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Zayn - Tio

: Zayn
: Tio
: 2.63 MB
Toplam İndirme
: 79 İndirme
Haftalık İndirme
: 43 İndirme
: 01-11-2017
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Zayn - Tio )
  1. nabilla rendra

    Harry become a stripper y'all

  2. nabilla rendra

    Oh this is the reason Harry took his pants off on SNL.

  3. Its Riya

    Who have filmed tio on their mind with music

  4. Art & craft

    Really..... nice song ❤

  5. Loyreth Jimenez

    I only have 2 things to say.1. Once I gave my boyfriend a lap dance with this song as a birthday, now every time we hear it he blushes like a tomato and I can only laugh.2. WE URGENTLY NEED A SONG LIKE THIS BUT WITH THE Weeknd!

  6. Mateja Miloradović


  7. Zain Music

    I’m beginning to think the background is actually zayns neurons, mind of mine? And that’s why he put the lyrics on them.

  8. Pragenjoy Reang

    Zayn ❤❤❤

  9. Sofia Delgado


  10. Park Deanna

    Still here ZAYN

  11. Dr. Basu #physics lover

    I love it....... Push me up against the wall... Hehehe

  12. poetri melinda affan

    why am so horrnnyy

  13. Juster Zain

    This song havin' some unique fan base dude! and I'm on of them 😍

  14. Rica Styles

    Okay zayn

  15. Micol chan

    Like si vienen por que escucharon la canción del video de alex :funni:

  16. Cooper 45 ツ

    Like si vienes por el video de Alex

    Micol chan

    Like :funni:

    Cooper 45 ツ

    @Micol chan :Funni:

  17. Maria Belen Haydee Reyes Alarcón

    this killed my mind

  18. Veronica Rosario

    So underrated🤧

  19. mimi montes

    Where's the music video Zaynie????

  20. Allen X

    Sperm cells or chocolate chips?

  21. Cris Alvarado

    Me exita tu culo gordo

  22. gaming strem

    Anyone watching thia tiil in love with zyn

  23. Ganna Ahmed

    Always my favourite SONG and my favourite SINGER 💋💋 .. love you forever ❤❤❤❤

  24. SalTz12

    Por el título (TiO) pensé que iba a ser algo turbio xdd

  25. 10/1 class

    Stack it up was suggested and I feel attacked 😭🤧🤷‍♀️

  26. Zaddy zagwad

    Wattpad stories dark zayn :

  27. nazal z

    so dirty ! i like it

  28. unique thecz

    Anybody here in September!🥀

    Dr. Basu #physics lover

    Me ❤️

  29. Malak Hussien

    Zayn : Take it off Liam : *Strip that down

  30. Aron Ivan Estupiñan Diaz

    Estube Todo el tiempo esperando a que dijera tio!! Jajaja pero solo era la abreviacion de "take it off" JAJAJA PUTA QUE SAD

  31. Aja JIC

    "yOu are freak like mE... I can't wait to see all...I'm so turn on...and all that is mine" 🎶🎙️🎤🎼🎧

  32. qué? :v

    Por qué le cantaba al tío? Ahre Te amo negro

  33. Lateefa. H

    Who’s hooked as fuck?Everything in this amazing song is fucking relatable as fuck!!

  34. ViperKing

    I really like how TiO stands for “take it off”, but in Spanish tio means “uncle”...

  35. Eleftheria Konstantaki

    I want someone to play this to their religious af grandma and film a reaction

  36. Eleftheria Konstantaki

    Τhis deserves to be a single

  37. underrated a

    This song makes me blush what the fuck

  38. Omar moin Ahmed

    Zayn never keeps ads on his songs and thats a real passion of his art. He doesn't want anyone interrupted by the ads. Pure classic zayn!

  39. Abby p

    I thought this song is about coffee

  40. StefCapo6

    por lo menos los oidos que te viole viste

  41. StefCapo6

    los tios te violan capo tipo no da para ponerle a una cancion tio si no te viola

  42. Random Content

    Make video for get 1Billion+ views🇵🇰🇵🇰Love From Pakistan🇵🇰🇵🇰

  43. Larisa Titova

    Bella canzone👍

  44. Megan

    Any Jin stans here? 👀

  45. Gerlane de Souza Silva


  46. Jiyis 127

    Spanish speakers= tioEnglish speakers= take it off

  47. Yoselin


  48. Amir SayaDi

    Like me for entertainment 😂👑💚✅

  49. Aldana Luna


  50. Atziri Vidal


  51. shaikh anisa

    This is the most sexual song I've heard 😁😁

  52. Cheese Burger

    Zayn: Baby take off your makeupGigi: OkZayn: ......Zayn: ......Zayn: What the hell liam?Liam: Wait I can explain.Note : This commemt is actually stolen from "Fool For You" and is not the original one.

    african booty scratcher


  53. Penumbra _

    Burning desire

  54. Azuri Bravo


  55. babygirl

    his voice is so sexy omfggggg😭

  56. Amu Dubo

    Jin brought me here ..

