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Birdy - feat Rhodes-Let It All Go

feat Rhodes-Let It All Go
: feat Rhodes-Let It All Go
: 4.30 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 471 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 445 İndirme
: 25-05-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Birdy - feat Rhodes-Let It All Go )
  1. Isa Pires

    This is my favourite song ever...🖤

    Max Toth

    One day you may move on and just let it all go

  2. Mercy Gituai

    😢😢😢😓 always stay strong no matter what

  3. Tom Mathew

    God bless all of you. I just told everyone in my congregation that my facebook post moved this song up by 30 million views. Wonderful singer. All the best to Birdy and her management team. Good luck to you in 2020.

  4. Raquel Gerdulli De Carvalho

    BRASIL 💚💛

  5. Silpa Benny

    This video is surreal.

  6. Russell Smith

    Seems like every time I try to watch something on YouTube I always catch myself listening to one birdy song and can’t stop.

  7. Mary

    Y'all stay strong, everything will get better. 💓

  8. Milena Libardi

    What a music and voices!!!!! Love so much!

  9. Patricia Sánchez Jiménez

    me quiero suicidar escuchando esta canción

  10. Patricia Sánchez Jiménez

    que chafa me quiero cortar las venas cada que escucho esta canción

  11. Alejandra Centurion

    These two have amazing voices. I heard many song from them but separated, just fantastic.

  12. naiaaa

    "but if we are strong enough to let it in, we are strong enough to let it go" :)

  13. Luisa Fernandes

    Alguém pede desculpas a todo mundo por mim. Sejam fortes o suficiente pra deixar entrar e sair. Nos vemos em uma melhor.

  14. Alicia Scarlet

    Birdy canta con ed sheran porfavor !!!!!

  15. Jonas Knockl

    can i be him?

  16. A.N.N.A .x.

    Truth hurts... 💔

  17. Marti

    Fuck I'm crying

  18. Mira Kinimba

    my daughter crys while listening to this song

  19. Kevin Calixto

    Amo esta canción y su video

  20. Delia

    November 2019 , still here💗

  21. Veronica ø

    The way birdy sings "break us when we fall" gets me everytime, is like her voice is breaking💔 3:40

  22. Mayara Silva

    Linda demais 😍

  23. noah gedult

    I still enjoy this song just singing pleasure trying to sing the their notes right every time

  24. gerardo estrada macias


  25. 28 aj

    Es hat mich zum weinen gebracht...

  26. Denizzz Niz

    Katie and jake ❤️ #containment

  27. A M

    Vai tudo embora.... AM.

  28. Elif Ünsal


  29. birujinggasaja

    good ripple ...

  30. CalicoGirl

    if ever that there is a place like this ..i would love to stay there and just be at piece.

  31. E L L E

    This song gives me a unique kindda feeling

  32. Toron Andreas

    Indonesia, October 24 2019

    Ralph riri

    Japan,October 25 2019

  33. Injehu Jennipher

    "Who said love should break us when we fall"

  34. Fernando Miguel Escobar Marcial


  35. Gajendra Kumar


  36. hihi haha

    wtf.. i always listened to those songs on radio and i LOVED it. ALL songs from her i loved. i thought she was 30 or so. WTF

  37. Fat Freddy

    Ever wondered your depressed all of you going onto Youtube to droll on, that its the music you listen too? All of you saying i listened to this when i was depressed.......duh. Also, you just dont get music.

  38. Harry Sulistyo Wibowo

    2:40 billion dollars look from Birdy

  39. Adam stone

    i'm cry because this song hit me so hard straight to the heart. thank you birdy because you share masterpiece to us

  40. Herick Santhyago

    I want to know where this clip was made. Is there a place like that?

  41. Vitória Simões

    Como eu só descobrir essa obra prima agora???? Chocada estoy

  42. John Secret Spirit

    Oh my white cck

  43. Damon Libby

    "but if we are strong enough to let it in, we are strong enough to let it go", powerful and truthful words. If we can let love into our heart, we must be strong enough to carry on without that person in our life... it may take years.......but they gave us love.... and we carry that with us is always in our hearts as a fire within....forever ours. It is a gift of life and you will learn to hold it close and use it to light the way. I hold the fire of you my love....

  44. kris cowley

    I just want my Lauren 💔

  45. Yasa Syahliandra

    song from heaven

  46. my games

    I am watching it 11 oct 2019 who with me

    noah gedult

    October's last day

  47. David Vonch

    I think about my girls

  48. yourself : electronic : music

    I just can say💕

  49. BTS i need u

    I like this so much

  50. Ansone Vermeer

    Absolutely my favorite song!

  51. Mithun B

    Winter is coming and this MV gives me strength to let go of those people who don't care anymore 😔💕🍃🌸

  52. Orange 2412

    This song touches me in a way barely no other song is able to

  53. ☯️sKitZoBonKa ツ

    One of the best voices, truly

  54. Nikhola Y

    I hate and love this song in the same time!If only you understand.

  55. thomas Mccann

    I found birdy 2day,thank u love up ,who r u.

  56. Nicat Fataliyev

    maybe it's late but i'm happy that i found this song.

