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Birdy - Wings

: Wings
: 4.04 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 166 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 95 İndirme
: 25-05-2019
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Birdy - Wings )
  1. Victoria Lsaint

    Mercury retrograde.. Here you come back in my mind again..November 2019

  2. Pri casal

    Me encanto 💙💜

  3. Muslimah Jannat

    Still a classic 💛

  4. MI 18

    November 2019???

  5. Rachel Hurst

    No idea why but this song gives me goosebumps and makes me want to cry. Not my preferred genre (trance) but it captivates me.

  6. Levir Martins

    Amooo 😍❤

  7. ava

    Loyds bank advert wooooooooo

  8. nour mh

    in the past i listen this song sometimes but now i listen this song always really are a so beuatiful i love this song

  9. Abdelkader Bousekrane

    just cry everything you have, you will less pie

  10. stephanie morgan

    Beautiful song.

  11. juu 03

    me sonaba basto esta canción y literalmente puse en el buscador ooh life goes down when de m you lostyoutube te amo

  12. LEONIE brynard


  13. gracetheyoung

    It looks like they filmed the entire video in slow motion to get that dreamy, ethereal look. Did they have her sing the song sped up, and then play it in slow motion to get the effect of her singing? Cause it looks like she's singing in slow mo too

  14. meh meh

    Jemand deutsches hier 2019?

    Marie Luisa

    Ja !! 😂😂😂

  15. Luqmanul-Hakim Betti

    ive found my new drug

  16. Detlef Schulze


  17. Eugenia Li

    Ryan Tedder x Birdy 🔥🔥🔥

  18. west saiber

    Круто,музыка ..

  19. Jade

    Did... did no one think that her metal armor/breastplate looks like the metal wings from a collapsible steamer..?

  20. thomas saint

    She's Under rated storytell.she has a great emotional vocal range.

  21. Fruitboer Henk

    If this isn't going to be played at my funeral I'm not dying

    Simon Archer

    Well if you're not going then nor am I.

    Blue Moon

    @Simon Archer Me neither

  22. Julie Hardingham

    I've got songs to fly anyone have them to love this SONG thumbs up if you like it

  23. Catalin Rusu

    Birdy is my love

  24. DJ Nightingale

    I was goosebumped all song through

  25. Le Thach

    What? Natural Imagine Dragons

  26. bmapp B

    One of the most beautiful modern songs in recent years! Talented young lady👏👏👏

  27. Karla Heath

    Les Mils body balance virtual introduced this to me. My 💔 & tears came streaming.

  28. J H

    Thankyou cutie fistYou made me feel good<3

    Helmi Mar

    Hahahaha you are hahahaha after eating all that food

    Helmi Mar

    So baby do your best I'm more nervous than you hahahhahaha it's like me who is passing exams

    J H

    @Helmi Mar I will do my bestNervous😂Fight💪

    Helmi Mar

    Always always hope the best stay strong lets do it wanna hear news from you just after exams good luck my best person

  29. David Franklin

    Beautiful girl x

  30. Kelly Ouztes

    The Doctor and Rose

  31. EuÞhory Try it guys. Its a remix. They make me fall

  32. Verismala Bicha

    Amo essa música :3

  33. Juliana Pasquim

    I love this song ❤️❤️😍

  34. bless zie

    Damn I'm 6 years late

    panda ninja

    Same 😂😂

  35. Jonny1one

    Why girls from my town are not like her?.... girls from my town looks like hoes from 70's 😑

    Roisin Sweeney

    She looks like Eddie Vedder , who is also an awesome singer.. nothing wrong with 70s hoes if they sound like this 🤣🤣


    @Roisin Sweeney LOL

  36. Eoghan Brogan

    Aw man Damon and bonnie vibes

  37. Katharina Metalgirl

    I miss you

  38. Edward Mandac

    Hello 2019 ppl 😍

  39. Lucia García García

    Someone like me? I like this song because Millie Bobby Brown sings it😂💜

  40. Ollie noble

    Can people stop putting the date it's just annoying

    Edward Mandac

    what's so annoying with putting the date 😂

    Ollie noble

    @Edward Mandac just is tbh😂

  41. Milad Ulusoy


  42. Paul James Brady

    *Such a powerful song*

  43. Fun_tastic _

    Ohh damn these woolsIn the moment we’re ten feet toolAnd how you told me after it ouul😂😂

  44. ..Don"t Judge Me...


  45. British Stoner

    Masterpiece of a song by birdie love ❤️❤️❤️❤️ the song and what superb singing unbelievable 😀

  46. Sunny Rawal

    Birdy your automatically one of my fav artists after hearing this song. Love you so much

  47. no more

    Well I don't of hear of her anymore

  48. no more

    How come I don't hear of her much

  49. Madison Lynn

    Also Am I the only one who is not here because of the show? I just simply love the song, idk the tv show that goes with it lol

  50. Madison Lynn

    This song is truly one of the most beautiful songs I’ve ever heard, it’s gets me in a happy and nostalgic mood. Her voice is so angelic and the beat and the melody is perfect. This song is one of my favorites ever, she truley deserves so much recognition. It’s 2019 and this was made in 2013... wow this song is a perfect piece of art! I love it more than my words could ever express.

