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Bon Jovi - Runaway

: Runaway
: 3.95 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 128 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 98 İndirme
: 18-06-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Bon Jovi - Runaway )
  1. Sailor Moon

    dou meu cu pro bon jovi, canta muito, banda top...enfim, o melhor do hard rock dos anos 80

  2. Teguh Setyasa

    Charlie bumblebee

  3. Paulina Cunalata

    Esta meta es un maestro

  4. Abhijeet Singh

    1 November 2019

  5. Jason Harris

    Jon ok but richie fuck me up

  6. Kyril J

    I remember when I was 14 and ran away. I was listening to this song as I headed to the city. I put my mama through hell. She was throwing up all night the entire time. I still cry now thirty years later. Don't do it. You'll eventually be cold and hungry and if you stay on the street long enough you'll be sex trafficked or forced to run drugs. If you have to leave because of abuse go where they'll help you. Don't go to the streets.

  7. Unknown Official

    Sorry this song is only for REAL Bon Jovi fans and not for Stranger Things

  8. PM MS

    Assistindo em 01/11/2019.Lá se vão 35 anos!

  9. Elias Hernandez


  10. Camille Davis

    November 2019 anyone??

  11. Kerorofan

    The 80's. When you could wear skintight pink pants, and somehow still land inordinate amounts of ass.

  12. Felipe Stud10s

    Stranger Things - LikeBumblebee (2018) - Comment Bon Jovi - Like and Comment.

  13. guenhael kerzerho


  14. guenhael kerzerho

    Vous écoutez cette Chanson le Matin, Vous avez la Pêche pour la Journée

  15. guenhael kerzerho


  16. Valdemir Zaboroski


  17. Alexis Lerch

    saludos desde ARGENITNA! ♥ ndeah

  18. Pramugh vlog

    OCTOBER 2019 BESTIN.....//Stranger Thing

  19. Rekt Ghost

    This was on Stranger Things? I came here because I got interested on Bon Jovi.

  20. Keith Podgursky

    Who is here because they watched Bumblebee? Actually if you were an 80' teen like me you will find the whole music score from that movie is awesome.

  21. lumarians

    Teenage Girl. 3:08

  22. Carlos Santos

    Saudades demais ...

  23. Dylan Stewart

    Can’t help but feel this is what’s missing from rock n roll these days

  24. Kelpy G

    Am I the only who’s here because of Paul Blart not Stranger Things?


    I'm here because of the 80s lol

  25. Maritza Cristales

    Escucho a von jovi desde q tenia 12años \M/

  26. Blanca Vega

    That is the music public alike

  27. Harry Sumuvuori

    Best training music..

  28. Daisy Clark

    I saw Bon Jovi last month and they are just as amazing now as they were then (eventhough I'm only 15)

    The Joker

    Good for you! Whatever makes you happy in life is what counts!

    Christoph Blocher

    Im 15 too and that shit is firee

  29. Denis

    I'm from Russia and I've been listening to Bon Jovi for 30 years. This song always inspires me!

  30. stupid kemp

    Jennifer Gatti, the girl in the video shows up in Star Trek Next Gen & Voyager!..And no, Stranger Things did not bring me here.

  31. Dennis O'Connor


  32. alex sarakhanov

    October 2019. The Best.

    Tatiana Nalivaiko

    Super star

  33. Marcelo 1975

    24/10/2019 Bon jovi Sempre!

  34. Ozi Fauzi

    Good ,i like bonjovii

  35. Areyousaying idontknowmyname

    Ok love the song. Since i was a teen. But what the hell with the clip? Nothing to do with the song. haha

  36. Nightmare Bonnie Productions

    Who is here because of Stranger Things and Bumblebee? Btw song starts at 0:29

  37. Leo N

    Came from steel panther

  38. Alexander Izaguirre

    alguien escuchando octubre 2019?

  39. Jesus Gordillo

    Argentina presente.

  40. Mr Paneristi

    Is that greta thunberg lol

  41. Ramon Madrigal

    Stranger things song of episody..... uds? 2019

  42. Mohammed Khaleel

    I’m here to see if people still comeback and watch this.. not disappointed ⚡️

  43. John Mazzuca

    GOOD,,,SONG,,,,BROTHER,,!NEW JERSEY,,,,!!2🤨🤨🤨

  44. Anne Bradbury

    My middle name is bon.