  57. august ware

    The land reminds me of the Croods when the birds tried to kill them

  58. Neutrals and Hews

    I was rewatching the vampire diaries and this song is just one of many I fell in love with again in that series.

  59. Magenta

    Gorgeous singing and moving song.

  60. luna

    dear mom, i love you with my whole heart.

  61. Vero Nika

    Finally one awesome young singer.

  62. Gleydson Costanza


  63. Patrice Norshoc

    Simply Awesome . Thank You Birdy and Rhodes ...Peace & ✨ & 🧠 & 💪 & 📗 & 🍀 & 💖 ☯ ☮

  64. Lizeth Diaz

    2019 I broke the replay Button so badly

  65. alex official R

    video to watch in october every year

  66. Fabfliper

    I love it

  67. Hermadione

    still one of my favourite songs

  68. notf noio

    where was this shot?

  69. hilda sedman

    This is literally beautiful, I wish I saw this sooner omg

  70. Cocoa Beans

    Who are these 8k people that hate this song? How dare you! This song is gold!!!!

  71. Figuringitout Figueroa

    I dont Know how I feel. I've been waiting on you to say something real.I wish I would've sent this to my ex back when it came out. I just couldn't dare see him. Cuz I didnt even know if we would've been seeing each other longer or not. He started it wrong and I think you knew. 😢 now you moved on. I just wish if he would've wanted to fix things like he said he would've came looking for me. Not messaging me. But i guess it's not meant to be. Even though he said he had a crush on me since 5 th grade.

  72. D M

    Birdy..... Du bist eine wundeschöne Frau und ich wünsche das du alles Glück der Welt erhälts....

  73. Inah Malicdem

    Watching this september of 2019 🙋🏻‍♀️

    Vlrin Diki

    Sorry I'm from October 😄

  74. robin J

    This song is justᵁᴺᴵᴹᴬᴳᴵᴺᴬᴮᴸᴱ

  75. Victoria Kost

    The Darkest Minds ♥

  76. NTG

    A masterpiece...

  77. Justine M

    This song 😍

  78. yung maggie

    bless Hong Kong! one like one support Hong Kong teenagers chasing their dream to protect hong kong this land of freedom and free them from police terrorism !

  79. Cristhy Paredes

    En mis momentos lúgubres puedo buscar BIRDY y entomces es mi única compañera

  80. Sister Dusty bun

    Where has birds gone xxx

  81. Adam Mickiewicz

    Who is here from Mallaroy?

  82. Jake

    This bring me so many memories 💕

  83. Russell Smith

    Is anybody gonna be listening to this song in 2020? Ya me too 👍

  84. Ri Ri

    Et ça va faire 4ans que je l'écoute 💜💜💜

  85. Deirdre Macdougall

    Such a beautiful song. ..meams so much to me .. Here again in September 2019.💞

  86. Cameron Lyle

    This song brings me to beautiful! ❤❤❤

  87. Josianne Dutra


  88. Karsten Voß

    Very good!

  89. nathalie

    can i use it in my video?

  90. Gerd Peeters

    3:06 poepsex 😂

  91. Cytrus

    Kto po zwiastunie filmu ,,Legiony"?


    Ja 👊

  92. Si M.R

    Deixe Tudo IrEu estive sem dormir à noite, porque eu não sei como me sintoEu estava esperando por você, só para dizer algo verdadeiroHá uma luz na estrada e eu acho que você sabeA manhã chegou e eu tenho que irEu não sei por que, eu não sei por queNós precisamos nos magoar tão duramenteEu não sei por que, nós nos magoamos tão duramenteMas se somos fortes o suficiente para deixá-lo entrarNós somos fortes o suficiente para deixá-lo ir oh ohDeixe tudo ir, deixe tudo ir, deixe sair tudo, agoraSe eu olhar para o começo, agora eu seiEu vejo toda a verdadeAinda há um fogo em meu coração, minha queridaMas eu não estou queimando por vocêNós começamos errado e eu acho que você sabeNós esperamos muito, agora eu tenho que irEu não sei por que, eu não sei por queNós precisamos nos magoar tão duramenteEu não sei por que, nós nos magoamos tão duramenteMas se somos fortes o suficiente para deixá-lo entrarNós somos fortes o suficiente para deixá-lo ir oh ohDeixe tudo ir, deixe tudo ir, deixe sair tudo, agoraQuem diz, quem dizQuem diz, quem dizQuem diz que a verdade é beleza, afinal?E quem diz que o amor deveria nos partir quando caímos?Mas se somos fortes o suficiente para deixá-lo entrarNós somos fortes o suficiente para deixá-lo ir oh ohDeixe tudo ir, deixe tudo ir, deixe sair tudo, agoraDeixe tudo ir, deixe tudo ir, deixe sair tudo, agoraNós somos fortes o suficiente para deixá-lo ir oh oh

    Nicole Fernandes

    Caramba obg❤❤❤😍😍

  93. Joseane Tacionir


  94. Zenda Malik

    cant believe this song came out in 2015.. i just realized now . where tf im i for all this time

  95. Jessica Love

    Love with kinda

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