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Bon Jovi - In These Arms

In These Arms
: In These Arms
: 4.34 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 68 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 53 İndirme
: 18-06-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Bon Jovi - In These Arms )
  1. Thomas Fletcher

    Love this song 2019 😎

  2. FanreyaLysandra

    2:58... Best scene ❤️

  3. Heli Lindqvist


  4. garry Whiting

    now Stephen Clarke from Loughborough as now got garry whiting from Leicester as his ever so very proper gay partner forever together with all the same music and visage and guns and roses and bon jovi and proper stuff properly together

  5. Lau Mora


  6. Kerrigan Robinson

    Beautiful 💞💞💞

  7. Mirian Marques

    Não sei qual música mais linda do Jon, amo todas 🤩

  8. Paul Landingin

    Iwll not sell my Peoples.

  9. Paul Landingin

    Yeah even the most Deepest Hell iwill come to gave them Lights & Good Feelings. Teach the Demons to become Good Demons.☺

  10. Darren Z

    This song makes me think of my wife who passed away 5-months ago. God I miss her. I'd give anything to have her in my arms again. :(

  11. Adriana Lima

    Amoooooo essa música Se eu pudesse não parava d ouvir

  12. Muhammad Ahmad

    Bon Jovi Your Fans Love you 😘♥️❤️ xoxoxo

  13. garry Whiting

    now Stephen Clarke from Loughborough as really got  garry whiting from Leicester now as his ever so very proper gay partner forever and Stephen Clarke introduced me too visage music in 2017 January and now bon jovi and guns ans roses in October 2019 now and i love it too bits and we both like all the very same music and visage and guns and roses and bon jovi and proper stuff now properly then.

  14. garry Whiting

    now Stephen Clarke from Loughborough as now got garry whiting  from Leicester as his ever so very proper gay partner forever together and we both totally like very same music and visage and guns and roses and bon jovi music and proper stuff together.

  15. bagpers ditkumad

    my BJ fave song

  16. Aneta Volcano

    love this song. shame this version doesn't have the end which is the best

  17. P4P KING

    so much good and beautiful vibes in this one. even after all this time I cant help rockin out to this.....what a song for the ages

  18. Jane Arala

    Great man with a great song...Jon Bon Jovi you are a legend

  19. Ciara yo-yo ui Heatherington

    October till I die.

  20. Jessica Namüche

    oyéndola en octubre 2019. Me encanta!!!💙

  21. Dinara Rafikova


  22. Steph Warriors_30

    I must say jon bon jovi band is the best ever rock band to ever exist on earth.. What a strong and great ever voice and performance indeed... Full of heart performing always.... 😇❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  23. Rejane Maria Ferreira

    Isso é música minha gente. Jon Bon Jovi, som maravilhoso, contagiante, lindo demais. Amo muito, muito, muito. Love Jon Bon Jovi!🧡🧡💋💋💋👏👏👏🙄👏👏

  24. Lukas Janik

    i miss that times when superman tattoo was cool 🤘

  25. Deepanjan Sengupta

    Those years.... No more These Days...

  26. Monalisa Hughes

    Im here always

  27. João Pedro Nunes de Sousa


  28. yolanda andreina

    La banda de mi vida

  29. Alfonso Che Corona

    La mejor balada de Bon jovi

  30. Eugenio Garrido

    When his voice was in full hard to sing this one.

    apong jamir

    Agreed i had to tune down one pitch to the original

  31. Edu Pimentel

    David Bryan

  32. xx_SjMalay

    💙💙💙 Reminds me of my Uncle R.I.P 💚💚

  33. Nataly Leon

    Q bellos recuerdos cuando era niña u.u

  34. christina decourcy

    Love you to the end of time

  35. dean campbell

    2020 anyone?

  36. Elaine 85

    Remembering my childhood here. I was 8 when this came out. Jon certainly is the handsomest man alive.

  37. Kristy

    Song which I'm listening right now before my some minutes they will come for me👌 The best memories from my childhood!🙂🤘

  38. Dave SmokingDrums

    Listening in Oct 2019. One of the best Bon Jovi songs. After all these years, still in love with the girl at 4:09

  39. angelo Tancredi

    Adrenalina ....

  40. シBabyShärkツ

    Love from Mizoram.

  41. Heli Lindqvist


  42. L1x

    Estuve en su concierto el 2 de octubre en Lima, Perú. Esta canción fue de las que más me gustó :D

  43. Alex Reis

    Anyone in 2025 ?

  44. Shane ODonnell

    My Girlfriend pastaway we were going to get married then she died in a car crash and this song I play for her love u Lauren I still wish that she was in my arms


    Im so sorry for your loss. It's a beautiful song to remember her by.