  45. Jenny F.

    Oktober 2019

    Evgenii Ilinykh

    22 Октября 2019, Москва, Россия

    Двойной Электрон

    28 октября, Сибирь, Россия.

    Двойной Электрон

    @Ehrseri 33 too.

    guenhael kerzerho

    Oui, très très bon //de FRANCE

  46. Dan Vost

    VHS foreva!

  47. 浦ちゃん太郎

    かっこいい☺ 1番好きな歌です🎵

  48. Ranch Dressing

    Who else is here because they had this Pocket Rockers cassette?

  49. Lucas Playz

    dude...why do I keep thinking of death... I don't know how to stop myself from thinking that im going to die soon, even tho im 14. SOMEONE HELP.

  50. Marc jesus Martinez

    grande bon Jovi

  51. Rawly718

    Idk why people get mad when new people listen to their music. Stuf

  52. Neilce Silva

    Vou morrer ouvindo bon jovi ❤

  53. laurence robert tampus halpin

    Samboras guitar solo💥

  54. hoverpowersk s117 hover

    melhor musica do seculo

  55. richat1

    Bon jovis only good song, probably coz its not played by bonjovi 😂 Nice playing by tim pierce.

  56. Vania Winkelmann

    i love this song and bon jovi :)


    Bon Jovi : IntroAsh : I wanna be the very best that no one ever was

  58. Someone You Don't Know

    Everyone's out here being like "Who's here from Stranger Thing??" Who's here from Paul Blart?

    Forever geek

    Someone You Don't Know I’m here because I’m a Bon Jovi fan and not from nether lol

    Kenneth Simon

    Love Paul blart

  59. In Your Bed

    Eehhh wtfHow did I end up here..?


    One of the best songs ever so I wouldn't worry

    In Your Bed

    Yeah absolutely...


    @In Your Bed Tell my a reason why this song isn't better than today pop/ autotuned rap

  60. Aleksander Jaroszkiewicz


  61. Shane ODonnell

    I am 12 and I had a school talent show I sang this song I won bon jovi met me and my crush in highschool came up to me was like love your voice and I said thanks then the next day I asked her out and 12 years later I proposed to her she said yes 1 month and she got in a car crash And we would play this song and now I play this everyday I miss her love u Maddie

    Lucas Playz

    sad life story

    popsicle 2941

    Shane ODonnell sorry for your loss

    Leah Mallon

    I'm sorry for your loss Shane.

  62. Klaus Kissel

    Best Song of Band

  63. Mel Hardee

    I saw them open for KISS when they were young and later on when they were the headliners, their music is pop now, to bad.

  64. Lady Eliza

    1984: this song is incredible!!!2019: this song is SO SO INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!2090: This song is a LEGEND.

  65. Edward Silverio

    I love this song and I didn't know it was in stranger things but yeah Bon Jovi is really cool and I'm not here just because stranger

  66. DarkPikao

    Love this song its 14 years oldest then my but its awesome.

  67. Ashley Strother

    Awesome song then Awesome song now And Awesome song forever I love this song Bon Jovi is always and forever my favorite band

  68. Midnight Moonbeam

    I came here because of mall cop before stranger things

  69. Michael/Timosa Ang Probinsyano

    Flash back 2019 october .. 🤘🇵🇭❤

  70. Glenn Schotanus

    this is the great music (the bad music is the music from this time -2019-) the best music comes from 1984-1990

  71. chantal rioux

    I was listening to this song 35 years ago! Who did too?

  72. leo galdos

    Yo pensé que se copiaron de runaway🤣🤣

  73. Rosario Calle


  74. Jeremy Choolum

    I'm just listening to Jon Bon Jovi now best

  75. Erna Bupu Lopi

    ost Bumblebee...

  76. aiman alimin

    true legend

  77. Denis Claros

    fuck stranger things!

  78. Bruno Higashikata

    Paul blart is here guys...

  79. Enter The Infinite

    Nada de Stranger Things.Tu que hablas español estás aquí por el verguillas.

  80. Lorena Sanchez


  81. Craig Mccoy

    Love this songyeah

  82. tyler gabrielsen

    I didnt know this song was even in stranger things. Im here bc its not on Spotify and i wanna listen lol

  83. Canal da Ana Silva

    Aqui está o comentário em português que você procurava !Como vai sua vida ?O que ? Não vim mendigar! Jesus te ama muito viu !

