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Bon Jovi - You Give Love A Bad Name

You Give Love A Bad Name
: You Give Love A Bad Name
: 3.57 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 178 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 133 İndirme
: 18-06-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Bon Jovi - You Give Love A Bad Name )
  1. Likanen Länsi

    Nowadays people just shoot videos with their cameras, they dont enjoy the moment and the music, that they paid for, right? So silly...

  2. Madhawa Dananjaya

    I love Bon jovi 💘💯

  3. Dream

    Why is the audience so dead like I would scream my lungs out seeing that live..

  4. One with Euan/Naturix


  5. Ashane Trevin

    Richie sambora☹️

  6. sauquoit13456

    On this day in 1986 {November 8th} a video of Bon Jovi's "You Give Love A Bad Name" was aired on the ABC-TV Saturday-afternoon program, 'American Bandstand'...At the time the song was at #7 on Billboard's Top 100 chart, three weeks later it would peak at #1 {for 1 week}, and it spent twenty four weeks on the Top 100...It reached #2 in both Canada and the Netherlands...Between 1984 and 2009 the New Jersey band had twenty six records on the Top 100 chart, nine made the Top 10 with four reaching #1...Besides the above "You Give Love A Bad Name", their three other #1 records were "Livin' On A Prayer" for 4 weeks in February of 1987, "Bad Medicine" for 2 weeks in November of 1988, and "I'll Be There For You" for 1 week in May of 1989...One of their twenty six charted records was a duet, with Jennifer Nettles, "Who Says You Can't Go Home" reached #23 on the Top 100 and on April 30th, 2006 it peaked at #1 {for 2 weeks} on Billboard's Hot Country Singles chart...John Francis Bongiovi Jr. will celebrate his 58th birthday come next March 2nd, 2020...

  7. Luke Datema

    Mel Gibson is killin' it on the drums

  8. Elizabeth Takaco Hashimoto

    Como não amar esse sorriso!!!!

  9. Aidan McNabb

    For the people who think Jon’s voice is bad first of all, he has the courage to get up on stage and sing like that second, he can still sing the song even if it’s slightly different than the original third, why are listening to it if you don’t like and finally, he is still going out on tour singing it and not dubbing it

  10. Sean Johnson

    Where is Richie Sambora?

  11. phil licitra

    sounds weak

  12. Miriana Rodrigues



    I really don't like the weird new syncopation he's doing with the lyrics. It's odd and takes away from the super catchy melody of his song.

  14. Claude Monete

    ❤❤👐👏✌JON BON😃😇❤💙💛❤👐❤

  15. Krisna Wardhana

    I don't know tony stark can play a guitar

  16. ruth claudia

    100 palavras!!!!💝💝💝💝🌹🌹🌹🌹

  17. Ricky Rexon

    bad name will be the best song

  18. Guadalupe Ñ. Fernandez

    Pasado mañana es su concierto en Perú :'( y no me alcanzó el dinero para la entrada :'(

  19. Patricia Pio

    Feras esses músicos meu Deus mitos👏💖!!

  20. Eva Pacheco

    Amooo mais que o UNIVERSO inteiro!!

  21. Paulo Saldanha

    Definitivamente ...Sambora faz falta....

  22. Sifana Junperta

    I don't care when his lost his voice,,,his always into my hearts... Love you Jon Bon Jovi, Greeting from Indonesia 💗💗💗

  23. Samhaim1234

    Seal on Percussion

  24. Dahlia Hidayati

    still rockin' still amazin as always  Love Bon Jovi

  25. Ines Lucia Ccasa Chino

    Me encanta la música de Bon Jovi. Pronto en Perú deleitandonos con su repertorio. Grandisimooooo.

  26. Gamezach reactir

    Oh yeah i like rockers

  27. Lunaticamente

    Agosto 2019 🇦🇷❤ #BonJovi 😍

  28. Nick’in Bricks

    I went to this concert

  29. Rosangela valero

    Siempre bello Jon y cantas excelente

  30. lakey all

    Get a hair transplant

  31. Rubén Emmanuel

    You are very old and you can see the effort he is making to sing. It hurts to see your idols of childhood grow old

  32. 盛評胡

    Jon is really old, but still good.

  33. Maestro Jurídico

    still doing magic

  34. Nathan Cabrales

    come to avondale az do concert there

  35. Lilian Joei


  36. Bob

    gotta love a Suhr guitar

  37. Petronela Caras

    I'm from Romania and I love Bon Jovi... He is my idol.

  38. moacir junior Zavaschi

    Zavascki CAC do 11RM, a banda Bon Jovi sempre sendo a diferença.

  39. blueberry11051

    A Legendary Performer... Lots of Love from Istanbul/Turkey

  40. Jose Paulo


  41. Imie Nazvisko

    From Bon Jovi music i love Hugh bass lines most but holy mother, what the hell John and Phil did with this solo played together?! What i just saw??? Masterpiece!!!