    Aimee Cresswell

    I give her my love your welcome 💖♥️

  45. Brandon James

    What day is it gonna be 10000 years from now ?

  46. Donna Bell

    Love this ♥️

  47. Josimeire Souza

    Bon Jovi fans here in october 2019?

    ola cola

    I was until I found out he is a Hillary supporter and I lost my appetite...

    Helga Kosztolnik


    Daniela Isabel


  48. BenedevilYT

    ESPAÑOL :V 2K19

  49. Mahlimi Chuntei

    Breath taking. Its beautiful this song since from the beginning. Everytime listening this song it put me to sentimental, makes me feel like crying😉Like, like, like, like like likeGreat is Bon JoviI love Bon Jovi since this song n I will always love him

  50. thais cava

    AAYYY!!! mi Dios!!! que tiempos aquellos.

  51. The Saint

    Wow, they need to release a complete pro shot of one of the 1993 shows, it looks so cool.

  52. Ioan Precub

    This is music from the heart 🙂

  53. Kara Brito

    Te amoooo

  54. Ana Julia Franco

    I fell for this song after attending their concert last Friday!! David was the one who sang it, after all I cried so much!! They're legendary!09/27/2019 the best day of my lifetime 💘

  55. Éderson Luciano

    Cortaram na melhor parte (o "baaaaaaybeeee").

  56. Doce encanto

    Cadê os Brasileiros daqui? ❤🎵🎶

  57. Mirian Prado

    Te amo ♥️ BON JOVI ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

  58. jm jm

    Lo máximo!!!! Lo amo!!!!!

  59. Luis Boston

    Bon Jovi the best of the best.

  60. Manoela Rocha


  61. Mar B Ritero

    bon jovi fans here September 2019

  62. Andrey Felix pereira

    Rock in Rio 🥂🇧🇷🌎

  63. Giuliana Vilcapoma Soca

    Escuchándolo a 2 días de su conciertazoo en mi querido Perú 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

  64. Gabriel 360

    Very Good Song ⚡


    Love this song sooo much!

  66. Renato Alt

    Leveiais de 20 anos procurando essa música. Muito show

    Dick Vigarista

    Serio porque ?😱

  67. j b

    Buenas dias! Kiss! Interro : Qui as récupéré avec malheur la Maladie de Charcot! Je l'ai entendu à 8h ce matin sur RTL! Je connais cette connasse de maladie car l'amie de mon frère l'as eu aussi! En fait, délirant 2019!

  68. sdspmeo

    anyone in September 2019?


    october :v

  69. Joseph May

    This is one of the greatest songs ever written. Great job David Brian! I like it as much now as I ever did!! Bon Jovi Rocks !!

  70. JUDGE


  71. Monica Naka


  72. fm7551

    one of the best song from JBJ

  73. JUTA T

    Aguante bon jovi 2039 😘😎

  74. André Lemoine

    Tomorrow in Recife!!!!😎

  75. Senorita Steffy

    Fantastic version, with Jon and Richie on fire, and a very young Tico!

  76. Princess Karma

    2019 and still remember when I was only 12 being so in love 🥰 with this amazing music, still a fan of the old Bon Jovi until These Days 💞

  77. jacinta tochhawng

    2019... September 19

  78. Federico Sefusatti

    Maybe best Bon Jovi song ever Imo

  79. nisti haryanto

    Great singer...great man... love you John 😍😘😍

  80. Jose Gonzalez

    Something is sure in this life, when i listen to Bon Jovi all my neighbourhood will do it too.

  81. Charlotte Moreau

    Yep bon jovi has it all . Jon still looks great. Richie never looks bad his personality make up for everything . They have it all

  82. Charlotte Moreau

    Jon butt .yep his legs are strong.nice key person.crap can't remember his name .nice hair. And drummer tico he hits like a sledge hammer .bass is cute to .

  83. Charlotte Moreau

    Oh my god . Richie and those long legs .Wooten.woot .hmm Some like different things.l love long legs , lol

  84. Alexandre De Araujo Assis


  85. Sulu Imli

    Missing my innocent days. Can't believe I'm 30 now🤗🤗🤗

  86. percival bartolaba

    Who watching 2019,09,15 05:30pm

  87. Snookerchess Fanchun

    Yes sept

  88. Saru Gurung

    super awesome !!

  89. pijama party

    I dedicated this song to my little new born baby girl when she was born in2008

  90. Van Persey

    September 2019?