  84. Diego Fernandez

    Gotta catch all POKEMON!!!!!!!

  85. Robert Burdick

    This my favorite of all Bon Jovi songs


    Same bro

  86. Lukas Vercosa

    paul blart?

    The Conductor Esplin

    I love that anime

  87. バルサファン


  88. Josef Greindl

    music for mass dagradation... Prostitution propaganda

  89. Renison Wood

    Normies: here from stranger thingsTrue legends: here for Bon JoviMe, the birthgiver of God and Satan: Paul Blart: Mall Cop

  90. Manny Gonzalez

    🤔🤔🤔🤔🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁♈♈♈♈🔥🔥🔥🔥⚡⚡⚡😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤👑👑👑🏇🏇🏇🏇🏇🏇🎸🎸🎸🎸♎♎♎♎♎♎♎♎♎♎♎👿👿👿👿👿😠😠😠😠😠😠🎸🎸🎸🎸👑👑🇨🇺🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 happy birthday my little mini me Jocelyn Gonzalez 10/4/1996 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😜😜😜😛😍😍😍😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

  91. Y K

    I'm here because of strang— nah, I'm here bc my dad has good taste in music

  92. Ethel Torres

    Ayer en el concierto (Estadio nacional de Lima_Perú) faltó esta canción...

  93. Hiana Silva


    James Dickerson

    Hiana Silva MEEEEE

  94. mexirican goldo

    Octubre 2019 y aun de buen gusto🔥👏


    After all,this song is so excellent.

  95. Ian Is Peean

    I’m 13 and Bon Jovi has been my favorite since I was 4


    Bon Jovi has been my favorite since I was in my dad's nut sack

    guenhael kerzerho

    J'aime BON JOVI depuis que j'étais un SPERMATOZOÏDE

Runaway Şarkı Sözü
Yaşadığınız sokakta Kızlar sosyal hayatlarından bahseder
On the street where you live girls talk about their social lives

Ruj, plastik ve boyadan yapılmışlardır.
They're made of lipstick, plastic and paint

Gözlerinde sable bir dokunuş
A touch of sable in their eyes
Bütün hayatın, bütün istediğin.
All your life all you asked

Baban seninle ne zaman konuşacak
When is your Daddy gonna talk to you

Ama biz başka bir dünyada yaşıyoruz
But we're living in another world

Mesajınızı iletmeye çalışıyorum
Tryin' to get your message through
Kimse senin söylediğin tek bir kelimeyi duymadı.
No one heard a single word you said

Gözlerinde görmeliydiler
They should have seen it in your eyes

Kafanın etrafında ne
What was going around your head
Oh, biraz kaçak
Oh, she's a little runaway

Babasının kızı hızlı öğrendi
Daddy's girl learned fast

Söyleyemediği her şey
All those things he couldn't say

Ooh, biraz kaçak
Ooh, she's a little runaway
Her gece farklı bir çizgi
A different line every night

Aklını uçuracak garantili
Guaranteed to blow your mind

Sokaklarda görüşürüz
See you out on the streets

Beni vahşi bir zaman ara
Call me for a wild time

Yani evde yalnız oturuyorsun
So you sit home alone

Çünkü yapabileceğin hiçbir şey kalmadı.
'Cause there's nothing left that you can do

Gölgelerde asılı sadece resimler var
There's only pictures hung in the shadows

Sana bakmak için orada bıraktım
Left there to look at you
Işıkları sevdiğini biliyorsun
You know she likes the lights

Neon Broadway işaretleri geceleri
At night on the neon Broadway signs

Ve gerçekten umursamıyor
And she don't really mind

Bulmayı umduğu tek aşk
Its only love she hoped to find
Oh, biraz kaçak
Oh, she's a little runaway

Babasının kızı hızlı öğrendi
Daddy's girl learned fast

Söyleyemediği her şey
All those things he couldn't say

Ooh, biraz kaçak
Ooh, she's a little runaway
Kimse senin söylediğin tek bir kelimeyi duymadı.
No one heard a single word you said

Gözlerinde görmeliydiler
They should have seen it in your eyes

Kafanda ne oluyordu
What was going on your head
Oh, biraz kaçak
Oh, she's a little runaway

Babasının kızı hızlı öğrendi
Daddy's girl learned fast

Söyleyemediği her şey
All those things he couldn't say

Ooh, biraz kaçak
Ooh, she's a little runaway

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