almaya çalışıyorum
And I've been trying to get to your heart

Ama gölgeleri kovalarım
But I'm chasing shadows

Ayrılmaya devam ediyoruz
We keep falling further apart

Çok yakın ve çok uzak
So near and you're so far
Şimdi umursuyor musun
Do you care now?

Nasıl olduğunu biliyor musun?
Do you know how?
Bebeğim şimdi ya hep ya hiç
Baby it's all or nothing now

Kaçmak istemiyorum ve ben yürüyemiyorum
Don't wanna run and I can't walk out

Beni şimdi terk edersen kalbimi kırıyorsun
You're breaking my heart if you leave me now

Sonsuza dek beklemek istemiyorum
Don't wanna wait for ever
Kimi kandırdığını sanıyorsun?
Who do you think you're fooling?

Kimi kandırdığını sanıyorsun?
Who do you think you're fooling?

Bebeğim ya hep ya hiç
Baby it's all or nothing

Bebeğim şimdi ya hep ya hiç
Baby it's all or nothing now
Bazen bana dokunduğunda
Sometimes when you touch me

Sadece kendime yardım edemiyorum
I just can't help myself

(Kendime yardım edemem)
(Can't help myself)

Arzu beni zayıflatıyor
Desire makes me weak

Arzu beni zayıflatıyor
Desire makes me weak
Şimdi umursuyor musun
Do you care now?

Nasıl olduğunu biliyor musun?
Do you know how?
Bebeğim ya hep ya hiç
Baby it's all or nothing

Koşmak istemiyorum ve yürüyemiyorum
I don't wanna run and I can't walk out

Beni terk edersen kalbimi kırıyorsun
You're breaking my heart if you leave me

Sonsuza dek beklemek istemiyorum
Don't wanna wait for ever
Bebeğim şimdi ya hep ya hiç
Baby it's all or nothing now

Kaçmak istemiyorum ve ben yürüyemiyorum
Don't wanna run and I can't walk out

Beni şimdi terk edersen kalbimi kırıyorsun
You're breaking my heart if you leave me now

Sonsuza dek beklemek istemiyorum
I don't wanna wait for ever
Kimi kandırdığını sanıyorsun?
Who do you think you're fooling?

Kimi kandırdığını sanıyorsun?
Who do you think you're fooling?

Bebeğim ya hep ya hiç
Baby it's all or nothing

Bebeğim şimdi ya hep ya hiç, şimdi
Baby it's all or nothing now, now

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