  91. Francisco Javier Altamira

    El mejor bon Jovi

  92. Francisco Javier Altamira

    El mejor bon Jovi

  93. Jezian Gemaque da Silva Metal

    Bon Jovi Forever

  94. Colnago Dreamgeo

    Absolutely love this.

  95. Jonathan Bruno Oelke

    Alguém Brasil?

  96. fm7551

    by far this song is one of the best songs of JBJ. Sad is that is not used in all concerts.

In These Arms Şarkı Sözü
Bu kollarda
Bağlılık istiyor ve bu gözlere bir göz at.
You want commitment, and take a look into these eyes.

Ateşle yanarlar, Evet, zamanın sonuna kadar.
They burn with fire, Yeah, until the end of time.

Ve her şeyi yaparım, yalvarırım, çalardım.
And I would do anything, I'd beg, I'd steal,

Seni bu gece tez kollarında tutmak için ölürüm.
I'd die to have you in theses arms tonight.

Bebeğim seni istiyorum güller yağmuru istiyor,
Baby I want you like the roses want the rain,

Bir şairin acıya ihtiyacı olduğu gibi sana ihtiyacım olduğunu biliyorsun.
You know I need you like a poet needs the pain.

Ve her şeyi veririm.
And I would give anything.

Kanım, aşkım, hayatım.
My blood, my love, my life.

Eğer bu gece bu kollarda olsaydın.
If you were in these arms tonight.

Seni tutardım, sana ihtiyacım var
I'd hold you, I'd need you,

Senin için diz çöktü.
I'd get down on my knees for you.

Ve her şeyi yoluna sok.
And make everything alright,

Eğer bu kollarda olsaydın.
If you were in these arms.

Seni çok seviyorum, lütfen
I'd love you, I'd please you,

Seni asla terketmeyeceğimi söylerdim.
I'd tell you that I'd never leave you.

Ve zamanın sonuna kadar seni seviyorum
And love you till the end of time,

eğer bu gece bu kollarda olsaydın.
if you were in these arms tonight.

Ah evet.
Oh, yeah.

Güneşe baktık ve bir söz verdik.
We stare at the sun, and we made a promise.

Bu dünyanın bizi asla kör etmeyeceğine dair bir söz.
A promise this world would never blind us.

Bunlar bizim sözlerimizdi.
And these were our words.

Sözlerimiz bizim şarkımızdı.
Our words were our songs.

Şarkılarımız dualarımızdır.
Our songs are our prayers.

Bu dualar beni güçlü tutuyor ve ben hala inanıyorum.
These prayers keep me strong, and I still believe.

Eğer bu kollarda olsaydın.
If you were in these arms.

Seni tutardım, sana ihtiyacım var
I'd hold you, I'd need you,

Senin için diz çöktü.
I'd get down on my knees for you.

Ve her şeyi yoluna sok.
And make everything alright,

Eğer bu kollarda olsaydın.
If you were in these arms.

Seni çok seviyorum, lütfen
I'd love you, I'd please you,

Seni asla terketmeyeceğimi söylerdim.
I'd tell you that I'd never leave you.

Ve zamanın sonuna kadar seni seviyorum
And love you till the end of time,

eğer bu gece bu kollarda olsaydın.
if you were in these arms tonight.

Giysileriniz hala odanın her tarafına dağılmış durumda.
Your clothes are still scattered all over our room.

Bütün bu yer hala ucuz parfümün gibi kokuyor.
This whole place still smells like your cheap perfume.

Buradaki her şey bana seni hatırlatıyor.
Everything here reminds me of you.

Yapamayacağım hiçbir şey yok.
There's nothing I wouldn't do.

Bunlar bizim sözlerimizdi, beni güçlü tutuyorlar bebeğim.
And these were our words, they keep me strong, baby.

Seni tutardım, sana ihtiyacım var
I'd hold you, I'd need you,

Senin için diz çöktü.
I'd get down on my knees for you.

Ve her şeyi yoluna sok.
And make everything alright,

Eğer bu kollarda olsaydın.
If you were in these arms.

Seni çok seviyorum, lütfen
I'd love you, I'd please you,

Seni asla terketmeyeceğimi söylerdim.
I'd tell you that I'd never leave you.

Ve zamanın sonuna kadar seni seviyorum
And love you till the end of time,

eğer bu gece bu kollarda olsaydın.
if you were in these arms tonight.

Eğer bu kollarda olsaydın
If you were in these arms

Bebeğim, güllerin yağmura ihtiyacı var gibi.
Baby, like the roses need the rain.

Mevsim değişmesi gerektiği gibi.
Like the seasons need to change.

Mevsim değişmesi gerektiği gibi.
Like the seasons need to change.

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