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Birdy - Deep End

Deep End
: Deep End
: 3.52 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 115 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 73 İndirme
: 25-05-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Birdy - Deep End )
  1. rhea louise

    *this song hits different*

  2. Original Cookies YT

    Am I the only one not from Instagram edits?

  3. Jeremiah

    My Best friend recently passed away 😭 💔 he passed Nov 5th and I try my best to make it without him Its super hard I just want him back 💔 sometimes I feel like giving up he was only 12 💔😭. I came here to cry it out and just try to get it out. It's going to hurt for a while

    lol bass

    🙏 ❤️

  4. Leslie Perez

    I’m so sad rn 😔

  5. Mia Matis

    📚Muy linda musica para estudiar me relaja.mucho📚

  6. ephoric

    who came here from 4.4ad

  7. babyyy girrrlll

    Taekook edits..

  8. soul sucker

    here from a kolvina edit 🥺💖💖

  9. Xuxi Huang

    this is not actually that ‘sad song’ the lyrics its not that deep, but the flow of the music is, its really sound like a sad one

  10. voidjupe

    Lol, I came from a Newtmas edit.

  11. Amirisay morales


  12. francesca x

    Fav song

  13. Mar Klt

    still crying when i hear this song..

  14. shitpop

    I came here because of a Hessa edit

  15. Avocado Shrek

    My bestfriend did an edit for me with this for my birthday she used lots of our and my pics, whenever im sad i come and listen to this, i have her and thats all that matters..(:

  16. gianna

    This song will forever remind me of the only guy I've truly had real feelings for. I've been madly crushing on him for over a year and we've only briefly spoken once. Here I am, head over heels for him, and I don't know what he feels. I catch him staring at me, but that isn't enough. I'm stuck in such an awful situation. I think I want to tell him how I feel, but I'd never have the guts to. I'm running out of time to confess. Sometime soon I'll have to move on if nothing happens, but I've tried and it's so hard. He makes me feel so great. I get butterflies whenever I see him. I'm praying he'll make a move before we're out of time. But sadly, there's plenty of other girls who have more than I could ever offer. Why would he want me when he could have anybody he wants? (Yup, he's that gorgeous.)

  17. Humairah Samia

    Reminds me of a boy who I liked and he might of liked me back he was hiding something but he would look at me but he wouldn’t say to me he didn’t like me it put me in a weird place for a while I’m still here in this place..... 😔💔🖤

  18. lams chi

    came from a cameron boyce edit, i miss you

  19. Cheryl Maroz

    A perfect song I have had a breakup with my sweetest love. hurts like hell.

  20. Diasmc Coelho

    Came here for Carla's and Samuel's edit. I love this song!

  21. Brittania Carr

    Who used the lyrics from edits to find this song

  22. Sophie Haha

    Omg this really hit me bcs of a load of stuff

  23. Rogerina Taylor

    ST edit <3

  24. Draco Malfoy

    came here for drarry

  25. Da lil Kid

    Fairy tail edit?

  26. Coffee Owl

    Я тут одна после эдита с Хесусом?))

  27. Victoria Kost


  28. pieceofshit 111

    is there 1 just 1 comment talking about how good this song is.

  29. Humairah Samia

    This song reminds me of a boy I liked for soo long and he when I told him he didn’t say how he felt but then I met someone new I’m scared for the same thing to happen

  30. Instagram Edits

    Stranger thing edits anyone? 😂❤️

  31. Horse crazyy

    “And I wonder can I give you what you need”

  32. Madison Shea

    *cue the editors coming in*

  33. Laila Morales

    This song makes me cry a lot and I love it

  34. Anaiya Tyson-Cox

    Who came from tvd edit or to edit I cried icl

  35. Kiara Mackenzie

    I cant get this out of my head so im finally listening to it lol

  36. Ultear - san

    حد يترجمها عربي!!

  37. Ibaa _m_

    God why i feel like crying?

  38. bleh

    came from jinlisa edit lol

  39. c h a

    im from lisjin edit😂

  40. Julia Gonzales

    This hit me so hard.

  41. Rayan Said

    Any BTS army here after watching Seokjin and Lisa edits🤣🤣🤣

  42. trouxa trouxa


  43. meghan Genkens

    I’m here from a zody edit of Zoe Laverne and Cody orlove

  44. raiza gonzales

    i came here from a hannie edit

  45. Grandma Kermit

    I've been looking for this song for so long

  46. Azat Mamadaliev

    Supee musik.