  42. gogonz cool

    Come again in Indonesia.. 🙏🙏🙏

  43. Monica Giuliana Dionisio Torres

    Me encanta!!!! 😍😍

  44. Marcia Garcia

    Sempre acompanhei você, te adoro, como músico, suas músicas escuto sempre. Meu sonho é ir no seu show!

  45. Edlo Rodrigo Lopes

    Richie faz tanta falta nos shows ao vivo do Bon Jovi q foi necessário dois guitarristas pra estarem aí, não q a qualidade deles seja ruim mas o Richie com certeza faz a diferença e mt falta, #sddsRichie

  46. Proud Jayhawk

    Jon has rocked us for 30 some fantastic years! I can speak for a lot when I say quit criticizing and give the guy a break! Shit!

  47. לוטם בן דוד

    But his smile never changes

  48. colin dias

    Two guitar players replaced Richie Sambora ..that's how good the guy was ..the songs are there but u just miss Richies presence.

  49. Bemi Rexhvato

    A fucking ICON. He still got the voice maybe not powerful like before but still great. Periodt 🖤

  50. Bernard Bernardino

    👪 🎶 💞 👍

  51. jairoux ;o

    *this guy does not age*

  52. underneonloneliness2

    People still pay top dollar to see this washed up old band. Look I don't care how big the band is, if the main guitarist has gone and the singer can't sing anymore then the tickets should be cheap. It's only mugs that buy them.

  53. CrossFire Xavier

    🍺🎊🎉✊✊This rooks!!! ✊✊🎉🎊🍺

  54. Mirna wati

    Om richi udah ga dsni hiksshikss

  55. Saitama 2000

    he not use full power for singing for this song fuck, bon jovi need go to the gym

  56. Jake Watson

    I don't understand why John Shanks is with them. I mean they did okay with one guatarist (Richie) for 30 odd years. Why the sudden need for 2?

  57. BIGB Magoo

    Huggable youth B

  58. Baz Buncher

    this is what u sound like if you drink to much smoke to much and your voice is F***** and then let the band carry you..retire Please



  60. starboy

    I’m from koreabon jovi is legend :)

  61. Rambo P. Brown

    It only took 1 sambora to play that solo, you don't need 2 guys

  62. Harun Saamuel

    I didn't know that arnold from terminator playing drum

  63. Raisa Cherry

    Frigging love this song 😍❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😙

  64. Sunshine Jenkins

    I LoVe Y O U BON JOVI 🌬️💙💙💙💙💙💙

  65. the alpha

    This ol’man still rocks! 🤘

  66. Lena ***

    He is sooooo hot.....unbelievable

  67. Youssef Chani

    You good chanteure

  68. 커크햄kirkham

    bon jovi is forever🤟2019🇰🇷

  69. Elizabeth Anne Pearce


  70. Christina Leah

    The best ever the bigger band all of time. Cry for the legendEu amo essa bandaBrasil na área! Amamos, amamos e amamos incondicionalmente Bon Jovi.

    Jonathan Storey

    CRY for the legend? Why?

  71. そらまるSX


  72. Loubaki franck

    Eu amo essa bandaBrasil na área! Amamos, amamos e amamos incondicionalmente Bon Jovi.

  73. Francois Gaudet

    sing like shit

  74. jamie campbell

    papa jovi singing

  75. Katyanne Silva

    Amooooooooooo muito

  76. marc gerardi

    Colombia presente 🇨🇴 Bon Jovi really rocks.Miss you Richie SamboraPERÚ 2019 🇵🇪!!! this house is not for sale! 02 de octubre, Estadio Nacional!! 🙏😍💓👍

  77. Jack Solier Garcia

    Where is Richie??? Wth

  78. Gen Manager

    I didnt know Samuel L. Jackson can play percussion...😅😅😅Grow long hair again pleasePERÚ 2019 🇵🇪!!! this house is not for sale! 02 de octubre, Estadio Nacional!! 🙏😍💓👍

  79. Danielle Vesmirovsky

    Eu amo essa bandaGrow long hair again please

  80. Gillian McBean

    Can everybody give going on about jons voice a break he's doing great for 57 and singing mainly on his own now that richie decided to leave on his own accord fact just remember it wasn't just jon he let down it was the whole band and the fans who paid a lot of money to see them and while we're on the subject jon can't be that bad still filling some if rhe biggest stadiums and doing 3 hour gigs

  81. Edmund Cheung

    Hong Kong here, support Bon Jovi!!

  82. Mr A to Z

    What happened to Sambora?

  83. Walsh Michael Albor

    Please don't die just yet... Make more beautiful music Jon Bon Jovi 🙏 More power and may God Bless you

  84. Michael Jagger

    Such weak live vocals as always 😂 A bon jovi tribute band could sing better than this

  85. Lanme' Davios

    Any cannot be i am loving !yes !!m

  86. Krystix

    1:54 I think John Shanks and Everett are really into the song :D

  87. 김뽀링

    아ㅠ 본조비 할저씨한테 시집가고싶다~~!!카리스마 완전 섹시해ㅠ

  88. Luís Filho

    Brasil em Setembro! Dia 22 em Recife PE !! Vamos??