  57. sushant mhatre

    Song sung by horny zayn 😈

  58. shadia Rasheed

    Kool workout track

  59. TheIsaiah1992

    Oh no I'm stupid. I was thinking tio meant uncle. 🤦‍♀️ typed this in like 15 x now I get it. Take it off lol

  60. Amaya Køhler

    Lmao Y'all know where I can get sum Holy Water?

  61. ღMaichu Studios uwu ღ

    Soy el comentario en español que buscabas.

  62. Niharika Tanha

    I just wanna watch you when you take it of 🥰❤️❤️I I I

  63. Niharika Tanha


    Vivek kumar

    Take it off

  64. Flor Marrufo

    Me gusta

  65. Zgirl

    someone else in 2019? this is the sexiest song.

  66. Toka Osam

    This is so dirtyyyyy😂😂

  67. The Nooraz


  68. King Ejaz 1996

    Keep It On

  69. TIO

    Lmao my name is TIO

  70. Isabella Westfall

    i can't tell you how much I've ljstened to this song by now

  71. Ella may

    Lmao my dumbass thought they were coffee beans

  72. Miss Bonbon


  73. Miss Bonbon

    Perfect Zayn 💚

  74. Isabella Westfall

    if you did a song with Louis, I'd die of happiness

  75. Jaciara Edington

    ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Zayn Malik 2019

  76. Thalia Loustos

    harry's song is in autoplay

  77. Lou Ashaa

    Any stripers at 2019 like me?

  78. Angel Arceo

    With Zayn I can't promise that I'll keep my clothes on... Like if you agree...😏😏😏

  79. Nurul Muzirah


  80. Galleta tommo

    No seas puerka!!

  81. Davendar Banna

    OMG I loved it

  82. Lachimondala 545

    Why is there no karaoke for this?

  83. kiu

    Tio means uncle in portuguese lmaoSo this is inspired by the creepy uncle we all seem to have?

  84. İnce Ayrıntı

    ı like tio you can pro

  85. Me With a last name

    DO YOU ALL KNOW WHAT!! This song has not repellent dirty meaning!! The original concept/meaning behind this song is very deep! It is about wanting to see a girl with her true inner beauty (her soul, characteristics), stripping off the layers of somebody you love and seeing them for who they truly are. Like take off all the fake characteristics, burdens. Just like “Lust For Life” by Lana Del Rey and the Weeknd, when they say (take off all your clothes) it means “take off all your burdens and negativity and else” Hope I’d enlighten someone! :) This song is very rivetingly fantastic by the way! 😸🎇✌️🎆

    —lavender ೃೀ

    whos gonna tell ha

    Gabriela Chaves

    sí, sí, lo que tu digas

    Naveen raj

    Me With a last name LoL

    Teenage Twink

    "You get off on me"Push me up against a wall""I'm so turned on"Etc, etc.It can have other meanings too and whatever but don't act like it ain't sexual broski

    Shiv Inder Singh

    That was what it was supposed to be but the ideas changed so much that it was converted into a sex song . That's what zayn said .

  86. amel sef

    take it off baby.

  87. Grayson Cassidy

    id rather a song about his uncle but till next time, i guess

  88. Ot5

    Duro contra el muro 😅😬

  89. Irene

    Honestly, Zayn’s tracks are so dope

  90. SnowFlake

    BP : get this man a stripper Zayn : yes

  91. duda souza

    Delícia de música, delicia de homeeeeeem 🔥🔥🔥💘BRAZIL 💛💚

  92. Worldwide Talented

    I love this song ( ͡ ͜ʖ ͡ )

  93. Alvaro Villalobos

    Bien zayn... que bueno un villalobos. Willavo

  94. Krish Verma

    Z posted this a year ago today and we all thought it's his 2nd album.

  95. KH Trailer

    1 year ago, who listen it in 2019?

  96. unknown mis


  97. Ranim Wakas


  98. bangdemdrums

    Liam: Strip that down.Zayn: Take it off.Boyfriends <3

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