  47. Susi Lawati

    The lyrics can describe my heart

  48. Susi Lawati

    Best song when i feel so down

  49. Forebox _

    Literally no one: Instagram fandom editors: MINE!!!!11!!!!11!

  50. jAmh00n

    Damn I remember when I made a edit for shinee with this song and I had to finish it after 2 days because I would always cry before I could finish it

  51. Sumisu U

    Everyone here is from Instagram edits and I’m just trying to relive my childhood yee haw baby

  52. Emma Lego

    Here because of the Drarry edits

  53. Jessi Welt

    2:32 Cameron Boyce Edit 💔 miss you lil angel 🖤

  54. Jaylah Mohr

    i’m listening to this after a 8 year long friendship gone down the drain. over some stupid drama.


    So sorry for that be strong 🖤

  55. Xytra44

    Here because of marvel edits (Black widow💔) but it reminds me of my best friend

  56. Monbebe Kyoko

    Who came here because you just love birdy?

  57. Stranger Things

    Here for a Mileven edit❤️

  58. Jonathan Lee Mason

    The BEST songs are the ones that comes from the heart.

  59. TAE TAE


  60. Zan Mendes

    JinLisa edit brought me here ❤️

  61. Leah Ruby Oak

    i am almost crying

  62. Patricia Kayee

    That moment when you haven't heard this song in a long time but come back to remember that you're still standing

  63. Kaila Jensen

    I came from an Instagram edit but I ended up listening to the whole song, I luv this song now

  64. sic sickening

    Who's here after seeing the Lisa and Jin edit we never saw coming? 🤣 funny it was sooo freaking real.

  65. Kristina Bacalla

    Nandito ako dahil kay jin at lisa hahahaha

  66. Min Shookga

    Who came here just because of Jin and Lisa edit video😂

  67. Asyer Leysa

    Who else came here because of the edit about jin of bts and lisa of blackpink?

  68. ItzBriXx

    Sat here at night crying because most of my bestfriends r moving school so I can’t see them and I’ve known most of them for years :(

  69. zoe-louisa whittingham

    'I don't know if you mean everything to me' made me burst in tears but I'm not in love I don't likeanyone but in lossingall my mates

  70. QUEEN C

    Who else search up the lyrics when u don’t know what a songs called

  71. QUEEN C

    Who came here from a ZODY edit!!

  72. nadias life

    I heard it from Harry Potter Edits on Instagram 😭❤️

  73. T.T yaoi child

    I'll hold ur hands T.T

  74. Una Figueroa

    im crying

  75. ItzBriXx

    The memories ☹️

  76. Clarissa Holland

    0:45 , 1:45 , 2:32 , 2:54 yw editoRS

  77. Kailey Loves Sicheng

    Here from the jin × lisa edit that was blowing up stan twt

  78. Autumn Nolen

    Why is this song to myself..

  79. reddd 123v.j

    sorry but im here because of an edit

  80. Charlotte Martin

    just me who gets butterflies from this beautiful song? ❤️❤️❤️

  81. Andromeda X

    I’m here from a Defan edit 💔😭😫

  82. sxphiee


  83. Amber Heslop

    Rip Cameron Boyce You were a one of a kind and you will always be remembered 😍❤️😭💔🌎🙏🏽

    Amber Heslop

    Oh I came her from an edit about cam

  84. Taebia G

    Rip. Cameron Boyce. You are loved. You are a light. We miss you ⬆️

  85. Gacha_Athena

    Who’s here from that Tokyo ghoul edit? It took me a while to find the song.

  86. Nanna Filipa

    Rip Cameron Boyce 😭💫

  87. Janee Johnson

    cameron boyce ❤️🙏🏽

  88. Selina Renee

    I'm so sad😟 this song is the definition of my life. I loose the people I love💔

  89. Anita Selaci 7A

    Me : This is a good songEditors : I’m gonna make a edit with this song for my favorite ship on Instagram

  90. Ana Marques

    the best..💔

  91. Kailei M

    when you lose your two absolute bestfriends and you just listen to this song sitting down helpless.

  92. Izzy H

    this makes me miss my grandad 💔

  93. magical panda

    June 2019??? Anyone???

    Sophie Norman

    magical panda October 2019😝

  94. Fragile As Glass

    Maybe it'll work out in the end...Follow Birdy:

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