  51. ..Don"t Judge Me...

    Passed the ways Ready Really to doing black or back make stonger Daling

  52. John Miller

    From Arkansas USA, this is my new favorite song. Beautiful,just beautiful

  53. nathanael sonnylal

    The Vampire Diaries forever

  54. Russell Smith

    November 2019?

  55. Lennart Schmitz

    October 2019?

  56. Levir Martins

    Eu amo essa música 😍

  57. Princess fucking Beech

    who isn’t here because of the vampire diaries🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️

  58. Princess fucking Beech

    0:21 is that melanie martinez lol

  59. Dj Aggressive Skull

    not an archangel anylonger.

  60. Doel el real

    Siapa yang kesini habis nonton boriel colab ? :v

  61. Julian Campos

    That voice...There's nothing more to say

  62. Happy Eva

    Memories of being pregnant with my son 5 years ago and sitting in the tub

  63. Heyldan Voca

    Cm lagu in yg ariel suka tp sya sangat suka... ,,🎧

  64. Borja Marker

    Gara - gara ArieL ini 😅🇮🇩

  65. Rinaldo Vlogger

    28 october 2019 , 21 : 12 🕥🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩

    Sue Ashton

    I love the song wings by birdy.. its so haunting..and against the backdrop of the Lloyds tsb advert.. nothing mote then epic xx

  66. Lana.bby -

    2013 what a time for music❤️

  67. Lana.bby -

    She’s beautiful❤️❤️❤️

  68. Cibelly Alves

    A filmografia deste clipe é maravilhosa. 💕

  69. _ sam _

    This is for everyone , that feels depressed , lonely and like life is not worth living it : Live is AMAZING , sonetimes it's difficult , but thats part of the ride , it has its ups and downs ❤Theres always someone who lovrs you and theres always a reason to live , eventhough life might be so difficult and cruel that you want to quit living ! 🙏Live your life without regrets and don't care what people say , they haven't been through , what you have been through ! ❤🙏

  70. Manii x3x

    This song never gets old

  71. Renee Cowan

    vampire diaries 4 life #ilovedamon

  72. Renee Cowan

    I love this song

  73. Michaela Payne

    I heard it on Good song, fricking love it!

  74. Shireen Girls

    Ini kali ya yg d playlist boril

  75. Mehmedi Zein

    Damed good Song!!!

  76. Yvonne Blath

    It make me thik of you

  77. Tapi

    Does this song make anyone else feel nostalgic af?

    Sugary Heaven

    I miss 2013 😭

  78. Devin Moffatt

    When I listen to this song I think of two people who have a platonic love. They always fought and had problems but their love for each other ran so deep that it frightened them. I imagine that they went their separate ways after decided they are wrong for each other and come together years later at a friends wedding only to rekindle their earth shattering romance and dance together.

  79. God


  80. Vlad Tepes

    without even havin watched a single vp episode i can tell this is greater than the show.

  81. Sofd Animal

    Anyone from October 2019?VD

  82. Aswin Suraj

    she is very underrated and amazing artist. sad that talents like aren't appreciated enough but skrrt skrrrt shits are.

  83. Manfred Trapp

    Me . I like the Song

  84. Alaric

    Anyone from Vampire Diaries here? Episode Home? 21.10.2019 20:52

  85. Alek

    sofro demais por essa mulher meu pai amado

  86. Caitlin Robertson

    this music video is the aesthetic i want to make my life like

  87. MD65

    how often i heard this song when i tried suicide ...

  88. Alina M

    I live this song, what about angels and also find me, from all of her songs those three are my picks ❤️😍 I want to listen to more of her songs, they’re so nice and calming. 😍❤️😭

  89. Taylor Cook Jr

    Nu:logics remix of this track takes it to a level that is almost unthinkable. I'm glad she made it all possible this release.

  90. Laura Holzbauer


  91. Jraybay

    I find it really sad but uplifting at the same time. Makes me want to get up and do something with tears streaming down my face lol :/

  92. Guillaume Lepine

    Donald Glover SimbaBeyoncé Knowles Carter NalaJames Earl Johnson MufasaChiwetel Eijifor ScarBilly Eichner TimonSeth Rogen PumbaaJohn Oliver Zazu John Kani RafikiAlfre Woodard SarabiZoé Leader SarafinaÉric André BanzaiFlorence Kasumba Azizi Florence Kasumba ShenziKeegan Michael Key EdKeegan Michael Key KamariJdmccray Young SimbaShahadi Young Nala

  93. Toubee Lo

    I'm hearing a little bit of Yellow in this song.

  94. Rosaleene YT

    The missing people choir brought me here ❤️

  95. Wisam Nora

    jasmin alcok she sing it much better in AGR

  96. Eau Rouge

    TRL Limitless brought me here

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