  89. JC BT

    I've never heard him talk I've heard him sing but not talk the only time I heard him talk is when I watched a movie when he was really young

  90. Martin Comesaña

    Jon. You are great. You will always be. But you need two axes to replace Richie. Maybe three. Anyway. Great rendition.

    La Opinión De Sirkev

    True shit brother no one like "the heavyweight champion of the world the right hand Richie" which btw Jon used to call him like that

  91. Дмитрий Страж

    если честно,то я звукорежиссер....с крайне неплохой контрольной комнатой....но вот этому парню я даже не подумаю предложить свои услуги(я испоганю треки как ни крути и чтоб я ни делал! у него все просто супер!!!!лучше не бывает.потому просто наслаждаюсь.)

  92. bu6 bu6


  93. Sof

    Italyyy! Pleaseeee❤️❤️


    Still a cool song

  95. Jony Stank

    I'm waiting for Bon Jovi The Movie in the cinemas..

  96. GMC 5150

    Best cover of a Bon Jovi song.

  97. Rocketman177

    The Bon Jovi I knew and loved is long gone. The energy, vibe and soul was lost the day Richie fell off the wagon!!! Lmao!

  98. Nany Rodrigues

    Forever love 😍💙💖

  99. 태진 김

    I have never seen handsome guy like jon because jon is born in 1962.

You Give Love A Bad Name Şarkı Sözü
Aşka Kötü Bir İsim Verirsin
Kalbine ateş
Shot through the heart

Ve sen suçluyorsun
And you're to blame

Sevgilim, aşka kötü bir isim verirsin
Darlin', you give love a bad name
Bir meleğin gülümsemesi sattığın şeydir.
An angel's smile is what you sell

Bana cennete söz ver, sonra beni cehenneme çevir
You promise me heaven, then put me through hell

Aşkın zincirleri bana sarıldı
Chains of love got a hold on me

Tutku bir hapishane olduğunda, özgür kalamazsın
When passion's a prison, you can't break free
Sen dolu bir silahsın, evet
Oh, you're a loaded gun, yeah

Oh, kaçacak yer yok
Oh, there's nowhere to run

Kimse beni kurtaramaz
No one can save me

Hasar yapılır
The damage is done
Kalbine ateş
Shot through the heart

Ve sen suçluyorsun
And you're to blame

Aşka kötü bir isim veriyorsun (kötü isim)
You give love a bad name (bad name)

Ben rolümü oynarım ve sen oyununu oynarsın
I play my part and you play your game

Aşka kötü bir isim veriyorsun (kötü isim)
You give love a bad name (bad name)

Sevgi veriyorsun, kötü bir isim
You give love, a bad name
Gülüşünü dudaklarına boya
Paint your smile on your lips

Parmaklarınızın ucunda kan kırmızı tırnaklar
Blood red nails on your fingertips

Bir okul çocuğunun hayali, çok utangaç davranıyorsun
A school boy's dream, you act so shy

İlk öpücüğün ilk öpücüğündü veda
Your very first kiss was your first kiss goodbye
Sen dolu bir silahsın
Whoa, you're a loaded gun

Vay, kaçacak yer yok
Whoa, there's nowhere to run

Kimse beni kurtaramaz
No one can save me

Hasar yapılır
The damage is done
Kalbine ateş
Shot through the heart

Ve sen suçluyorsun
And you're to blame

Aşka kötü bir isim veriyorsun (kötü isim)
You give love a bad name (bad name)

Ben rolümü oynarım ve sen oyununu oynarsın
I play my part and you play your game

Aşka kötü bir isim veriyorsun (kötü isim)
You give love a bad name (bad name)

Sen aşkı ver
You give love, oh
Oh, kalbine vurdu
Oh, shot through the heart

Ve sen suçluyorsun
And you're to blame

Aşka kötü bir isim veriyorsun
You give love a bad name

Ben rolümü oynarım ve sen oyununu oynarsın
I play my part and you play your game

Aşka kötü bir isim veriyorsun (kötü isim)
You give love a bad name (bad name)
Kalbine ateş
Shot through the heart

Ve sen suçluyorsun
And you're to blame

Aşka kötü bir isim veriyorsun (kötü isim)
You give love a bad name (bad name)

Ben rolümü oynarım ve sen oyununu oynarsın
I play my part and you play your game

Aşka kötü bir isim veriyorsun (kötü isim)
You give love a bad name (bad name)

Sen aşkı ver
You give love

Sevgi veriyorsun (kötü isim)
You give love (bad name)

Sen aşkı ver
You give love

Sevgi veriyorsun (kötü isim)
You give love (bad name)

Sen aşkı ver
You give love

Sevgi veriyorsun (kötü isim)
You give love (bad name)

Sen aşkı ver
You give love

Sen aşkı ver
You give love

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